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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Never concede unless you know for sure it's truly over.

Truth. A warlock was down to 9 health had a giant shield and 3 other giant creatures posed to finish me off and All I had was 2 armor smiths, a now silenced acolyte of pain and a 2/2. Draw Grom, run my 1/2 silenced Acolyte of Pain, Execute the giant, grom, shield slam my Grom, win the game.

He must have been piiiiiiiissed.
This is the type of situation that has led me to never conceding.

Never concede. Never

Never concede unless you know for sure it's truly over.

It was truly over. It's just that the player was horrible at basic arithmetic. But I learned my lesson.

Also, because GAF didn't give me any advice I used my dust bux to create a Ysera and ho-lee-shit is this card amazing. When they can't get rid of it, it becomes a death sentence. Any card it draws is amazing, including laughing sister. Even if it does get poly'd or hex'd, whatever the card it gives you will become a giant wild card that the other player can't play around. I don't have the +4 attack/defense card in my deck because i roll MOTW instead, but even without it Ysera is a big body that must be dealt with. While I love my Cenarius, Cairne and even my Noz, Ysera is by far the best legendary I have and easily one of the best in the game.



I've dropped him in longer games (because I didn't have lethal very early) and he's won me matchups.


Also, because GAF didn't give me any advice I used my dust bux to create a Ysera and ho-lee-shit is this card amazing. When they can't get rid of it, it becomes a death sentence. Any card it draws is amazing, including laughing sister. Even if it does get poly'd or hex'd, whatever the card it gives you will become a giant wild card that the other player can't play around. I don't have the +4 attack/defense card in my deck because i roll MOTW instead, but even without it Ysera is a big body that must be dealt with. While I love my Cenarius, Cairne and even my Noz, Ysera is by far the best legendary I have and easily one of the best in the game.
Ysera is shit in the current meta IMO. WAAAAY too slow. Rag at least gets grants you an instant hit. Ysera awakens is pretty amazing though.

Next legendary you create has to be leeroy.


Neo Member
Yay. Just hit legendary on EU with a day to spare.
Did the final stretch from Rank 3 with Shockadin. Legit deck with amazing reach after the initial aggro stalls out. Played standard Shaman down to Level 1 a couple of days back, but couldn't push through. Meta seemed to turn against them.
Feel free to friend me for help, practice, etc. Ingame name: Lascert


Yay. Just hit legendary on EU with a day to spare.
Did the final stretch from Rank 3 with Shockadin. Legit deck with amazing reach after the initial aggro stalls out. Played standard Shaman down to Level 1 a couple of days back, but couldn't push through. Meta seemed to turn against them.
Feel free to friend me for help, practice, etc. Ingame name: Lascert
Congrats on reaching Legendary! I'm having to settle for rank 9 this season although I'm going to try and make the push next season.
I think I'm just terrible at this game. I've won maybe 3 matches total since i started today. My deck or myself suck. Or both. My wife has a similar setup as me and she's fucking wrecking people. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Ysera works in control decks. She makes good removal bait and if you're lucky you'll draw either emerald drake - more removal bait, Dream, or Ysera Awakens. Awakens + Gromm 15 damage combined with a board clear.
I think I'm just terrible at this game. I've won maybe 3 matches total since i started today. My deck or myself suck. Or both. My wife has a similar setup as me and she's fucking wrecking people. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

almost everyone sucks when they first start. especially if it's your first magic-style card game. I can't imagine there's a big influx of new players right now so you're randomly getting paired with people who have more experience.

I think there are links in the OP to beginner's guides(at least their bloody well should be). other than that watching people stream it is a big help. especially for arena where you aren't limited on cards.
the upside to ysera is that she doesn't care about BGH. but yeah, you don't see her much because she's way too slow. maybe okay in ramp druid? but even handlock wants to kill you on or before turn 10.

Special C

the upside to ysera is that she doesn't care about BGH. but yeah, you don't see her much because she's way too slow. maybe okay in ramp druid? but even handlock wants to kill you on or before turn 10.

She also doesn't care about Power Word: Death. She's a nightmare for Priest
Saying Ysera eats it to equality is a bit silly considering every minion in the game is susceptible to equality, legendary or otherwise. It's like saying Tirion Fordring is bad because he is susceptible to polymorph. My deck is control heavy so quite a few of my games run into the later stages of a match. I intentionally make minions hex bait or silence bait and once they have exhausted two or three counters I know its safe for Ysera to come out. I'm not much of ladder grinder but I've been spanking people all day with Ysera. I've even pulled 5 cards in one match before which is ridiculous. Also managed to go thermonuclear with Ysera, two emerald drakes and cenarius with motw with two nightmares on the drakes. 31 damage in one turn on an unsuspecting hunter. Miracle druidddddd
Saying Ysera eats it to equality is a bit silly considering every minion in the game is susceptible to equality, legendary or otherwise. It's like saying Tirion Fordring is bad because he is susceptible to polymorph. My deck is control heavy so quite a few of my games run into the later stages of a match. I intentionally make minions hex bait or silence bait and once they have exhausted two or three counters I know its safe for Ysera to come out. I'm not much of ladder grinder but I've been spanking people all day with Ysera. I've even pulled 5 cards in one match before which is ridiculous. Also managed to go thermonuclear with Ysera, two emerald drakes and cenarius with motw with two nightmares on the drakes. 31 damage in one turn on an unsuspecting hunter. Miracle druidddddd

It matters because equality is one example of a cheap removal spell that ruins your 9 mana play where you did nothing else that turn (likely). There is a reason it is not used in the current meta. If you spank people with Ysera it tells me you're not playing good players.


Gold Member
She also doesn't care about Power Word: Death. She's a nightmare for Priest

Sorta a dead card against Priest though... especially if they played first and you used your coin earlier. Not too fun casting Ysera turn 9 knowing the Priest will Mind Control it right away.
Ysera is shit in the current meta IMO. WAAAAY too slow. Rag at least gets grants you an instant hit. Ysera awakens is pretty amazing though.

Next legendary you create has to be leeroy.

Yep. Honestly disenchanted my Ysera to craft Leeroy. Complete garbage in the current meta since they game will likely be decided or close to it by the time you get to play it.

Rag won quite a few games in my priest deck.
It matters because equality is one example of a cheap removal spell that ruins your 9 mana play where you did nothing else that turn (likely). There is a reason it is not used in the current meta. If you spank people with Ysera it tells me you're not playing good players.

ysera belongs in a control deck. so ideally your opponent has had to go through several other big threats before you play her. the reason she's not good in the current meta is because she is way too slow not because she's easy to remove.


ysera belongs in a control deck. so ideally your opponent has had to go through several other big threats before you play her. the reason she's not good in the current meta is because she is way too slow not because she's easy to remove.

She's still easy to remove.


That's exactly what I did, ended up winning too. Still pretty ridiculous to get all four weapons I drafted with only eight draws.

Reminds me of this, which I posted once before:



Sorta a dead card against Priest though... especially if they played first and you used your coin earlier. Not too fun casting Ysera turn 9 knowing the Priest will Mind Control it right away.

People actually run MC? I've mostly run into the Zetalot one, which doesn't.
Definitely not running zoolock next season for my legend run-the shockadin deck + ramp druid and handlock everywhere have generated a critical mass of bad matchups. You can get to legend with it, for sure, but it'll require twice the work of a better positioned deck.

Even against the "good" matchups, you still need for them to not draw the cards they have in their deck to beat you. The decks creature's simply don't interact well with the decks that are most popular now, and since the deck is all creatures that's sort of bad.


Definitely not running zoolock next season for my legend run-the shockadin deck + ramp druid and handlock everywhere have generated a critical mass of bad matchups. You can get to legend with it, for sure, but it'll require twice the work of a better positioned deck.

Even against the "good" matchups, you still need for them to not draw the cards they have in their deck to beat you. The decks creature's simply don't interact well with the decks that are most popular now, and since the deck is all creatures that's sort of bad.

Yeah I never really got the complaints about Zoolocks, they have tons of bad matchups and are easily counterable. Plus all it takes is a bad early hand and you're pretty much screwed.
I've played like 12 arenagames today, and faced Deathwing THREE times. Fucking insane.

I had a game once where my opponent Deathwing'd me and then I Deathwing'd him back next turn. I wonder what the odds are of that kind of draft ever happening in the game, but they can't be that much.


I'm strongly considering crafting Leeroy. I love aggro Warrior but it is just kind of gimped without him. Then again, with every single deck running Tazdingo and Sunfury and Sunwalker, Black Knight might be a better choice.
I'm strongly considering crafting Leeroy. I love aggro Warrior but it is just kind of gimped without him. Then again, with every single deck running Tazdingo and Sunfury and Sunwalker, Black Knight might be a better choice.

Leeroy steals games. That's why he's so popular. In non-Miracle decks, Leeroy exists as a out-of-nowhere wincon that helps you win games otherwise unwinnable. When you are laddering a lot, that means extra win % than if you didn't have him, which in turn means you get ranks faster.

He's the best legendary in the game with Thalnos in second. I don't think people realize how dumb Thalnos really is because his effect isn't wowzers, but he's incredibly strong.


Neo Member
Leeroy steals games. That's why he's so popular. In non-Miracle decks, Leeroy exists as a out-of-nowhere wincon that helps you win games otherwise unwinnable. When you are laddering a lot, that means extra win % than if you didn't have him, which in turn means you get ranks faster.

He's the best legendary in the game with Thalnos in second. I don't think people realize how dumb Thalnos really is because his effect isn't wowzers, but he's incredibly strong.

^^^ My first 2 crafts were Leeroy and then Thalnos. Use them both in many decks. Unless you play only one class and need its legendary, you won't be sorry.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He's the best legendary in the game with Thalnos in second. I don't think people realize how dumb Thalnos really is because his effect isn't wowzers, but he's incredibly strong.

He's got great value for a 2 mana card if you can use his spellpower, but I think calling him the second best legendary in the game is quite a stretch. Unless you can use two or more damage spells or an AOE with him than he's really not that much better than a loot hoarder.I think both Ragnaros and Cairne Bloodhoof are better cards than Thalnos.


He's got great value for a 2 mana card if you can use his spellpower, but I think calling him the second best legendary in the game is quite a stretch. Unless you can use two or more damage spells or an AOE with him than he's really not that much better than a loot hoarder.I think both Ragnaros and Cairne Bloodhoof are better cards than Thalnos.

Yep. Leeroy, Cairne, and Rag are the holy trinity. Thalnos is definitely A tier though along with Sylvanis. I really want to rank Harrison Jones up there as well. Ooze on steroids.

Edit: I really need to add more GAF'ers to play against. I am Raxus #1252


WOW the guy I just played missed lethal so hard.

I had 12 health. He had 7.

I had 12 dmg Gromm and Cruel Taskmaster on the board. He had Houndmaster, Hyena, and 2 dogs. He hit Gromm with the dogs and buffed the Hyena to 6 dmg. 6 from the hyena, 4 from Houndmaster, 2 from hero power = lethal. I literally had my pointer hovering over the concede button when... he attacked GROMM with the Hyena. Then hit me with the Houndmaster and hero power. I was absolutely shocked. I had Gorehowl in my hand and finished him. I actually sent a friend request because I wanted to tell the guy. Not to rub it in but to try and be helpful, I literally feel bad about having won the game because I certainly didn't earn it.


I'm strongly considering crafting Leeroy. I love aggro Warrior but it is just kind of gimped without him. Then again, with every single deck running Tazdingo and Sunfury and Sunwalker, Black Knight might be a better choice.

I think Kor'kron Elite is better than Leeroy.

It does 2 damage less but it can be buffed with Cruel Taskmaster. It has 1 more health. And it does not summon those stupid whelps.

Leeroy is worth it in many other decks, but I really don't like him in warrior.

If you're looking for the Faceless + Leeroy combo then you're not playing him until late and then Grommash is infinitely better to have.

Special C

As much as I played this game I made the stupidest play today. Had the damage to kill a Hyena and a Starving Buzzard. Killed the Buzzard first.....


always kill the air totem, kids
always kill the air totem

btw I love playing cairne/rag/ysera against all those mage decks that don't run polymorph


always kill the air totem, kids
always kill the air totem

btw I love playing cairne/rag/ysera against all those mage decks that don't run polymorph

What kind of shitty mage deck doesn't run Polymorph?

And I usually try to never let a Totem alive when it's on board, it'll always end up badly if you let them be.


What kind of shitty mage deck doesn't run Polymorph?

And I usually try to never let a Totem alive when it's on board, it'll always end up badly if you let them be.

aggro mage. Once they start throwing fireballs at your minions you pretty much got the game in the bag


I think Kor'kron Elite is better than Leeroy.

It does 2 damage less but it can be buffed with Cruel Taskmaster. It has 1 more health. And it does not summon those stupid whelps.

Leeroy is worth it in many other decks, but I really don't like him in warrior.

If you're looking for the Faceless + Leeroy combo then you're not playing him until late and then Grommash is infinitely better to have.

Leeroy can be buffed by Cruel Taskmaster too, just not twice.

Alternately, if you have a Frothing Berserker out, the whelps mean that you get 3 Whirlwind targets for 1!
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