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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I play ramp druid with sunwalker, druids of claw, ancients of war and a mark of the wild and I still have a (slightly) negative win rate against rogue because sap is so powerful against it. Your best bet is to innervate a yeti turn 2 and hope they waste a sap on it

imo the best counter to miracle rogue are decks like shock paladin, aggro mage, weapon warrior and zoo that put pressure on the rogue from turn 1 onwards. I keep hearing freeze mage is supposedly quite good against it as well

All you need is the 3/3 Grizzly Bear taunt in Addition to your other taunts. Every time I think of removing it I remember just how many times it has saved me from miracle rogue. If you survive until solid turn 5 and you drop druid of the claw then are able to drop sun walkers or bears it's usually enough to stop the wombo combo. I'd say the problem with having a lot of taunts line I do is that I don't fare well against zoolock or handlock. The always get destroyed or soul fired:(


All you need is the 3/3 Grizzly Bear taunt in Addition to your other taunts. Every time I think of removing it I remember just how many times it has saved me from miracle rogue. If you survive until solid turn 5 and you drop druid of the claw then are able to drop sun walkers or bears it's usually enough to stop the wombo combo. I'd say the problem with having a lot of taunts line I do is that I don't fare well against zoolock or handlock. The always get destroyed or soul fired:(

currently 12/7 with druid against warlock (3/5 against rogue), the deck does okay against zoo if you get the big taunts to stick and draw into your board clears in time. Handlock is kinda tough without BGH though, which I don't have

personally I'm not a fan of grizzly bear, as it can be removed by most 2-drops or even powered-up 1-drops and zoo is much more prevalent at my current rank (11) than miracle rogue. Dunno, I don't find a three mana three health taunt to be very efficient

got brawl'd with a Ysera, 6/6 taunted drake and 4/6 druid on board, and his only minion survived. Still won two turns later at almost full health, yep yep


I got 9 wins with a deck like that also with rogue. I think I had 4 spells, no weapons.
I'm pretty sure you had some decently strong minions to get that result, though. This anti-miracle deck had nothing. Immediately lost tempo, had no tricks (even minion-based stuff) to take it back, and no heavy hitters to look forward to. Went 1-3 where every one of the losses was an autopilot game. Don't remember what happened on that one win.


remember me
I'm pretty sure you had some decently strong minions to get that result, though. This anti-miracle deck had nothing. Immediately lost tempo, had no tricks (even minion-based stuff) to take it back, and no heavy hitters to look forward to. Went 1-3 where every one of the losses was an autopilot game. Don't remember what happened on that one win.

I had a lot of average to mediocre minions that amazingly comboed well. Razorfen hunters and imp masters with frostwolf warlord and stormwind champion for example.
Is Captain Greenskin a Legendary worth keeping? I do need some dust..

Kind of late on this reply, but Greenskin is fun with weapon decks. I've done pirate decks before with Warrior / Paladin / Rogue and it can be fun to play, but it's hard to win with. Unless if you already have, I'd dust him if you don't have any of the big epic weapons. (Gorehowl, Sword of Justice, etc)

It just a bummer he is dependent on a weapon however. Would be cool if he functioned like Upgrade and would give you a small weapon if you didn't have one.
Quick question, I'm on my first arena run (the one you get for free) and I'm on an absolute tear, 4-0 so far and I've not really been in danger of losing any of the games. I thought the deck I drafted was really average (Druid with some taunt and charge and a bit of removal) so is the game pairing me up with fellow scrubs, whom I'm slightly better than, or has watching a good few hours of Trump doing arenas made me some sort of unknowing Hearthstone oracle?


Quick question, I'm on my first arena run (the one you get for free) and I'm on an absolute tear, 4-0 so far and I've not really been in danger of losing any of the games. I thought the deck I drafted was really average (Druid with some taunt and charge and a bit of removal) so is the game pairing me up with fellow scrubs, whom I'm slightly better than, or has watching a good few hours of Trump doing arenas made me some sort of unknowing Hearthstone oracle?

There is no Trump. o_O.


I say 'well played' before killing someone. What's the problem with that?

And I will BM you if you say 'well played' before actually having lethal, because you're being a smug asshole and you deserve it.

What never fails to amuse me is the 'lol WELLPLAYED SORRY LOLOL' by players that cast Hex or Polymorph on something I specifically put out to draw out a Hex or Polymorph. I always make sure to thank them before crushing their face.

You know, at first I was polite to everyone in this game, but I've stopped doing that now. I learned that the vast majority of the players are either assholes, spiting you, or being sarcastic, so why should I even bother being polite?

Yeah, I've gotta say Hearthstone is a bit depressing for that reason. They give people a very restricted and sanitized form of interaction and it is steadily subverted to be asshole to a stranger. I'm wondering if it's just a side effect of being an old man who used to play in arcades with people face-to-face that I don't go in for the trolling...


I love to Threaten while playing as Garrosh on a finishing move w/ Grommash or Gorehowl. Not to be a dick but because it fits the character. A giant, pissed off Orc screaming "I WILL CRUSH YOU!" as he flies toward your head, swinging a giant axe. But I still say well played afterward.

I also Threaten any time there is bullshit Mage cheese involving Arcane Missiles, because fuck that card.


Fuuuuuuck I'm so bad at constructed. Currently hovering around rank 15-17 with no progress whatsoever. Trying to do a mission with Warrior/Rogue and I refuse Miracle, and none of the Warrior-decks are working for me.

I used to love Warrior Control but I think it's at a serious disadvantage in this meta.
The only thing that annoys me is when people say "Well Played," when I do something plain and obvious.

"I had four creatures up and you used Flamestrike? Well played!"


Fuuuuuuck I'm so bad at constructed. Currently hovering around rank 15-17 with no progress whatsoever. Trying to do a mission with Warrior/Rogue and I refuse Miracle, and none of the Warrior-decks are working for me.

I used to love Warrior Control but I think it's at a serious disadvantage in this meta.

Makin a new deck is rough going!


Yeah, I've gotta say Hearthstone is a bit depressing for that reason. They give people a very restricted and sanitized form of interaction and it is steadily subverted to be asshole to a stranger. I'm wondering if it's just a side effect of being an old man who used to play in arcades with people face-to-face that I don't go in for the trolling...
The emotes are so vague that you can always interpret them in several ways, however you like. I can't take them seriously, so I'm always either indifferent to them or mildly amused. Only spamming makes me think the opponent is a bit of an asshole, and possibly squelch. If anything annoys me about the chat system, I'm annoyed at the game's infantile treatment of its players and not allowing text chat. They could at least have a menu option so that the chat only shows up between unknown players if both have the option checked. I'd always have it on because sometimes it'd be nice to chat about the plays, etc. I'm not into friending people just for a few words of chat.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
When a warlock says he's sorry, I think he's being a prick.

When a paladin says he's sorry, I think he means it.

I think that's one reason I hate playing warlocks. It's the way the heroes are VOed!


Fuuuuuuck I'm so bad at constructed. Currently hovering around rank 15-17 with no progress whatsoever. Trying to do a mission with Warrior/Rogue and I refuse Miracle, and none of the Warrior-decks are working for me.

I used to love Warrior Control but I think it's at a serious disadvantage in this meta.

really bad matchup against shaman, bad against zoo, not great against miracle either. Don't know about shockadin. I find the deck kind of difficult to play currently


When a warlock says he's sorry, I think he's being a prick.

When a paladin says he's sorry, I think he means it.

I think that's one reason I hate playing warlocks. It's the way the heroes are VOed!

Heh, greetings.

Garrosh says everything like a sarcastic dickwad.


Gold Member
When a warlock says he's sorry, I think he's being a prick.

When a paladin says he's sorry, I think he means it.

I think that's one reason I hate playing warlocks. It's the way the heroes are VOed!

Nothing is worse than someone who spams the Hunter's "Thanks" all the time. The VA for that is the most smug out of everything I think.


so this just happened
he must really hate the healing totem

Why do Shaman always get the exact totem they need to completely fuck me over?

you gotta use Syphon Soul, dude


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Totemic Call (You)
2 Mana
Hero Power
Summon a Searing Totem.

Totemic Call (Your Opponent)
2 Mana
Hero Power
Summon a Stoneclaw Totem against Aggro/Miracle, Healing Totem when you have board control, and Wrath of Air when you have Lightning Storm in your hand.


Totemic Call (You)
2 Mana
Hero Power
Summon a Searing Totem.

Totemic Call (Your Opponent)
2 Mana
Hero Power
Summon a Stoneclaw Totem against Aggro/Miracle, Healing Totem when you have board control, and Wrath of Air when you have Lightning Storm in your hand.

Truer words

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'm pulling off miraculous recoveries in late game when I'm down below 5 health.

Of course I'm playing in the scrub ranks, but if you're starting you can get a great hunter build really cheap that's really effective.
Oh your thoughtsteal took tirion and cairne? Welll hooooooray for you.

The nice thing about aggro decks is you don't have any good cards to get stolen. Playing control paladin it's like every single time they get something amazing.


started running an Earth Elemental after getting one in a pack just recently, mainly to help against zoo and other aggro decks. It's obviously vulnerable to all kinds of hard removals, BGH and Black Knight, but I still think the card is underrated (I think I saw one in over 200 games). You can follow up with spirit wolves or lightning storm turn 3 and you don't have to play it turn 5 if the board state doesn't demand it. Late game you get a taunted giant and the overload isn't a huge drawback anymore.
I mean it's still very possible that you lose here, having no board to speak of as Control Paladin vs Miracle on turn 9 is a tough spot to be in. It's just that dropping Tirion would have been the correct play here, and without replays it's impossible to assess whether or not you could have avoided the situation earlier. Against Miracle you're always on a timer and him not having 22 damage on turn 9 with what, seven cards left in his deck is a risky gamble to take.

So I've played about 5 games vs miracle since last night and every one so far has run 2 saps. It hasn't worked out for me.


Is this what the game is all about now? I'm playing against these autopilot rushdown decks every single match.

I think I'm going to give control pally a break. It's really fun and awesome vs a lot of decks but doesn't fit the meta at all. I think my shaman does control as well if not better and still has a shot at racing the burst decks.

I wish I had the cards to try some druid stuff.
Is this what the game is all about now? I'm playing against these autopilot rushdown decks every single match.


The freeze mage deck floating around works over the aggro decks REALLY hard. If you're stuck in the mid ranks and have the cards, the bonus stars from streaking on aggro matchups is worth the longer matches.

I'm 8-0 vs. warlocks tonight. Otter pops is so legit.


Started playing last week and just got my first 12-1 run in arena with a really nice mage deck tonight. Good to see I'm starting to become smarter with my arena drafting. Haven't put any money yet into the game, but I can already tell if I run out of banked gold, Arena's appeal may be too much for me to resist. Draft style formats have always been a favorite of mine.


The VA in this game constantly grinds my gears, to the point that I feel pleased about dumbass Rexxar's frustrated "mmmrrrmph" when the player ponders for a moment. And Garrosh is just smug personified, hate him and his shitty Mortal Strike screams

So I've played about 5 games vs miracle since last night and every one so far has run 2 saps. It hasn't worked out for me.

If it annoys you that much I believe it's time to start teching against Miracle. Is Tirion your only taunt?


Unconfirmed Member
Asshole emote tier

Warlock / All of them
Warrior / Huh, greetings / My thanks / Sorry that happened
Priest / Thank you / Well played
Mage / Whoops / I'm sorry / Thank you
Hunter / Thanks / My apologies / Well Played
Shaman / I thank you
Paladin / I am sorry / Thank you / Well played
Rogue / The pleasure is mine / Sorry about that / Well Played / Thank you

Druid has no real asshole emotes.


I played a guy called WellPlayed and he said Well Played after every move.

It was really funny and I joined in, kudos for him for keeping it up when I smacked him with double Ony.


It happened to me against a Mage yesterday. I couldn't use any spell so I attacked, then I could use spells again until next turn when I couldn't use them again

If you act like you are going to attack, by creating one of those pointers yourself, but don't actually attack it should fix it.
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