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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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If it was me, I'd use my minions to kills the Abomination, then play Doomguard onto an empty board and go 5 to the face. The opponent would have to deal with a 5/7 at the start of his turn.

Which is what the original post was saying should have happened. Instead, he Soulfire'd the Abom, lost his board, and discarded Doomguard.

I'm confused :x


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I, too, enjoy drafting Miracle Rogue.

I guess I finally figured out Rogue. Fuck tempo. Fuck value. Draft miracles all day errday.


You guys have much more luck with your rogue drafts than I do. Most of the time I barely get any weapons, no bloody poison and few useful spells. Of course no Epics either.

Velcro Fly

So I've been in the mood for a card game lately so I'm downloading this. I've watched streams a little bit and I've played WoW so that aspect will be familiar.


Just finished an absolutely pitiful 2-3 Hunter run with a draft I thought would do alright and got another neat consolation pack:

Already got everything but Counterspell but can't complain about dat dust!
So I'm just getting into this and I had a question

What's largely considered the top tier classes? Or just ranked 1-9 classes

...I also folded and bought 7 packs :p
Not at the lower levels. I've got my best win rates with it so far.

The benefits of not coming up against as many handlock/miracle rogue decks...

It's just that anything you would want a Paladin deck to do (control, aggro, gimmicks), another deck will absolutely do it better. I think making the hero power summon a 2/2 or a 1/2 would be the only way to even make the class remotely viable now


You guys have much more luck with your rogue drafts than I do. Most of the time I barely get any weapons, no bloody poison and few useful spells. Of course no Epics either.

I think with rogue it's mostly about the commons, really. That 12-1 deck of mine had no poison, no legendaries, not many rares, and the only epic was MCT, which was always going to be just a 3/3 body since there was no way I'd allow the opponent to keep minions on the board. The rares were good, though - Perdition's Blade and Azure Drake in particular helped retain control and offense without running completely out of cards. Master of Disguise was surprisingly valuable in one or two games since it allowed my Cult Master to survive in a pinch while in board disadvantage, which in turn allowed me to trade efficiently and restart my slow burn offense on the following turn.

Was really fun playing that deck. It felt like classic MtG control - a lot of the time I was willing to eg. dagger an opponent's 6/3 creature, take all that damage to the face and go down to 15 life just for a single card advantage and to keep a single 2/3 creature alive against their empty board, gnawing away.


Paladin is pretty awful in constructed, wow

I've soared up the rankings with a Paladin having never really gotten above 17 with other decks, now I'm in the 10s. And my deck isn't exactly overflowing with legendaries - I'm even missing a bunch of epics to finish it.


It's just that anything you would want a Paladin deck to do (control, aggro, gimmicks), another deck will absolutely do it better. I think making the hero power summon a 2/2 or a 1/2 would be the only way to even make the class remotely viable now

I'd say changing it from 1/1 to 2/2 would take it from the worst hero power to possibly the best.


He has a chance to get Doomguard back, since he probably has 2 in his deck. Zoolocks want to have a lot of minions on the board to chip away at the opponent's health. Defender of Argus can turn them into taunts as well.

Who ended up winning the match?

I did.

The main point, though, is that the Abom's deathrattle is 2 damage to everything. He had 4 damage on the board from minions who would die anyways when the deathrattle went off. Wasting a soulfire on it, losing a doomguard via the random card loss, and watching his minions melt from the deathrattle was the absolute worst play he could've done.

He should've just suicided the three minions into it and killed the Abom as the minions were doomed anyways unless he had a silence as soon as I played it.


It's just that anything you would want a Paladin deck to do (control, aggro, gimmicks), another deck will absolutely do it better. I think making the hero power summon a 2/2 or a 1/2 would be the only way to even make the class remotely viable now
1/1 with charge?

Probably too strong with the buff possibilities.


Neo Member
I'm not that great at Hearthstone but I'm rank 5 so far with my paladin deck. The hero power is powerful if you combine it with something. Like Blessings of Kings for surprise attack, Equality for finishing off stuff, argent for shield, sword of justice for 2/2 (combined with argent for 3/3 with taunt), shattered sun cleric and such. And it helps that people are afraid of buffed token minions so they spend a lot of their damage potential just trying to clean them out, which helps me a lot in the long run.

It's not great, but very helpful if you run a deck that can support it a bit.
Speaking of Hero powers, I wish the Shaman's healing totem still healed the hero. Also, I wish Shaman could choose which totem they get.

Yeah, that's the dream.


So, is that a new meta thing or was I just lucky enough to not have to play any of those thoughtstealer priests before?

I must admit I was nerd-raging pretty badly when I played three of them yesterday. Feels like playing myself constantly and makes me feel like the opponent didn't put any thought in his deck because he keeps playing with my cards constantly:

Copying cards from my deck, copying cards from my hand, taking over minions to their side and so on. I know you can only have two cards of each outside of Arena but hell, it felt like much more than that -.-

Obviously it doesn't help that THEY know how to play my deck better than I do :p (practicing with Trump's free Mage deck when I am not leveling up my other classes in ranked).
I'd say changing it from 1/1 to 2/2 would take it from the worst hero power to possibly the best.

1/1 with charge?

Probably too strong with the buff possibilities.

It'll probably be too good, yeah, but Paladin's hero power really shouldn't be so much worse than every other class's, even if he does have some good cards and could probably be "balanced" with the addition of some more good cards. Maybe he needs his own versions of shadowform that enhance it or change it somehow, sort of like sword of justice but not as vanilla.


I think with rogue it's mostly about the commons, really. That 12-1 deck of mine had no poison, no legendaries, not many rares, and the only epic was MCT, which was always going to be just a 3/3 body since there was no way I'd allow the opponent to keep minions on the board. The rares were good, though - Perdition's Blade and Azure Drake in particular helped retain control and offense without running completely out of cards. Master of Disguise was surprisingly valuable in one or two games since it allowed my Cult Master to survive in a pinch while in board disadvantage, which in turn allowed me to trade efficiently and restart my slow burn offense on the following turn.

Yeah my last rogue had none of that, it was pretty depressing to play :p

Not as broken as this!


Well yeah but that requires a Legendary.
Paladin hero power 1/2 minion. Solved!

I was about to post this reading the above comments :)
It'll probably be too good, yeah, but Paladin's hero power really shouldn't be so much worse than every other class's, even if he does have some good cards and could probably be "balanced" with the addition of some more good cards. Maybe he needs his own versions of shadowform that enhance it or change it somehow, sort of like sword of justice but not as vanilla.
I don't think Paladin power is worse than Warrior's or Priest's in a vacuum. Warrior actually has a very awful hero power in a vacuum, it doesn't affect the board or generate card advantage or really do much of anything. Warrior is only good because of Class Cards, including some that make the hero power less bad (Shield Slam) and also because of particular metas (especially when Aggro Hunter is popular).

Paladin power has plenty of potential synergy with things like Ghoul or Cult Master or buffs, I just think Paladin needs better class cards. Poster child for this is the secrets which are all terrible. Hand of Protection and Humility are bad. Avenging Wrath isn't great. I actually think it's much better to fix Paladin by fixing the class cards, since an OP hero power has a much worse effect on game balance than a couple of cards. If anything, Warlock's hero power needs to be toned down for exactly this reason. And one reason Blizzard can't buff Mage too much is because their hero power is also borderline OP.
Isn't the Warrior's hero power just a weaker version of the Priest's hero power?
Both effectively add 2 to your health,but the Priest's power can also be used on minions, while the Warrior has just the small advantage of letting you have more than 30 HP.

Not as broken as this!


Why does it appear as a hero power?
Illidan Stormrage's text says nothing about hero power


Isn't the Warrior's hero power just a weaker version of the Priest's hero power?
Both effectively add 2 to your health,but the Priest's power can also be used on minions, while the Warrior has just the small advantage of letting you have more than 30 HP.

It's not a small advantage. There's also synergy with Shield Slam.. which is an epic, but arguably one of the absolute strongest ones out there. Hero Power + Shield Block + Shield Slam will take out a Boulderfist Ogre, gain 7 health, and draw a card for 6 mana.


Shield slam should subtract the armour you're hitting the minion with from your total. (i.e. 10 armour -> shield slam a boulderfist ogre = 3 armour) Alternatively, it could subtract the attack value of the minion.

When did they add that one?
He's one of the tutorial fights.

Velcro Fly

I just won my first game against an actual person! It was some super defensive warrior that kept armoring up. Eventually I was able to keep putting things out with charge and the damage got too high too quickly! I'm a total noob but it felt good to win! Should probably work on the other classes besides my noob mage.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Shield slam should subtract the armour you're hitting the minion with from your total. (i.e. 10 armour -> shield slam a boulderfist ogre = 3 armour) Alternatively, it could subtract the attack value of the minion.



Gold Member

I sort of expected it to work that way too, at first. It's priced as cheaply as Druid's hard removal, but the drawback for the druid is way worse imo (opponent draws 2 cards vs you need armor).

I don't see Paladin hero being overly weak, it's always a crutch to me if playing against paladin, since they can just use a single minion as hard removal with many cards. I fear a Paladin token more than a Shaman one when playing against them, but oddly I hate getting the 1/1 as a Shaman player most of the time.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I sort of expected it to work that way too, at first. It's priced as cheaply as Druid's hard removal, but the drawback for the druid is way worse imo (opponent draws 2 cards vs you need armor).

Yeah, but there are plenty of times when shield slam is a dead card for me as 2 damage will do nothing. On the other hand, when I have 30 armor, it's the best spell in game. And if I did need the 2 damage, but then it drained my 2 armor that I also needed to stay alive from hunter hero.. ugh. If they nerfed shield slam I'd want execute to be able to target friendly targets.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Which sucks cause discard decks are my favorite. It'd kill this game though. Not enough draw mechanics and decks too small.


Unconfirmed Member

This would've been an amazing counter vs. Handlock.

Only real thing you can do now is force your opponent to draw more cards than he can have in his hands. You'd have to build a deck around it though. Like going Rogue with Lorewalker Cho, spamming your opponent with cheap spells, then playing stuff like Vanish (to clear his board), Coldlight Oracle (kill 2 cards from his deck) or Sap (destroy an enemy minion), and then getting back whatever spells he uses to get rid of Cho.
I think 1/1 Paladin tokens are fine as is, but that there need to be a greater synergy between the Paladin hero power and their class cards. Sure, you can buff the tokens, but you'd much rather buff other minions you got out. There's stuff that strictly benefit from having multiple minions on the board and/or dying, but the problem is just how weak the paladin tokens are - at least the shaman totems can 3/4 times survive to fan of knives and other 1dmg AOE spells.

So maybe 1/2 stats would help with the paladin, or a 3 cost spell that turns the Paladin into a Scarlet Paladin that summons 1/1 divine shield Scarlet Crusader Recruits (and the second time the spell is played, you summon 1/2 divine shield Scarlet Crusader Adepts.)

Or heck, give the Paladin some Aura-spells that give a beneficial effect for three rounds or until the Paladin is hit, like a Devotion Aura that prevents spells or hero powers to target your minions.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I would definitely run a mental collapse deck. There needs to be more decks built around a card/strategy like that. Miracle rogue is the only cool mechanic deck out there. Lock decks are completely reliant on the hero power. Other classes just feel like a mish mash of cards. Like my control war has some cute combos but the deck isn't built on that, it's just built on holding out as long as possible.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So maybe 1/2 stats would help with the paladin, or a 3 cost spell that turns the Paladin into a Scarlet Paladin that summons 1/1 divine shield Scarlet Crusader Recruits (and the second time the spell is played, you summon 1/2 divine shield Scarlet Crusader Adepts.)

And suddenly, everyone starts carrying blood knights in their deck.

Edit: Mental Collapse would also be a big buff to murloc decks.


Just finished an absolutely pitiful 2-3 Hunter run with a draft I thought would do alright and got another neat consolation pack:

Already got everything but Counterspell but can't complain about dat dust!

I'm thinking about disenchanting my al'akir too. It's the first and only legendary I have; I am very unlucky.


Which sucks cause discard decks are my favorite. It'd kill this game though. Not enough draw mechanics and decks too small.

I love all kinds of denial and "loose control" decks. I loved to play an ultra-low mana MtG control deck that mutually denied mana to both players with Winter Orbs and did sneaky stuff to dominate in that constrained environment.

Unfortunately Hearthstone doesn't allow much consistency, especially early game, so decks that need to execute delicate strategies early are out. The total absence of useful search cards is the worst.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Well we just have to remember we're basically still in beta (or maybe unlimited I guess). We're only just about to get our Arabian Nights.
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