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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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You know what I don't see a lot of in Hunter decks? Spell Damage. [Album]

the amount of zoo on the rank 8-10 bracket is pretty crazy. Not sure if I should swap over to rogue or freeze mage for a while, tired of the warlock spam.


My favorite way to concede on my turn is using a weapon to attack a minion that will kill me.

Warlocks have a bazillion ways to do this as well. I always triple-check to make sure I'm actually fucked before suiciding, but these days, most of my losses (and wins) come because of extra damage that comes from cards played that turn, so that doesn't happen as often as it used to.


are there any of those stat programs that you can make a note of what type of build it was? win rate vs class doesn't matter to me as much as win rate vs zoo, handlock, token druid, midrange shaman, bloodlust shaman, control warrior, freeze mage, etc im just doing it manually right now in a google doc


are there any of those stat programs that you can make a note of what type of build it was? win rate vs class doesn't matter to me as much as win rate vs zoo, handlock, token druid, midrange shaman, bloodlust shaman, control warrior, freeze mage, etc im just doing it manually right now in a google doc

Hearthstone Tracker has a notes field


Finished an arena match and won a game in 5 turns.
Got up to the 9th round, was about to win but then I accidentally froze myself and lost the match.


remember me
Why are the strong classes getting a good new card while the weak ones are getting garbage?

If you're talking about that warlock card, that won't be used. The stats are weak for the cost, and it won't be worth using for the deathrattle because the weaker demons that don't get used now won't get used just to combo with this card.


I say 'well played' before killing someone. What's the problem with that?

And I will BM you if you say 'well played' before actually having lethal, because you're being a smug asshole and you deserve it.

What never fails to amuse me is the 'lol WELLPLAYED SORRY LOLOL' by players that cast Hex or Polymorph on something I specifically put out to draw out a Hex or Polymorph. I always make sure to thank them before crushing their face.

You know, at first I was polite to everyone in this game, but I've stopped doing that now. I learned that the vast majority of the players are either assholes, spiting you, or being sarcastic, so why should I even bother being polite?

I just turn off emotes. they were fun when the game was new but they're pretty obnoxious even without reading the intention of the other player into them. i think most people stopped using the greeting at the beginning of the match because it just empowers the jerks who spam


If you're talking about that warlock card, that won't be used. The stats are weak for the cost, and it won't be worth using for the deathrattle because the weaker demons that don't get used now won't get used just to combo with this card.

I hear ya!

Maybe one day that card will be cool when there will be strong big demons.

But now its just 4 mana for a 3/4.
After six months of playing, I finally opened a Keeper of the Grove today.

I hear ya.

For me in 3 months of playing, countless packs earned, and 250 dollars spent on packs......

Zero Ancient Mages.

To me the Ancient Mage is on par with legendaries for rarity..lol..It's the ETC of rares..


It was a hard journey, but I'm happy to finally be able to say I completed the game :D After 4 months of playing, I never thought the day would come. I'm so happy!

I think the key to success with this run was all the direct damage. Alextrasza + Argent Commanders, Fireballs, Frostbolts and Arcane Golems ahoy!



Again, I don't really have super negative experience with other players (or any at all tbh).

  • I personally say hello at the start (and in 90% of the cases get a hello back)
  • I say "well played" if I win AND the person did indeed give me a good fight. I don't say "well played" if it could be taken ironically..
  • I also say "well played" if I lose but it was a good fight for both
  • I also apologize if I blast them with y pyro finisher to their face, because frankly, I feel a bit like an ass to do it. More so if it's two in a row :p

Had a guy add me last night after he lost a match just to tell me that he really did NOT expect the double pyro to the face and thought I had a good deck. (yay me?)
Best experience though: When I have ice block up and my opponent already goes with the "well played" part just to actually lose after :p

It was a hard journey, but I'm happy to finally be able to say I completed the game :D After 4 months of playing, I never thought the day would come. I'm so happy!

I think the key to success with this run was all the direct damage. Alextrasza + Argent Commanders, Fireballs, Frostbolts and Arcane Golems ahoy!

I have yet to be able to actually play Mage in Arena -.-
Just lost a game to double ice block + blizzard + frost nova + frost bolt to the face, with double fireball as the finisher.

I ain't even mad
I'm really mad
Mind vision'd. My cairne comes out next turn. Mind games. My cairne comes out again. Dude plays his own cairne on the next turn.

edit: oh cool my lay on hands


So I guess Voidcaller is "random Demon from your hand" since the deathrattle can trigger on the opponent's turn. Though there's very few demons of note to warrant a 4cc 3/4 body in the deck. Will have to see what the neutrals bring, really, but he's fairly meh at first glance.

Mind vision'd. My cairne comes out next turn. Mind games. My cairne comes out again. Dude plays his own cairne on the next turn.

edit: oh cool my lay on hands

I suppose you mean Thoughsteal and Mindgames? Mind Vision and then Mindgames hitting the same card is an actual impossibility unless the order is reversed :x


They'll probably reword it to include "random". Both Bane of Doom and Sense Demons are random.

If not, then I could see people running Sacrificial Pact to control the death rattle and get a Dread Infernal out turn 3/4.


My legendary stable continues to be terrible.

Got Rag in my SECOND ever deck, then as punishment all I've got out of the next 80 or so is Hogger and The Beast.

Still, Rag has been great for me in every deck since day 1.


Just lost a game to double ice block + blizzard + frost nova + frost bolt to the face, with double fireball as the finisher.

I ain't even mad
I'm really mad


I "only" have two Legendaries (Ragnaros which I crafted from taking one of the first gold legendaries I got apart and Archmage Theonidas)
The amount of Legendaries my opponents play is sickening -.- I am having some fun with two faceless in my deck, though.


They'll probably reword it to include "random". Both Bane of Doom and Sense Demons are random.

If not, then I could see people running Sacrificial Pact to control the death rattle and get a Dread Infernal out turn 3/4.

Without "random" one would think you can choose the demon.

I guess his ability is ok with Jaraxxus and Doomguards. The body is weak though, I don't know if you can justify him in any zoo decks. Maybe if the meta slows down a lot.

I wouldn't write the card off straight away.


Seriously, how do people afford to build control warrior decks and similar? It would take me the rest of my life to grind them out, or something like £400.


Unconfirmed Member

I just played against a Mage who played Antonidas and then double Arcane Missiles. The Missiles killed my Sylvanas and Sylvanas stole Antonidas. Whirlwind + Execute on the Water Elemental he still had, Shield Block and a Fireball to his face. He was forced to use one of his Fireballs to kill his own Antonidas and the other one was negated by Shield Block. then I just double Fireballed him to the face.

So good. ;)


My legendary stable continues to be terrible.

Got Rag in my SECOND ever deck, then as punishment all I've got out of the next 80 or so is Hogger and The Beast.

Still, Rag has been great for me in every deck since day 1.

I got Hogger and the Beast too :(
I just played vs a hunter at rank 10 who used arcane shot and then kill command on my argent squire. I think he might have been a bot because who would do that?


Seriously, how do people afford to build control warrior decks and similar? It would take me the rest of my life to grind them out, or something like £400.

If you get lucky with the legendaries it's not too bad. If you have to craft every one of them, it's a long grind for sure. That saying I'm pretty close myself and I haven't spent anything.


Well, I was totally wrong then about this being fake! Cool. Seems like a solid card. Maybe Pit Lord finally has a use?

Haha I wanna make it viable. Love me some Juzamm Djinns. Lock only needs a value sac outlet to make this and egg burst into win.


Gold Member
Skipping battlecry drawbacks on demons could be a fairly big deal.

Finally a way to put 2 Doomguards on the field for 0 mana and more importantly without discarding any cards. Turn 3 coin void caller, turn 4 void caller # 2, turn 5 trade both in to opponent minions, get 2 Doomguards on the field for free, cast Faceless on a Doomguard, hit to the face for 15... gg turn 6 unless they can kill 3 5/7 creatures.


Unconfirmed Member
So when are they nerfing Miracle Rogue?

Preparation to 1 mana and/or 'The next spell you cast this turn costs (3) less, but not less than (1).'?
Remove Conceal from the game entirely?
Shadowstep to 1 mana or even 2?
Gadgetzan to 6 mana or legendary or lower health or 'This minion cannot enter stealth.' or 'When you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to this minion and draw a card.'?
Cold Blood to 2 mana?
Leeroy to 'Charge. This minion cannot be returned to your hand.'?

All of the above, perhaps?


So when are they nerfing Miracle Rogue?

Preparation to 1 mana and/or 'The next spell you cast this turn costs (3) less, but not less than (1).'?
Remove Conceal from the game entirely?
*Shadowstep to 1 mana* or even 2?
Gadgetzan to 6 mana or legendary or lower health or 'This minion cannot enter stealth.' or 'When you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to this minion and draw a card.'?
Cold Blood to 2 mana?
Leeroy to 'Charge. This minion cannot be returned to your hand.'?

All of the above, perhaps?

This would be a soft answer, it would mean Miracle Rogues couldn't get their Leeroy combo off before turn 9 at least.


Gold Member
I always wonder how many of the people crying for ridiculous Miracle nerfs have actually played the deck themselves.

Definitely guilty of this myself. I have the worst luck (selective memory perhaps), because all the Miracle Rogues I play do their 15 card in a single turn combo and win, and when I play the same deck, both my auctioneers placed in to spots 25-30 of the deck and don't show up in the game or mulligan process.

Then again, doesn't Miracle Rogue have a very strong presence in some recent tournaments (like a very disproportionate number of players using the deck, hence showing it to be OP)?


Unconfirmed Member
I always wonder how many of the people crying for ridiculous Miracle nerfs have actually played the deck themselves.
I have actually. That doesn't mean that being able to draw through your entire deck using an unkillable card-draw engine and then being able to burst your opponent down for 22 damage with just three cards (or for 30 damage if they also have Cold Bloods, potentially even worse with eviscerates) from a non-existent board position isn't ridiculously OP.

Or to put it in other words:

When I lose to a Miracle Rogue, it's because they drew their combo and killed me in one turn and I might have as well just conceded on the first turn because nothing I did mattered or made a difference in any way.

When I win from a Miracle Rogue, it's because they didn't draw their combo and didn't have anything else.


Then again, doesn't Miracle Rogue have a very strong presence in some recent tournaments (like a very disproportionate number of players using the deck, hence showing it to be OP)?

I haven't followed any HS tournaments since Fight Night (rip in pepperonis), where people using Miracle got destroyed most of the time. I would say in its current form it's definitely one of the stronger decks, but also one of the most interesting ones to play. It still has a reasonable number of unfavorable matchups and regularly gets countered by both heavy aggro and taunt-heavy decks.

Minor, calculated adjustments might be warranted but knowing Blizzard they'll likely just kill the deck.


Finally a way to put 2 Doomguards on the field for 0 mana and more importantly without discarding any cards. Turn 3 coin void caller, turn 4 void caller # 2, turn 5 trade both in to opponent minions, get 2 Doomguards on the field for free, cast Faceless on a Doomguard, hit to the face for 15... gg turn 6 unless they can kill 3 5/7 creatures.

Isn't the charge part for Doomguards part of their battlecry?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
In the arena as a hunter. Opponent has 3 minions on the board and I have mind control tech in my hand. Mage has a secret on the board.

I use arcane shot. The secret is spellbender. The spellbender minion survives, so now the opponent has 4 minions on the board.

"Now engaging TC-130 Mental Dislocator!"
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