4 Miracle Rogues in a row, I'm starting to really hate that deck. Their turn take so fucking long.
Switch back to zoo, immediately go 7-0 on the ladder. God I hate the deck so much but it's what works.
Man Shockadin is so much fun! Depends on Divine Favor and Equality/Concentration a little too much but I love it none the less. Don't have Leeroy or an Avenging Wrath so I threw Mukla and an Argent Commander in there. Mukla is really only good if you can get him on Turn 2/3 or combo him with Divine Favor, kind of a dead card otherwise.
So, when Mage is one out of the three offered, how often do you guys think it's picked in arena? Above 70% of the time? Are they aware of how fucked up the situation is, and just don't care?
Switch back to zoo, immediately go 7-0 on the ladder. God I hate the deck so much but it's what works.
At least 70% imo. Read just one article or watch one stream about arena and then you will be told this. Any card game in a limited environment will soon find the "best" colour, hero, etc. Hearthstone just has a huge player base and a cheap arena entry fee, so this kind of problem is magnified. I'm know they care, they want people playing and paying, but I imagine it is hard to balance without simply shifting the same problem. Hang in there till the new cards come out, but expect that to mix things up for a short time only.So, when Mage is one out of the three offered, how often do you guys think it's picked in arena? Above 70% of the time? Are they aware of how fucked up the situation is, and just don't care?
I don't play the Arena much, but in constructed mages are pretty rare.So, when Mage is one out of the three offered, how often do you guys think it's picked in arena? Above 70% of the time? Are they aware of how fucked up the situation is, and just don't care?
I don't play the Arena much, but in constructed mages are pretty rare.
I think Zoo will mostly chew it up, though. It's too slow to develop. But it is fun to play, if not predictable in the late game.
Also, Jaraxxus is no fun to play against. Give them a 3 attack weapon with insane durability, heal them up from certain death and turn their Hero Power into 'summon a 6/6 for 2 Mana' is just insane.
Oh sure, I agree, but I just find him very annoying to play against when I have board control and would have had lethal next turn, and that situation is completely turned on its head by them healing back up and being able to put 6/6 on the board the next turn for next to no Mana. Sometimes it just works out and then they play Defender of Argus on it or just Soulfire your biggest threat when they play Jaraxxus, pretty much closing you out of the game if you don't have removal, and it can be very frustrating.Compare him to Alexstrasza. Alexstrasza will also heal up from certain death, but more importantly can be instead used to instantly do 15 damage if you've been focusing on their board the whole game and not their health. And you get an 8/8 on board, so if they can't kill the 8/8 because they've used their hard removal on other things, you've just won with a single card.
Jaraxxus is super slow, slower than Alexstrasza. You get a 3/8 weapon yes, but it is extremely vulnerable to Harrison or Ooze. The 6/6 for 2 mana takes 3 rounds to do anything useful (first round you can't use it because you only have 1 mana left, 2nd round it just sits there looking pretty, and 3 round you finally can attack with one).
I don't know, I find Jaraxxus to be good, but not incredible. Will hardly save you from death because death will still be on the board when you cast him, he doesn't do anything for the board. Being able to do 15 damage with Alexstrasza and get an 8/8 is a lot worse to have happen to you imo.
I just have a quick question, does anyone know if Tinkmaster affects stealthed minions?
I'm thinking yes as it doesn't specifically target a minion but not 100% sure, I just reached rank 9 and I'm hitting more and more miracle rogues and thought of Tinkmaster as a way around it.
Cheers for the reply.It certaiy does. Probably the best neutral counter to miracle rogue, but not that great otherwise.
So, apparently zoo warlock loses to only spells if your a Mage. Lol. Holy shit man
(I beat zoo with only spells)
Also, Jaraxxus is no fun to play against. Give them a 3 attack weapon with insane durability, heal them up from certain death and turn their Hero Power into 'summon a 6/6 for 2 Mana' is just insane.
Something that everybody forgets is that when Jaraxxus is played, they spend 9 mana and no minion is played on that turn. Then, it takes two full turns before the infernals can ever attack. So they're a complete non-issue for a couple turns. You have two full turns on which you can establish board control, and the only thing the warlock can do to stop you is attack with Blood Fury, which means taking damage to the face.
If Jaraxxus kills you with infernals, you probably lost even before he was played.
Eh, next turn Infernal + Taunt can be quite strong. "Dead turns" is super relative as he can still establish a good defense in that time. Plus being able to immediately do samage or remove a 3 toughness creature is hardly irrelevant.
I've experienced all 3 scenarios: he just gets more ahead, he changes the game, he just prevents death for 1 turn. You people act as if all circumnstances were the same when playing him.
Eh, next turn Infernal + Taunt can be quite strong.
Something that everybody forgets is that when Jaraxxus is played, they spend 9 mana and no minion is played on that turn. Then, it takes two full turns before the infernals can ever attack. So they're a complete non-issue for a couple turns. You have two full turns on which you can establish board control, and the only thing the warlock can do to stop you is attack with Blood Fury, which means taking damage to the face.
If Jaraxxus kills you with infernals, you probably lost even before he was played.
Play Jaraxxus on a board where you have no board control and they have 3-4 ~4 power minions on the board (and spell damage cards in their hand)...
I think there's some sort of limit on how many times you can get Total Dominance in one week. This is just talking out of my ass but I noticed all the quests I flipped through were ones I hadn't done recently.
Anyway, I think I need a break from Hearthstone. I just don't really like the way the meta works at the moment.
It's either rush your enemy down...
... or stall for as long as you can while wearing the opponent down, then play some combo wombo finisher ...
... with almost all of the more middle-ground deck either rushed down or out-stalled by these decks. I think I've just been playing a bit too much.
Just opened up six packs hoping beyond hope to get a Leeroy. First 5 packs - garbage. First 4 cards of the 6th pack - garbage. Literally the very last card I open up - Leeroy!
Now you've got chicken!
I have saved up 2k gold waiting for the expansion. I really want to get all the wings and get back to opening packs again.
ramp druid has the most late-game cards of all decks though, it just doesn't rely on Alex to close the game like the rest of the control decks. Shaman has a very popular combo finisher and so does druid
Look what I found in my old room at my parents
Is there any easy way to sell this stuff online?