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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Dude you are the king of hyperbole. This card is DA MOST BROKEN, this card is OUT OF THIS WORLD FOR A TCG GAME.. is this your first card game? All I'm doing is commenting on what you post.

Card draw mechanics are standard.
Built in card draw mechanic for one player is not and is exactly what makes zoo so potent.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I was so surprised, I unpacked a King Krush today, and I unpacked Malygos 2 packs ago.

2 legendaries in 28 packs! Pretty nice.

I am a little disappointed that all of the legendaries I've unpacked are not as viable as stuff like Ragnaros or Ysera but I am trying to collect all the cards in the game so any card is a good card as long as it isn't a dupe!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I was so surprised, I unpacked a King Krush today, and I unpacked Malygos 2 packs ago.

2 legendaries in 28 packs! Pretty nice.

I am a little disappointed that all of the legendaries I've unpacked are not as viable as stuff like Ragnaros or Ysera but I am trying to collect all the cards in the game so any card is a good card as long as it isn't a dupe!

Be careful.. you might be accused of p2w..

Card draw mechanics are standard.
Built in card draw mechanic for one player is not and is exactly what makes zoo so potent.

And there's a class with built in life gain.. with built in damage..


Neo Member
Just watched Totalbiscuits latest Hearthstone video. He said the weirdest thing in there.

TB has a 3/2 on the field. His opponent also has a 3/2.
The opponent plays a Shattered Sun Cleric that buffs the 3/2 to a 4/3 and then he attacks TB's hero with the 4/3.

TB says "I don't understand why he did that, that's so weird. He knows I'm gonna destroy it with my 3/2 anyway".

So TB is basically saying that killing his 3/2 is better than hitting him in the face for 4 and then losing it to TB's 3/2 afterwards. That makes no sense o_O

Unless TB was commenting on how he buffed up a creature that was going to die. But if he had nothing to play except that shattered sun cleric then it was the only correct thing to do.


Card draw mechanics are standard.
Built in card draw mechanic for one player is not and is exactly what makes zoo so potent.

But if you fail to secure the victory, your health loss could be your biggest downfall. Slower control decks destroy zoo.

Just watched Totalbiscuits latest Hearthstone video. He said the weirdest thing in there.

TB has a 3/2 on the field. His opponent also has a 3/2.
The opponent plays a Shattered Sun Cleric that buffs the 3/2 to a 4/3 and then he attacks TB's hero with the 4/3.

TB says "I don't understand why he did that, that's so weird. He knows I'm gonna destroy it with my 3/2 anyway".

So TB is basically saying that killing his 3/2 is better than hitting him in the face for 4 and then losing it to TB's 3/2 afterwards. That makes no sense o_O

Unless TB was commenting on how he buffed up a creature that was going to die. But if he had nothing to play except that shattered sun cleric then it was the only correct thing to do.

Correct. Since one of the 3/2s dies next turn, it's better to deal 4 damage now (that might never be recovered later) and have the target (the 3/2) die by forcing the player to attack it than sacrificing it.
I just think that the difficult, thought requiring decks should be more powerful.
Right now Zoo is one of the most powerful decks there is. But it's also the easiest to play.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Just watched Totalbiscuits latest Hearthstone video. He said the weirdest thing in there.

TB has a 3/2 on the field. His opponent also has a 3/2.
The opponent plays a Shattered Sun Cleric that buffs the 3/2 to a 4/3 and then he attacks TB's hero with the 4/3.

TB says "I don't understand why he did that, that's so weird. He knows I'm gonna destroy it with my 3/2 anyway".

So TB is basically saying that killing his 3/2 is better than hitting him in the face for 4 and then losing it to TB's 3/2 afterwards. That makes no sense o_O

Unless TB was commenting on how he buffed up a creature that was going to die. But if he had nothing to play except that shattered sun cleric then it was the only correct thing to do.

I think he was talking about the latter, saying that buffing the 3/2 was a waste because it just dies to TB's 3/2. (but its also correct to drop SSC if it was the guy's only 3 drop)

That said I honestly would take any advice TB gives with a grain of salt, he isn't the best player (by his own admission). No offense intended. His videos are funny though.


I just think that the difficult, thought requiring decks should be more powerful.
Right now Zoo is one of the most powerful decks there is. But it's also the easiest to play.

Magic has been like that many times though. Goblin and Mono Black dominated for years due to their speed. As more cards get introduced it will eb and flow towards either aggro or control as it does in any CCG.
Just watched Totalbiscuits latest Hearthstone video. He said the weirdest thing in there.

TB has a 3/2 on the field. His opponent also has a 3/2.
The opponent plays a Shattered Sun Cleric that buffs the 3/2 to a 4/3 and then he attacks TB's hero with the 4/3.

TB says "I don't understand why he did that, that's so weird. He knows I'm gonna destroy it with my 3/2 anyway".

So TB is basically saying that killing his 3/2 is better than hitting him in the face for 4 and then losing it to TB's 3/2 afterwards. That makes no sense o_O

Unless TB was commenting on how he buffed up a creature that was going to die. But if he had nothing to play except that shattered sun cleric then it was the only correct thing to do.

Guy plays tons of games, i'm sure he would know what he's talking about if he only played Hearthstone... Or thought about what he is saying


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Oh how I hate the zero skill zoo deck.
I respect losing against someone playing well. But zoo ist just mindless. It shouldn't be that strong.

I kind of would like to see Silverback Patriarch buffed so that it's a 2/4 instead of a 1/4.

My thought is that mid-range taunts should be the counter to aggro decks but Ironbark is 1-shotted by many aggro cards and tazdingo comes too late.


I know that this will be weird, but I prefer to sell my standard cards rather than the gold ones since I found those to look cool while I play.

I know that I'm missing more arcane dust, but meh, those cards make me enjoy more the game

Also, I need some help with concepts like aggro, which I don't understand. What kind of variables could had a deck, or all that


Speaking of MTG

I want enchantments like this, one of my fav cards i have

Just watched Totalbiscuits latest Hearthstone video. He said the weirdest thing in there.

TB has a 3/2 on the field. His opponent also has a 3/2.
The opponent plays a Shattered Sun Cleric that buffs the 3/2 to a 4/3 and then he attacks TB's hero with the 4/3.

TB says "I don't understand why he did that, that's so weird. He knows I'm gonna destroy it with my 3/2 anyway".

So TB is basically saying that killing his 3/2 is better than hitting him in the face for 4 and then losing it to TB's 3/2 afterwards. That makes no sense o_O

Unless TB was commenting on how he buffed up a creature that was going to die. But if he had nothing to play except that shattered sun cleric then it was the only correct thing to do.

TB got me into Hearthstone, but I quickly discovered that he's not very good at the game


Neo Member
TB got me into Hearthstone, but I quickly discovered that he's not very good at the game

Yeah he got me into the game as well. I watched every Hearthstone video he made and I learned the rules that way. I never played a card-game before but knowing the rules made it easy to decide to get this game. Less daunting for me to get started.

I like TB a lot and even though I no longer feel like I have anything to learn from him in Hearthstone, I don't think he's as bad as it sounds when he says weird stuff like that. I mean, he knows these things just as well as we do, but he just sometimes confuses himself. I'm sure I confuse myself like that as well at times when I THINK I played perfectly and still ended up losing a round. I'm sure it was just a brain-fart, not lack of knowledge about the game or such.

I guess the moral of the story is, none of us are completely "awake" all the time :D


I do Zoo when I get bored of my Druid, but I don't find any joy in it. Last time I faced a Hunter, he randomly added me to say "I hope they butcher Zoo just like did Hunter. Enjoy your free undeserved wins" and erased me before I could answer.

Funnily enough, I tailored my Druid to beat Zoo & Rush/Midra(n)ge Hunter and I barely face them anymore. I see a lot of Miracle Rogues, Handlocks and Warriors lately, and Freeze Mages for some reason who absolutely destroy me.


Zoo really isnt that easy in higher ranks. Got to 8/9 last season max.

Honestly, the strength of Zoo is the speed of it. It still takes general game knowledge to push it to the 60-70% win-rate you'll need for the last bit of the climb.

Everything until Rank 5 is really just about making it take less time.

I do Zoo when I get bored of my Druid, but I don't find any joy in it. Last time I faced a Hunter, he randomly added me to say "I hope they butcher Zoo just like did Hunter. Enjoy your free undeserved wins" and erased me before I could answer.

Shitty players are shitty players. These people always entertain me.

Playing top decked cards for lethal when you have other avenues in hand is another good one. Quadruple points if it's off the back of a Legendary.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yep. There was also a card cycle in early MTG that followed this logic!

Healing Salve
Lighting Bolt
Giant Growth
Dark Ritual
Ancestral Recall

One of them is not like the others.

So what you're saying is.. we should be able to build decks with more than one hero power! 2v2!


Added an Abomination to my Warrior Control deck. Saving my ass left and right, it's crazy.

Hogger, however, has been a disappointment. People freak out and annihilate him so quickly.


UGH. Decided to make some gimmicky deck and try it out in Casual and ran into this Warlock running standard Zoolock, but waited every single fucking turn to the fullest only to throw out all his cards at once at the very last second. Really, there's no reason to do this. He was playing the most brain-dead net-deck there is, why would anyone (besides some sad evil assholes) feel the need to not only play it in Casual, but also waste everybody's time by just not giving a fuck and intentionally stalling to the fullest with just the intent of annoying the fuck out of your opponent. And why the fuck in casual? Even if you get your opponent to concede by being a complete asshole to him, you just won nothing. You didn't gain rank, you didn't learn anything about the game, you didn't gain nothing. Ugh.

Sometimes I wish I could just punch people in the face through the internet.

It seems like this could be fixed by quickly accelerating the rate of the timer on subsequent turns. This has only happened to me once and I just conceded because I didn't care.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Added an Abomination to my Warrior Control deck. Saving my ass left and right, it's crazy.

Hogger, however, has been a disappointment. People freak out and annihilate him so quickly.

That's the point! Clears the way for your closers.


that feeling when you force your opponent to shadowstep their 11/11 questing adventurer back because you have a Sylvanas out

miracle rouge seems to have a rough time against palas
that feeling when you force your opponent to shadowstep their 11/11 questing adventurer back because you have a Sylvanas out

miracle rouge seems to have a rough time against palas

They really do have a somewhat limited amount of damage. That is unless they get the craziest hands.

I think people will find that they do a lot better vs miracle rogue with just a bit of healing in their decks. Now the malygos miracle deck, I can't speak for since I haven't played that often. I think they rely on weapons so ooze/jones is good against it.


It's weird. I don't like playing Dark Souls 2 when I'm tired or stressed because of anxiety of making mistakes. But I'm perfectly fine playing Hearthstone even though the stakes are higher, because you are being ranked and you have human opponents.

Been a stressful couple of weeks. Been playing a lot more HS.


I have enough gold to do a couple arena runs but I'm scared to do it. Last few runs haven't gone well and I get bummed out every time I have a shitty run.


What did you replace for the Abomb? Korkron?

Been running this (+ Alexstracza at the bottom). Feel free to critique.

The Brawls I jumped up to two because I was running into a ridiculous amount of Handlocks / Zoo decks / works well against midgame Hunters sometimes, but it's probably the card I'm swapping in and out the most.


That's the point! Clears the way for your closers.

I know! I just want Hogger to be a hero, is all.


I kind of would like to see Silverback Patriarch buffed so that it's a 2/4 instead of a 1/4.

My thought is that mid-range taunts should be the counter to aggro decks but Ironbark is 1-shotted by many aggro cards and tazdingo comes too late.

Silverback Patriarch is still really strong for exactly this reason, but it's hard to justify when there's such a card as Animal Companion. My Hunter deck has both though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Silverback Patriarch is still really strong for exactly this reason, but it's hard to justify when there's such a card as Animal Companion. My Hunter deck has both though.

I have never seen Silverback Patriarch played in constructed.

Not once.


UGH. Decided to make some gimmicky deck and try it out in Casual and ran into this Warlock running standard Zoolock, but waited every single fucking turn to the fullest only to throw out all his cards at once at the very last second. Really, there's no reason to do this. He was playing the most brain-dead net-deck there is, why would anyone (besides some sad evil assholes) feel the need to not only play it in Casual, but also waste everybody's time by just not giving a fuck and intentionally stalling to the fullest with just the intent of annoying the fuck out of your opponent. And why the fuck in casual? Even if you get your opponent to concede by being a complete asshole to him, you just won nothing. You didn't gain rank, you didn't learn anything about the game, you didn't gain nothing. Ugh.

Sometimes I wish I could just punch people in the face through the internet.

I wouldn't be so quick to think they're trolling. I know some of these people some in real life and they tell me they see it as "I'm given X long to take my turn so I'm going to take X long to take my turn". It's not about pissing off the opponent, it's about the strategy of taking full advantage of the rules to their benefit under the possibility that maybe they think of a better move in that time.

But I still think it's an asshole move. I like to play fast myself. But I'll admit when my opponent starts wasting my time with this strategic bullshit then I'll start doing the same to them and waste their time. I'll even just tab over and read NeoGaf until I hear the rope burning down before I tab back and take my move. Two can play at that game.
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