^ most games you'll never get Rag out (or he dies immediately). He's mostly there for control matches
watched Amaz open 160 packs after getting to legendary with his F2P priest. One legendary every 16 packs, there you have it folks
So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.
So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.
Patient Assassin - I have two right now. Would these ever be worth using?
Doomhammer - I have two, would only disenchant one. As far as I'm aware it's never worth using two of them right?
Twisting Nether - Only have one of them. Worth keeping at all?
Brawl - I have two, would only disenchant one of them. Is it worth keeping both or is one enough?
Hungry Crab - Only one of these but it doesn't seem particularly useful. Worth holding on to at all?
Doomsayer - I have two of them. I've heard it can be somewhat effective in certain decks and situations but is it really worth keeping both of them?
yeah i don't play the generic rush netdecks i see 90% of the time so i do see him all the time. and he's way undercosted at 8. or overpowered however you wanna slice it. i guess we should all just play rush though so we don't have to worry about it. that would be fun.
So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.
I hope no one squelches me when we play.. they have to know I'm bodying them..
I actually did that whole midnight pst glitch where you can infinitely reroll your quests. I had two quests and the first I rolled til I got a 100g one but the second one I rerolled like 60+ times before giving up and settling for a 60g.
Apparently this only works on the US servers.
Haven't done it myself but I believe you have to save one up from the day before as the reroll is pre new quest.My quests don't even show up around this supposed infinite reroll time
Haven't done it myself but I believe you have to save one up from the day before as the reroll is pre new quest.
Is every deck running leeroy or something??
yeah i don't play the generic rush netdecks i see 90% of the time so i do see him all the time. and he's way undercosted at 8. or overpowered however you wanna slice it. i guess we should all just play rush though so we don't have to worry about it. that would be fun.
other shamans are the worst
also, where are all the hunters. I didn't see one in 64 games. Only Warlocks, Warlock everywhere
my opponent is hovering a card over the board and the timer doesn't start. Timer abuse is back?
Most likely just a disconnect. I don't think there have been any 100% confirmed cases of timer abuse in weeks/months. I could be wrong though.
Well seeing a lot of Zoolocks is easily understandable as you can be fairly competitive without any Legendary or Epics. Most Zoolocks I encounter don't really play it well though.
so because this just happened for the second time today - a tip for all warriors out there, don't use execute on a turn 3 spirit wolf turn. You are just going to regret it when fire elemental is played
Miracle Rogue are just awful to play against. They get an Auctioneer+Conceal out turn 6 (turn 5 with coin) and you might as well concede. They don't draw their Auctioneers and Leeroy within the first couple turns, they're screwed
Hope they don't nerf Gadgetzan Auctioneer directly though, it's a relatively balanced card in any other deck.
Three hp minions are another thing I hate to see because it makes backstabbing awkward.
Backstab means one less free card draw from auctioneer. Deadly poison means one less chance to blade flurry for 3.Awkward as in Backstab/Hero Power or Hero Power/Deadly Poison? That's really not so bad.
Three hp minions are another thing I hate to see because it makes backstabbing awkward.
I downloaded the Hearthstone Tracker and decided to try out Shockadin in Casual for a bit. I don't really get what all the fuss is about.