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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
favorite is running BK and HJ in control warrior and BK Tirion, and then HJ the Ashbringer. Instant Concede.

Man, I had to read this like five times to realize you were talking about Blood Knight and Harrison Jones.

Streaked to rank 11 before leveling of and feel pretty good about it compared to the people I see streaming right now. I am thinking of swapping into a real deck at level 5 because it's getting less about speed (look at the match times, lol) and settling in for the long grind to legend with a more consistent deck. I made rank 3 last season w/ about 8 days of playing, approx. 150 or so games, so I'm pretty sure I can get there.

Though I might stick with this if there is as much handlock at 1-5 as there was last season. I had the saddest handlock player ever just drop a naked molten giant at 14 life on turn 4 knowing he was dead because he couldn't do anything else.


remember me
Why the hell is flamestrike not a rare card. I know at this point it's never going to be changed, but this card is bullshit in arena. The card is fine, but not when you play mages with 3 or 4 of them.

Besides that BS, still managed 7 wins and counting with what I could only describe as a rogue zoo deck. Only have 4 spells yet I'm kicking ass. No weapons, no poisons, not even a si:7 agent. The deck has a lot of synergy though. Imp master, defias ringleader, razorfen hunter all combo really well with stormwind champion and frostwolf warlord.

Ended up at 9 wins, 255 gold, 20 dust and a pack. Not bad for what I was sure was going to be an awful deck.


Divine Aggro Shockadin Paladin is really, really effective against zoo. Like really effective. You just need to get your Divine Favors off fairly early before your opponent starts running low on cards.
Divine Aggro Shockadin Paladin is really, really effective against zoo. Like really effective. You just need to get your Divine Favors off fairly early before your opponent starts running low on cards.

Being the aggro deck that beats up on aggro decks is a really good place. That deck is much better than the motley sum of its parts, and shows how versatile Hearthstone's card pool is.

edit: rank 10 now.



Streaked to rank 11 before leveling of and feel pretty good about it compared to the people I see streaming right now. I am thinking of swapping into a real deck at level 5 because it's getting less about speed (look at the match times, lol) and settling in for the long grind to legend with a more consistent deck. I made rank 3 last season w/ about 8 days of playing, approx. 150 or so games, so I'm pretty sure I can get there.

Though I might stick with this if there is as much handlock at 1-5 as there was last season. I had the saddest handlock player ever just drop a naked molten giant at 14 life on turn 4 knowing he was dead because he couldn't do anything else.

Noob question but what is this screenshot from?


Ye gods. I just drafted a deck with 4x Claw, 2x Wrath, 5x Swipe, 2x Starfire and a Cenarius. I'm afraid to play it, and sad that I don't have a GPU with Shadowplay yet.


it's so nice to have sniper Ragnaros on my side for once and have him get rid of a doomguard (33% chance, would have killed me next turn) and then deal lethal to the face. He also killed another Rag earlier today, good man


Gold Member
The author hasn't posted on Reddit in over a month, either. Project is probably dead. ;\

I'll probably be cutting over to HearthStats since it looks like it's alive and well.

That's too bad, having your games entered for you automatically was pretty nice, HearthStats doesn't do that yet does it? And it also was able to popup a notification when it was your turn and it wasn't the active window. Hearthstonetracker also kept track of each game's number of turns and duration automatically, which is kinda neat as well.

I guess it's only a matter of time before it becomes incompatible with Hearthstone (by the first expansion for sure, if they add a new hero), so I'll have to find something else sooner or later.


HearthStats has a match tracker/uploader. Haven't tested it yet ... but it does require you to run in Windowed mode. Might just stick with Hearthstone Tracker until it breaks, though.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I haven't touched my laptop since it came to ipad(ignoring my laptop is on the fritz) it looks amazing on the ipad

gave my ipad to my moms after buying an rMBP. having hearthstone in my second desktop (gaf on my first, obv) has been cool but id love to get some turns in at the office 8)

Special C

Greenskin is decent for an Arena Rogue since you're almost sure to have some sort of weapon.

Greenskin wasn't a terrible pick but usually you get at least one choice better than that. The draft ended up being bad overall and only got 3 wins, but Karma was lookng out for me and I pulled a Cairne in the pack. It's my first neutral legendary!


fucking miracle rogues

the worst part is that it won't be nerfed before Naxx

If Naxx is really dropping in a month-ish as some believe, that's probably exactly why they are waiting. Their internal testing shows a couple counters, or they are just anticipating a couple of counters and hoping the problem corrects itself.

Haven't they went on record saying they would prefer to avoid altering cards whenever possible due to the ripple it has on the entire class, usually?


If Naxx is really dropping in a month-ish as some believe, that's probably exactly why they are waiting. Their internal testing shows a couple counters, or they are just anticipating a couple of counters and hoping the problem corrects itself.

yeah, there's no point in nerfing any cards/deck types now when the meta is going to change significantly in a couple weeks

if miracle rogue continues to be the dominating deck (in the higher ranks) after Naxx then we can expect a nerf to Auctioneer and possibly even Leeroy


Neo Member
HearthStats has a match tracker/uploader. Haven't tested it yet ... but it does require you to run in Windowed mode. Might just stick with Hearthstone Tracker until it breaks, though.

I've used it. It mostly works okay. Like most of the optical image recognition software it can be flaky and miss stuff sometimes. You can manually go in and fix it though. The site is a little broken in places however. You're supposed to be able to set up different versions of your decks but it doesn't really work last time I tried it. I kind of just got tired of playing in windowed and bothering with it. I wish the game had native stat tracking. It would be nice if Blizzard would relay what their feature roadmap looks like beyond the adventure mode and an expansion sometime in the nebulous future.

haha, what are the odds of that?

Probably like one in a million. But with millions of people playing it's bound to happen to somebody. I remember something similar with quest rewards in WoW. They used to be completely random chance drops. The odds of killing a mob over and over again and not getting your quest drop was extremely rare. However, with millions of people playing, statistically someone out there will get fucked over. So as I recall they changed it so the odds of the drop happening increased with each kill. So yeah, it's probably exceedingly rare, but with so many people playing it's bound to happen to somebody. Funny though.

Ha, I had 3 Sylvanas' on the board.

He conceded faster than I could screenshot.

I think I had a priest with two Sylvanas on the board. He though he was going to grab my guy but I just shadowflamed, killed them both and he got nothing. That was one sad priest. I usually have a pretty easy time playing around her. It seems like they rarely grab anything unless their owner suicides them to specifically grab something.


Gold Member
I think I had a priest with two Sylvanas on the board. He though he was going to grab my guy but I just shadowflamed, killed them both and he got nothing. That was one sad priest. I usually have a pretty easy time playing around her. It seems like they rarely grab anything unless their owner suicides them to specifically grab something.

You're really going to hate the 2 mana Rebirth that lets the owner toggle a deathrattle for free then! No longer will Sylvanas need to be suicided to grab your minion. :)

Edit: Though that combo will probably get the most complaints from control warrior as they tend to not have more than a big minion out at a time, and so many of their plays past turn 10 involve said minions, so even if you only got Grom instead of Rag, when Rag later hits Sylvanas and switches sides as well, all will be forgiven.


I think I had a priest with two Sylvanas on the board. He though he was going to grab my guy but I just shadowflamed, killed them both and he got nothing. That was one sad priest. I usually have a pretty easy time playing around her. It seems like they rarely grab anything unless their owner suicides them to specifically grab something.

Yep my sylvanas barely ever gets a enemy minion unless I kill her off myself at the right time.

shes one of those targets where you almost can't ignore though, so she'll almost certainly bait out stuff like hex and poly.


To be fair, it "sounds" OP because it's all these multi-turn "nothing dies, no pressure otherwise" situations being setup for it.

Basically, Magical Christmas Land is where everything is OP :)

Edit: Well, barring the Sylvanas + Rebirth on a single turn setup. That'll certainly be a thing to contend with. It's like oldschool Sylvanas + Brawl but on a smaller scale and cheaper (aka, actually castable now!)

haha, what are the odds of that?

To quote one of the comments;

... he is drawing 4 new cards from a deck of 26 (minus the 4 he discarded). (4/26)(3/25)(2/24)(1/23)=1/14,950 or 0.0069% chance of drawing the same cards in any order. There are 4! combinations of the hand so (1/14950)(1/24)=1/358,800 or 0.00028% chance of drawing the same cards in the same order.

Luckily dude was running one gold auctioneer and a normal one so you can tell they aren't the same card.


The ladder softened up a bit last night. I'm close to 13, beat a golden Shaman and a Mage with the legend card back.

Best win was vs. a handlock because I called all of his shots before he made them and had counters at the ready. Dual taunt molten giants? Meet equality consecrate.


The ladder softened up a bit last night. I'm close to 13, beat a golden Shaman and a Mage with the legend card back.

Best win was vs. a handlock because I called all of his shots before he made them and had counters at the ready. Dual taunt molten giants? Meet equality consecrate.

You can predict handlock turns? You must be freaking Nostradamus.


I dumped 5k the other day across two accounts. Plenty of time to build up again and I got some good packs. Only two legendaries left to craft that I'd use.


Gold Member

At 2990 gold at the moment. I know, some of you might be higher, but I'll be above 4k easily by July.

Curious how much gold you'd sit on if they dated the ~150 card expansion to releasing in around ~3 months, and said they were selling expansion only packs for 100g a pack (and none of the expansion cards could be obtained from crafting regular/core cards in to dust). Figure someone willing to save 3000+ gold for a PVE adventure probably will save a decent number for an expansion too.

Once they give a date for the expansion, I'll probably stop spending gold entirely myself, until it hits. I'm also around 3000 gold myself, and probably will continue to save until they say what the PVE will cost.


You can predict handlock turns? You must be freaking Nostradamus.


They Life Tap the first turn they're able, that's how you know they're not zoo
Their first minion drop is often a Twilight Drake with 8 or 9 health
Their next big play is a Mountain Giant
Then they look to taunt the giant with a sunfury protector or perhaps play their second Twilight Drake and taunt it along with the Giant
They pretty much invite you to go all in on attacking face because they want to play their Molten Giants and then they'll use siphon soul
Their finisher is some Leeroy combo, either Leeroy + Power Overwhelming plus giants or Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless (and Soulfire)
If they get into trouble they'll Shadowflame a giant or Leeroy to reset the board.


remember me

They Life Tap the first turn they're able, that's how you know they're not zoo
Their first minion drop is often a Twilight Drake with 8 or 9 health
Their next big play is a Mountain Giant
Then they look to taunt the giant with a sunfury protector or perhaps play their second Twilight Drake and taunt both it and the Giant
They pretty much invite you to go all in on attacking face because they want to play their Molten Giants and then they'll use siphon soul
Their finisher is some Leeroy combo, either Leeroy + Power Overwhelming plus giants or Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless.
If they get into trouble they'll Shadowflame a giant or Leeroy to reset the board.

Yep. This is every handlock game I've ever played. Probably the single most predictable deck out there.
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