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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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So just jumping into this. Are daily quests and getting 3 wins the only way to get coins? Seems so slow.

Any sites with card info / popular decks info?

Yeah, daily quests or arenas. Like Kosma said, though, best to buy a few packs to start out with to get some kind of base to go on.

Hearthpwn has the best deck guides I've seen. They also have other content for learning. Hearthhead was alright in beta times, but there's so many old, old decks there now it's a little ridiculous IMO.

I racked up 660 gold over the past 4 or 5 days just doing daily quests and getting the 10 gold for 3 wins bonuses. You can get wins quickly in casual with a zoo deck.

Yep, it adds up decently quick if you are patient. I already have most of the cards so I've just been saving mine and due to having extra quests from not playing I'm at 905 after 8 days now. Might as well use it on whatever of the expansion I can afford with it before dropping the cash.


Got a bit intrigued at some custom cards I saw the other day and I tried my hand at making a custom card myself.


I'm pretty sure Hearthstone on a technical level doesn't have the mechanical ability to buff cards in hand though.
Got a bit intrigued at some custom cards I saw the other day and I tried my hand at making a custom card myself.


I'm pretty sure Hearthstone on a technical level doesn't have the mechanical ability to buff cards in hand though.

"The next creature you play" type of mechanic is there and would work the same basically.

BTW, how'd you make that? Looks great.
"The next creature you play" type of mechanic is there and would work the same basically.

BTW, how'd you make that? Looks great.

I think it only modifies the mana cost, but to change stats you'd probably need some sort of secret or some other object with an ability.
Is Nat Pagle worth keeping, or should I just Disenchant him? He stays alive for 2 turns at most, so on average I get 1 card from him. And he can't attack so he just seems to take up space in the deck.
Knowing that card art, I wish that it was animated.

I really wish that they had used Deal With It sunglasses as the effect animation on Auctioneer instead of the coin effect. Would have been perfect.

Just ran back to back wins vs. Handlock and Control Warrior as Zoo-I had a good read on Molten Giant+Argus by not attacking and trapping them in his hand by holding off attacks on turn 5, and then against the control warrior I double juggler'd away his turn 2 pyro and a 5/3 bloodsail while his fiery war axe looked sadly at my shieldbearer. I think he must have thrown his computer out the window after that one.


Is Nat Pagle worth keeping, or should I just Disenchant him? He stays alive for 2 turns at most, so on average I get 1 card from him. And he can't attack so he just seems to take up space in the deck.

I see a couple of people still use him. Just a couple, though.

But IMO don't DE legendaries (exception: DE them if you can get full dust value) unless you really need the dust. 400 dust against 1600 cost isn't really worth it unless there's a specific card you badly want.
I see a couple of people still use him. Just a couple, though.

But IMO don't DE legendaries (exception: DE them if you can get full dust value) unless you really need the dust. 400 dust against 1600 cost isn't really worth it unless there's a specific card you badly want.

I keep staring at this golden Harrison Jones I pulled and wonder if I should dust him. He's SO cool though I can't bear to do it. Too many fun memories of his stuff in Uldum in WoW to simply toss him out like that. He'd be way more useful as a BMT but whatever.

9-1 tonight and up to rank 4. My goal when I started laddering seriously (I played like 80 games over the Memorial Day weekend, hah) last week was rank 3 by the end of the season, so close I can taste it.
So completely random thing here, only because I have no idea how this would change.

I have an NVIDIA card and it came with some sort of control panel thing. I like to use it because it lets me know when to get new drivers. It also optimizes games as well, but how I don't know. It looks like it only just changes the settings you already can with ingame options, so I don't see what makes it special.

I bring this up because after running a global optimize just for the hell of it, apparently my FPS in HearthStone just shot up. I'm posting this here in case everyone is seeing this, if I'm crazy, or if something good happened.


This pally deck I threw together has been pretty unstopable in casual. Tempted to take it to ranked. Thoughts?

2x leper gnome -1
Young priestess -1
2x argent protector -2
Bloodmage thalnos -2
Blood sail raider -2
Faerie dragon -2
Knife juggler -2
Novice engineer -2
Sword of justice -3
Aldor peacekeeper -3
Blood knight -3
Imp master -3
Questing adventurer -3
Shattered sun cleric -3
True silver champion -4
2x consecrate -4
Hammer of wrath -4
Chill wind yeti -4
Shen Jin shield master -4
Spell breaker -4
Harrison jones -5 (live the dream when it works)
Stampeding kodo -5 (thinking about replacing this card)
Avenging wrath -6
Agent commander -6
Black knight -6
Storm wind champion -7
Trion fording -8
^I look forward to the match in the upcoming weeks. Constructed or arena?

God blizzards technical support sucks. Both times I've submitted a question to their forums they have either ignored me or essentially told me to restart the machine. I've been unable to play for over a week now. Any one how to get an actual response from them?


^I look forward to the match in the upcoming weeks. Constructed or arena?

God blizzards technical support sucks. Both times I've submitted a question to their forums they have either ignored me or essentially told me to restart the machine. I've been unable to play for over a week now. Any one how to get an actual response from them?

Constructed. I wasn't really paying attention.

Card Boy

Being owning zoo locks with my taunt/mana growth druid deck. They are like stunned mullets when they see a Treant Protector on turn 4-5.


Gee willikers Batman, casual matchmaking sure isn't so kind to new players in this game. I wasn't planning on trying to ladder until I had some cards in my deck, but holy guacamole, ranked feels a whole lot more casual than Casual. Getting matched against people who are both massively overskilled for me and have flushed out decks ain't so fun. Feels like I'm being bent over by some kind of starting baseline rating that people are intentionally using against the system to farm quests from hapless newbies like myself. I'm having fun with the game in general (mostly using the AI as a punching bag to unlock all the basic cards) but "casual" play makes me want to use the inkeeper's stupid face as a punching bag a little bit too. :)

Sorry about the whining, just had to vent a little after a highly unsuccessful night.


Gold Member
Gee willikers Batman, casual matchmaking sure isn't so kind to new players in this game. I wasn't planning on trying to ladder until I had some cards in my deck, but holy guacamole, ranked feels a whole lot more casual than Casual. Getting matched against people who are both massively overskilled for me and have flushed out decks ain't so fun. Feels like I'm being bent over by some kind of starting baseline rating that people are intentionally using against the system to farm quests from hapless newbies like myself. I'm having fun with the game in general (mostly using the AI as a punching bag to unlock all the basic cards) but "casual" play makes me want to use the inkeeper's stupid face as a punching bag a little bit too. :)

Sorry about the whining, just had to vent a little after a highly unsuccessful night.

Just know it's nothing unique to you, or new players. I've been playing for 6+ months (have just about all the cards except a full set of legendaries), and I still run in to streaks in casual where I lose 4-5 games in a row.

Casual just matches you up against other people who stand a chance of beating you (people with similar MMRs - the more you win the harder your opponents become, the less you win, the easier). There is no real easy mode, except perhaps ranked at around rank 20 if you're using a good deck you're familiar with.


Just know it's nothing unique to you, or new players. I've been playing for 6+ months (have just about all the cards except a full set of legendaries), and I still run in to streaks in casual where I lose 4-5 games in a row.

Casual just matches you up against other people who stand a chance of beating you (people with similar MMRs - the more you win the harder your opponents become, the less you win, the easier). There is no real easy mode, except perhaps ranked at around rank 20 if you're using a good deck you're familiar with.

So far I've only been able to get a couple of extra packs through quests, and I'm still only a little past half-way to unlocking all the basic cards, so I havn't done much deck constructing yet (and what I've done is probably pretty bad). I was kind of hoping to avoid just pulling builds from deck construction sites and have some casual fun while I learn how to play, but it seems like it's taking forever to drop my rating down to something more appropriate to how I'm playing. I'm under 10% won right now in Casual after 4 days or so of messing around. I don't think it'll stop me right away, but it starting to feel a lot more like a spanking machine than your basic free-to-play grind. The meta-meta game will probably seem a lot less harsh after some sleep :)


Gold Member
So far I've only been able to get a couple of extra packs through quests, and I'm still only a little past half-way to unlocking all the basic cards, so I havn't done much deck constructing yet (and what I've done is probably pretty bad). I was kind of hoping to avoid just pulling builds from deck construction sites and have some casual fun while I learn how to play, but it seems like it's taking forever to drop my rating down to something more appropriate to how I'm playing. I'm under 10% won right now in Casual after 4 days or so of messing around. I don't think it'll stop me right away, but it starting to feel a lot more like a spanking machine than your basic free-to-play grind. The meta-meta game will probably seem a lot less harsh after some sleep :)

You'll need to construct at least improved versions of the basic decks... be sure you're swapping in your unlocked cards and so on. I enjoy deck building, so at the beginning I was always revising decks with anything good I got from winnings.

I think my approach worked pretty well for me, that is I focused a little bit more on arena for the first few months (I didn't buy a single expert pack beyond the initial one or two, all money was spent in Arena). Your card collection doesn't matter there at all, and I seldom lost 3 games before I had at least 3 wins, probably closer to 5-6 wins, and with dailies adding up too, I was making money faster than I could spend it (without buying expert packs directly).

Building your collection through Arena isn't quick though (hence the gold surplus), unless you have lots of time to play, so it did take me a few months to get a pretty strong shaman and druid deck together. Then I could play ranked well enough with those classes, and I eased off Arena and started buying expert packs instead.

Now I'm finding it is still pretty hard compete (particularly with classes you're missing just even a few essential cards), so I'm going back to arena to get the remaining legendaries I need, because at my MMR it does seem like it's expected to have all the key cards for any particular build. That or I just get well constructed aggro decks when I play casual, which again will usually kill me unless I'm expecting them.


That's probably the best suggestion I've heard so far outside of making the auctioneer legendary. What a cheesy legendary he'd look like sitting next to mythical lore figures like Grommash, Illidan, and Alexstrasza.

And Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle and King Mukla and Captain Greenskin and Old Murk-Eye.

Lots of low key nobodies are Legendaries.

But if they did make him Legendary, he shouldn't still be "Gadgetzan Auctioneer". Make it Gazlowe or something. Probably the most notable goblin in the Warcraft universe. Or Trade Prince Gallywix.


alright, so since Naxx (the wow raid) originally was released 20 June 2006 and we get a preview of one class card every week with 4 still to go, it's presumably going to be the release date for Curse, right?

I'm growing impatient and if it wasn't for the gold grind I would have dropped Hearthstone a long while ago. I just don't enjoy the current meta and playing with the same 300-something cards for 9+ months now (open beta) is just not fun. I'm almost more exited for the next Planeswalkers game
So, I made my first deck that I actually feel somewhat confident about and I think it shows some promise. There's probably room for improvement, but I'm not sure where. The idea comes from two things, Miracle Rogue and some random video I watched where a guy deal 20 damage with a Southsea Deckhand.


Anyway, the idea is pretty simple. All you need to do is deal ten damage to your opponent, and then hope you have a charger + cold blood(s) + Faceless. This works out well because of all of the charge cards. Once you get something better, you can use a charge card to deal damage to the face, getting closer to kill range. Maybe it only works because no one knows what I'm doing, but I feel there is promise here.

Edit: Should be fixed now. If anyone has any questions, let me know.


So, I made my first deck that I actually feel somewhat confident about and I think it shows some promise. There's probably room for improvement, but I'm not sure where. The idea comes from two things, Miracle Rogue and some random video I watched where a guy deal 20 damage with a Southsea Deckhand.


Anyway, the idea is pretty simple. All you need to do is deal ten damage to your opponent, and then hope you have a charger + cold blood(s) + Faceless. This works out well because of all of the charge cards. Once you get something better, you can use a charge card to deal damage to the face, getting closer to kill range. Maybe it only works because no one knows what I'm doing, but I feel there is promise here.

Edit: Should be fixed now. If anyone has any questions, let me know.

I dunno about you, but in this deck, Prep/Shadowstep are completely, COMPLETELY useless, especially since it doesn't run Auctioneers for draw.

Actually, what is that deck doing for draw? It's like.. your combo requires turn 10 already (9 with prep, lol). With all these low cost cards, you're going to run out of steam *super* quick. 2 of each of the draw minions don't really do *that* much. The only thing I could consider to be good draw combos are Coldlight Oracles + Shadowstep, but even then you need both in your hand for it to be even remotely useful, so it's not like you'll be drawing a ton.

Another note - why no bigger daggers? Why blade flurry without them? Why are you only using one of each charger? Can't you pretty much guarantee 10 damage to the face using Evis? I'm not sure I get the point of the deck. Could be me, though.

Grey Matter

Neo Member
I dunno about you, but in this deck, Prep/Shadowstep are completely, COMPLETELY useless, especially since it doesn't run Auctioneers for draw.

I somewhat agree about the Preparation, but how can you say Shadowstep is useless when Leeroy is in the deck? With that combination you can set yourself up for a 6 mana 12 damage finisher or an 8 mana 18 damage finisher (not even taking Cold Blood into account).

I would be amazed if any Rogue deck playing Leeroy didn't also include a couple of Shadowsteps.
I dunno about you, but in this deck, Prep/Shadowstep are completely, COMPLETELY useless, especially since it doesn't run Auctioneers for draw.

Actually, what is that deck doing for draw? It's like.. your combo requires turn 10 already (9 with prep, lol). With all these low cost cards, you're going to run out of steam *super* quick. 2 of each of the draw minions don't really do *that* much. The only thing I could consider to be good draw combos are Coldlight Oracles + Shadowstep, but even then you need both in your hand for it to be even remotely useful, so it's not like you'll be drawing a ton.

Another note - why no bigger daggers? Why blade flurry without them? Why are you only using one of each charger? Can't you pretty much guarantee 10 damage to the face using Evis? I'm not sure I get the point of the deck. Could be me, though.

Prep and ShadowStep have some pretty good uses. Both have won me games, even having both in hand. ShadowStep is great because not only can I deal damage with a charge charge, I can bring it back and have it be cheaper, allowing me to use it to execute before turn ten. It turns charge cards into 0 or 1, which allows me to get 20 damage out by turn seven. Prep is just nice to have for combo rogue spells. Having both to combo with both cold bloods, dealing 20 damage by turn six. That being said, I have lost games while having only them in my hand, so maybe I could switch them, but I feel they help more than harm. I will also add that a good amount of times I'm waiting for one final card to complete the combo, but I feel I've done decent enough that is isn't a real issue.

Draw can be rough, but I haven't run into too many situations where I'm out of cards completely early on. Also, Leeroy + Cold Blood + Faceless is a finisher, but not the only one. Every single charge card is a finisher, that's the idea. Again, you only need to get your foe down to 20 health.

Bladeflurry is mainly for Zoo / Rush. Most of those cards have very low health, so you can clear the board with just a basic dagger + Poison / Thanos. It's also won me a few games being able to deal 10 to the face as well. However, I will say it's probably the other card that I could switch out.

I have to go, but if you're curious, I'll add on some more later. The ideal kill however is;

Charger + Cold Bloodx2 + Faceless


[total noob post] It's pretty awesome that you can craft cards. I am reading some about some top decks listed on HearthPwn and each deck has a crafting cost.. that's brilliant! So I put together a hunter zoo or whatever deck http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/48479-reckfuls-ladder-climb-hunter-legend which was listed at only 1,000 dust. I had a lot of the cards so I had no problem building the deck. Strangely, it was very similar to my basic deck I'd been using since the beginning with modifications here and there to make it more efficient.

Also, managed to get 4 wins in arena yesterday! 2 free packs out of that. Used hunter and just threw minions at people.

What I dislike though is that (typical of blizzard games?) there seems to be class-centric balance fighting within the community. i.e. ROGUE IS OP HUNTER IS OP NERF NERF etc. Getting tired of seeing that in every game I play lately.


And Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle and King Mukla and Captain Greenskin and Old Murk-Eye.

Lots of low key nobodies are Legendaries.

But if they did make him Legendary, he shouldn't still be "Gadgetzan Auctioneer". Make it Gazlowe or something. Probably the most notable goblin in the Warcraft universe. Or Trade Prince Gallywix.

Yep, that's exactly what I meant. He needs a name. Gazlowe was the leader of Ratchet I think, not an auctioneer. The only one I remember was Auctioneer O'reely, which would certainly add some cheekiness to the most frustrating of decks.
Been playing Priest on ladder and ran into nothing but Miracle.

Kill me

Everyone's playing the "best" deck in the final days, I think. Hopefully some of the smoke will clear out after the season ends at the end of the month.

Would Gadgetzan Auctioneer be fair if he did one damage to the owner whenever you drew a card off his effect? It leaves his text box "simple enough" for Hearthstone standards, retains flavor (you are "paying" for your cards) , and would introduce more tension in the matchup (and might force the rogue to run more healing).
Everyone's playing the "best" deck in the final days, I think. Hopefully some of the smoke will clear out after the season ends at the end of the month.

Would Gadgetzan Auctioneer be fair if he did one damage to the owner whenever you drew a card off his effect? It leaves his text box "simple enough" for Hearthstone standards, retains flavor (you are "paying" for your cards) , and would introduce more tension in the matchup (and might force the rogue to run more healing).

That would be something, but even that might not be enough really. I'd be more in favour of the auctioneer taking damage with each spell like someone else suggested.


They could change it do 1 damage to its self after each card draw so it limit s it to a max of 4 draws that way it would still keep it's value.


Unconfirmed Member

I'm having more fun than I should making fake cards.
This is fun.

I don't know a thing about WoW lore though, so I'm just putting some random characters in. Rehgar is apparently an advisor to Thrall, so why not get him to be a legendary?
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