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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Shieldbearer handles most of this work for me. Shaman's hitting with stormforged isn't that scary , they still need fast wolves and at least one lightning storm to stay in the game. I just ran over a control warrior with double fiery win axe without a sweat thanks to turn 1 shieldbearer. It messed up his mulligan completely.

Yeah I play Shieldbearer too but an Ooze is a nice help too. Especially nice when they immediately get a second war axe out after using their first one and it gets destroyed by an Ooze. Might be a bit situational but it's been a lot of help so far, not sure a Young Priestress would be much better.


The streak finally ended. I played the last one really poorly. Moved up 5 ranks though which is pretty damn cool. I'm done with ladder until the next season starts now...

So my first season I finished rank 12. In the 2nd I finished rank 8. Improvement Gaf, improvement. Next month I aim for 6. Baby steps towards legend (hopefully).

Fellow Shockadin bro!


Fellow Shockadin bro!

Shockadin FTW!

Yea I crafted it based on a list I saw a few days ago switching up only 2-3 cards. I played a handful of games with it then and did ok. Today I was like "Fuck it. I'm using this deck until I lose with it." I'm def keeping it around bc 1) i saw success with it (obvious reason) but 2) It's fun as hell to play. I really havent played decks like Miracle rogue or Handlock much but those decks are zzzzzzzz


I swear, everytime I play against a shaman, they'll get exactly the totem they need every time they play it. It's so frustrating.

And doing quests with a classes you really have nothing good for is becoming pretty hard. Casual is full of dude with perfect decks :(


I swear, everytime I play against a shaman, they'll get exactly the totem they need every time they play it. It's so frustrating.

And doing quests with a classes you really have nothing good for is becoming pretty hard. Casual is full of dude with perfect decks :(

"don't be taunt totem don't be taunt totem don't be taunt totem don't be taunt totem don't be taunt totem"




I swear, everytime I play against a shaman, they'll get exactly the totem they need every time they play it. It's so frustrating.

And doing quests with a classes you really have nothing good for is becoming pretty hard. Casual is full of dude with perfect decks :(

Everytime I play as Shaman I never get the totem I want.

"Please be spell totem, please be spell totem, please be spell totem, please-"
*1/1 totem comes in*


Fuck this game with a rusty nail sometimes man...

EDIT: And 10 loss streak, good thing I only play casual. Everyone has legendaries except me.
EDIT2: And I think my MMR has sunk low enough to the point where I'm against people stupider than me.
EDIT3: Maybe, still only going 1 win for every 3-10 losses.
EDIT4: At this point I would appreciate going against nothing but total morons. I would enjoy the 100% win rate.
EDIT5: Finally starting to hit my stride again. Whew...


God I hate the meta. First it was the god awful Hunters and now is this stupid Zoo thing.
I feel like I'm being punished for playing with a class I like, with a deck I made so I can learn as I play, instead of going with the meta.


God I hate the meta. First it was the god awful Hunters and now is this stupid Zoo thing.
I feel like I'm being punished for playing with a class I like, with a deck I made so I can learn as I play, instead of going with the meta.

Zoo are popular at lower ranks because they're really cheap to make considering their efficiency. You'll see much more Miracle Rogues and Handlocks at higher ranks which are the least fun matchups you'll ever face no matter what class you play.

What kind of deck do you play? Zoos aren't that hard to counter (it's helped by a good amount of Zoo player being pretty bad too)


Zoo are popular at lower ranks because they're really cheap to make considering their efficiency. You'll see much more Miracle Rogues and Handlocks at higher ranks which are the least fun matchups you'll ever face no matter what class you play.

Sure but wins against Handlocks are the most satisfying wins.


I swear, everytime I play against a shaman, they'll get exactly the totem they need every time they play it. It's so frustrating.

That is my experience...

Everytime I play as Shaman I never get the totem I want.

And this is also my experience.

Everybody complains about every deck. The only deck that's fun to play against is the one you're beating.

Yep. I've seen raging against Miracle Rogue, Handlock, Zoo, Shockadin, Ramp Druid, the Token Druid savage roar/force of nature combo, Frost Giant mages, etc...everyone hates whatever they are playing, and it's cheap and no skill. Internet 101.


Heh I have fun against most decks even when I lose. I don't find playing Miracle rogues fun because they take forever to play their turn most of the time (especially if they're new to the deck), and then it takes even more time due to having to look at them drawing their entire deck.

Handlock is not much more fun but at least it's over rather quickly.


Woo opened up an Alexstraza tonight. For a second I thought my next one was going to be Golden Gruul just to rub it in my face more.


remember me
I'm gonna try to hit legend with priest next season. Should be a fun deck to play, watching streamers it seems like it's definitely the class with the highest skill cap for success.


I almost got excited for Duplicate and then I immediately remembered Blizz nerfing secrets with a giant banhammer.

Everybody complains about every deck. The only deck that's fun to play against is the one you're beating.

I don't play much constructed, but Pirate Warrior is a lot of fun. Had my best win streaks with it actually and climbed below rank 10 by just completing my dailies :b

Funny enough it's actually good against Zoo. Armor up! is the most unintuitive ability for a face-deck, but works really well if the game drags a bit.

Card Boy

I finally got my first Knife Juggler after being playing almost daily since closed beta. I refuse to craft anything under a Epic.


Took control warrior out for a spin tonight. Went a very sad 3-6 and swapped back to zoolock. I'd say 6 of 9 decks I faced in that run were other forms of control, 3 of those were mirror matches, and I just don't have the experience to play it as well as others who regularly do.

I'm still not entirely sure what my gameplan should be with it. Most games I lost came down to the bitter end for both of us and I felt like I should have fared much better.


Added a whole new batch of custom cards to my album. Example:



I love the new mage secret. My favorite so far together with Rebirth. It'll probably just end up copying lots of Kirin Tor Mages :p

Duplicate + Sylvanas/Cairne will be fun though

Shieldbearer handles most of this work for me. Shaman's hitting with stormforged isn't that scary , they still need fast wolves and at least one lightning storm to stay in the game.

this is sadly true in my experience


I had this crazy idea that you can have multiple decks of the same class instead of having to scrap your whole deck whenever you want to try something new


Gold Member
I had this crazy idea that you can have multiple decks of the same class instead of having to scrap your whole deck whenever you want to try something new

You can, up to 9 decks of the same class. I think a common tactic when going for legendary is to remake the same deck in 3-4 slots, and slightly alter them for different purposes so you can quickly switch between variations of the same class.

Sadly, then there are no other classes able to have decks. :( I would really love to see them simply make the deck slots have little dots at the bottom (empty/transparent for unselected and filled/solid for selected) and re-clicking the panel when it is selected would toggle the deck for that panel. They could easily add 3-5 dots per panel, giving us 27-45 deck slots. This would work on tablets perfectly fine too, and without using any additional screen space, which is also important.
I had a random question about Blizzard and matchmaking. I played yesterday for the first time in a few days after playing daily for some time and I just was having the best of luck. I was winning a ton of matches (for me) and everything seemed to fall into place as far as cards I wanted to play and everything. I was just wondering if there's any legitimacy to my thought that maybe Blizzard pairs you up against easier opponents after a hiatus? It felt a little too convenient I guess haha.


Yep. And I depending on how many minions you're gonna draw, I'd probably start swinging away with that Sword of Justice because, shit, no way you'll go through all those charges on all those weapons before the game ends.

That's exactly what I did, ended up winning too. Still pretty ridiculous to get all four weapons I drafted with only eight draws.


What kind of deck do you play? Zoos aren't that hard to counter (it's helped by a good amount of Zoo player being pretty bad too)

Mid-game focused control Shaman. I don't have a lot of things I can do early on, and the only AoE that I have sucks, because Lightning Storm ALWAYS hit x/3 minions for 2.
So I usually put some minions, they're destroyed in a blink and I there's nothing I can do.


I like playing against Zoo decks. Their turns are usually pretty quick.
Like someone else said, Miracle takes forever on their turns. So I don't like playing against them.

Win/Loss, I don't really care. Miracle just takes forever plus you have very little feedback throughout the match. Zoo is instant feedback and fast turns. Good fun.


Went on a 8-3 arena run with a mage, best run so far. Okay draft but my only Legendary was Malygos and he's not that great for Arena runs :/ By the time I got to play him, the game was usually already decided.

Stuck at rank 9 on ladder, Can't seem to win more than two matches in a row before facing a handlock, which I really don't know how to deal with as a Zoo, oh well. When I'm done building that deck I'll probably go for a Shockadin, as I enjoy fast deck a lot.

By the way is there any way to check which "hidden" quest you already completed?


Hit rank 10 last night. If I wasn't such a puss about losing on ladder id probably be higher. My rank 10 gatekeeper was a priest. Any time I play vs one of those ranked better than 12 I get nervous because it usually means they're good and full of clever and infuriating tricks. I was able to kill him on turn 10, I did not want to face Mind Control. Turn 9 I got off the Gromm+Whirlwind combo leaving him with 5 health. He used Faceless to kill Gromm and healed himself to 7. But I'd had Gorehowl in my hand for a while, and that was that.
Stuck at rank 9 on ladder, Can't seem to win more than two matches in a row before facing a handlock, which I really don't know how to deal with as a Zoo, oh well.

You can't really beat Hellfire on curve so hope they don't have it. Bring them down to 14 health or so and hope to one hit KO them the turn thereafter. Watch their cards in hand and life total so that it makes it not possible for them to play a giant + taunt provider in the same turn.

You are like 20-30% to win if you play well in the matchup. Don't let losing to it get to you :).


Just played a priest with 4 mind blast in arena.
He uses mind blast on his second turn.
On his last turn he deals 15 damage with 3 more mind blast.
So cheap haha.
I was just playing a fellow druid, had 10/5 ancient and a 8/6 sea giant on the board. He summons force of nature, slaps on a roar, innervates and slaps on a power of the wild. Now he has 3 - 5/3 treants and his hero with 2 attack and I have 16 hp. With no taunts i figured I would hit concede early and get it over with. The game lags a bit and he proceeds to run his treants into my minions, wiping the board clean instead of going lethal.

I was sitting in horror as I had two swipes and saw the cenarion slowly flying into my hand as malfurion said four words I will never hear again: "I concede to you"
I was just playing a fellow druid, had 10/5 ancient and a 8/6 sea giant on the board. He summons force of nature, slaps on a roar, innervates and slaps on a power of the wild. Now he has 3 - 5/3 treants and his hero with 2 attack and I have 16 hp. With no taunts i figured I would hit concede early and get it over with. The game lags a bit and he proceeds to run his treants into my minions, wiping the board clean instead of going lethal.

I was sitting in horror as I had two swipes and saw the cenarion slowly flying into my hand as malfurion said four words I will never hear again: "I concede to you"

This is the type of situation that has led me to never conceding.


I was just playing a fellow druid, had 10/5 ancient and a 8/6 sea giant on the board. He summons force of nature, slaps on a roar, innervates and slaps on a power of the wild. Now he has 3 - 5/3 treants and his hero with 2 attack and I have 16 hp. With no taunts i figured I would hit concede early and get it over with. The game lags a bit and he proceeds to run his treants into my minions, wiping the board clean instead of going lethal.

I was sitting in horror as I had two swipes and saw the cenarion slowly flying into my hand as malfurion said four words I will never hear again: "I concede to you"

Never concede unless you know for sure it's truly over.
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