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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Just fought a crazy ethereal arcanist / vaporize deck. He put down the secret and then spent tons of spells and mirror images to keep me from hitting his face with a minion, meanwhile the ethereal arcanists grew super huge every turn. Was kind of awesome.


I was testing out a zoolock deck and this was probably the fastest match I've played. God damn.

started running an Earth Elemental after getting one in a pack just recently, mainly to help against zoo and other aggro decks. It's obviously vulnerable to all kinds of hard removals, BGH and Black Knight, but I still think the card is underrated (I think I saw one in over 200 games). You can follow up with spirit wolves or lightning storm turn 3 and you don't have to play it turn 5 if the board state doesn't demand it. Late game you get a taunted giant and the overload isn't a huge drawback anymore.

I've been getting a bunch of Shaman daily quests lately, so I started playing Shaman for the first time since unlocking him. It's been pretty fun so far. I really like the Earth Elemental. He either forces a removal spell, does massive face damage, or clears out the other guy's big minion. Earth Elemental + Wind Fury is beastly. Add a Rockbiter to that combo, and it's pretty much game over. But the 3 mana overload can be pretty brutal. I played one match against a Shaman as a Rogue where I had board control pretty much the whole game. He played an Earth Elemental trying to block my minions, so I immediately assassinated it and attacked his face with minions/weapons. Next turn he plays a second Earth Elemental. What did I do? Assassinate and face damage. Guy just couldn't catch a break.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Sea Giant is the kind of card that helps you win faster, not win more.


Gold Member
Sea Giant is the kind of card that helps you win faster, not win more.

Depends on how often you find yourself with ~5+ creatures on turn 4 I think. If 75% of your games you have nearly a full board of creatures at the end of turn 3, why not use it. It's also the kind of card that will survive most AoE that is normally used against Zoo (except equality AoE) and let you keep pressure on your opponents. There's probably a case to be made for using Doom Guard or something else more typical... but the best thing about playing a card like that is it will completely through your opponent off guard. Now they won't have any clue what else you might have in your deck, as it doesn't fit in to a netdeck-template they're accustomed to.


Just had a game and after the third turn I couldn't do anything the game somehow froze for me yet my opponent could play cards normally. I assume if it was a connection problem on my end It would try and reconnect me or just completely freeze but i could see everything they were doing. Think I'm done with hearthstone for now, just too many stability issues for me.


I also play a random tech Sea Giant in my Zoolock deck. It is fantastic...really destroys the mirror match and helps a lot against Shockadin too. People also never see it coming in Zoolock so they will frequently waste their removal and BGH on other targets/no target.
just lost to freeze mage who took my health from 24 to 0 :/
depressing as fuck
he froze my minions for two rounds.

This deck is so insane. I mean, in a free to play game, there is a deck that has an insane win % vs. the best budget deck (Zoolock) and has a only truly miserable win rate vs. the most expensive dust cost deck in the game (Control Warrior) and one of the least popular ladder classes/buids (Face Hunter). That means for general laddering , especially at the middle levels, this thing is going to clean house.

I'm not saying it is the best deck in the game. But for something to grind your way to 4-5, the only downside is the time it takes to play the game and the difficultly in piloting it.


This deck is so insane. I mean, in a free to play game, there is a deck that has an insane win % vs. the best budget deck (Zoolock) and has a only truly miserable win rate vs. the most expensive dust cost deck in the game (Control Warrior) and one of the least popular ladder classes/buids (Face Hunter). That means for general laddering , especially at the middle levels, this thing is going to clean house.

I'm not saying it is the best deck in the game. But for something to grind your way to 4-5, the only downside is the time it takes to play the game and the difficultly in piloting it.

After reading your post I tried out this Aggro Mage deck to grind my way through the shit ranks, won all 5 games so far (Zoo, Shaman, Hunter, MurLock, Shaman). Super quick matches too.


Here's the deck list:


Basically, get your 1 mana and two mana minions out first, try to get Swordsmith and Protector on him, then manage enemies with Truesilver/Consec, if you get Sword of Justice, ramp up your minions.
freeze mage has been around forever, it's not nearly as consistent and annoying as miracle rogue imo

It eats up warlocks WAY better than Miracle does, which is 90% of its appeal.The other 10% is the visualizing of your opponent throwing their computer out the window.

edit; That aggro mage deck looks nasty. Should run a 2nd Faerie Dragon, that card is one simple trick that Druids and Rogues hate.


I forgot how frustrating playing against Freeze Mage with 8 cost Pyroblast was. Having lethal on board and watching as the Mage stalled several turns with freezes, ice blocks, etc, for their Pyroblast finishers...

They went too far with Mage nerfs though. All those freeze spells PLUS Pyroblast nerf. Mages basically disappeared from tournaments and ladder for such a long time.

I guess they have great representation in Arena though? I hear people complain about them there all the time. I don't play Arena so I wouldn't know.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess they have great representation in Arena though? I hear people complain about them there all the time. I don't play Arena so I wouldn't know.
Polymorph, Fireball, Flamestrike and Frostbolt are great spells. Since they're soulbound, basic cards, they fall into the common slot in arena and you're very likely to get them. Compare that to the great class cards of say, Druid (Ancient of War / Ancient of Lore), and you'll see that those are Epic rarity or Rare at the least and thus much harder to come by in arena.
Mage in arena also has a really powerful hero power that lets you get some super favorable trades in minion combat. The 3x skillstrikes are just icing on the cake.


freeze mage has been around forever, it's not nearly as consistent and annoying as miracle rogue imo

If freeze mages teach you anything it is to include more charges in your deck to finish them off. You gotta capitalize on scoring a kill shot and if freeze is messing with you then your deck is way too slow to begin with.


At this point im 100% sure mage hard counter handlock because of the way handlock works
Freezing trap just buys so much time for me to finish the game when i have full board with +3giants.


Unconfirmed Member
If freeze mages teach you anything it is to include more charges in your deck to finish them off. You gotta capitalize on scoring a kill shot and if freeze is messing with you then your deck is way too slow to begin with.
I don't like this way of looking at things. That's how we got into this current meta of 'deal insane burst damage', 'rush them down' and 'rush them down faster'. Having problem with rush decks? Rush them down faster than they can rush you down. Control? Rush them down before they get to end-game. Miracle? Rush them down before they get their combo. Handlock? Rush them down and pray that they don't get their massive taunts up. Freeze? Rush them down faster than they can freeze you. And I don't think saying 'your deck is just too slow' simply because it doesn't work against a deck that is specifically designed to slow you down and stall at every turn is a fair assessment.


If freeze mages teach you anything it is to include more charges in your deck to finish them off. You gotta capitalize on scoring a kill shot and if freeze is messing with you then your deck is way too slow to begin with.

that, or use heals :p

played against a Murloc warlock
1: tidecaller - coin - tidecaller
2: tidehunter
3: warleader
4: tidehunter - bluegill


I don't like this way of looking at things. That's how we got into this current meta of 'deal insane burst damage', 'rush them down' and 'rush them down faster'. Having problem with rush decks? Rush them down faster than they can rush you down. Control? Rush them down before they get to end-game. Miracle? Rush them down before they get their combo. Handlock? Rush them down and pray that they don't get their massive taunts up. Freeze? Rush them down faster than they can freeze you. And I don't think saying 'your deck is just too slow' simply because it doesn't work against a deck that is specifically designed to slow you down and stall at every turn is a fair assessment.

To be fair, we came into this precisely because of Freeze Mage back in the day: To get around a locked down board you simply hit them with Charge minions and burst them out when you have the opening. It was the original deck that caused the need of more on-demand damage.

Besides that, I'd say "rush them down" isn't really a legitimate meta answer to every deck. It works for many decks as a generic thought ("Kill them before they do their thing") but that's a vague concept, ultimately. There's usually a goal through pressure in the strategy against those decks. Hearthstone is an attacker-advantaged game so many answers will simply be based around "create pressure" simply because that's the tools available.
I started to play this game few days ago. It’s really easy to learn and play, but with each match their mechanics shows a deeper and highly strategic side, what surprise me a lot. It's design is very friendly too.

Any tips for newcomers?

PS: As sony is bringing more F2P games to Playstation, I really hopes that Blizzard will bring Hearthstone to PS4/Vita (the touchpad/screen option would be really nice) :)


At least the aggro meta means arena is full of noobs that think they can win just by going face.

I noticed that earlier today. I'm used to playing against board control decks piloted by competent players; today was three games in a row of all face, all the time. Didn't matter what our life totals were or what the board state looked like: if it could be aimed at the face, that's where they sent it. Easiest Arena games I've played in months.
I think I might have just gotten the best possible opener in the game.


1. Mana worm
2. Mana worm coin knife juggler
3. Knife juggler mirror images. The 5 triggered knives killed an earthen ring farseer.
Two fireballs and a mirror image in hand.
I played for the first time in about 2 weeks, went 7-3 as Zoolock!

Highlights include:

-played a Pally who, with 1 health, hid behind a Ragnaros with taunt. I killed him with an Elven Archer.
-beat a Miracle Rogue! Had first turn and a great beginning hand (2 Voidwalkers and Argent Squire). Made the Rogue spend her Backstabs on my Voidwalkers. I did make the mistake of playing Defender of Argus a turn early, though my second one came quickly. Used Power Overwhelming on my Blood Imp to trade for the Auctioneer, the Rogue was basically shut down after that.
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