Neo Member
I'm LOVING this new meta... My previous "mage buster" Pally is now stomping through just about everyone because the name of the game seems to be "blow your load fast and to the face!" so I let people wail on me, and I heal up and keep their minions down and by turn 7 or 8 most of my opponents seem played out.
Not even mad that you guys destroyed my miracle Rogue that I loved playing so much now
I really need to come up with a new name for it... The original design came about many patches ago (pre massive mage nerfs) where mages would just freeze you all game then fireball/pyroblast you to death.
It's very much a "mid" game Pally, with the cards more or less being designed to combo either with themselves against a late game deck (druids, hand locks) or to keep you out of "insta death" range (miracle rogue in particular, but works well against most rush decks). Plenty of spot removal and AoE and card draw so you're never starved, and you never have to worry about things like divine favor procing favorably which makes it a lot more consistent than shockadin (IMO).
For being the second day of a new season, I'm rising through ranks fast (just got past 10) and have been on a constant win streak... usually at the start of the season I get a lot more yoyoing. Just feels realll good right now.
(for those without the legendaries, those are very much "win more" cards and can be replaced with argent crusaders and/or Sunwalkers depending on if you're facing people with black knights/aggro/etc)
Nice deck. Hardly surprising in the meta cycle that after a aggro deck "found out" a combo one (Shock vs Miracle) something mid-range is working. Next step: Legendary rank!