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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Are there really people who play murloc decks and manage to do good with them? Every time I face a murloc deck I'm like "aww cute" and utterly destroy them. It's like the least threatening "popular" deck I've seen. (I like the mechanics but murlocs are so frail...)

Disclaimer: I have only been playing for about a week and just jumped into Ranked mathches

I am currently using a Murloc deck because I had most of the cards I needed for it, making it a relatively inexpensive deck to build. I also like the Warlock class and loved playing Merfolk back when I played MtG, so this makes me feel right at home lol. I just hit rank 20 and things have been going smoothly for the last few matches, but then again I lost my first three matches at rank 25. I agree that it's a fragile deck, but when it works and you're in a good groove it's fun (for me anyways). I don't know how viable it will be as I move up in ranks.


And siphon soul of course. I only run 1

Any of the major MTG sites (ChannelFireball, etc.) will buy cards if you ship it to them and follow theit instructions. It's worth sorting through them first to see if you have anything valuable, use something like http://www.mtgprice.com/magic-the-gathering-prices.jsp to pull up the top value cards per set.

Just used this site to look up some cards that i l know where rare and i found one thats 8.7 bucks. Smokestack. Some other cards where between 1/3 bucks.

Thanks for telling me the sites will buy cards, have to look into this.


Gold Member
Does anyone know why I haven't received a new card back for hitting Rank 20 yet? Kinda frustrating me...

Card backs for reaching Rank 20 are only awarded at the completion of a PVP season. No one has it yet, if you noticed, it's not just you.


You get it when the season ends.

Card backs for reaching Rank 20 are only awarded at the completion of a PVP season. No one has it yet, if you noticed, it's not just you.

Huh, okay. I didn't know that's how it worked. I see people with Red card backs and I just assumed that was the card back rewarded to you for this season. But I'm guessing it was for a previous season?

Also, do you have to be at Rank 20 when the season is over to qualify? Or do you get the card back regardless of if you're still Rank 20? (I'm not sure if you can lose stars to go from 20 to 21).
I got 7 losses in a row in casual wow. Its like miracle rogue and zoolock training grounds.

This is a good 35-40% of the ladder at the middle ranks (5-10), so if you there to test a deck it's actually not bad. If you are just playing for fun it kind of sucks. :/


Just had such a great finish in my last game.

Playing against a hunter. He's down to around 18 health and I'm about to drop Gromm + Whirlwind. He beats me to the punch and plays Ragnaros. I Faceless his Rag and it hits him in the face, so he's at 10 health and I know I can take him next turn with Gromm. He then Facelesses MY Rag and now there are 3 Rags on the board. Then he silences one of his two Rags and launches it at my face. His other Rag also hits my face. My turn, I draw Cruel Taskmaster, play Gromm and use the Taskmaster to boost his attack to 14. Game over, ended with 3 Rags and Gromm in play.


Just had such a great finish in my last game.

Playing against a hunter. He's down to around 18 health and I'm about to drop Gromm + Whirlwind. He beats me to the punch and plays Ragnaros. I Faceless his Rag and it hits him in the face, so he's at 10 health and I know I can take him next turn with Gromm. He then Facelesses MY Rag and now there are 3 Rags on the board. Then he silences one of his two Rags and launches it at my face. His other Rag also hits my face. My turn, I draw Cruel Taskmaster, play Gromm and use the Taskmaster to boost his attack to 14. Game over, ended with 3 Rags and Gromm in play.
Isn't Gomm + Task = 12 damage?
Add some powerover whelmings, they help a lot vs handlock, either to clear out their giants or burst them down before they get a chance to put them up.

I actually threw out the Mortal Coils I was playing, added in more minions and dropped the minion curve more. I think the problems I was having (which weren't really problems, I am still above 60% with zoo) were efficient mana usage per turn and board control. I kept getting a lot of awkward hands were I would have to play a 3 drop instead of a 2 and a 1 (which would have been better), and the cards in the deck are trash unless you already have minions on the board. Anything that can't be jammed down to fit the mana curve is a liability because of the zoo deck's complete dependence on controlling the board.

The times I have beaten handlock, it is due to curving out, Power Overwhelming isn't a card I can play to keep board presence so I don't think you can run it. It works great in a more face aggro deck but that's not what zoo really is.


Hail to the KING baby
Nothing annoys me more than getting draw-screwed against the hunter/warlock netdecks you see 90% of the time at least at Rank 8. Usually destroy these fools but when I literally mulligan into my three biggest cards against all this super-aggro nonsense I might as well concede and save everyone the trouble of going through the motions. Oooh Leeroy -- clever. Well done. gg


Oh yeah, it's 12. I was thinking of the double cold blood Leeroy that murdered me in the next game. :X
Yeah it's rough for Control Warriors against the army of Miracle Rogues this season.

I'm stuck at ranks 7-8 playing strictly Control Warrior. Harrison Jones has saved my ass against some Shaman's and Pallies.


Nothing annoys me more than getting draw-screwed against the hunter/warlock netdecks you see 90% of the time at least at Rank 8. Usually destroy these fools but when I literally mulligan into my three biggest cards against all this super-aggro nonsense I might as well concede and save everyone the trouble of going through the motions. Oooh Leeroy -- clever. Well done. gg

There's still Hunters around in higher rank? That's surprising.


remember me
I actually threw out the Mortal Coils I was playing, added in more minions and dropped the minion curve more. I think the problems I was having (which weren't really problems, I am still above 60% with zoo) were efficient mana usage per turn and board control. I kept getting a lot of awkward hands were I would have to play a 3 drop instead of a 2 and a 1 (which would have been better), and the cards in the deck are trash unless you already have minions on the board. Anything that can't be jammed down to fit the mana curve is a liability because of the zoo deck's complete dependence on controlling the board.

The times I have beaten handlock, it is due to curving out, Power Overwhelming isn't a card I can play to keep board presence so I don't think you can run it. It works great in a more face aggro deck but that's not what zoo really is.

Yeah, I don't get those arguments at all. Minions die, a lot. I know zoo isn't a face aggro deck, but part of the strat is to trade up your cheap minions up to kill bigger ones. Power Overwhelming should only be used to trade up or go for the killing blow, and if i can trade a 1 mana minion plus a power overwhelming to kill a giant? That's value. As long as I keep facing handlocks and druids I'm going to keep it in my deck.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When you're Zoo against Handlock, you can no longer play the board control game (how are you going to control free 8/8's?) and you pretty much have to shift to face aggro. That's what Power Overwhelming is there for, when you need to make the transition.


Power Overwhelming is aaaaaweeeesome in Zoo. Transition to damage with that is fun as hell.

Power Overwhelming doesn't really belong in Zoo. Like, it's completely opposite of what you want cards in the deck to do. If you're going for a more aggressive deck, it's a fine card to add but additions like this (and Leeroy, etc.) start to steer it away from the aggro-control / board control that Zoo tries to achieve.

Basically, it's a very non-Zoo card. #semantics etc. etc.


remember me
Power Overwhelming is used for board control. Tell me why it isn't. If I use it on an elven archer or a shieldless argent squire vs a yeti or a tazdingo, that helps me keep board control


Power Overwhelming doesn't really belong in Zoo. Like, it's completely opposite of what you want cards in the deck to do. If you're going for a more aggressive deck, it's a fine card to add but additions like this (and Leeroy, etc.) start to steer it away from the aggro-control / board control that Zoo tries to achieve.

Basically, it's a very non-Zoo card. #semantics etc. etc.

It's just another burst finisher like Leeroy and Doomguards to some extent. Zoo definitely has the potential to go facemode if the opponent misses plays on curve.
There's still Hunters around in higher rank? That's surprising.

Hunter is still really good, it's just that the nerf to UTH was also an indirect buff to zoo which means that Hunter is no longer the most efficient rank-climbing deck. Nothing that made the class good in the first place was significantly nerfed; it's just a shift in the meta like most things in this game.


Power Overwhelming is used for board control. Tell me why it isn't. If I use it on an elven archer or a shieldless argent squire vs a yeti or a tazdingo, that helps me keep board control

It has uses for board control but it's generally a burst card of some kind for pushing more damage. When you're trying to find the best 30 for the purpose of what the deck is after (minimizing situational cards, maximizing value in the early game), Power Overwhelming was cut because it was a bit too situational in the board control view.

You're right that it's great in those moments but can just sit in hand uselessly other times from the board control perspective. It's not bad by any means, though, and can definitely be used to help keep board control. In the example you gave earlier, it's a good vs Handlock card because it lets you hit certain numbers you need to reach and/or helps close games out faster. It's just not a generic "helps board control in all situations" card.

It's just another burst finisher like Leeroy and Doomguards to some extent. Zoo definitely has the potential to go facemode if the opponent misses plays on curve.

Sure. I'm just saying that it's a card that steers back more towards aggro rather than control. You're cutting something for it, not just adding it to the deck for free :x


Neo Member
Has the rewards for Arena been improved? Last night I did a couple of Arena runs.. Ended up 3-2 on each run. Reward was 1 Expert pack + 50 gold + 40 gold for each of the runs. I feel that the reward was significantly higher compared to my previous runs of 3-2. Thoughts?


Hail to the KING baby
Is there any specific time of the day that is better? I would imagine ranked is about always the same regardless of time. We're you playing casual?
In my limited experience daytime weekend is much easier. Late night is the worst with the hardcores I'd imagine.


Wait so if I have 2x PO, 2x Demonfire, 1x Hellfire and 1x Siphon Soul in my Zoodeck its not Zoo? I run Leeroy and Arcane Golem instead of Doomguards and dont have Argent Commanders.

I guess my deck might be better if I min/maxed it more. Maybe add two minions again for those Demonfires.

Problem im having with zoo now mostly is that my knige jugglers always die when i put them out early. There seems to be no point in dropping them before turn 4/5 unless you pray that your opponent has no removal. Same goes for imps. Having them removed is such a big blow!


there's plenty of modified zoo decks with leeroy, power overwhelming and stuff that made it to legend. They just sacrifice board control for burst


I'm currently unable to enjoy the game. I just grind my daily quests and keep all the gold in my little piggy bank in anticipation of the DLC wings.
I'm sitting on 2500 gold and I don't want to risk losing any of it to unlucky Arena runs. Funnily enough, Arena is the only mode I enjoy so... :(


I'm currently unable to enjoy the game. I just grind my daily quests and keep all the gold in my little piggy bank in anticipation of the DLC wings.
I'm sitting on 2500 gold and I don't want to risk losing any of it to unlucky Arena runs. Funnily enough, Arena is the only mode I enjoy so... :(

Just cough up the real money and start enjoying the game again.


Fuck this shit.

went down from rank 7>9 facing only aggro/zoo so I switched to my ramp druid, then i get miracle rogue :(


Facing a Rogue at rank 4, I mulligan expecting Miracle. Turns out it's actually some kind of Tempo deck, she plays two Wild Pyros and I'm starting to fear that my mulligan was wrong. Coin out a Drake on turn 3, she thinks for a while... and eviscerates it before attacking with the Pyros. Was probably facepalming pretty hard as she goes afk for a turn, then hovers over my Drake and concedes once I've dropped the Mountain Giant after a second Drake.



I just faced a fellow Warrior Control deck which as you know takes an age to complete when you're playing with a Warrior Control deck too. The thing was he literally had every card as golden, including all of the legendaries, Slyvanas, Rag, Baron, Black Knight etc. I couldn't even think about how much that must of cost to dust and pay for.

Felt good to beat him with my standard looking deck though! :)

I've been fiddling around with it and I think I'm finally at the point of being happy with how it runs now. The only minion I would love to add on to it is Tinkmaster but I can't justify swapping him out for anything in my deck which is painful. :(


Is there any specific time of the day that is better? I would imagine ranked is about always the same regardless of time. We're you playing casual?

My ranked win rate at work (I'll usually play a couple games on my lunch break) is way higher than my win rate at home ... something like 70% vs 50%. Obviously I also have a lot more games at home than I do at work, but I do seem to have a much easier time mid-day than in the evenings (EST).


I just faced a fellow Warrior Control deck which as you know takes an age to complete when you're playing with a Warrior Control deck too. The thing was he literally had every card as golden, including all of the legendaries, Slyvanas, Rag, Baron, Black Knight etc. I couldn't even think about how much that must of cost to dust and pay for.

Felt good to beat him with my standard looking deck though! :)

I've been fiddling around with it and I think I'm finally at the point of being happy with how it runs now. The only minion I would love to add on to it is Tinkmaster but I can't justify swapping him out for anything in my deck which is painful. :(

I ran into an all golden ramp Druid last night. I looked up the guy's battletag and saw he posts in the reddit HS community. Thought about adding him just to ask how he pulled off that deck but I figured he'd just ignore my invite thinking I was salty over the game.

I also played against someone w/ legandary card backs at rank 11 last night. They were playing miracle Rogue. I almost had them beaten until they got pretty much the exact chain of draws they needed w/ auctioneer. If I'd gotten in one more turn I think I would have won. :/


I ran into an all golden ramp Druid last night. I looked up the guy's battletag and saw he posts in the reddit HS community. Thought about adding him just to ask how he pulled off that deck but I figured he'd just ignore my invite thinking I was salty over the game.

I also played against someone w/ legandary card backs at rank 11 last night. They were playing miracle Rogue. I almost had them beaten until they got pretty much the exact chain of draws they needed w/ auctioneer. If I'd gotten in one more turn I think I would have won. :/
Welcome to miracle rouge.

Last miracle I played tried to hide leeroy in stealth not knowing I had 2 whirlwinds in my hand. Barely lived thanks to armor smith (I also got my Berserker to a 12/2. Naturally it got destroyed but it was hilarious.)

Leeroy getting nerfed really needs to happen.
Welcome to miracle rouge.

Last miracle I played tried to hide leeroy in stealth not knowing I had 2 whirlwinds in my hand. Barely lived thanks to armor smith (I also got my Berserker to a 12/2. Naturally it got destroyed but it was hilarious.)

Leeroy getting nerfed really needs to happen.

How should he be needed? Cost five mana? Whelps have taunt?
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