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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Decks that need to go die in a fire;

Zoolock / Brain-dead throw everything on the board + tap. No skill involved, no good plays, just plonking everything on the board so fast that it can't be dealt with.

Handlock / Punishes the opponent for playing the game, rewards the player for not playing the game as long as possible.

Secret Hunter / Punishes the opponent for playing the game.


Multiple Brawls! :).

Haha....but in all seriousness as a "I wish I was better Control Warrior player", Control Warrior is always so intense versus Handlock.... Versus handlock you need to have, essentially, 5 hard removals / be aware you need to remove 5 big mf'ers and plan accordingly. I joke about Brawls, but since usually Handlocks will play the big guys in pairs (or 3 minions at a time with an argus or sunfury), Brawl will usually clear at least one big guy out. Your own minions will make the % increase even further.

2 big Shield Slams and 2 executes should deal with the remaining giants, then you just rush him down and try to kill him after he Jaraxxus'. So far I've won the majority over the last week trying to follow these guidelines, but it's close every time. Due to the way the draws work, usually a buffed Frothing or Alexstracza has to be on Giant duty.

Zoo lock is hoping you mulligan'ng correctly and have AE / Brawls / Aboms / Slams / not be afraid to blow Executes on little guys. Actually had a Zoolock BM me last night due to executing / Fiery Winaxing two void walkers, slamming a knife juggler, Abom murdering three of his minions by itself and taking out the bubble on a scarlet crusader and the follow up Baron Geddon wiping out the remaining minions after that. Never seen a Zoolock intentionally let the timer go down while spouting emotes, before, since they're usually about going as fast as possible.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
What the fuck? Sarcasm?

$90 worth of gold is not low at all. Magic 2015 is coming out next month and is $10 which also has PvE. Took me a month just to save 1000 without spending it.

There was a time I had over 4k only a month after playing.. then I spent it all!

I save about 1k a week with fairly casual play. I'd say I play more than a casual person but with less fervor than a hardcore player. I have about a 75% win rate in casual and average 6-8 wins in my weekly arena so gold saves up pretty fast. If I didn't buy some packs in the last few weeks I'd have around 6k now.

Just start saving now. You'll regret it when we have all the cool new cards and you don't.



Decks that need to go die in a fire;

Zoolock / Brain-dead throw everything on the board + tap. No skill involved, no good plays, just plonking everything on the board so fast that it can't be dealt with.

You can build against Zoo using most decks, really. Also make sure you include Blood Knights in your decks - those hurt Zoo a lot. It works this way - if there's a lot of Zoo, put a lot of taunt + aoe removal in your deck.

Handlock / Punishes the opponent for playing the game, rewards the player for not playing the game as long as possible.

Handlock is vulnerable to rushdown and heavy control.

The biggest problem is that against Lock you have no clue which of the big 2 decks are being played, so it's hard to mulligan against.

Parasite Priest / Wow, you're really owning this priest huh? Oh wait lolno, he Thoughtstole your Jenkins, a Shadowstep and 2x Cold Blood. You're dead now. Wow, through a series of plays you got this really powerful minion on your side of the board that he can't possibl- lolno, Mind Control. Your opponent now has the minion you spent several cards on buffing and destroyed your copy for just playing a single card. Wow, you got a really great opening against this Priest and it'll most likely win you the ga- LOLNO Mindgames > Ysera. Wow, this Priest is dead unless he somehow has Leeroy, like I have in my hand right now. Mind Vision > Leeroy.

Are you seriously complaining about MINDGAMES AND MIND VISION? They are 2 of the worst cards in a Priest deck - Mindgames is only ever remotely useful against a deck that is filled with 5+ cost creatures (basically, only against Ramp Druids - even Control Warriors have a lot of low cost minions) and Mind Vision is shit 99% of the time. The *only* upside to Mind Vision is that since it doesn't draw from your deck, you don't get one less card from your deck so you can't trigger Fatigue. It's still horrible and relies on your opponent having good stuff for you in his hand.

Yeah, there are times where Thoughtsteal will grab shit like Shadowstep x2, Cold Bloods, legendaries, etc. Then there's times where Thoughtsteal will grab a fucking Goldshire Footman. It really, *really* is 100% RNG. You shouldn't lose to it too often. Thoughtsteal is also badly played a lot - you generally do not want to play Thoughtsteal too early. It can only be played if you don't have anything else in your hand or if you have free mana, otherwise it's a complete loss of tempo.

Stall Mage / When they get the right draws, they will win regardless of the quality of the opponent's plays or cards due to being able to freeze the board and/or stall on every turn.

While this is annoying for sure, the "When they get the right draws" is where you run into problems - this is a huge WHEN YOU GET THE RIGHT DRAWS, which really isn't guaranteed. I play a Stall Mage once in a while, and believe me you will *not* get the cards you want that often. Mage is generally lacking in effective card draw - you need to pack your deck with Engineers, Loot Horders and crappy card draw (Gadgetzan doesn't cut it because half of your stalls cost 6+ mana). The fact of the matter is Stall Mage really isn't competitive. Really.

Secret Hunter / Punishes the opponent for playing the game.

You can work around every secret in the game (I would say bar Explosive Trap, because, well, no matter what you do you get 2 damage everywhere). You can still work around it by not attacking, but that's dumb :)

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
There is nothing more fun than playing around hunter traps. I can hear them screaming.


Have 600 gold now.

What to do.

Do 4 arena runs? My average is 6 wins this month. Kind of afraid to do this cause I only got 3 wins on last one.

Buy 6 packs?

Save for Naxx?


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
How fucking oblivious is Blizzard to nerf Hunters who were fading out of the meta already and not touch Zoo at all

How do you nerf zoo without changing the hero ability. It's such a luck deck. Reynad, the guy who made the deck, rage quit his stream last night after failing to get past rank 8 with his zoo. It's not a perfect deck at all, it's just so quick you can make the climb quicker. Watching Reynad play it you actually see how much skill is involved in placement, soulfire use, and what to trade. It is not a brainless deck.

Have 600 gold now.

What to do.

Do 4 arena runs? My average is 6 wins this month. Kind of afraid to do this cause I only got 3 wins on last one.

Buy 6 packs?

Save for Naxx?


Just save for Naxx.


Neo Member
Have 600 gold now.

What to do.

Do 4 arena runs? My average is 6 wins this month. Kind of afraid to do this cause I only got 3 wins on last one.

Buy 6 packs?

Save for Naxx?


I had 2k gold and then spent 1k on packs. Then I decided that 1000 was my "minimum" and that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I stayed above 1000 gold (because I wanted gold for Nax). So I play arena when I have 1000-1800 gold and then I buy 5-10 packs when I get up to 2k.

So maybe you can pick a number of gold that represents the first buyable tier in the Nax expansion and play arena when you have gold above that. Then if you reach enough gold to buy the second buyable tier in nax, you can make that your new minimum and keep playing arena. And whenever you go below your minimum due to arena-mishaps, you can go back to doing only challenges and casual/ranked until you are above the minimum again.

Probably a bit more "specific" reply than you were hoping for, but it's one possible way of doing things without running into gold-trouble :)


needs to show more effort.
How fucking oblivious is Blizzard to nerf Hunters who were fading out of the meta already and not touch Zoo at all
I don't think there really is a way to nerf zoo without going after the warlock hero power which would potentially destroy the entire class. The overall strategy of Zoo is just so sound and resilient, that there will always be cards to support it. Zoo doesn't really care if this or that card is nerfed because it will just move on to the next most efficient minion. I mean it was nerfed when flame imp, shattered sun cleric, blood imp, and dark iron dwarf were nerfed and yet it's still here.

There is no single card in Zoo that is critical to its success. It's just the warlock hero power + whatever the most efficient minions in the game are at the current moment.


I had 2k gold and then spent 1k on packs. Then I decided that 1000 was my "minimum" and that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I stayed above 1000 gold (because I wanted gold for Nax). So I play arena when I have 1000-1800 gold and then I buy 5-10 packs when I get up to 2k.

So maybe you can pick a number of gold that represents the first buyable tier in the Nax expansion and play arena when you have gold above that. Then if you reach enough gold to buy the second buyable tier in nax, you can make that your new minimum and keep playing arena. And whenever you go below your minimum due to arena-mishaps, you can go back to doing only challenges and casual/ranked until you are above the minimum again.

Probably a bit more "specific" reply than you were hoping for, but it's one possible way of doing things without running into gold-trouble :)

I did this with running Arena, so every time I want to run Arena I have to have a 100 gold more then I did last time.

Kind of hard thought cause I want some new cards.

Maybe I should just allow myself to buy 15 euro worth of cards a month or something, not like I play any other games atm and if I think of what I spent on Magic in high school...


There was a time I had over 4k only a month after playing.. then I spent it all!

I save about 1k a week with fairly casual play. I'd say I play more than a casual person but with less fervor than a hardcore player. I have about a 75% win rate in casual and average 6-8 wins in my weekly arena so gold saves up pretty fast. If I didn't buy some packs in the last few weeks I'd have around 6k now.

Just start saving now. You'll regret it when we have all the cool new cards and you don't.
I think if your definition of "fairly casual play" puts you in the upper 3-5% of players, it's not all that casual. :D


Unconfirmed Member
Clam down son. I'm not saying they can die in a fire because "OMG SO OP" or because they are too viable or competitive, I say they can die in a fire because those decks are generally massively unfun to play against because they rely not on good plays but on good draws and punishing the opponent for playing the game. Sure you can counter 'deck X' with 'deck Y', but that doesn't make deck X fun to play against.

I'm not complaining about MIND GAMES and MIND VISION, I am complaining about Priests running MIND GAMES and MIND VISION and then winning solely due to the fact that they get my perfect combo out of it. No, they're not viable or competitive, but they are horribly unfun to play against. Creating a deck around a certain combo, and then having a Priest steal that combo and play it earlier is not a fun or good play, it's just bullshit.

With Mage it's the same thing; no, I'm not complaining that they're too viable or competitive, I'm complaining that they're not fun to play against. When all your plays, no matter the quality, can be countered every single turn, the only thing you're doing is just sitting there as a spectator waiting for your opponent to deliver the finishing blow. That is not fun nor is it a 'good play' on the opponent's part. Oh, and 'WHEN YOU GET THE RIGHT DRAWS' isn't as ridiculously hard as you make it sound. It happens pretty often.

Same with Hunter. Yeah sure, you can play around secrets, but mostly by wasting a full turn, some cards and a minion / attack. When my opponent is playing a new secret every turn and I have to play around each secret every turn, with just triggering a secret leading to a benefit for the Hunter, it stops being fun and starts being annoying.

The point with the decks I listed is not that they are too viable or too powerful (except for Zoolock and Handlock maybe), it's that they are based around non-plays and / or punishing the opposing player for playing, and that is incredibly not fun to play against and even more incredibly not fun to lose against.


After 100 wins on my control warrior i'm sitting at rank 3. I swear every damn player has either a gold class background or a legend card back at this rank. Losing the will to play ranked as i'm having so much fun playing OTK mage and wisp/miracle rogue in casual.
I did a little calculation:
Each expert pack contains 5 cards, at least one of them is rare or better.
That's a minimum of 40 dust per pack.
Crafting a legendary cost 1600 dust, which means if you are unlucky you'll have to buy 40 packs just just one legendary(which is 60$ in real money).
Of course,getting golden cards or Epics can help a little,but it is still way too difficult to get legendaries in this game.


I did a little calculation:
Each expert pack contains 5 cards, at least one of them is rare or better.
That's a minimum of 40 dust per pack.
Crafting a legendary cost 1600 dust, which means if you are unlucky you'll have to buy 40 packs just just one legendary(which is 60$ in real money).
Of course,getting golden cards or Epics can help a little,but it is still way too difficult to get legendaries in this game.

You get a Leg one in every 20 packs approx though, so the cost is HALF of that.


I did a little calculation:
Each expert pack contains 5 cards, at least one of them is rare or better.
That's a minimum of 40 dust per pack.
Crafting a legendary cost 1600 dust, which means if you are unlucky you'll have to buy 40 packs just just one legendary(which is 60$ in real money).
Of course,getting golden cards or Epics can help a little,but it is still way too difficult to get legendaries in this game.

It's already been calculated that the average dust per pack is about 107 - 109. You'll have to be the unluckiest man alive to not get dust to craft at least two legendaries after purchasing 40 packs. Now thats not even counting the fact that you should get on average one legendary every 20 packs, so you'll likely get closer to 3 legendaries per 40 packs if you dust everything else down.


Clam down son. I'm not saying they can die in a fire because "OMG SO OP" or because they are too viable or competitive, I say they can die in a fire because those decks are generally massively unfun to play against because they rely not on good plays but on good draws and punishing the opponent for playing the game. Sure you can counter 'deck X' with 'deck Y', but that doesn't make deck X fun to play against.

I'm not complaining about MIND GAMES and MIND VISION, I am complaining about Priests running MIND GAMES and MIND VISION and then winning solely due to the fact that they get my perfect combo out of it. No, they're not viable or competitive, but they are horribly unfun to play against. Creating a deck around a certain combo, and then having a Priest steal that combo and play it earlier is not a fun or good play, it's just bullshit.

With Mage it's the same thing; no, I'm not complaining that they're too viable or competitive, I'm complaining that they're not fun to play against. When all your plays, no matter the quality, can be countered every single turn, the only thing you're doing is just sitting there as a spectator waiting for your opponent to deliver the finishing blow. That is not fun nor is it a 'good play' on the opponent's part. Oh, and 'WHEN YOU GET THE RIGHT DRAWS' isn't as ridiculously hard as you make it sound. It happens pretty often.

Same with Hunter. Yeah sure, you can play around secrets, but mostly by wasting a full turn, some cards and a minion / attack. When my opponent is playing a new secret every turn and I have to play around each secret every turn, with just triggering a secret leading to a benefit for the Hunter, it stops being fun and starts being annoying.

The point with the decks I listed is not that they are too viable or too powerful (except for Zoolock and Handlock maybe), it's that they are based around non-plays and / or punishing the opposing player for playing, and that is incredibly not fun to play against and even more incredibly not fun to lose against.

Regardless of what you say or complain about, is there a single deck that is fun to play against? I mean, unless you dominate the opponent, there's no deck that's genuinely fun to play against, so I don't understand why you're raging so much :)

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I think if your definition of "fairly casual play" puts you in the upper 3-5% of players, it's not all that casual. :D

I make about 120 gold a day from daily quest and grinding out wins in casual or ranked. I choose casual for gold because win rate is higher as people try crazy/new/not as good decks there and I play a heavy net deck. I play about 2 hours a day total early in the morning or late at night, on the weekends more as I have free time from my kids..also commute a lot. One arena a week where I average maybe 50-100 gold back. About 1000 gold a week for random, normal play. Obviously it's lower if I lose a lot or get a stream of 40g quests even after rerolling.

How is this the upper 3-5%? My highest rank ever was 9 and I've spent $0.


Gold Member
It's already been calculated that the average dust per pack is about 107 - 109. You'll have to be the unluckiest man alive to not get dust to craft at least two legendaries after purchasing 40 packs. Now thats not even counting the fact that you should get on average one legendary every 20 packs, so you'll likely get closer to 3 legendaries per 40 packs if you dust everything else down.

That number only factors in dusting golden legendaries etc though right? And you're only going to see those averages over a large number of packs, 1,000s or so, not over 20 packs or less, which will skew closer to the 40 dust number, as a 40 dust pack is the most common pack you can open.

I say this because most people don't want to dust non-excess cards, and many people don't want to dust usable golden legends, so acquiring ~3,000 dust or so from packs can be difficult unless you're willing to dust everything, even cards you have a single copy of and are good. Heck, some people don't even want to dust excess cards, unless it's a nerfed card, like the people who cashed out 1,000+ dust from the recent UTH nerf on just excess UTHs alone.


will you be able to play the single player campaign without connection?
I really wish I could just practice during car drives or public commuting..no i-net connection on my ipad, though.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Isn't a pack 60 dust? One rare, four commons?

I dust EVERYTHING that isn't good or I don't play. Collector mentality in this game hurts you early on. The investment in good cards will come back to you in more knowledge/wins meaning more gold meaning more packs meaning you can now collect again.


Unconfirmed Member
Regardless of what you say or complain about, is there a single deck that is fun to play against? I mean, unless you dominate the opponent, there's no deck that's genuinely fun to play against, so I don't understand why you're raging so much :)

I have trouble understanding this sentence. Are you implying that you can only have fun when you are dominating your opponent? That's... weird. I have fun playing against decks / people that make good plays. I don't mind things going pretty evenly against an opponent that makes good plays and counter-plays, I think that that is exactly the thing that makes this game fun. Hell, I don't even mind getting smacked down by players that just make better plays than me. In the end I still witnessed good plays and learned something new. What I'm 'raging' about are, again, decks centered around non-plays like just stalling until you have lethal / just throwing everything on the board without a thought / playing a secret every turn so that the opponent needs to waste every turn playing around one / relying on getting good cards from your opponent instead of making your own deck and/or combos / etc.


Gold Member
You guys see the leaked Naxx pricing on Hearthpwn? ~$90 for all of it...hard to believe at this point.

Go back to post 7394, I mentioned it a little and a few people commented.

I think the $ pricing is fake, it would actively discourage people from paying money for it priced that high.

I'm half-surprised that thread is still open and/or a blue didn't dismiss it as fake yet. I completely expect them to say it's fake if they address it, because $90 is just too out there.


Suddenly running into a bunch of mages at the 10-15 ranks for some reason; all of them seem to be running some fairly wank cards like mirror images and arcane missiles as well.


Well people pay 90 bucks for 36 boosters in MTG and they get only a fraction of a set with that sum. 60 should guarantee you all the Naxx cards right?
Go back to post 7394, I mentioned it a little and a few people commented.

I think the $ pricing is fake, it would actively discourage people from paying money for it priced that high.

I'm half-surprised that thread is still open and/or a blue didn't dismiss it as fake yet. I completely expect them to say it's fake if they address it, because $90 is just too out there.


And I haven't seen this confirmed one way or another anywhere - has Blizzard specified that the new Naxx game board will integrate into regular pvp games as well?



So I finally drafted a good Rogue deck!

Got a golden Lorewalker Cho.

This card isn't good in anything is it? Seems completely gimmicky. I've never seen anyone use it.

It's one of the best legendaries!

To get as golden because you immediately dust him anyway.


wank cards? How so?

They're wank because they're wank.

Like many of the mage cards, mirror images just acts to delay, rather than providing any real advantage to build upon. Meanwhile arcane missiles is just pure rng; you could get the same effect basically with a Mad bomber, but you have a decent minion at the end

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Dust it and make Harrison.

Unless they uncouple the gold/money ratio, I don't think it can go above 2k for the adventure mode. That's already $30.

I'd assume the money option is cheaper than the gold option. 2k anyone could save if they started now.


They're wank because they're wank.

Like many of the mage cards, mirror images just acts to delay, rather than providing any real advantage to build upon. Meanwhile arcane missiles is just pure rng; you could get the same effect basically with a Mad bomber, but you have a decent minion at the end

Sorry those arent wank in constructed in combo with mana wyrm/knife juggler.


Dust it and make Harrison.

I'd assume the money option is cheaper than the gold option. 2k anyone could save if they started now.

They have to think about new players as well. Long timers will hardly be affected by w/e price they decide on. It's the new player that has to decide between an arena/(pack)/or this that they have to be concerned with.


Gold Member
Got a golden Lorewalker Cho.

This card isn't good in anything is it? Seems completely gimmicky. I've never seen anyone use it.

The plus side is every card it copies for you will become golden... that's a nice enough gimmick, sure is an easier way to get a golden coin than trying to assemble a completely golden deck.
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