A weapon with Poison, balanced?
4 for a complete removal is better than the 4 for polymorph for example. Plus it's for a class that already has a bunch of removal. Still neat, though. Maybe a bit OP. Plus the art you found looks damn good.
Someone else made this one, but I thought it was neat. It'd be nice to have more than one ability to swap around for certain decks. This one would be insane, though.
Got to level 9 and now it's Warlock central! Anyone got a good anti-Warlock deck?
Handlock 😁
It's people like you who make us facerollers cry. How am I supposed to get my zoo inside that wall?
Ain't got Lord Jaraxxus, got everything else.
Ain't got Lord Jaraxxus, got everything else.
The currently preferred handlock deck isn't using either of them if that hasn't changed in the last couple of days.Handlock generally prefers Alexstrasza over Jaraxxus, you can use it to do 15 damage instead of heal, and isn't susceptible to Jones/Ooze, as well as putting an 8/8 creature on the board (for the 5th time probably) they have to deal with once again (and probably spent their BGHs/hard removal on all the other giants).
The currently preferred handlock deck isn't using either of them if that hasn't changed in the last couple of days.
Trying this one out.
- Double brawl weapon warrior aggro (sounds bad, in practice it's good) , see http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/57571-legend-t8-weapons-warrior
- Face Warlock - http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=48555/legend-16hp-must-be-safe-warlock
Shockadin Paladin (charge minions, hard counters taunt walls with equality)
Face Hunter
Those are all total beatdown decks.
What rank are you? Some decks (like the warrior aggro decks) are much worse at rank 5 and below.
I was thinking about how they could fix the priest's 4 power minions problem and I couldn't come up with a unique or clever solution that fits the class. Another "Destroy minion with power > x <" spell is just lame, reducing power or health is a Paladin thing and they already have a (rather overpriced) 5 damage removal
I haven't been doing the ladder much at all, just quests when I had the opportunity to play Druid or Zoo. So around 15. If I have to use Zoo to grind my way up the ladder and switch to Aggro Warrior I probably just won't do it.
I was thinking about how they could fix the priest's 4 power minions problem and I couldn't come up with a unique or clever solution that fits the class. Another "Destroy minion with power > x <" spell is just lame, reducing power or health is a Paladin thing and they already have a (rather overpriced) 5 damage removal
Turn 5
Auctioneer played, coin, conceal, prep, fan, prep, shiv, backstab, backstab.
That is as much as they can draw in 1 turn, but im using extremes here to demonstrate the stupidity.
I thought that was a fake card that someone made.
God dammit fucking Mages. Deathrattle/Duplicate is gonna be gross.
Da fuck.
So if you tally that up, for 6 mana, they have a stealthed 4/4 that gives them a card each time they have play a spell on the board likely to attack for 12 next turn and re-stealth (drawing them 3 cards in the process) amongst other cycling, and just drew 10 additional cards from their deck (this is turn 5), and in the process did 1-2 damage AoE, 1-2 targeted damaged, and an additional 2-3 targeted damage twice over (of course they should probably think about playing the backstabs first). And they drew up to an additional 10 cards (which maybe they'd want to think about throttling back to 8 or 9 perhaps to avoid burning draws).
It's your turn 6. Good luck, because you'll need it!
edit: wait you can't use it with leeroy because secrets don't proc on your turn. so the best way to use it would be to play something they can't ignore.
I don't think that card is as crazy as some of you do.
I think it'll be a lot better in arena than constructed.
and i think it automatically makes the other mage secrets better.
That card is crazy. What happens if you faceless a rag and duplicate it? Do you get two rags when it dies?
Saw this post on Blizzard's forums and felt it illustrates really just how ridiculous Auctioneer is:
So if you tally that up, for 6 mana, they have a stealthed 4/4 that gives them a card each time they have play a spell on the board likely to attack for 12 next turn and re-stealth (drawing them 3 cards in the process) amongst other cycling, and just drew 10 additional cards from their deck (this is turn 5), and in the process did 1-2 damage AoE, 1-2 targeted damaged, and an additional 2-3 targeted damage twice over (of course they should probably think about playing the backstabs first). And they drew up to an additional 10 cards (which maybe they'd want to think about throttling back to 8 or 9 perhaps to avoid burning draws).
It's your turn 6. Good luck, because you'll need it!