mages are the new rogue :/
80% of my games right now are against mages.
mages are the new rogue :/
Honestly, if this is true then that's sort of a good thing ... assuming it's not just a flavor of the week, it means top strats shifted naturally without balance adjustments.
If freeze mage becomes super popular, control warrior will be back with a vengeance.I am surprised Control Warrior disappeared. I am crushing it with mine. Oh well, less counters against me.
I am surprised Control Warrior disappeared. I am crushing it with mine. Oh well, less counters against me.
Congrats!Just went 11 wins in the arena as a Mage (don't hate). My last game for the 12th win was against the most annoying priest on the planet (is that redundant?). Heal, shadow word, cabal priest, blegh.
Got to admit it was a pretty big rush and considering I was 7-2 at some point I can't believe I made it that far. I've been playing for months and my previous win record was 7, so this was a big deal. So close to 12 I can taste it.
Has it ever been big? It's the most expensive deck in the game after all and is still seen on the higher ranks from time to time.
Wow, just played a Shaman who had a crazy setup. Imp Master + Healing Totem = infinite imps.
Reaching 12 wins in arena isn't a walk in the park.
My current record stands at 7 wins, one day I hope to reach 12!
Until the Imp Master dies, anyway. At least with priest you can use inner fire to give him some board presence.
I've seen a Shaman deck like that, did they also run a Hogger by any chance?Wow, just played a Shaman who had a crazy setup. Imp Master + Healing Totem = infinite imps.
I've seen a Shaman deck like that, did they also run a Hogger by any chance?
so hearthstone gaf i need your help:
I'm playing this deck at the moment for ranked matches, but i'm kinda stuck at rank 18/19.
I'll try to get the card advantage with clerics at the beginning or I try to play my ancient watchers early so i can buff them later with taunt or silence them. Or I try to play pint sized early to get minions out.
This works.. sometimes, but not often enough.
Any help would be great!
so hearthstone gaf i need your help:
I'm playing this deck at the moment for ranked matches, but i'm kinda stuck at rank 18/19.
I'll try to get the card advantage with clerics at the beginning or I try to play my ancient watchers early so i can buff them later with taunt or silence them. Or I try to play pint sized early to get minions out.
This works.. sometimes, but not often enough.
Any help would be great!
Of the one's I'm missing those are the ones I'm thinking are the most useful. The only ones I'm missing are those listed and Cho, Millhouse, Gruul, ETC, Krush, Mukla, and Tink.
I guess I'm leaning towards Baron Geddon, Al'Akir, and Cenarius. BG completes my CW deck, but since it's already great its really just a marginal improvement. If the pros are running Al'Akir in their Shamman decks then that's probably where I'd go. My Druid class is complete except for Cenarius, but I just not sure how much he adds. I don't watch a lot of twitch so I'm not up to date on what the top players are running and those sites for netdecking can be weeks or months obsolete.
I know aggro is the fastest way to ladder, but I didn't want to play zoo. I didn't want to play Warlock murloc.
So, I made a Rogue Murloc/Pirate deck and have been having a blast. Just the locs and pirates that make sense plus Leeroy and a few Rogue spells.
The whole pirate+sea creatures has a swarthy kind of synergy to the theme of the thing too.
I wanted to share this "budget" list that is going around. I got *completely* wrecked by it on my Freeze Mage twice earlier and have had some good success goofing around with it tonight.
Arcane Missiles × 2
Ice Lance × 2
Mana Wyrm × 2
Mirror Image × 2
Frostbolt × 2
Sorcerer's Apprentice × 2
Arcane Intellect × 2
Fireball × 2
Water Elemental × 2
Neutral Cards
Leper Gnome × 2
Amani Berserker × 1
Bloodmage Thalnos × 1
Faerie Dragon × 1
Knife Juggler × 2
Coldlight Oracle × 1
Wolfrider × 2
Azure Drake × 2
The Thalnos is compeltely optional and a Loot Hoarder is actually very competitive with Thalnos in the deck. I think there's room for optimization of this list as well ( Mukla, a 2nd Coldlight). The huge bonus to a list like this is over Zoo is that you don't get worked over by Freeze Mage and Handlock, and people make disastrous mulligans against you.
Anything that uses Legendaries is not budget as far as I'm concerned.
My Druid class is complete except for Cenarius, but I just not sure how much he adds. I don't watch a lot of twitch so I'm not up to date on what the top players are running and those sites for netdecking can be weeks or months obsolete.
Cenarius is pretty cool imho and he can def win some games.
When you on the defence the extra minions can really swing the game, and the buff can be amazing too.
I have Cenarius and having played with him a lot it feels like he could be replaced with someone like baron geddon or ragnaros and probably serve the same purpose of slowing the game down or giving you the win. His taunts will probably only save you for one turn so you better top deck something useful if you're hanging on for dear life. You can't really say he is more mana efficient for a kill than savage roar considering he gives the exact same +2 attack buff, but if there are two minions on deck that have decent health he can make them escape fireballs and flamestrikes easily. It's almost like he serves a mid range pupose but he will almost never come out during that time.
All that being said, I had 5 minions on the board today and slapped Cenarius down with the buff and got the insta quit, which was worth the price of admission.
Have any suggestions for a good budget warrior deck?
I wanted to share this "budget" list that is going around. I got *completely* wrecked by it on my Freeze Mage twice earlier and have had some good success goofing around with it tonight.
Arcane Missiles × 2
Ice Lance × 2
Mana Wyrm × 2
Mirror Image × 2
Frostbolt × 2
Sorcerer's Apprentice × 2
Arcane Intellect × 2
Fireball × 2
Water Elemental × 2
Neutral Cards
Leper Gnome × 2
Amani Berserker × 1
Bloodmage Thalnos × 1
Faerie Dragon × 1
Knife Juggler × 2
Coldlight Oracle × 1
Wolfrider × 2
Azure Drake × 2
The Thalnos is compeltely optional and a Loot Hoarder is actually very competitive with Thalnos in the deck. I think there's room for optimization of this list as well ( Mukla, a 2nd Coldlight). The huge bonus to a list like this is over Zoo is that you don't get worked over by Freeze Mage and Handlock, and people make disastrous mulligans against you.
Frag, what do you think of Rag in Ramp druid?
I played this deck more since I mentioned it the other day and as far as I'm concerned it is the deck to grind Ranked with right now. Currently sitting at 72% win rate over ~40 games.