Problem with the west is IF they do decide to expell these radicals, where do they go? Imprison them? No country will take them, their countries of origin (if they are not 1st generation) are likely in disarray, there is no Australia equivalent unless we make some sort of gigantic, true, "open air prison" or Escape from New York equivalent to send these guys. So it's gonna be a perpetual catch and release rotating door until they do something really atrocious as they will just Bully Bully Bully and then immediately roll over and show belly claiming to be a victim the instant they get some push back. So it's really incumbent on the more rational members of their communities to self police, shut down radical voices, and preach tolerance lest what they get is a "Night of Broken Glass" of extremely violent eradication which doesn't discriminate. Scary and totally unnecessary if these communities truly want to integrate and it is really just a few hothead causing all the trouble (large marches say otherwise but time may tell).