So what're some of the opinions on Grommash here? I ran him in my Warrior for a while, but I've now thrown him out for Jenkins. I just don't like sitting on Whirlwind (which is so useful in a lot of situations) just so I can later enrage Gromm with it, or having to wait for any other specific card in my deck that I put in specifically to enrage Gromm before being able to play him. And without the instant enrage, Gromm just isn't worth that much to me since he'll just be a 4 ATK battering ram that will be killed the next turn by SW
, BGH, Execute, any minion that can take it out or just general removal like Hex or Polymorph. Leeroy does 2 more damage, costs half the Mana, and when you have a Berserker on your board, you will benefit massively from Leeroy + Whirlwind, giving Leeroy a secondary use. Sure, if you're winning the game, Grommash will make you win it more, but Leeroy is just so much more useful in more situations IMO.