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HaloGAF |OT: Anniversary| So fades the great harvest of our betrayal.


So we need to 8v8 plus 12v12, and whatever else?

Why? What is the purpose of this higher count playlist?

The more players you add, the less impact in the game you can personally have.
I beg to differ.

I think that having a higher player cap would work well for BTB. Especially objective game types where there are many ways you can contribute to the team. Slayer aside (where it's mostly about individual kills anyway) I think that it would bring more diversity to the battles and make vehicles have a more prominent role.

Naturally there would need to be a few maps dedicated around it (just as there should be some dedicated around Arena) but I think that just as arena is a core part of Halo, so are the bigger, more expansive battles.

I'm not saying to turn Halo into a rip off of Battlefield or something but I do think that it the potential is there and if done right, could be really fun. The series has a great vehicle suite that I don't feel has been used to its full potential.

There's something for everyone to enjoy in Halo which is why it's such a great game series. At least I think so.
I beg to differ.

I think that having a higher player cap would work well for BTB. Especially objective game types where there are many ways you can contribute to the team. Slayer aside (where it's mostly about individual kills anyway) I think that it would bring more diversity to the battles and make vehicles have a more prominent role.

Naturally there would need to be a few maps dedicated around it (just as there should be some dedicated around Arena) but I think that just as arena is a core part of Halo, so are the bigger, more expansive battles.

I'm not saying to turn Halo into a rip off of Battlefield or something but I do think that it the potential is there and if done right, could be really fun.

There's something for everyone to enjoy in Halo which is why it's such a great game series. At least I think so.

But again, think about how hectic BTB is currently, then practically quadruple the player count. That is insanity to the point it's no longer fun. The solution would seem to be make bigger maps, but then try playing them when you play 4v4. BTB maps are already cumbersome for smaller matches. I do not want that getting worse.


So we need to 8v8 plus 12v12, and whatever else?

Why? What is the purpose of this higher count playlist?

The more players you add, the less impact in the game you can personally have.

And in a team oriented game that doesn't particularly matter. Sure in Halo you can do pretty damn well by yourself, but I'd argue that even a coordinated mediocre team is going to out play a perhaps higher skilled player. That is, you're only as good as your team in most circumstances

And look at Planetside. Individuals by themselves are perhaps negligible. But what brings it together is working with your team... which players would be forced to do in higher player counts. And that's a good thing

If your problem is maps then I agree. But there's a middle ground to be found there, IMO. They don't all need to be huge. Or perhaps they could take the Battlefield route and close off sections in lower player counts
I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it's late so
And in a team oriented game that doesn't particularly matter. Sure in Halo you can do pretty damn well by yourself, but I'd argue that even a coordinated mediocre team is going to out play a perhaps higher skilled player. That is, you're only as good as your team in most circumstances

And look at Planetside. Individuals by themselves are perhaps negligible. But what brings it together is working with your team... which players would be forced to do in higher player counts. And that's a good thing

If your problem is maps then I agree. But there's a middle ground to be found there, IMO. They don't all need to be huge. Or perhaps they could take the Battlefield route and close off sections in lower player counts
I'm not sure if that makes any sense but it's late so

At that point, it ceases to be Halo. And plenty thought 4 accomplished that already (not me, but still). The way they are presenting Halo 5, with this talk of "arena multiplayer", I think 343i is going the opposite direction and is shrinking multiplayer. Again, just how it appears to me, and clearly my preference.


Another drawback to going superhuge is the maps needed to support it are only really good for that gametype. Invasion maps weren't really useful outside of Invasion, and they had to be big enough to make 3-phase gameplay work (essentially had to operate as 3 maps in one)
Another drawback to going superhuge is the maps needed to support it are only really good for that gametype. Invasion maps weren't really useful outside of Invasion, and they had to be big enough to make 3-phase gameplay work (essentially had to operate as 3 maps in one)

Myself and others have brought that up. Totally agree. Non-invasion games on Invasion maps were torture, especially since sprint wasn't automatically given to players. Had to sacrifice perfectly good AAs to just get to the action.


Without it becoming a clusterfuck that would require larger maps. And if it's handled like launch day COD Ghosts maps, no fucking thank you.

I expect Halo 5 to launch with at least one big forge map like Forge Island, which would have more budget, and more possibilities. That's why such a playlist could work, with big forged maps, and not necessarily with maps created from the ground up, taking too much ressources from the team.

We absolutely don't need more than 8v8, BTB userbase does not need splitting up.

The beauty of Halo BTB is that at 8v8, it is chaotic, action-filled, feels big, yet it isn't actually big.
Want big big multiplayer experience? Play Battlefield or Planetside 2.

Halo would totally be suited to larger-scale multiplayer matches, so why would you ask me to go look for this in another game? It can totally work in Halo (and something like 16v16 - maximum to me - would actually be a huge feature for Halo, and would convince even more players that this new Halo is indeed bigger, as 343i's already trying to advertise it - yes, they do talk about multiplayer being more arena-focused, but that's mainly for the beta talk right now and when talking about the game in general, they say it's much bigger than 4, in scope, scale and all that).


I don't see how it'll work with what is Halo game play. Halo is about Map Control, Weapon Control and player skill/team unity.

Now you can see it in 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4. People work together, they know what's happening on the maps, they watch weapon spawns, they watch areas. To a slightly lesser extent, you see it in 8v8 aka BTB. The maps do become larger, there are more players and more weapon spawns. 1 guy can still have an effect on game play, score though etc. And sure you run into scenarios where the other team can have up to all 8 Spartans in an area, but that's rare.

Contrast this with a 32v32 now. You'll need a super large map. You'll need several dedicated areas of encounters, and several weapon spawns. However the base game play, because it hasn't changed, will make it a negative experience. You say vehicles will be more prominent, I say they'll actually be less so. Someone getting a ghost in a 4v4 match is deadly, same with a warthog. Someone getting a Wraith, or Scorpion or Banshee in BTB is the same.

Now in 32v32, what does it matter if you get a Banshee. At any given moment, you can have say over 18 guys armed with BR/DMR look up and destroy vehicle in seconds. If the BR is 4SK, and you try and go up some Ridge and there are at least 10 enemy Spartans with sight of you, there is nothing you can do. No amount of strafe, jumping, running, anything is going to save you from the bullets that will come. In the end, the game play will either be like that, or will basically be again, 8v8 encounters or 4v4 encounters in smaller areas.

I don't know, it's late, and I'm rambling too, but I'm thinking of maps like Spire, Boneyard, heavies type stuff. Because there are so many people, you'll need more power weapons too. So you can imagine what it'll be like if 4-8+ players in a match have rockets, sniper, beam rifles all at the same time. I could see maybe 10v10 or 12v12 be supported to try and cater to those who want a bigger experience, but I feel like it'll completely take away from 8v8 which works, kind of like how 5v5 or 6v6 has impacted 4v4.
I expect Halo 5 to launch with at least one big forge map like Forge Island, which would have more budget, and more possibilities. That's why such a playlist could work, with big forged maps, and not necessarily with maps created from the ground up, taking too much ressources from the team.

Halo would totally be suited to larger-scale multiplayer matches, so why would you ask me to go look for this in another game? It can totally work in Halo (and actually, something like 16v16 would actually be a huge feature for Halo, and would convince even more players that this new Halo is indeed bigger, as 343i's already trying to advertise it - yes, they do talk about multiplayer being more arena-focused, but that's mainly for the beta talk right now and when talking about it in general, they say it's much bigger than 4).

Bigger does not always equal size. GTA was big not just in map size but in what you could do. Watch Dogs was considered to have a big map, and it was dull as hell. Halo started as a smaller sized, fast paced shooter. 343 clearly wants to return it to how it was. I cannot, in any way, shape, or form, see a Battlefield sized Halo working. Do not see squads being added, don't see how extra sized maps and player count makes CTF/Dominion/Oddball/etc any better, and I don't see how we can go from fast paced shooter to a camp-in-the-corners, land battle for scraps of space shooter. That sounds God awful.


I just don't see how any player encounters could be meaningful. At times even BTB feels bad when you're up against 4 or more people. Now imagine if there were 9 Spartans making a push. Player health, vehicle health isn't changed, so even against people with shitty aim you're going down. Any utility weapon with over 2x scope will just create firing range gameplay. But then you'll also want a larger scope because the maps will be larger. For some reason, I just can't shake Hemorrhage on Reach ie. Heavies and with the DMR when I think of what it could be like. The middle of the map is basically a dead man's zone, the corners is where the action happens, and often times just becomes a boring camp fest where unless you have your whole team make a push, nothing you can do. Perhaps some of the worst BTB I've ever played.


At that point, it ceases to be Halo. And plenty thought 4 accomplished that already (not me, but still). The way they are presenting Halo 5, with this talk of "arena multiplayer", I think 343i is going the opposite direction and is shrinking multiplayer. Again, just how it appears to me, and clearly my preference.

I don't agree.

And also, I highly doubt 343i will be 'shrinking' multiplayer. First up with have the leaker that said the maps in Halo 5 will be huge (also the same guy who outed the Master Chief Collection months ago). Secondly Frankie said on this very forum IIRC that people expecting BTB shouldn't worry at all.

I don't agree.

And also, I highly doubt 343i will be 'shrinking' multiplayer. First up with have the leaker that said the maps in Halo 5 will be huge (also the same guy who outed the Master Chief Collection months ago). Secondly Frankie said on this very forum IIRC that people expecting BTB shouldn't worry at all.


Source on that leaked info? Don't recall reading anything that detailed. Especially since 5 is still being worked on.

As for Frankie's comments, I took it as more of a "don't worry, we will keep this game mode and largely unalter it", not "we are going to make it bigger just cause we can!"



This video personifies exactly the problem and why it affects Halo more than other games like Battlefield or Call of Duty. Here, there are all 8 enemy Spartans in a singular area, this guy jetpacks in to where they are. It takes less than a second for him to go down because there are just so many people. He barely even gets a shot off before he lands. Now imagine if you're in a Banshee, or imagine you are trying to take a flag, or capture some area of the map. Now with 32v32, sure you say, you'll have more people to make a push with, but that's exactly the point, a single person is all but irrelevant to the gameplay.

This video personifies exactly the problem and why it affects Halo more than other games like Battlefield or Call of Duty. Here, there are all 8 enemy Spartans in a singular area, this guy jetpacks in to where they are. It takes less than a second for him to go down because there are just so many people. He barely even gets a shot off before he lands. Now imagine if you're in a Banshee, or imagine you are trying to take a flag, or capture some area of the map. Now with 32v32, sure you say, you'll have more people to make a push with, but that's exactly the point, a single person is all but irrelevant to the gameplay.

Exactly. On BTB I can look at an end game scoreboard and see who carried the team, or see how together and coordinated a team was. Increasing the number does not improve that.


I just don't see how any player encounters could be meaningful. At times even BTB feels bad when you're up against 4 or more people. Now imagine if there were 9 Spartans making a push. Player health, vehicle health isn't changed, so even against people with shitty aim you're going down. Any utility weapon with over 2x scope will just create firing range gameplay. But then you'll also want a larger scope because the maps will be larger. For some reason, I just can't shake Hemorrhage on Reach ie. Heavies and with the DMR when I think of what it could be like. The middle of the map is basically a dead man's zone, the corners is where the action happens, and often times just becomes a boring camp fest where unless you have your whole team make a push, nothing you can do. Perhaps some of the worst BTB I've ever played.

That's just because Hemmorhage wasn't suited to Reach. Simple as that. The DMR killed the map, and it was just a battle for teleporters control.
It's always the same old thing : it can work if the map works with it.

Bigger does not always equal size. GTA was big not just in map size but in what you could do. Watch Dogs was considered to have a big map, and it was dull as hell. Halo started as a smaller sized, fast paced shooter. 343 clearly wants to return it to how it was. I cannot, in any way, shape, or form, see a Battlefield sized Halo working. Do not see squads being added, don't see how extra sized maps and player count makes CTF/Dominion/Oddball/etc any better, and I don't see how we can go from fast paced shooter to a camp-in-the-corners, land battle for scraps of space shooter. That sounds God awful.

You say that as if Halo 1 didn't have BTB maps with plenty of vehicles, as if it was introduced later. Some of the biggest Halo maps are actually in it.
Sure, MLG and competition in general made Halo look like it's arena-focused, but the BTB numbers have always been big.
Halo 1 didn't have anywhere CLOSE to as big of maps as 3, Reach, or 4. Hell, BTB for 1 was unheard of even with LAN parties, and even then it wasn't the preferred game mode. How the hell do you think Halo 1 was BTB ready? Cause that is just not true. Vehicles in 1 were power plays. Simple as that. You got one, you stayed alive for practically half a game. BTB in Reach and 4, play smart and the vehicle was destroyed practically out the gate. Not even close to comparable.


Halo would totally be suited to larger-scale multiplayer matches, so why would you ask me to go look for this in another game? It can totally work in Halo (and something like 16v16 - maximum to me - would actually be a huge feature for Halo, and would convince even more players that this new Halo is indeed bigger, as 343i's already trying to advertise it - yes, they do talk about multiplayer being more arena-focused, but that's mainly for the beta talk right now and when talking about the game in general, they say it's much bigger than 4, in scope, scale and all that).

8v8 can be a clusterfuck already in Halo (usually due to maps being shitty, not due to its size, though 6v6 Squad Battle in Halo 3 was pretty damn good playlist, better than BTB at times). 16v16 would be really bad almost certainly, and as others noted, larger maps would not suit any other modes.
Though i suppose cleverly made map can be sectioned into, say, four maps but expecting a map that is essentially 5 maps, and 5 good ones at that (anything less is not accepted), is unrealistic (it is not like we're getting good maps in the first place).

Halo is not designed for more than 8v8. 16v16 probably requires adjusting the sandbox too, or even worse, basic game mechanics. And that might not suit smaller matches.
Halo has always been two things: An arena shooter, and it scaled up with vehicles. 8v8 is really small when you think about it. And that's Halo, a small-scale game.

Battlefield and Planetside and other big games are purpose-built for large scale combat (well, some of them anyway, i've understood PC BF3 was pretty big clusterfuck with 64 players compared to console versions' 24), and they work.
You want big, play something else than Halo. That's what i do.

I have somewhat infamously a bit different vision of what and how Halo should be but whatever else i say, i've always wanted to keep it small.

8v8 is perfection for Halo.

EDIT As for Halo CE BTB, specifically PC, it was never as good as later Halos, i think (though i've noted i might prefer it to Reach but that's due to Reach's gameplay). The maps where fucking big and empty, and the game resolved very heavily around vehicles, compared to later Halos where a mix of vehicles and Spartans-on-foot were more common (and this is why Hemorrhage sucked, it was too vehicle-centric in Reach).


Source on that leaked info? Don't recall reading anything that detailed. Especially since 5 is still being worked on.

As for Frankie's comments, I took it as more of a "don't worry, we will keep this game mode and largely unalter it", not "we are going to make it bigger just cause we can!"

Okay, first up he says

Notice the bolded. Which we're seeing even now. And then there is this:

Pretty much everything he said has come to pass. A few details have changed but essentially he's been right

That said, I think we're gonna see a split. Smaller maps/competitive settings/ranks on one side and a kind of BTB experience that is catered towards casual play on the other


Uh... can we please not have "casual" BTB? Just keep the same fucking ruleset across the game, with strict skill-matching.
And no bigger BTB.
BTB in "social" category? That's okay, as long as the skill-matching works, and it isn't using any stuff pandering to casuals and noobs (perks, ordnance drops).


Contrast this with a 32v32 now. You'll need a super large map. You'll need several dedicated areas of encounters, and several weapon spawns. However the base game play, because it hasn't changed, will make it a negative experience. You say vehicles will be more prominent, I say they'll actually be less so. Someone getting a ghost in a 4v4 match is deadly, same with a warthog. Someone getting a Wraith, or Scorpion or Banshee in BTB is the same.

Now in 32v32, what does it matter if you get a Banshee. At any given moment, you can have say over 18 guys armed with BR/DMR look up and destroy vehicle in seconds. If the BR is 4SK, and you try and go up some Ridge and there are at least 10 enemy Spartans with sight of you, there is nothing you can do. No amount of strafe, jumping, running, anything is going to save you from the bullets that will come. In the end, the game play will either be like that, or will basically be again, 8v8 encounters or 4v4 encounters in smaller areas.

I think this is the best point made so far really. I am personally not a vehicle person, I never use any vehicles in Halo because I find it boring, but I know that some people swear by them. What 32v32 would do is make vehicles practically irrelevant, since unlike in Battlefield, they can just be dinged down by DMR fire from across the map; you have finite health in a vehicle and even if you're killing people they will just respawn with full ammo and you'll go down incredibly fast. They've been rebalancing the sandbox the last few games to try and make vehicles easier to take down on foot, which works when the vehicles are as impactful as they are now, but wont when you have 16 people bashing at them with bullets constantly.

I think it depends on what the argument is here though. I feel like 32v32 wouldn't work with Halo, but 12v12 probably could. A map like Sandtrap or Relic could probably support 12v12 battles quite convincingly. The biggest issue I would have with the inclusion is that Halo 4 only had 1 or 2 decent BTB maps and 1 or 2 decent arena maps. You would essentially need 3 different types of maps for 12v12 or higher to work, since you would need small maps for 2v2/4v4, intermediate maps for 6v6/8v8 and then larger maps for 12v12. I would rather 343 focus on what Halo is known to be good at, rather than trying to extend the playlists further without creating a solid foundation for multiplayer.

Having said that, maybe if they implemented the netcode for 12v12 and left it dormant at launch, then if the rest of the maps were successful they could release larger maps as dlc and open up the playlist. Or hell, I suppose they might unveil something like this in the beta (if the leak is right) and if people hate it, or the netcode sucks it will likely go the way of generator defense.


So we need to 8v8 plus 12v12, and whatever else?

Why? What is the purpose of this higher count playlist?

The more players you add, the less impact in the game you can personally have.

Variety is great and should definitely be encouraged.

12 v 12 could be great. Imagine having a battle with 4 scorpions and a bunch of warthogs while you run around with a rocket launcher.

I think a very vehicle focused 16vs16 could work if the map was well designed.

It obviously wouldn't be the most competitive mode but it would a great social playlist.


I think a very vehicle focused 16vs16 could work if the map was well designed.

No, no, no. The beauty of proper BTB is the right mix of vehicles and infantry. This is why Heavies in Halo 3 and Reach sucked so hard, and why Hemorrhage was such a bad map, vehicles dominated it way too much.

EDIT well i agree that well designed thing may work... but it would not be Halo we are used to. As a spin-off Halo game, i don't oppose larger matches, just for normal Halos.


Halo 1 didn't have anywhere CLOSE to as big of maps as 3, Reach, or 4. Hell, BTB for 1 was unheard of even with LAN parties, and even then it wasn't the preferred game mode. How the hell do you think Halo 1 was BTB ready? Cause that is just not true. Vehicles in 1 were power plays. Simple as that. You got one, you stayed alive for practically half a game. BTB in Reach and 4, play smart and the vehicle was destroyed practically out the gate. Not even close to comparable.
Blood Gulch and Sidewinder weren't exactly tiny. The only large maps in Halo 4 are Longbow and Vortex. One is a functionally symmetrical Dominion/BTB map, the other is asymmetrical Dominion map. The others, like Ragnarok, Exile, and Meltdown weren't very big to me. Especially the first two. Halo 3's large ones were Sandtrap and Avalanche, fairly decent in size (although to me what cut Avalanche's length short was the center hallway which made for engaging the enemies and opposing base much easier). The other maps in the game weren't great in size. Reach had a similar number. So in what way were these different? Halo 2 was the only game that had large number for the most part; good quantity of 6v6-type maps that can blend in both big team and 4v4 matchups as well.

If they ever went 12v12 or something, obviously you'd have to make the maps way larger than they've been in the series so far. I didn't play much of the Halo PC maps, but I like the idea of Death Island. A massive island that features two bases on each end with a big dose of vehicular activity. And of course they would need to create some new objective mode where teams can split off and capture points to secure a lead. You can do deathmatch but it wouldn't be as much of a spectacle as an objective based big battle can be. Bad Company 2 for instance, really good map set plus Conquest and Rush as your objective modes. Great times were had.


Just want to point out that I was (and still am) arguing that 12V12 would work well or at the most 16V16. While I'm not against 32v32 happening I doubt it will. I would like to give input on the matter though.

I also think that while slayer could work as well, objective would be what is best suited for this increase in size.
But again, think about how hectic BTB is currently, then practically quadruple the player count. That is insanity to the point it's no longer fun. The solution would seem to be make bigger maps, but then try playing them when you play 4v4. BTB maps are already cumbersome for smaller matches. I do not want that getting worse.

I personally really enjoy Halo BTB, even in 4 as long as I've got a buddy or 2. I don't think Halo 4 is a good example to use though given that while not the worst game ever, certainly isn't the best in terms of representing what the Halo can be. Its vehicle suite is lacking and the selection of maps could be better (in terms of quality not quantity). Not to mention many great game types are missing.
At that point, it ceases to be Halo. And plenty thought 4 accomplished that already (not me, but still). The way they are presenting Halo 5, with this talk of "arena multiplayer", I think 343i is going the opposite direction and is shrinking multiplayer. Again, just how it appears to me, and clearly my preference.

In regards to Halo 5 being more "arena focused", I highly doubt that applies to the entirety of the multiplayer. They're probably just emphasizing that yes, they are bringing back that kind of gameplay to the multiplayer in some form or another, which is awesome. However alienating one player base to please another is not what they are trying to do (I hope).
Myself and others have brought that up. Totally agree. Non-invasion games on Invasion maps were torture, especially since sprint wasn't automatically given to players. Had to sacrifice perfectly good AAs to just get to the action.
As I said earlier I'm not really arguing in favor of 32v32, however I don't think that BTB feels clustered as it is anyway. Not to mention the way Halo plays is drastically different from shooters such as Battlefield and Planetside. Which is why I think that it could still feel like Halo on a much grander scale. It must be mentioned as well that Armor Abilities aren't coming back so the issue of being at an disadvantage because you had to sacrifice something at spawn shouldn't really apply now.

Like you said though we have differing likes in this regard which I totally get.
Another drawback to going superhuge is the maps needed to support it are only really good for that gametype. Invasion maps weren't really useful outside of Invasion, and they had to be big enough to make 3-phase gameplay work (essentially had to operate as 3 maps in one)
Yet Invasion was still a brilliant addition and was loved by many. It brought a whole new objective experience that felt fun and unique. Though I agree the maps were not as well suited for other game types it was still tolerable and there were only a couple anyway so it didn't really take a whole lot away from the other game types selection of maps.
I don't see how it'll work with what is Halo game play. Halo is about Map Control, Weapon Control and player skill/team unity.

Now you can see it in 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4. People work together, they know what's happening on the maps, they watch weapon spawns, they watch areas. To a slightly lesser extent, you see it in 8v8 aka BTB. The maps do become larger, there are more players and more weapon spawns. 1 guy can still have an effect on game play, score though etc. And sure you run into scenarios where the other team can have up to all 8 Spartans in an area, but that's rare.

Contrast this with a 32v32 now. You'll need a super large map. You'll need several dedicated areas of encounters, and several weapon spawns. However the base game play, because it hasn't changed, will make it a negative experience. You say vehicles will be more prominent, I say they'll actually be less so. Someone getting a ghost in a 4v4 match is deadly, same with a warthog. Someone getting a Wraith, or Scorpion or Banshee in BTB is the same.

Now in 32v32, what does it matter if you get a Banshee. At any given moment, you can have say over 18 guys armed with BR/DMR look up and destroy vehicle in seconds. If the BR is 4SK, and you try and go up some Ridge and there are at least 10 enemy Spartans with sight of you, there is nothing you can do. No amount of strafe, jumping, running, anything is going to save you from the bullets that will come. In the end, the game play will either be like that, or will basically be again, 8v8 encounters or 4v4 encounters in smaller areas.

I don't know, it's late, and I'm rambling too, but I'm thinking of maps like Spire, Boneyard, heavies type stuff. Because there are so many people, you'll need more power weapons too. So you can imagine what it'll be like if 4-8+ players in a match have rockets, sniper, beam rifles all at the same time. I could see maybe 10v10 or 12v12 be supported to try and cater to those who want a bigger experience, but I feel like it'll completely take away from 8v8 which works, kind of like how 5v5 or 6v6 has impacted 4v4.
I just don't see how any player encounters could be meaningful. At times even BTB feels bad when you're up against 4 or more people. Now imagine if there were 9 Spartans making a push. Player health, vehicle health isn't changed, so even against people with shitty aim you're going down. Any utility weapon with over 2x scope will just create firing range gameplay. But then you'll also want a larger scope because the maps will be larger. For some reason, I just can't shake Hemorrhage on Reach ie. Heavies and with the DMR when I think of what it could be like. The middle of the map is basically a dead man's zone, the corners is where the action happens, and often times just becomes a boring camp fest where unless you have your whole team make a push, nothing you can do. Perhaps some of the worst BTB I've ever played.

This video personifies exactly the problem and why it affects Halo more than other games like Battlefield or Call of Duty. Here, there are all 8 enemy Spartans in a singular area, this guy jetpacks in to where they are. It takes less than a second for him to go down because there are just so many people. He barely even gets a shot off before he lands. Now imagine if you're in a Banshee, or imagine you are trying to take a flag, or capture some area of the map. Now with 32v32, sure you say, you'll have more people to make a push with, but that's exactly the point, a single person is all but irrelevant to the gameplay.

Since I was arguing that Vehicles could have a more prominent role in regards to a 12v12 or 16v16 set up I don't really know if you think that would still not work.

I don't think that 32v32 would necessarily break the game though. So these are my thoughts in that regard.

Halo 5 is a completely different game by the looks of things in comparison to previous entries. I'm making my arguments based off of what we know about the gameplay currently added on to how I feel it could work with what Halos sandbox has to offer so far (akll of it excluding Wars for obvious reasons).

Jet packs are likely not returning given that Armor abilities are out and I doubt they will be giving everyone perma jet packs alongside the various other Spartan Abilities. Not to mention Hemorrhage was NOT designed or fit for the DMR's affect on gameplay so that example wouldn't really apply here if the maps were designed around such a large scale battle system. The fact that the jet pack itself is probably gone already helps majorly in terms of map design and flow so that helps.

Assuming that sprint makes a return (hopefully it can be toggled on or off) that already makes the larger map size less of a problem for map traversal. Given that the maps would also be more vehicle focused that would mean that there would most likely be some mode of travel though if you don't want to do it on foot. I see your point about vehicle health however. It may need to be tweaked but it may not be necessary. A coordinated team could take down a couple vehicles sure however it don't know if you are taking into account the other teams ground forces. Even with a coordinated team people will be preoccupied with their own encounters and infantry is not going to be able to out gun several vehicles alone which is why the various roles are so important.

It's been said before that teamwork is a core part of Halo and a bigger player count does not change that. It does not mean the whole game needs to turn into Heavies 2.0 and it most certainly does not have to take away from the other game types.

Given what Halo 5 seems to be doing with its core gameplay and based off of the sandbox Halo has at its disposal, I think 12v12, 16v16, or even (in the EXTREMELY unlikely scenario) 32v32 could work and bring a new breed of gameplay that makes the most use of the vehicle suite.

Hopefully Halo 5 brings the best of Arena and BTB Halo together so we can all have a new era of mutual understanding, love, peace, and hugs.
Just want to point out that I was (and still am) arguing that 12V12 would work well or at the most 16V16. While I'm not against 32v32 happening I doubt it will. I would like to give input on the matter though.

Yeah, I can just imagine 32 people hogging all the power weapons and tanks and calling themselves pro whenever they kill somebody.
And suddenly I'm afraid the power 343i will give them will lead to an enevitable crash of everything. Today, 32v32. Tomorrow, Tasmania becomes a world power. The next day, the universe gets a blue screen... and even then I'll still get hacked off by that bullcrap shot by a sniper that completely misses me but kills me anyways.


Yeah, I can just imagine 32 people hogging all the power weapons and tanks and calling themselves pro whenever they kill somebody.
And suddenly I'm afraid the power 343i will give them will lead to an enevitable crash of everything. Today, 32v32. Tomorrow, Tasmania becomes a world power. The next day, the universe gets a blue screen... and even then I'll still get hacked off by that bullcrap shot by a sniper that completely misses me but kills me anyways.
Glad we understand each other.
Halo having the ability to scale up to 16v16 in some kind of huge Invasion x Battlefront gametype would be pretty neat. BTB is not something i've ever considered "Competitive halo" I just play it to mess around. Having that with more vehicles and people to do crazy shit with would be fun.

Real problem is that 16v16 would require specific maps, you can't have 32 players on lockout and even a map the size of Blood Gulch would feel crowded, Making maps for that could remove maps from the 4v4 6v6 8v8 pool and then it's a detriment.

If you built a huge map that worked well when segmented like the big building half of boneyard for example then maybe but IDK
Glad we understand each other.

In all serious though, I'd give it a go. It would be interested. But they'd have to get rid of ordnance drops, severely limit how many power weapons go on the map, otherwise it'd just be a mess.
I like Halo because I can react to being attacked, if I die, the fight lasted long enough for me to have feedback on how to improve. If things turn into a COD/BF kind of thing where you take a few steps and die without knowing what happened... Yeah I wouldn't want that.


No, no, no. The beauty of proper BTB is the right mix of vehicles and infantry. This is why Heavies in Halo 3 and Reach sucked so hard, and why Hemorrhage was such a bad map, vehicles dominated it way too much.

EDIT well i agree that well designed thing may work... but it would not be Halo we are used to. As a spin-off Halo game, i don't oppose larger matches, just for normal Halos.

I'm thinking of a sort of spin off playlist where its completely vehicle focused. You could have it where you spawn in a ghost and the larger vehicles act as power weapons which spawn at a set location and time. Obviously the maps would have to be designed with this in mind but I think it could be pretty chaotic fun.

I wouldn't want this to replace normal btb. I think it would be cool as a new gametype maybe in action sack.

willow ve

What if Halo 5's "arena focus" is just a re-skin of Reach's The Arena with all matches played on a forge remake of Sword Base?

Trust Us


I'm thinking of a sort of spin off playlist where its completely vehicle focused. You could have it where you spawn in a ghost and the larger vehicles act as power weapons which spawn at a set location and time. Obviously the maps would have to be designed with this in mind but I think it could be pretty chaotic fun.

I wouldn't want this to replace normal btb. I think it would be cool as a new gametype maybe in action sack.

Such would fit a Race list or Action Sack (where Race really belongs), yes.


As for upping the player count wouldn't that pretty much prevent any vehicular combat?

Depends on a variety of things of course. If DMRs and other basic weapons can damage vehicles, yes, even more so than in Reach or Halo 4. If vehicles are easily destroyed by grenades, yes (double the players and you double the amount of grenades). If power weapons are plentiful, yes (or just very powerful. A single Spartan Laser could stop anyone from using vehicles in Halo 3...).
Of course, these don't necessarily prevent vehicle combat. Consider the Battlefield series, where anyone can spawn with a rocket launcher, yet vehicles are still quite usable. (Of course, Battlefields are made with this and large player counts in mind, unlike Halos, so the comparison is not really fair).

I admit that large player count doesn't necessarily make combat any worse... but it isn't Halo.


Such would fit a Race list or Action Sack (where Race really belongs), yes.

Yeah, this obviously wouldn't fit with normal btb, I think it would be a pretty fun action sack game mode though.

I still think a larger player count could work. Make it AR starts to prevent being shot from everywhere at once and allow vehicles some chance to survive.


I still think a larger player count could work. Make it AR starts to prevent being shot from everywhere at once and allow vehicles some chance to survive.

FUCK NO! AR/SMG starts is horrible, in any mode, in any Halo.
The first one to get a proper weapon would dominate that match.

How about just making small arms unable to do (much) damage to vehicles, like in Halo 3? Actually, make the whole vehicle health system like Halo 3's.


FUCK NO! AR/SMG starts is horrible, in any mode, in any Halo.
The first one to get a proper weapon would dominate that match.

How about just making small arms unable to do (much) damage to vehicles, like in Halo 3? Actually, make the whole vehicle health system like Halo 3's.


AR starts were the norm in Halo 3 and it was great. DMR or BR starts in btb discourages movement around the map and encourages cross map sniping. It wasn't possible to actively move around the map in 4 or Reach unless you hugged the walls or cover because you'd be picked off by people camping with DMRs. Making it so people have to move to get those weapons makes for a much more active game rather than just trading shots across the map.


Depends on a variety of things of course. If DMRs and other basic weapons can damage vehicles, yes, even more so than in Reach or Halo 4. If vehicles are easily destroyed by grenades, yes (double the players and you double the amount of grenades). If power weapons are plentiful, yes (or just very powerful. A single Spartan Laser could stop anyone from using vehicles in Halo 3...).
Of course, these don't necessarily prevent vehicle combat. Consider the Battlefield series, where anyone can spawn with a rocket launcher, yet vehicles are still quite usable. (Of course, Battlefields are made with this and large player counts in mind, unlike Halos, so the comparison is not really fair).

I admit that large player count doesn't necessarily make combat any worse... but it isn't Halo.
It really depends on the balance like you say but that's not really been in btb for a while. Upping the player count would also up the map size then making games slower if everybody is scattered around the place.
I think my main concern with going above 16 players is that I'd want a competitive-fun split for the "hardcore" gamemodes just as much as I'd want a coddlefield >8v8 mode.

That is, rather than have 4v4-8v8 be Ranked and the grander scale vehicle stuff be Social, I'd really prefer the option to have a Ranked / Social split for the 4v4-8v8 stuff, bare minimum.

Maybe rather than enforce separate playlist hoppers, Ranked / Social would just be a toggle in the Matchmaking menu? So like, Ranked Team Slayer would feature different gametype settings but be played on the same maps as Social Team Slayer. That way while there's still some minor splintering, you don't have to worry about creating an entirely separate group of playlists to cater to both audiences.
Depends on a variety of things of course. If DMRs and other basic weapons can damage vehicles, yes, even more so than in Reach or Halo 4. If vehicles are easily destroyed by grenades, yes (double the players and you double the amount of grenades). If power weapons are plentiful, yes (or just very powerful. A single Spartan Laser could stop anyone from using vehicles in Halo 3...).
Of course, these don't necessarily prevent vehicle combat. Consider the Battlefield series, where anyone can spawn with a rocket launcher, yet vehicles are still quite usable. (Of course, Battlefields are made with this and large player counts in mind, unlike Halos, so the comparison is not really fair).

I admit that large player count doesn't necessarily make combat any worse... but it isn't Halo.

That's the crux of my argument, and since people seem to be set in their opinions (myself included) I think I won't press the issue further.


Unreal Tournament 2K4 would be the right game to try and copy for Halo over 16 total players. Players are still fast and nimble, and not completely squishy, so you can still kind of make it out of bad situations. Also, the vehicles are fun and varied, levels have a ton of verticality and different elevations. Tribes is another good one, hell even the PS2 Tribes game had some pretty awesome huge battles, and that was just me and my friend playing with Bots.

That being said, I don't think Halo should bother trying, Arena Halo hasn't been proven in years now, and that is where the series shines, so that should be the focus. 8v8 is plenty big for Halo.

1080p 60FPS also wouldn't be possible with these proposed 16v16 or 32v32 games, and Halo is just finally tackling that technical hurdle. Unless you guys want to go back to 640p at 30 FPS and laggy BTB, Xbox One style.


Does anyone here still need to get the legendary coop achievement in Halo 4?

I've been meaning to finish it along with a couple of other trivial campaign achievements. Only got half way through. If not I'll just use an idle controller
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