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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not confusion, just simple error.

For a lot of priests, healing damaged minions is an automatic reflex, so it takes a little time to readjust when auchenai is on the field.
So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.

Patient Assassin - I have two right now. Would these ever be worth using?
Doomhammer - I have two, would only disenchant one. As far as I'm aware it's never worth using two of them right?
Twisting Nether - Only have one of them. Worth keeping at all?
Brawl - I have two, would only disenchant one of them. Is it worth keeping both or is one enough?
Hungry Crab - Only one of these but it doesn't seem particularly useful. Worth holding on to at all?
Doomsayer - I have two of them. I've heard it can be somewhat effective in certain decks and situations but is it really worth keeping both of them?

Any advice for these? Some don't seem useful at all and others don't seem worth having duplicates of but with Epics I'm a bit hesitant to disenchant them and then end up wanting them later.

Edit: I also just pulled a Leeroy out of a card pack. I just crafted one a few weeks ago. Should I just go ahead and disenchant it or is there realistic chance he could be nerfed? He does seem really powerful and I'd hate to lose out on the dust if Blizzard would ever consider nerfing him.


Hail to the KING baby
^ most games you'll never get Rag out (or he dies immediately). He's mostly there for control matches

watched Amaz open 160 packs after getting to legendary with his F2P priest. One legendary every 16 packs, there you have it folks

yeah i don't play the generic rush netdecks i see 90% of the time so i do see him all the time. and he's way undercosted at 8. or overpowered however you wanna slice it. i guess we should all just play rush though so we don't have to worry about it. that would be fun.
So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.

- I don't think many decks use the Assassin at all.
- Doomhammers are pretty good. You can use Earthbite Weapon and get some good damage with it, but I don't know any decks off hand.
- With Brawl, I think most decks only use one.
- With Twisting Nether, I don't think any warlock decks use it. Probably because most decks are either rush downs or they use Shadow Flame with big creatures.
- No idea about Doomsayers, but they can be fun to use.
- As for Leeroy, unless you know of a card you want to make right now, I'd save it.

P.S. I'm not a pro, but these are my thoughts.


So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.

Patient Assassin - I have two right now. Would these ever be worth using?
Doomhammer - I have two, would only disenchant one. As far as I'm aware it's never worth using two of them right?
Twisting Nether - Only have one of them. Worth keeping at all?
Brawl - I have two, would only disenchant one of them. Is it worth keeping both or is one enough?
Hungry Crab - Only one of these but it doesn't seem particularly useful. Worth holding on to at all?
Doomsayer - I have two of them. I've heard it can be somewhat effective in certain decks and situations but is it really worth keeping both of them?

Patient Assassin - terrible. You can disenchant them both.
Doomhammer - one is enough. Too slow and you lose a lot of HP repeatedly smashing critters.
Twisting Nether - one is enough. An expensive board wipe, but it is used in Handlock.
Brawl - one is enough and even that is questionable. RNG can be a bitch.
Hungry Crab - useful when Murloc decks are common. They come and go; right now they are not being used much.
Doomsayer - a hilariously disruptive card to use in control decks. It forces your opponent to either spend resources to get rid of it, or lose a turn they could be developing the board. Two of them? Nah. One is the max you would ever need.


remember me
Stalled out in rank 3 with my aggro hunter, so I decided to switch back to zoo. For some reason started playing nothing but tempo rogues and was able to beat them all to get to rank 2. Only 2 more to go!


yeah i don't play the generic rush netdecks i see 90% of the time so i do see him all the time. and he's way undercosted at 8. or overpowered however you wanna slice it. i guess we should all just play rush though so we don't have to worry about it. that would be fun.

get big game hunter, bonus points if you play him with faceless manipulator on the same turn. I play Rag in all my decks and it's one of the most brutal counters in the game. Also, just about any deck encounter (be it rush, mid-range or control) is a netdeck

So, there may not be any universal answer to this but I could really use some advice. I have some Epics that I'm considering disenchanting but I figured I'd ask here and see if they're worth keeping before I pull the trigger.

keep one of each of those (maybe not Twisting Nether) and probably both doomsayers. Doomhammer, Brawl and Doomsayer are staple cards in Shaman, Control Warrior and Freeze Mage
Has anyone gotten error code BLZBNTAGT00000899 before? It says I'm not connected to the server everytime I try to play but the client says I am?
Thanks for the advice guys, very helpful.

I'll probably hold on to the majority of them until I really need a specific card. Nice to know I can get rid of the Patient Assassins though.
Oh man, this Shaman was 1 point away from Lethal on me as mage a few seconds ago. I had only a 4/2 out on the field and he had 16 points of health. Cone of Cold froze all his minions and he had nothing to damage me immediately on the next turn. I had Leeroy (6 dmg) in my hand, and drew a Fireball (6 damage). 4+6+6 = exactly killed him. He must have shit himself.


Neo Member
Over 1000 wins and I don't know how many matches, but I finally had my first match that ended in a draw. I was beginning to think I'd never actually see one.


150 games and 36 hours is a lot of work to hit legend.

It would be really cool if HS had leagues like Starcraft. This would eliminate the early monthly massacre or people deleveling to rank up again.



Sometimes you just get the urge to pick something else than JainaUther.


So chalk this one up to some nice luck, Shaman here copied his Yersa and then threw an Argus in there. I had no hope at this point then he cast awakening next turn and decimated my board etc, lucky I had enough HP to withstand the face assault and use my lightning bolt I was holding onto.

Was pretty ready to quit after the faceless/argus



so because this just happened for the second time today - a tip for all warriors out there, don't use execute on a turn 3 spirit wolf turn. You are just going to regret it when fire elemental is played
I actually did that whole midnight pst glitch where you can infinitely reroll your quests. I had two quests and the first I rolled til I got a 100g one but the second one I rerolled like 60+ times before giving up and settling for a 60g.

Apparently this only works on the US servers.
I actually did that whole midnight pst glitch where you can infinitely reroll your quests. I had two quests and the first I rolled til I got a 100g one but the second one I rerolled like 60+ times before giving up and settling for a 60g.

Apparently this only works on the US servers.

You can't have two of the same quest I believe. Also I think there's a cooldown time on quests after you complete them. I've been doing the reroll thing on a regular basis now and it seems to take about 5ish days for them to be available again.


Gold Member
yeah i don't play the generic rush netdecks i see 90% of the time so i do see him all the time. and he's way undercosted at 8. or overpowered however you wanna slice it. i guess we should all just play rush though so we don't have to worry about it. that would be fun.

Easiest way to lose the game yourself is to play Rag with no hard removal in your hand.

I swear, everyone has a hex/polymorph/BGH and faceless in their hand by turn 8 or 9. So by playing Rag, all you're doing most of the time is giving them a Rag instead.

And good luck playing any 8+ cost legendary against a priest on turn 9 or later.

Edit: To expand on this, I've seen Faceless baited out too... A druid will hold off on playing a nice large taunt until they draw Black Knight in hopes to get you to faceless their taunt so they can drop Black Knight effectively.


Most likely just a disconnect. I don't think there have been any 100% confirmed cases of timer abuse in weeks/months. I could be wrong though.

yeah I closed the game, restarted and got the 10 gold reward for 3 wins, seems like a disconnect


Gold Member
So Auctioneer with Preparation and Rogue in general is pretty busted I think (might as well add in the inevitable 5 or 6 sources of stealth too)... probably going to get some sort of nerf, there's just something not right about being able to draw out your entire deck around turn 6 or 7.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought Miracle Rouge was fine at first, but I'm very rapidly turning around on that due to the amount of times that I've been burst down from 30 health in the span of 1 or 2 turns and not being able to retaliate in any way because of Conceal or because OTK. I think some sort of nerf would be justified, considering they nerfed UTH in the beta to avoid OTK because 'it created an un-fun play environment'.


so because this just happened for the second time today - a tip for all warriors out there, don't use execute on a turn 3 spirit wolf turn. You are just going to regret it when fire elemental is played

Generally, don't waste removal on stuff that isn't a direct threat to your health. Your goal in the early game is to set up combos, draw cards and keep the board from getting out of hand so you can play big, scary creatures starting on turn 6.


Miracle Rogue are just awful to play against. They get an Auctioneer+Conceal out turn 6 (turn 5 with coin) and you might as well concede. They don't draw their Auctioneers and Leeroy within the first couple turns, they're screwed

Freeze Mage is kinda similar but slower and not nearly as bad


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Depends on the variant. The modern miracle rogue can transition into mid-range tempo if things go south. Mana addict rogue can punch through without gadgetzan and leeroy. Same goes for the malygos variant but slower with more consistency.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Miracle Rogue are just awful to play against. They get an Auctioneer+Conceal out turn 6 (turn 5 with coin) and you might as well concede. They don't draw their Auctioneers and Leeroy within the first couple turns, they're screwed

People keep saying that Taunt shuts them down, but I've never found that to be the case. During the whole time they're doing their ridiculous stuff with the auctioneer, they're pulling any number of cheap spells that work as effective removals. Backstab, eviserate, deadly poison, blade flurry, etc. The only time I think I might actually shut a miracle rogue down with taunts is by having 2 taunts up, one or both of which is a sunwalker.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You're supposed to have taunts up before they slap down gadgetzan.

As a miracle rogue, one of my biggest fears is a T1 Shieldbearer because I know it's going to eat up at least two removal cards, or one eviscerate.

I think the real reason people dislike playing against miracle is because they don't get any feedback. You might be putting a huge dent in the miracle player's hand by forcing him to do inefficient clears to set-up for auctioneer and Leroy, but you never actually see that until the end of the game where they either go off or fizzle. In that way, you never feel like you're putting pressure on the miracle player even when you are.

Everyone plays hearthstone under the assumption that they'll be trading minions and trying to grab board control, then comes along miracle rogue playing by its own set of rules and not letting you in on the joke, and that's what people really find unfun.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But the only folks putting down Shieldbearer are zoolocks. You can't fit him into most other decks. The only dedicated taunt cards people generally work with are Tazdingo or Sunwalker, and those are 4+ mana. So for most people a sunfury might be all they have before Turn 4.

Hope they don't nerf Gadgetzan Auctioneer directly though, it's a relatively balanced card in any other deck.

Yeah but most people choose Azure Drake over Auctioneer. For classes that don't have conceal you need another card to protect him in order to make him better than Azure Drake. So he's likely not going down until much later in the game. So a buff that helps other classes but nerfs miracle rogue is the best bet, imo. Maybe turn his card draw into an Imp Master kind of mechanic? Take one damage and draw a card at the end of the turn. As a priest I like this idea. =P


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

I'm not saying you should run shieldbearer, I'm giving an example of a seemingly innocuous card that really ruins a miracle rogue's day. Three hp minions are another thing I hate to see because it makes backstabbing awkward.

Shamans get wolves. Druids can innervate druid of the claw or Mark of the wild. warlocks get shield bearer or defender + watcher. Mages have ice block. Shockadins can race. Warriors go above 30 hp. Hunters have explosive trap. Every class has something it can do against miracle except for priest. It might not be a lot, and it might require specific draws, but miracle is a deck that often wins on the edge of a razor and even a small stumbling block can be enough to win you the game, and it relies on the right early game draws as much as you do.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Awkward as in Backstab/Hero Power or Hero Power/Deadly Poison? That's really not so bad.
Backstab means one less free card draw from auctioneer. Deadly poison means one less chance to blade flurry for 3.

It might not be bad in your eyes, but as a miracle rogue its very disheartening. Which goes back to what I was saying before. What you think are minor nuisances are major problems for me.

Why do you think the current miracle rogue runs earthen ring farseer and azure drake? It's because we also have problems against some decks, most notably aggro, so we need to dilute our combo for the sake of survival. Each miracle rogue variant was created to address a specific problem the deck was having in the meta. It should be no different for other decks.


Unconfirmed Member
I downloaded the Hearthstone Tracker and decided to try out Shockadin in Casual for a bit. I don't really get what all the fuss is about. Over 20 games, I just barely got over a 50% win rate. It feels like a very inconsistent deck that is highly reliable on topdecking and your opponent not getting his best cards. It is also pretty much stopped dead by Taunts, any AoE (Fan of Knives / Arcane Explosion / Whirlwind / Consecration / Hellfire / Shadowflame / Blizzard / Cone of Cold / Unleash the Hounds / Explosive Trap / Etc.), not drawing Divine Favor, playing against Mage or Druid (Hero Power) or not getting a minion in the first three turns.

Not feeling it.


Three hp minions are another thing I hate to see because it makes backstabbing awkward.

I swear, every time I set my spirit wolves and taunt totem up to counter their Leeroy turn they play their poisoned blade + blade flurry combo without fail

I do enjoy playing old-school Healadin again Miracle Rouges though

I downloaded the Hearthstone Tracker and decided to try out Shockadin in Casual for a bit. I don't really get what all the fuss is about.

king mukla + divine favor, and then another divine favor 2 turns later. You don't know my pain

and there was the one game that felt like I was playing against a face hunter. Shaman's early game sucks


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Laying down taunts on the Leeroy turn is far too late. By then they will have already constructed the best hands of removal they could possibly make. Saps against druids and warriors. Deadly poison blade flurry vs shaman, warlock and hunter. The key is to force them into playing these cards at an inopportune time.



There are a ton of Zoolocks in the current meta, so this Warlock control deck capitalizes on the assumptions of what's about to go down.




Unconfirmed Member
Double Void Terror, Deathwing, Twisting Nether, Corruption, double Hellfire, double Dread Infernal, a lot of low health minions and Baron Geddon, with your Hero Power as the only card draw and Alexstrasza and Jaraxxus as your only heal? I dunno man... Have you seen some success with this deck?
I had a pretty overwhelming lead in Arena as a Mage; a damaged Sea Giant, damaged Stampeding Kodo, and one 0/1 Mirror Image up. 10 life for me, 20 for the opponent. I had 1 card in hand as did he. I play mine (Mirror Entity). His turn he top decks Tirion and plays it, so of course I get a copy of it. By far the greatest copied minion I've ever gotten from a Mirror Entity.

His other card was an Eye for an Eye, which I guessed correctly and triggered it with a 1-damage Fireblast to his face.
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