My favorite way to concede on my turn is using a weapon to attack a minion that will kill me.
are there any of those stat programs that you can make a note of what type of build it was? win rate vs class doesn't matter to me as much as win rate vs zoo, handlock, token druid, midrange shaman, bloodlust shaman, control warrior, freeze mage, etc im just doing it manually right now in a google doc
Why are the strong classes getting a good new card while the weak ones are getting garbage?
I say 'well played' before killing someone. What's the problem with that?
And I will BM you if you say 'well played' before actually having lethal, because you're being a smug asshole and you deserve it.
What never fails to amuse me is the 'lol WELLPLAYED SORRY LOLOL' by players that cast Hex or Polymorph on something I specifically put out to draw out a Hex or Polymorph. I always make sure to thank them before crushing their face.
You know, at first I was polite to everyone in this game, but I've stopped doing that now. I learned that the vast majority of the players are either assholes, spiting you, or being sarcastic, so why should I even bother being polite?
If you're talking about that warlock card, that won't be used. The stats are weak for the cost, and it won't be worth using for the deathrattle because the weaker demons that don't get used now won't get used just to combo with this card.
After six months of playing, I finally opened a Keeper of the Grove today.
Swole as fuck voidwalker! Yes. Also turn 3 coin him, else turn 4 him, lolol hold Demons
It was a hard journey, but I'm happy to finally be able to say I completed the gameAfter 4 months of playing, I never thought the day would come. I'm so happy!
I think the key to success with this run was all the direct damage. Alextrasza + Argent Commanders, Fireballs, Frostbolts and Arcane Golems ahoy!
Mind vision'd. My cairne comes out next turn. Mind games. My cairne comes out again. Dude plays his own cairne on the next turn.
edit: oh cool my lay on hands
Just lost a game to double ice block + blizzard + frost nova + frost bolt to the face, with double fireball as the finisher.
I ain't even madI'm really mad
I suppose you mean Thoughsteal and Mindgames? Mind Vision and then Mindgames hitting the same card is an actual impossibility unless the order is reversed :x
They'll probably reword it to include "random". Both Bane of Doom and Sense Demons are random.
If not, then I could see people running Sacrificial Pact to control the death rattle and get a Dread Infernal out turn 3/4.
Seriously, how do people afford to build control warrior decks and similar? It would take me the rest of my life to grind them out, or something like £400.
My legendary stable continues to be terrible.
Got Rag in my SECOND ever deck, then as punishment all I've got out of the next 80 or so is Hogger and The Beast.
Still, Rag has been great for me in every deck since day 1.
Seriously, how do people afford to build control warrior decks and similar? It would take me the rest of my life to grind them out, or something like £400.
I just played vs a hunter at rank 10 who used arcane shot and then kill command on my argent squire. I think he might have been a bot because who would do that?
Wait, there are bots now?
Well, I was totally wrong then about this being fake! Cool. Seems like a solid card. Maybe Pit Lord finally has a use?
Skipping battlecry drawbacks on demons could be a fairly big deal.
So when are they nerfing Miracle Rogue?
Preparation to 1 mana and/or 'The next spell you cast this turn costs (3) less, but not less than (1).'?
Remove Conceal from the game entirely?
*Shadowstep to 1 mana* or even 2?
Gadgetzan to 6 mana or legendary or lower health or 'This minion cannot enter stealth.' or 'When you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to this minion and draw a card.'?
Cold Blood to 2 mana?
Leeroy to 'Charge. This minion cannot be returned to your hand.'?
All of the above, perhaps?
So when are they nerfing Miracle Rogue?
I always wonder how many of the people crying for ridiculous Miracle nerfs have actually played the deck themselves.
I have actually. That doesn't mean that being able to draw through your entire deck using an unkillable card-draw engine and then being able to burst your opponent down for 22 damage with just three cards (or for 30 damage if they also have Cold Bloods, potentially even worse with eviscerates) from a non-existent board position isn't ridiculously OP.I always wonder how many of the people crying for ridiculous Miracle nerfs have actually played the deck themselves.
Then again, doesn't Miracle Rogue have a very strong presence in some recent tournaments (like a very disproportionate number of players using the deck, hence showing it to be OP)?
Finally a way to put 2 Doomguards on the field for 0 mana and more importantly without discarding any cards. Turn 3 coin void caller, turn 4 void caller # 2, turn 5 trade both in to opponent minions, get 2 Doomguards on the field for free, cast Faceless on a Doomguard, hit to the face for 15... gg turn 6 unless they can kill 3 5/7 creatures.