How can you do fan then backstab twice? All of the enemy minions would be hit so you couldn't backstab them. You'd only be able to BS your own minion.
Unless they have divine shield minions.
How can you do fan then backstab twice? All of the enemy minions would be hit so you couldn't backstab them. You'd only be able to BS your own minion.
Speaking of newish ideas...has anyone seen folks playing the zoo deck but with different classes? And I mean the exact zoo, but with class cards replacing warlock cards. I went up against a mage playing the Zoo with a few replacements for the warlock pieces (Doomguard, etc.) plus 2 frostbolts and 2 fireballs. It was weird.
Speaking of newish ideas...has anyone seen folks playing the zoo deck but with different classes? And I mean the exact zoo, but with class cards replacing warlock cards. I went up against a mage playing the Zoo with a few replacements for the warlock pieces (Doomguard, etc.) plus 2 frostbolts and 2 fireballs. It was weird.
As for that card, finally, Deathwing! lol.
Yeah, I've faced more than one Rogue doing the same thing.
Mage card would be too slow with large 8 mana drops imo.
Gimmicky and slow, not what I expected. Mage and Paladin getting additional secrets sucks
I don't think that's all they're getting, not to mention this whole expac or whatever it is, is playing heavy on death rattles, so there's the reason why.
I thought is was said that each class gets one new card and all the rest are neutrals?
Correct, only a single class card per class in this PVE adventure. Unlikely we'll see anything else until the expansion which is probably not until after Blizzcon (so either late, late 2014, or next year for the expansion, which also means it's possible the second expansion may not be until 2016 or so).
I assume a lot of people will get bored of the meta by then. By that time ladder will be 90% Handlocks and Miracle Rogue.
One expansion a year doesn't seem like a good plan to keep players and make them spend money on your game...
That mage secret gonna be crazy, you watch. Crazy things are going to be done with it.
Correct, only a single class card per class in this PVE adventure. Unlikely we'll see anything else until the expansion which is probably not until after Blizzcon (so either late, late 2014, or next year for the expansion, which also means it's possible the second expansion may not be until 2016 or so).
I know but ppl in here are talking about rag.You wouldn't save it for 8 drops.
Turn 4 - Duplicate, Leper Gnome.
Turn 5 - Duplicate, Leper Gnome x2
Turn 6 - Leper Gnome x2
4 cards, ten damage to health and ten damage to minions. Doesn't seem broken, maybe it'll be good if you can fill the first three turns with face damage and then finish with direct damage spells.
One expansion a year doesn't seem like a good plan to keep players and make them spend money on your game...
Also, Handlocks and Miracle Rogues will be nerfed waaaaay before we need another set to throw things out of whack.
Arena. I can't win more than 4 games. Ever. Sigh.
In MTG, we call this "Magic Christmasland".
It's not even that good!
God please noWater Eles for daysssss
That mage secret gonna be crazy, you watch. Crazy things are going to be done with it.
Out of all the cards announced so far I still think Shaman's is the most powerful at the moment.
Shaman's has a lot of utility, but in pure numbers of strength, I'm not convinced it is the strongest. For finishing combos, they already have whirlwind if they want that double charge.
Shaman already has Faceless + Hex/BGH to take control / turn any threat the other player uses against themselves, Rebirth means they get another way to do that, a Mindcontrol + 5/5 on the board w/ another mindcontrol in waiting for 8 mana as well. And Rebirth can also go right in to Leeroy for 6 more damage @ 2 mana... I think they win, but Warrior's is not a bad second.
That frost giant taunt deck would be fairly annoying with this. I, for one, am looking forward to our deathrattle overlords. Time for some new ideas.
Speaking of newish ideas...has anyone seen folks playing the zoo deck but with different classes? And I mean the exact zoo, but with class cards replacing warlock cards. I went up against a mage playing the Zoo with a few replacements for the warlock pieces (Doomguard, etc.) plus 2 frostbolts and 2 fireballs. It was weird.
But I think the warrior weapon is going to make a slow deck like cycle warrior even more formidable and aggro warrior will have another tool to help them hold board while smashing into face.
Unless they get lucky in the early draws they all fall to the Geddon, Alex, Grommash chain of death.
I think the warrior's 4/2 for 4cc weapon is stronger. I mean, truesilver champion for warrior basically except trade the healing for giving synergy for enrage minions and clearing board of small drops. The second hit is like a free swipe..
I don't understand why most Zoo don't use at least one Ooze in their deck, it saved my ass so many time against Warriors and Shamans. I guess in the higher ranks there's less weapon users so it's not nearly as valuable.
How does the control warrior perform against Handlock and the smorgasbord of druids (watcher/ramp/token)?
I'd really like to give it a go as my second deck when Zoo hits the taunt walls, but I need a good list and I still haven't gotten to see anyone play it outside of Admirable for about 4 games one night.