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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Hail to the KING baby
I swear every time I tweak my deck to counter some new garbage, first game out I get the old garbage that the old deck was good against. EVERY time. Up and down the ladder we go.


I somewhat agree about the Preparation, but how can you say Shadowstep is useless when Leeroy is in the deck? With that combination you can set yourself up for a 6 mana 12 damage finisher or an 8 mana 18 damage finisher (not even taking Cold Blood into account).

I would be amazed if any Rogue deck playing Leeroy didn't also include a couple of Shadowsteps.

Even if this deck is a Leeroy deck, the Shadowsteps don't really factor in with his plan, simply because 2x Shadowstep + Leeroy is 18 damage, not 20. To get to 20 you need 2x Shadowstep + Leeroy + Cold Blood or Leeroy + Cold Blood + Faceless. If you're going Faceless, Shadowstep isn't that good, especially if you use it on shitty chargers (Arcane Golem is 12 for 5 mana, which isn't bad, but you're giving your opponent 3 crystals, which is kinda bad).

If you want to go with Leeroy, I say commit to it and build around it and make a true Miracle rogue. Otherwise this deck feels a bit weird and lackluster.

Prep and ShadowStep have some pretty good uses. Both have won me games, even having both in hand. ShadowStep is great because not only can I deal damage with a charge charge, I can bring it back and have it be cheaper, allowing me to use it to execute before turn ten. It turns charge cards into 0 or 1, which allows me to get 20 damage out by turn seven. Prep is just nice to have for combo rogue spells. Having both to combo with both cold bloods, dealing 20 damage by turn six. That being said, I have lost games while having only them in my hand, so maybe I could switch them, but I feel they help more than harm. I will also add that a good amount of times I'm waiting for one final card to complete the combo, but I feel I've done decent enough that is isn't a real issue.

Draw can be rough, but I haven't run into too many situations where I'm out of cards completely early on. Also, Leeroy + Cold Blood + Faceless is a finisher, but not the only one. Every single charge card is a finisher, that's the idea. Again, you only need to get your foe down to 20 health.

Bladeflurry is mainly for Zoo / Rush. Most of those cards have very low health, so you can clear the board with just a basic dagger + Poison / Thanos. It's also won me a few games being able to deal 10 to the face as well. However, I will say it's probably the other card that I could switch out.

I have to go, but if you're curious, I'll add on some more later. The ideal kill however is;

Charger + Cold Bloodx2 + Faceless

Look at my comment above - I understand your logic that all your charges are finishers, but they're typically low damage charges or stuff that isn't really worth it.

As for Blade Flurry, the thing is it's very mana unefficient if you use it to do 1/3 damage across the board... The Assassin's Blades would work very well because they will buy you time once you reach 5 mana and doing Flurry with them is very good (especially when you Flurry on their last durability point).

I'd take one out and maybe put another Fan of Knives (which will help with your card draw) and also take out one of the Faceless. 2 Faceless is only useful in very specific situations, and if you end up with a Faceless before turn 10 it's a 100% dead card as it only synergizes well with Leeroy.

And see, for your "ideal kill" scenario, the best one out of the bunch is the Arcane Golem, where you get 24 damage but at turn 10. You actually get more value than using Leeroy + Cold Blood + Faceless, but you need an extra card. You also have a grand total of 5 charge cards, which is really low if you want to focus your deck on this. If you end up in a shitty position and you only have a Deckhand or a Bluegill, you hit 20 damage straight up with 2 Cold Bloods, which while it isn't bad, requires a HUGE setup with no continual reliable card draw. You'll die to a lot of shit (especially mid-range decks) with that.


I'm having more fun than I should making fake cards.


LOL this is so ridiculously overpowered it's not even funny. :)

6 mana for a 4/5 body (which isn't bad already), a taunt, a + spellpower, and +1 hp regen? (the 1/1 totem is usually crap but hey). You get 6 mana for essentially 5/11 with special abilities :) Fun times!


I swear every time I tweak my deck to counter some new garbage, first game out I get the old garbage that the old deck was good against. EVERY time. Up and down the ladder we go.


My issue was swapping decks too often. I finally made significant headway after I just stuck to one. I had swapped 5 times when I was stuck on the 15-12 treadmill. It always seemed like whatever I went to (aggro or control) I ran into the perfect counter for the next 2 or 3 games.

Hearthstone Tracker really helped too. It let me see forest through all the trees which was that my overall totals weren't as bad as it seemed when I'd lose 2 or 3 in a row to counters.


How bout this auctioneer nerf. Lower cost to 4, but with each draw, the owner also "loses a card to another buyer"(discard off top). So it'll empty your deck faster and you can't just draw everything.

Goblins in gadgetzan don't take no sides!


whatever deck you play should be able to deal with zoo (aggro), miracle rogues, handlock and ramp druids (control/big minions). A special mention for control warrior which will screw slow decks with a limited damage range (miracle, a lot of mage decks). If you can't beat face hunter, paladin, warrior, mage, you probably struggle against zoo too


Think the best nerf to auctioneer is lose hp for every card drawn. It would cap him at 4 cards. I think it would be pretty balanced then.


Leeroy's gonna get nerfed to a 5/1 or 5 mana cost. you watch. Gadgetzan's going up to 6 mana too.
Hearing Leeroy tears my soul to shreds.

This is fun.

I don't know a thing about WoW lore though, so I'm just putting some random characters in. Rehgar is apparently an advisor to Thrall, so why not get him to be a legendary?

I'm having more fun than I should making fake cards.

Very sexy custom cards, keep posting 'em! I think I'll make and post a couple more myself.

Card creator is here if you didn't catch the link: http://achievementgen.com/hearthstone/


Leeroy's gonna get nerfed to a 5/1 or 5 mana cost. you watch. Gadgetzan's going up to 6 mana too.

I think Leeroy at 5 mana would be the most natural choice. Reducing his damage is silly as it doesn't change anything, really. 1 less damage isn't going to change how he's used much. Making him 5 mana, however, is a HUGE nerf to Miracle Rogue specifically since you wouldn't be able to Shadowstep him twice anymore so the best combo would be Leeroy + Shadowstep + Leeroy + 2x Cold Blood for exactly 20 damage (instead of 26, which is almost a one-hit kill). It would specifically only address Miracle Rogues, though, so it might be too rough of a nerf.

Gadgetzan going to 6 mana would hurt Rogues, sure, but would it be such a problem to delay their card engine by one turn? I'm not sure. The problem is more with the nearly unlimited crazy low cost card draws than anything - we would need a solution to that. There's a few possibilities, such as having it lose 1 hp every time it draws, or making it only draw on spells that cost 1 or more, which would definitely help.


Gadgetzan will get changed to "only draw one additional card a turn".

Edit: My favorite is when I realize I'm playing Handlock, and I intentionally hold back on damage at -just- the right time so he can't get out giants. LOVE IT.


Alright here's a couple more! I don't know much about WoW lore either, so I pulled some good ol' unique units from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, a game I've actually played a lot of.




alright, so since Naxx (the wow raid) originally was released 20 June 2006 and we get a preview of one class card every week with 4 still to go, it's presumably going to be the release date for Curse, right?

I'm growing impatient and if it wasn't for the gold grind I would have dropped Hearthstone a long while ago. I just don't enjoy the current meta and playing with the same 300-something cards for 9+ months now (open beta) is just not fun. I'm almost more exited for the next Planeswalkers game

Naxx is from 06? Im so old :(

I remember the event in the desert to unlock it.
"Stealth" and "Can't be targeted by spells or heroes powers" is redundant. You can't target a minion under stealth with anything.

If a Hunter were to play Flare, this minion would remain untargettable from spells/hero powers by having that extra text. So, it serves some purpose.


As a longtime WoW shaman, I'm still saddened by a few of the missing abilities. Here's some I made up just now:


EDIT: Corrected tooltip after Steaks suggestion. Couldn't think of a way to word the caster "armoring up" with Lightning Shield like you do in the game, giving you "X" charges to deal 1 damage to the enemy. That's how I'd prefer it, though.


And of course, the counter to Overload which would make Shaman...pretty popular, I'd bet.


Slow locks tend to be easy to handle if you run a BGH or two like I do my main decks. Assuming Miracle is nerfed then I imagine slow locks and zoos will be the main decks in the meta and both are easy to counter.
I need some advice one which legendary to pick up next. Looking for something that will fit into most decks but can also augment my main deck

Here is my Druid deck I roll with.

0: Innervate x 2
1: Nothing
2: Mark of the Wild x 2, Power of the Wild x 2, Wild Growth, Wrath, Acidic Swamp Ooze
3: Healing Touch, Savage Roar, Ironfur Grizzly, Mind Control Tech
4: Swipe x 2, Keeper of the Grove x2, Ogre Magi
5: Nourish, Starfall, Azure Drake, Druid of the Claw x 2
6: Cairne Bloodhoof*, Sunwalker
7: Ancient of Lore, Ancient of War x 2
9: Cenarius*
10: Sea Giant

I do pretty well against most enemies in a control game, but I feel like I need a bit of gas in the early game. I'm wondering If I should pick up Nat Pagle for the card draw ability or even bloodmage thalnos for the quick trigger when I need some extra swipe or starfall damage. At the same time, it's hard to pass up Malygos, Rag or Ysera as they fit in well into almost any deck.

The only downside to picking up a new legendary is that I will have to dust Nozdormu. But Considering how much better sea giant is than Noz, its not difficult to justify the decision. Also I will have to dust a gold tinged twisting nether which looks awesome. But c'est la vie. Any advice on the deck or the legendary is apprecited. As I pointed out I want to incorporate it into other decks as well if possible


remember me
Nobody uses Pagle anymore. I got him recently and I'm going to dust him as soon as I get within 400 of crafting a legendary.

I'd probably get a bloodmage thalnos. He'd fit in well in this deck, and in a lot of other decks. Any reason you're running an ogre magi instead of 2 azure drakes? 1 extra mana for a card draw is a good deal.
Nobody uses Pagle anymore. I got him recently and I'm going to dust him as soon as I get within 400 of crafting a legendary.

I'd probably get a bloodmage thalnos. He'd fit in well in this deck, and in a lot of other decks. Any reason you're running an ogre magi instead of 2 azure drakes? 1 extra mana for a card draw is a good deal.

I actually only have one drake (could easily craft another one) but I've found it useful to innervate him out on turn 2 or coin him out on turn 4. Turn 3 is a weak turn for druid so he gives a bit more flexibility in that regard. Also having him for turn 8 for a possible swipe or turn 9 for a starfall gives one extra turn to work with.


So what aggro decks still work well? I tried the Reynad warrior and it was completely worthless against the wall of taunts that is ubiquitous now. Zoo is a good deck and all but it can't be the only option.


Hail to the KING baby
It's people like you who make us facerollers cry. How am I supposed to get my zoo inside that wall?

win big lose big! i've actually only recently started incorporating taunts. i used to run a no-taunts late-game mage deck that basically relied on secrets, alex, and ice block to keep me alive -- made it to L8 with it! But there was almost never a calm win. I like playing this style but super aggro is legitimately a huge pain as it should be. Fun tense matchups.


I'm trying out a 100% F2P Rogue deck in EU. I bought packs with achievement gold and DE'd everything I couldn't use as well as DE'd anything of value from my other decks (Eaglehorn, Hounds, etc.) Scraped together enough to craft a couple of key cards like a single Auctioneer and SI Agent.

Kobold Geomancer is working out REALLY well, I think it's a huge value vs. Azure Drake because I can play it relatively early to either buff spells or turn it into a weapon w/ Cold Blood. Also, if Geomancer gets silenced you can Shadowstep it and bring it back out for 0 mana with its benefits intact. I'm like 12-2 with this deck, going from Rank 20 to 15.

The 30th card slot I'm unsure about. I've been running Stormwind Champion but I just changed it out in favor of Assassinate. In my past 8 or 9 games I haven't once played Champion and there have been situations where a hard removal would have come in handy.

Deck list:

Backstab x2
Shadowstep x1
Cold Blood x2
Conceal x1
Deadly Poison x2
Sinister Strike x2
Blade Flurry x1
Eviscerate x2
Sap x2
Shiv x2
Bloodsail Raider x1 (this card can be pivotal in the early game with your standard weapon or late game with Assassin's Blade)
Defias Ringleader x1
Kobold Geomancer x1
Novice Engineer x1
Fan of Knives x2
Questing Adventurer x1 (another pivotal card if for no other reason than playing it almost always induces panic in your opponents and they'll immediately spend a lot to remove it)
SI:7 Agent x1
Wolfrider x1
Assassin's Blade x1
Assassinate x1
Gadgetzan Auctioneer x1
Reckless Rocketeer x1 (This is or a buffed Wolfrider can be your Leeroy substitutes)

Cards this deck really needs once I get the dust: Preparation x2, a second Auctioneer, a second Conceal

What I really like about this deck is that it can easily go over taunts for big damage. At least a couple of times I've finished low health opponents by using Blade Flurry on a buffed Assassin's Blade.
I'm trying out a 100% F2P Rogue deck in EU. I bought packs with achievement gold and DE'd everything I couldn't use as well as DE'd anything of value from my other decks (Eaglehorn, Hounds, etc.) Scraped together enough to craft a couple of key cards like a single Auctioneer and SI Agent.

Kobold Geomancer is working out REALLY well, I think it's a huge value vs. Azure Drake because I can play it relatively early to either buff spells or turn it into a weapon w/ Cold Blood. I'm like 12-2 with this deck, going from Rank 20 to 15.

The 30th card slot I'm unsure about. I've been running Stormwind Champion but I just changed it out in favor of Assassinate. In my past 8 or 9 games I haven't once played Champion and there have been situations where a hard removal would have come in handy.

Deck list:

Backstab x2
Shadowstep x1
Cold Blood x2
Conceal x1
Deadly Poison x2
Sinister Strike x2
Blade Flurry x1
Eviscerate x2
Sap x2
Shiv x2
Bloodsail Raider x1 (this card can be pivotal in the early game with your standard weapon or late game with Assassin's Blade)
Defias Ringleader x1
Kobold Geomancer x1
Novice Engineer x1
Fan of Knives x2
Questing Adventurer x1 (another pivotal card if for no other reason than playing it almost always induces panic in your opponents and they'll immediately spend a lot to remove it)
SI:7 Agent x1
Wolfrider x1
Assassin's Blade x1
Assassinate x1
Gadgetzan Auctioneer x1
Reckless Rocketeer x1 (This is or a buffed Wolfrider can be your Leeroy substitutes)

Cards this deck really needs once I get the dust: Preparation x2, a second Auctioneer, a second Conceal

I'm no rogue player, but i don't see the value in wolfrider at all, nor do i see any value in having any sinister strikes, let alone two of them. Those need to be replaced by minions in my opinion, maybe another si:7 agent, or even a few taunts or even a yeti
So what aggro decks still work well? I tried the Reynad warrior and it was completely worthless against the wall of taunts that is ubiquitous now. Zoo is a good deck and all but it can't be the only option.

- Double brawl weapon warrior aggro (sounds bad, in practice it's good) , see http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/57571-legend-t8-weapons-warrior
- Face Warlock - http://www.hearthhead.com/deck=48555/legend-16hp-must-be-safe-warlock
Shockadin Paladin (charge minions, hard counters taunt walls with equality)
Face Hunter

Those are all total beatdown decks.

What rank are you? Some decks (like the warrior aggro decks) are much worse at rank 5 and below.
Hm I'm having more luck with token druid compared to my bastardized ramp druid, but I did fall from 7 all the way to 10 so I guess it might be the climb back being easier. It seems like a deck focusing on 4/5 drops is better in the current meta than a deck focusing on 6/7 drops (and I don't have cairne and sylvanas which probably made it worse). Decks like zoo peak around that turn and vs rogues you need to put in enough hurt and have enough minions on the board before they can put down the gadgetzan.

Plus having good burst is always a good thing. I thought the druid combo was situational as hell because you would only run one force of nature and having that and a savage roar in your hand on turn 9 seems flakey as hell. Fortunately the deck is full of good cards and force of nature and savage roar are pretty good even if they aren't played together, which makes it a bit more consistent than I expected.


Running zoo tonight on the ladder at rank 10.

I ran into 5 straight watcher druid decks which is pretty damn weird and also quite inconvenient. I normally see a lot of druid, but not 5 of the same type in a row. Welcome back to rank 11. I didn't get even get a semi-optimal draw in 4 of the 5. I managed to win two, but what can ya do. No deck is more frustrating for me (playing zoo) than this...outside of the good old control warrior, of course.

I wish I could catch a few good streams of control warrior. I'd like to try it out, only need one of the legendaries. It just seems kind of clunky to me, though.
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