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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Rag/Alex/Jaraxx/Twisting Nether/Corruption/Dread Infernal/Deathwing are all way too slow against Zoo, BGH has no and Faceless only one valid target and won't be able to remove it on it's own, Nat is a dead card against that deck. Looks like you're banking on Hellfire and the Watcher/Sunfury combo to survive until turn 9

His other card was an Eye for an Eye, which I guessed correctly and triggered it with a 1-damage Fireblast to his face.

those sad, sad paladin secrets :(


Double Void Terror, Deathwing, Twisting Nether, Corruption, double Hellfire, double Dread Infernal, a lot of low health minions and Baron Geddon, with your Hero Power as the only card draw and Alexstrasza and Jaraxxus as your only heal? I dunno man... Have you seen some success with this deck?

I haven't lost from ranks 20-15. Not a single match. It's risky, sure. But read the post on Hearthpwn - all the taunty bits hold you out until you can pull Jaraxxus, Alextraza, or Deathwing. Either is essentially a reset with two potentially being big heals.

Pagle is card draw, or draws out removal, or buffs the void terror when silenced.

The Watcher is less risky to rely on here because six cards activate them. Watchers combo with Sunfurys, Owls and Terrors. I've not had a single match where I didn't have the Watchers combo'd early.

I was thinking of swapping out the Faerie Dragons or BGHs for Earthen Ring Farseers, but I tend not to change cards until I lose with a deck and I haven't lost.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Sounds like a neat/fun deck. So many people, including me, make assumptions once they see the class. Plenty of times it's not standard deck A or B but just a random deck someone through together and it can totally throw you off. That's why I like to play a lot of crazy decks like secret decks, people don't know what to expect.

There are a ton of Zoolocks in the current meta, so this Warlock control deck capitalizes on the assumptions of what's about to go down.


That playstyle is similar to how I run my JaraxxuTorque deck.


It often fails, but the point is just to stall until you can throw out big cards. Simple, and super fun when it works. And, actually, it's basically just an excuse for me to throw all my legendaries into one deck.

P.S. I just drafted 3 Moonfires, Malygos, and about 6 other damage spells in Arena. How few wins will I achieve GAF?


Sailor Stevenson
finally, the 12 win dream.

countless 9-10-11 win runs. 3 runs out of 4 are 7+ wins. Never had the 12 win run. 501 total arena wins. and this Shaman Deck finally took me to the holy land (started 11-0 before finishing 12-1)

not even a particularly devastating deck, only 2 fire elementals, but a very good curve (slightly weak at two) and good minions throughout plus a ton of cheap removals (1 hex, 3 lightning bolts, 1 forked lightning, 1 stormforged axe)


Coincidentally I fought one today.. the anti-beast.. I've honestly never seen him turn a game against me like Antonidas can.

Both heroes need to be on turn for at least a turn to get their max benefit. Antonidas jsut may be able to get a benefit sooner rather than later. The catch 22 is that you have to run a bunch of shit 1 mana drops usually in order to get his full effect before he is crushed. The best class legendaries (in no particular order) are Grom, Cenarius and Jaraxxas* IMO but I have a soft spot for priest x.x
Rank 1! Omg, so close to legend I can taste it!

Does it taste like chicken?

On a side note, does the Paladin secret Redemption work if he uses a minion to trade for one of mine? I played a game last night where this happened. And it wasn't one of the other secrets, because I tested for all of them, so I'm sure he played Recemption.


Does it taste like chicken?

On a side note, does the Paladin secret Redemption work if he uses a minion to trade for one of mine? I played a game last night where this happened. And it wasn't one of the other secrets, because I tested for all of them, so I'm sure he played Recemption.

They changed it on release, I think. You can't trigger your own secrets, they only work during the other player's turn.


finally, the 12 win dream.

countless 9-10-11 win runs. 3 runs out of 4 are 7+ wins. Never had the 12 win run. 501 total arena wins. and this Shaman Deck finally took me to the holy land (started 11-0 before finishing 12-1)

not even a particularly devastating deck, only 2 fire elementals, but a very good curve (slightly weak at two) and good minions throughout plus a ton of cheap removals (1 hex, 3 lightning bolts, 1 forked lightning, 1 stormforged axe)

Grats. When you get a good Shammy draft you'll usually get far.


DE, but only after you win a game where Hogger is the hero.

Dude I dunno, I think I might keep Hogger. I put him in a Druid pressure deck and have won a bunch of games by catching an early Innervate and playing him before turn 6. My opponents have been forced to either waste removals on him or they get stuck behind a wall of taunts. With the equalitys/polymorphs gone early I get more mileage out of Druid of the Claw, Ancients of Lore/War, etc.


Any particular reason to continue playing ranked after hitting 20? Doubt I can get past 10 without better cards.

You can always do what a ton of people do and roll with a Zoolock as it requires no legendary to be efficient. But if you don't want to fight against the same 3 or 4 decks nearly all the time I wouldn't bother with ranked.

Edit:Then again you need ranked wins to get golden heroes, so if you want those you'll need to play ranked anyway.


remember me
Finally did it!


Here's the deck I used. It was a zoo deck with power overwhelmings and leroy put in to be able to finish the game quicker, along with a shadow flame for mirror matches, or shamans. It didn't have any terrible matchups, control warrior is probably the worst, and i usually got destroyed by aggro warrior, but other than that you have a fighting chance against anything. You just play it as a standard zoo, trying to keep board control while getting face hits when you can, and then doing a big burst of power overwhelming/leroy/soulfires to the face to win.

The meta is really varied right now, and there really wasn't a single deck type that I saw lots of. Most played classes are probably warlocks and druids right now, with rogues not far behind.
I think certain rogue cards like shadowstep (cost 1 less instead of 2?) or preparation (make you discard a card?) need fixes, but changing gadgetzan in pretty much any way would definitely cripple the class. I agreewith the argument that playing against miracle decks makes the actual game invisible and most of your cues come from knowledge of the meta rather than assessing what's actually on the board.

If anything I think Leeroy should get a nerf because it causes problems in a ton of decks. Maybe they should make the whelps have taunt (just kidding! but not really).


So I decided to stick with the game and have been playing on and off for a few days. I've been missing MtG and this definitely scratches the itch. I am definitely enjoying the game. My only real disappointment so far is with constructed rewards. I wish they would buff them in some way. I'm not a fan of Arena, yet feel like I'm at a disadvantage by not playing it.
Leeroy should probably cost 1 more mana.

IMO leeroy is delicately balanced. Increasing his cost probably makes him worthless as a card. He is already pretty bad outside of finishers.

Just consider this first, if he isn't used as a finisher, the two whelps need to be dealt with so that is often 2 hp worth of damage you could have done to face. That means you really net only 4 damage with leeroy assuming you hit face in the first place.

At 5 mana leeroy is less damage per mana than arcane golem with a worse downside by far and you can only put one of him in your deck.

I don't think he'd be used at 5 mana tbh. Just think, a rogue uses leeroy and does 6 damage for 5 mana. Or he uses arcane golem and deals 4, and then uses that 2 extra mana for eviscerate or even hero power dealing a total of 5 to 9 damage for 5 mana.

The only reason leeroy is awesome is because of his damage per mana and reducing that pretty much nullifies his entire purpose.
Can anyone help me with error code blzbntagt00000899 It states that battle net is unable to contact the servers and that my connection is down but that is clearly not the case. Has anyone had this problem before and know anyway to fix it?
IMO leeroy is delicately balanced. Increasing his cost probably makes him worthless as a card. He is already pretty bad outside of finishers.

Just consider this first, if he isn't used as a finisher, the two whelps need to be dealt with so that is often 2 hp worth of damage you could have done to face. That means you really net only 4 damage with leeroy assuming you hit face in the first place.

At 5 mana leeroy is less damage per mana than arcane golem with a worse downside by far and you can only put one of him in your deck.

I don't think he'd be used at 5 mana tbh. Just think, a rogue uses leeroy and does 6 damage for 5 mana. Or he uses arcane golem and deals 4, and then uses that 2 extra mana for eviscerate or even hero power dealing a total of 5 to 9 damage for 5 mana.

The only reason leeroy is awesome is because of his damage per mana and reducing that pretty much nullifies his entire purpose.

I don't think the function Leeroy plays is necessarily bad, or that he's imbalanced in a vacuum, but the leeroy + power overwhelming + faceless combo, or leeroy + shadowstep (x2) combo, or the leeroy + UTH combo are all a bit too strong, I think. All of those are class-specific (unlike previous "too good" cards like novice engineer or argent commander) and can be adjusted without actually changing Leeroy himself, though.


wow, I can't believe I won against a shaman as a shaman for once

still 11-0 against warriors. Ask me how to make a warrior-killer deck


Dude I dunno, I think I might keep Hogger. I put him in a Druid pressure deck and have won a bunch of games by catching an early Innervate and playing him before turn 6. My opponents have been forced to either waste removals on him or they get stuck behind a wall of taunts. With the equalitys/polymorphs gone early I get more mileage out of Druid of the Claw, Ancients of Lore/War, etc.

Yeah he can be handy sometimes, but he is pretty situational imho. Prone to aoe wipes too.
I just googled it and found this thread. Something about peerblock blocking ports


Yeah that's not it. I don't have that program on this machine. I submitted a question to the support forum and their advice was essentially turn the machine off and on again. I've never used Blizzards support system before but it seems terrible. I've tried submitting a ticket bit for some reason it doesn't seem to be working.


So I'm stuck on the ladder floating from 14-12 and back. I've gotten to 12 with both zoolock and token druid separately, but the meta in this rank range is taunt heavy so some days I'm 8-2 and others I'm 4-6 or 3-7 based on the matchups.

The only three decks I see regularly are handlock, druids (watcher druid/ramp druid), and control warrior. The rest of the meta is a smorgasbord of random shit. There are pretty much zero miracle rogues or other zoolock players, so they aren't an issue.

What deck or type of deck can I play to counter the control/taunt heavy meta? Do I go control too? Is there some other aggro deck that performs well against those decks, or am I just doing it wrong?


I got to 8 with zoolock so id say stick with it.

Maybe put in one hard removal lile siphon soul to finish em off. Just be more aggressive against these decks.

So mulligan for offensive cards. You wont last much beyond 2/3 taunts so make the best of it. Make sure you have a combo ready to finish of locks before you drop em so low they can play giants free. Make sure to take out their first big minion same turn, this will delay them playing defender by another turn or two!


What deck or type of deck can I play to counter the control/taunt heavy meta? Do I go control too? Is there some other aggro deck that performs well against those decks, or am I just doing it wrong?

control counters taunt, miracle rouge might run into some problems but should do decently against them at least. Everything board control like shaman and to a lesser extend even some zoo decks (imo) should do fine since you're focusing on removing minions anyway. Can't really help you much since I never play aggro decks

Token druid's really that bad against taunts? I thought it's more of a board-control type deck

you could try out this deck http://www.gamongaming.com/deck-tech-murlocs/, a variation of murloc warlock and zoo by a legend player. Oh and you could run a Black Knight


I played a hunter against a token druid, thanks buddy for filling your board with tokens.

He conceded after i dropped buzzars and hounds.
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