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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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There are several questions with that card:

Does it trigger death rattles? IF yes, that's very OP
If used on a minion with charge who has already attacked, can that minion attack again? If yes, it's basically a two mana shadowstep

If it does both, it might be the best card in the game. The card can be used in combination with:
Cairne: to basically get an extra Baine Bloodhoof for two mana, and return your Cairne to hull health
Sylvanas: To have an opportunity to steal two enemy minions. Get to turn 7 with Shaman, throw down Sylvanas, throw down rebirth on Sylvanas, steal a minion, and still have Sylvanas on board. That is INSANE
Leeroy: As a finisher with shadowstep like utility
I'm calling it now, that card will be nerfed in the future

So turn 10 (or 9 with coin) throw down Sylvanas, put Ancestral Spirit on Sylvanas, put rebirth on Sylvanas, steal a enemy minion and have two Sylvanas's on board? Seriously?


Unconfirmed Member
That card has the potential to be horribly OP.

Leeroy + Ancestral Spirit + Rebirth + Rebirth = 24 damage, 2 Leeroy on the board, only 2 Whelps for opponent.

Cairne + AS + RE = 2 Cairne, 1 Baine on the board.

AS + RE = Friendly Faceless Manipulator for 1 less Mana that also triggers the Deathrattle of the cloned minion without killing it.

Sylvanas + AS + RE = 2 Sylvanas on the board + Mind Control a random enemy minion.

Nerubian Egg + Rivendare + RE + RE = Rivendare, Nerubian Egg and 4 4/4 Nerubian on the board.

Doubles as soft-Silence or a heal that triggers a Deathrattle.


I sincerely hope I'm wrong on this one.
I'm calling it now, that card will be nerfed in the future

So turn 10 (or 9 with coin) throw down Sylvanas, put Ancestral Spirit on Sylvanas, put rebirth on Sylvanas, steal a enemy minion and have two Sylvanas's on board? Seriously?

And let's assume they already have the "triggers deathrattle twice" minion on the board for maximum fun.

But hey, maybe this is how Priest will get buffed. The only class with Mass Dispel!


Is this game becoming increasingly stupid or am I missing something?

Lost twice recently to Rogues that played Leeroy Jenkins 3 times in one turn. And other than that I'm basically seeing nothing but highly aggressive hunters and warlocks. I'm playing Shaman and was doing great up until about rank 8, now I've hit a wall of ridicoulous opponents. Everything is to the face, and then of course some cheap board clears once in a while.


Is this game becoming increasingly stupid or am I missing something?

Lost twice recently to Rogues that played Leeroy Jenkins 3 times in one turn. And other than that I'm basically seeing nothing but highly aggressive hunters and warlocks. I'm playing Shaman and was doing great up until about rank 8, now I've hit a wall of ridicoulous opponents. Everything is to the face, and then of course some cheap board clears once in a while.

no handlocks, ramp druids, control warriors? Sign me up for that
Is this game becoming increasingly stupid or am I missing something?

Lost twice recently to Rogues that played Leeroy Jenkins 3 times in one turn. And other than that I'm basically seeing nothing but highly aggressive hunters and warlocks. I'm playing Shaman and was doing great up until about rank 8, now I've hit a wall of ridicoulous opponents. Everything is to the face, and then of course some cheap board clears once in a while.

Leeroy with single and or double shadowstep (with possible cold blood) is the big finisher of miracle rogue, witch is all the rage these days. You have to rush down miracle rogue and hope they don't draw Gadgetzan Auctioneer, or you're fucked. If Miracle Rogue gets decent draws, there isn't much you can do at this point.

That sweet sound of the meta changing.


What, no one is using taunts these days?
I don't see how Leeroy can work when your opponent has a minion with taunt
0 mana backstab, 2 mana bladeflurry ( i think) = 3 damage to all enemy minions + extra 2 for the big taunt, leaves 8 mana for triple Leeroy. Something like that was at least 1 of the occasions. Other times, yeah sap for example. Board control doesn't count for much these days.


The best feeling in the world when someone bm you halfway through the game (usually mage using skillstrike) and you manage to survive with extremely low health and spend the the last turn bming until the last second and finishing him off.
so fucking satisfying.


Gold Member
Mmm. Shamans + Cairne BFF's 4 lyfe.

I dunno, I think a 10-mana instant double mind control (using two rebirths, even if it is RNG) that leaves another 5/5 RNG Mind control on your board is probably going to be even more the highlight than a 10 mana 24 point damage finisher.

Edit: Did I mention you're getting 3-6 mind controls for 10 mana (depending on if that other guy that doubles death rattles is already on the board)? Damn.
Yup, RNG mind control one enemy minion and put two Sylvanas on the board for 10 mana (Sylvanas + Ancestral Spirit + Rebirth) is the definition of OP. This is an absolute Ramp Druid destroyer


0 mana backstab, 2 mana bladeflurry ( i think) = 3 damage to all enemy minions + extra 2 for the big taunt, leaves 8 mana for triple Leeroy. Something like that was at least 1 of the occasions. Other times, yeah sap for example. Board control doesn't count for much these days.
You are mistaken,in many case board control is everything.


I finally made it to legend! Played the kit kat warrior throughout the whole season. 161 wins and I only ever switched 3 cards (swapping between harrison jones, sylvanas and a second azure drake). It's taken a hell of a long time to craft this deck but in the end it was well worth it, it's the most consistent deck i've played. I also met very few miracle rogues on my journey, the only real counter to the deck, guess they're dying out?
I finally made it to legend! Played the kit kat warrior throughout the whole season. 161 wins and I only ever switched 3 cards (swapping between harrison jones, sylvanas and a second azure drake). It's taken a hell of a long time to craft this deck but in the end it was well worth it, it's the most consistent deck i've played. I also met very few miracle rogues on my journey, the only real counter to the deck, guess they're dying out?

What's that number there(481)?


What's that number there(481)?

Thats your rank in Legend, when you become legend you get a ranking within it and winning or losing games will lower or raise that number. The idea is to get to rank 1 legend, as far as I know only one person is ever at one rank so theres only one player sitting at rank 1 legend and so forth. Really cant be bothered to climb though, time to play stupid decks!
0 mana backstab, 2 mana bladeflurry ( i think) = 3 damage to all enemy minions + extra 2 for the big taunt, leaves 8 mana for triple Leeroy. Something like that was at least 1 of the occasions. Other times, yeah sap for example. Board control doesn't count for much these days.

Maintaining board control is actually critical for avoiding these sorts of situations, because you need to make sure that they're never safe to have a gadgetzan lying around and that they are actively punished for being conservative with removals in the early game. Rogues have to use spells and weapons to fight for board control before they can set up their combo, and that means exchanging health and cards which are both resources they need later on. Rogue spells and cards are all very good, and really the most difficult part about playing the class is pretty much always having an answer in your hand for whatever the opponent just played, but knowing you can't play it without having the proper pieces in place.

If a Rogue is allowed to repeatedly just hero power to your face and play almost no cards to get to turn 7/8, or if they are allowed to play an unconcealed gadgetzan without it dying next turn, then you're going to have a bad time. But if they're forced to sap your yeti/senjin on turn 4, or they're forced to spend a backstab and an eviscerate, or if they need to shadowstep their gadgetzan to prevent it dying from your board, then you're severely limiting their ability to play their game.

That sweet sound of the meta changing.

The reason this card is balanced is because it has no function without another card to play it on; it's entirely dead without something to combo it. I could see it be changed to only be castable on friendly minions to reduce its versatility a bit, but as it stands, it is insanely versatile. It can remove Taunt from minions buffed by Argus/etc., it can proc Deathrattles (man... the combos possible with Ancestral Spirit), etc.

Looking forward to Shamans becoming the kings rather than the underdog we've been for a few months.


Looking forward to Shamans becoming the kings rather than the underdog we've been for a few months.
Underdogs seems a bit much, Shamans might not have been the shiny superstars but they were allways viable and among the top competitive classes. But anyways, have fun with your new card :)
Underdogs seems a bit much, Shamans might not have been the shiny superstars but they were allways viable and among the top competitive classes. But anyways, have fun with your new card :)

Underdog may be a bit much, but really, Handlock, Aggro Warlock, Aggro Hunter, Midrange Hunter, and Miracle Rogue were the major decks as of late. I guess Priest or maybe Paladin (excluding Shockadin I guess) are the true underdogs though.


Neo Member
Bah! Thought I was about to have my first 12-win arena run with paladin. But that last match turned into a mindboggling pile of poop! :D

Was at 11/2 wins/losses and came up against a mage in my last match. Everything went wrong. Including trying to do blessings of kings on one of my minions to break through one of his taunts, which then proceeded to create a big strong minion on his field because he had mindbender secret up. Everything had gone pretty badly up until that point and I had no other choice but to risk casting blessings of kings. I feared he may have had a counterspell, but it was worse than that! He ended up with a 5/7 I think it was, that he otherwise wouldn't have had :D

Oh well. At least the reward I got was.. no actually that was rubbish too. 95 dust total (after dusting cards) and 200 gold. Oh well, at least I got a new personal record!


The reason this card is balanced is because it has no function without another card to play it on; it's entirely dead without something to combo it. I could see it be changed to only be castable on friendly minions to reduce its versatility a bit, but as it stands, it is insanely versatile. It can remove Taunt from minions buffed by Argus/etc., it can proc Deathrattles (man... the combos possible with Ancestral Spirit), etc.

Looking forward to Shamans becoming the kings rather than the underdog we've been for a few months.

I dunno, Soka. I know you're a huge Shaman fan, like I am with Warrior, but that card looks ridiculous.


Unconfirmed Member
Thought about Rebirth some more, and IMO it is just very much too versatile.

Used just on its own;

- Debuff enemy minions. Neuters Twilight Drake (4/1), neuters Ancient of War (loses Taunt, 5/5), removes Taunt and any buffs from any minion given Taunt or other buffs by spells or other minions, resets Edwin VanCleef, Questing Adventurer, Unbound Elemental and other minions like it. Resets silenced Watcher so it can't attack.

- Reset silenced friendly minions. Your Unbound Elemental has been silenced? Just reset it. Your Fire Elemental has been hit by Aldor Peacekeeper? Just reset it. Etc.

- Restore a minion to full health. Your Earth Elemental is almost dead? Just heal it up. Etc.​

Then there's the combos;

- Any Charge minion + Rebirth = Give a Charge minion Windfury this turn.

- Any Deathrattle minion + Rebirth = Trigger a minion's Deathrattle without killing it.
- Nerubian Egg + Rebirth = 2 Mana 4/4.
- Cairne Bloodhoof + Rebirth = 2 Mana 4/5.
- Sylvanas Windrunner + Rebirth = 2 Mana random Mind Control.
- Abomination + Rebirth = 2 Mana 2 damage to all.
- Bloodmage Thalnos / Loot Hoarder + Rebirth = 2 Mana draw a card.​

Then we throw in Ancestral Spirit;

- Any Charge minion + Ancestral Spirit + Rebirth = Summon a copy of a friendly Charge Minion and give it Windfury this turn.

- Any Deathrattle minion + Ancestral Spirit + Rebirth = Copy a friendly minion and trigger it's Deathrattle without killing it.
- Nerubian Egg + AS + Rebirth = 4 Mana 4/4 + another Nerubian Egg.
- Cairne Bloodhoof + AS + Rebirth = 4 Mana 4/5 + another Cairne Bloodhoof.
- Sylvanas Windrunner + AS + Rebirth = 4 Mana random Mind Control + another Sylvanas Windrunner.
- Abomination + AS + Rebirth = 4 Mana 2 damage to all + another Abomination.
- Bloodmage Thalnos / Loot Hoarder + AS + Rebirth = 4 Mana draw a card + another Bloodmage Thalnos / Loot Hoarder.​

Now let's get multiples of the same card in;

- Any Deathrattle minion + AS + Re + AS + Re = Copy a friendly minion twice and trigger it's Deathrattle twice without killing it.
- Nerubian Egg + AS + Re + AS + Re = 8 Mana 2 4/4 + 2 Nerubian Eggs.
- Sylvanas + Re + Re = 4 Mana double random Mind Control.
- Cairne + Re + Re = 4 Mana 2 4/5 + 2 Cairne Bloodhoof.
- Abomination + Re + Re = 4 Mana 4 damage to all.
- Leeroy + AS + Re + Re = 6 Mana 18 damage + 2 Leeroy Jenkins without Battlecry.​

And all of the above is assuming that the combo needs to be played in one turn and can't be set up on a previous turn. And also assuming that they don't have Rivendare on the board.

It's insane.


Gold Member
- Any Deathrattle minion + AS + Re + AS + Re = Copy a friendly minion twice and trigger it's Deathrattle twice without killing it.
- Nerubian Egg + AS + Re + AS + Re = 8 Mana 2 4/4 + 2 Nerubian Eggs.
- Sylvanas + Re + Re = 4 Mana double random Mind Control.
- Cairne + Re + Re = 4 Mana 2 4/5 + 2 Cairne Bloodhoof.
- Abomination + Re + Re = 4 Mana 4 damage to all.
- Leeroy + AS + Re + Re = 6 Mana 18 damage + 2 Leeroy Jenkins without Battlecry.

And all of the above is assuming that the combo needs to be played in one turn and can't be set up on a previous turn. And also assuming that they don't have Rivendare on the board.

It's insane.

A little deceptive not including the casting cost of the units above, I think. But the line bolded is the one that interests me. It would be 24 damage wouldn't it? When you cast Leeroy, that's 6, then you cast AS + Re on it, to get 2 more Leeroys, brining it to 18 when you attack with those two, then another Rebirth for 6 more damage bringing it to 24.

Of course, a simple Leeroy + Rockbiter + Rockbiter + Windfury is 24 in itself, and 2 less mana. With that last two mana you could simply cast a Rebirth and get to 30, a nice OTK for 10 mana and 5 cards.
Wow the asian player I just faced was an asshole. Spam emotes and drag the game along when you know you've won just to piss me off. I should have just conceded.
alot of the cards i have seen from Curse look OP to me. They need to have a beta test for them, if they are then the beta testers or blizzard are not doing a good job.
"They need to have a beta test" is already funny enough without you telling people they're not doing a good job because cards exist that you think look good.


Unconfirmed Member
A little deceptive not including the casting cost of the units above, I think. But the line bolded is the one that interests me. It would be 24 damage wouldn't it? When you cast Leeroy, that's 6, then you cast AS + Re on it, to get 2 more Leeroys, brining it to 18 when you attack with those two, then another Rebirth for 6 more damage bringing it to 24.

Of course, a simple Leeroy + Rockbiter + Rockbiter + Windfury is 24 in itself, and 2 less mana. With that last two mana you could simply cast a Rebirth and get to 30, a nice OTK for 10 mana and 5 cards.
The Mana cost and effects after the '=' are just the cost and effects of the additional cards, thus not including the original cast/minion on which they were played. And yeah, Rebirth also makes the current combo better.
Rivendare plus Ancestral Spirit on any minion that already has a Deathrattle (such as Cairne) will be insane with Rebirth. It's a lot of combos to set up, but it is the dream whenever it works.
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