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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Gold Member
Agreed. Painful to read this too but that's history. It's hard to read but terrible that people want to bury this. Something most don't understand is that by turning them away (looking at the West today), the silence and passive rejection says 'let whatever happens to the Jews, happen'. On a positive though, all these centuries to try to blot out the Jews and no one has ever succeeded. I truly believe that no one ever will either.

The Jewish community in Europe had some respite, while protestants and catholics were killing each other, in gigantic, continental wars. At least for a while.


Gold Member
Agreed. Painful to read this too but that's history. It's hard to read but terrible that people want to bury this. Something most don't understand is that by turning them away (looking at the West today), the silence and passive rejection says 'let whatever happens to the Jews, happen'. On a positive though, all these centuries to try to blot out the Jews and no one has ever succeeded. I truly believe that no one ever will either.
Unless something apocalyptic happened like every country surrounding Israel attacked them at once and zero western allies helped, pretty sure Jews will never be wiped out. Its not even about the laundry list of time periods where someone posted a month a go about Jews outlasting group a or b over the past 1000 years.

In modern day it's very hard to erase a large group of people (16 million isn't large compared to other groups, but still thats a large number in absolute terms) through slow attrition when Jews holistically care a lot of about education, jobs and standard of living. Therefore they can protect themselves pretty well for such a small plot of land. Youll always get backing from western allies in some form or another as long as you dont act like a jackass.


Hold onto your panties


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Is this not evidence that many people were staying in place for fear of Hamas? Once IDF was in there and dominant people are leaving by the tens of thousands. Obviously they had the capacity to leave earlier and simply refused.



May I have a cookie?
Is this not evidence that many people were staying in place for fear of Hamas? Once IDF was in there and dominant people are leaving by the tens of thousands. Obviously they had the capacity to leave earlier and simply refused.

Earlier I posted interviews from before the October massacre with Gazans who had managed to escape to Europe. They described how, in 2017, Hamas opened fire on Palestinians protesting peacefully for electricity and better living conditions. So this is completely consistent with what we know about Hamas.
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ידע זה כוח

Guess the NYT hiring grenade-wielding terrorists and people who praise Hitler on their socials isn’t good enough for these protesters.

We're in that horror movie where someone goes down to the garage where the light is flickering, and it's obvious to everyone in the theater what's gonna happen, but that person has pins for climate change, the botched pride flag, and a free Palestine shirt and when they see the masked-killer they're asking them if they can help them move some boxes.

NYT pro-Israel bias?! they literally hired a Hitler simp.


May I have a cookie?
We're in that horror movie where someone goes down to the garage where the light is flickering, and it's obvious to everyone in the theater what's gonna happen, but that person has pins for climate change, the botched pride flag, and a free Palestine shirt and when they see the masked-killer they're asking them if they can help them move some boxes.

NYT pro-Israel bias?! they literally hired a Hitler simp.
Yet another example that these people are not interested in anything other than complete surrender to their extremist narrative. In other words, they don't live in the real world.

It's like those old ISIS parody videos where they execute anyone who comes their way, even devout Muslims, for not being brain-washed level devoted.
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I sort of think Hillary gets a bad rap but that is for another thread.

The Oslo accords happened when Bill was president and she witnessed them walk away from a chance at peace and a two state solution because it would require allowing Israel to exist.

She know what she is talking about.


Who knew Hillary could be so clear on this subject. She was first lady when Clinton tried to make peace, Secratey of State when Olmert tried. She knows it's sorta hopeless.

Of course Sunny is trying to blame Israel for it all, because she's a dumb fuck with zero knowledge who quotes Obama *Eyeroll*. Hopefully Hillary made some of their audience understand what's what.

I voted for Hilary. Would prefer her over Biden.


Gold Member
Yet another example that these people are not interested in anything other than complete surrender to their extremist narrative. In other words, they don't live in the real world.

It's like those old ISIS parody videos where they execute anyone who comes their way, even devout Muslims, for not being brain-washed level devoted.
Because "normal" people get the full weight of law thrown at them when they resist yet somehow the radicals seem to be able to act with impunity is how we got here in the first place.

The first time someone chanted out "from the river to the sea..." they should have been tear gassed, tossed into a cell, and given the Jan 6th treatment. Woulda stopped all this nonsense on day 1.


Hold onto your panties

From what I read, his family has been searching since the 7th. So far been sharing those who were murdered in IDF which paints a grim picture for the many civilian hostages still unreleased. Every time one of these shows up, remember the hostile groups ripping down hostage photos. That'll put back into perspective who the enemy really is outside Gaza...


Cretinously credulous

Guess the NYT hiring grenade-wielding terrorists and people who praise Hitler on their socials isn’t good enough for these protesters.

Are there no consequences for anything for these assholes? Like how can you simply occupy a private or commercial space? In my country these cunts would be beaten black and blue by the police before being hauled to jail, within a couple of hours!

Jinzo Prime

Are there no consequences for anything for these assholes? Like how can you simply occupy a private or commercial space? In my country these cunts would be beaten black and blue by the police before being hauled to jail, within a couple of hours!
Protected by a powerful political party who condones and encourages this behavior.
Are there no consequences for anything for these assholes? Like how can you simply occupy a private or commercial space? In my country these cunts would be beaten black and blue by the police before being hauled to jail, within a couple of hours!
My guess is that the lobby is generally open to the public, and NYT are too pathetic to ask the police to do anything about them, because of "optics."


Gold Member

Guess the NYT hiring grenade-wielding terrorists and people who praise Hitler on their socials isn’t good enough for these protesters.

More like an open invitation. Bet.

Again, in 2023, if a guy shows up to a protest wearing a mask and acts aggressive, it should be an IMMEDIATE bean bag round to the nads and a night in lock-up.

Why are the police tolerating this????
Orders from above. Bet.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Is it? I never heard that.
Verse 17

Bible stuff. Means if you get your nose in other ppl's business, you risk making them angry at you (you get more enemies and such).
I just love the image. Some idiot grabs a dog by the ears and he's trying to hold it back by pulling on the ears while it bites at his face and arms but his grip is what is bothering dog so it just gets more mad.
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If there does not end up being serious consequences and ruined careers when the dust settles I'm pretty much giving up and becoming a hermit. The foundations of the system have buckled.

Last night I was flipping channels and caught the last half of Saving Private Ryan. It hit a lot more emotionally thinking that was pop culture only 20 years ago and now it's in vogue to be a Nazi already. The moral climate that Nazi's obviously = bad is waning, and you realize this isn't some fight that ended before you were born, all that sacrifice was just for a fleeting respite from cancer.

I've never been so concerned about the future of America in my life. Where today Jewish students can't go to class because they're being harassed and bullied and not only are perpetrators not punished, but the authority figures protect and side with the antisemites. We're already in the dystopia the only way to convince me that we aren't completely fucked is eventual consequences (AKA a return to sanity).

Time to rewatch Inglorious Basterds.


I'm find it challenging to comprehend the shift in Western Liberal discourse from advocating for actions like 'punch a Nazi' in 2020 to this extreme expressions of anti-Semitism in 2023.

Make it make sense to me, a complete 180, How did we get here?
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These losers protesting for Palestinian independence in the US should instead be advocating for Native American rights. Where is the outcry at home for displacing those people and creating fucking ghettoes in our deserts with no hope for anyone?


Really every time Hamas reports casualties, the reporting should be "hamas has murdered x number of their own people"

Critical thinking would indicate that all the numbers are bogus anyway but you can't prove it. Then Hamas proved they were liars to the world early on with the hospital blast.

Didn't matter. The whole show proved what side media outlets were on from the beginning. They want Hamas garbage and hate anything from Israel that makes sense. They have to try harder to minimize it.


These losers protesting for Palestinian independence in the US should instead be advocating for Native American rights. Where is the outcry at home for displacing those people and creating fucking ghettoes in our deserts with no hope for anyone?

I saw an old friend the other day...he was very in the "both sides" camp and tried to act intellectual looking at "the big picture". I responded to one assertion he made by asking if he thought here in the U.S. we should give the land back to who had it before and he said "yes. All anyone has ever done with land they took was make things worse".

This is why I have forums.
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