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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I've been mopping up all these scummy leper gnome bullshit decks with priest.

There were even a few shaman decks running leper gnome. What is even happening.

I wasn't so sure that control priest would do well against aggro, but it's fairing better than control warrior for me.

Healing to increase the survivability of your minions seems to help
A long time ago I unpacked a golden tirion and people told me not to dust him. I dusted him for a Cairne which has helped me quite a bit. I was just thinking about how it would be nice to have him back again and lo and behold, unpacked a normal tirion. Probably best that he isn't gold forged or i might have dusted him a second time haha.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kobold Geomancer is actually preferable to thalnos in tons of situations because it doesn't die to 1-damage hero powers and mortal coil and would possibly require a removal/minion trade for the opponent. If your deck already has a lot of card draw it might be better to run the kobold instead.

if you're running enough card draw that thalnos seems like too much card draw, then you probably need to rethink how much card draw you have in your deck.


A long time ago I unpacked a golden tirion and people told me not to dust him. I dusted him for a Cairne which has helped me quite a bit. I was just thinking about how it would be nice to have him back again and lo and behold, unpacked a normal tirion. Probably best that he isn't gold forged or i might have dusted him a second time haha.

He's one of two remaining goldens in my set that I won't dust. The other being my Cabal Shadow Priest. I just care more about building my collection than the long game of 'I'll have them all eventually so I'll keep every golden.'


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Anybody got any suggestions for my Shaman deck? I really feel like it's a strong deck when I look at it but I had a pretty bad run with it today. Not sure if it was bad luck or if I've got a hole somewhere. Like sometimes I feel like I have too many answers and not enough minions to make my board a threat? I used to run Ragnaros in it but kinda felt like I didn't have enough midrange minions, so I swapped him for a second Chillwind Yeti. I also don't have Al'Akir so he's out as a suggestion.

Maybe I'm just overextending with windfury leeroy?



Anybody got any suggestions for my Shaman deck? I really feel like it's a strong deck when I look at it but I had a pretty bad run with it today. Not sure if it was bad luck or if I've got a hole somewhere. Like sometimes I feel like I have too many answers and not enough minions to make my board a threat? I used to run Ragnaros in it but kinda felt like I didn't have enough midrange minions, so I swapped him for a second Chillwind Yeti. I also don't have Al'Akir so he's out as a suggestion.

replace the windspeakers with a winfury and perhaps one Argent Commander. You could also consider swapping out the axe with something else, since you run doomhammer. The rest of the deck is pretty much standard shaman


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
replace the windspeakers with a winfury and perhaps one Argent Commander. You could also consider swapping out the axe with something else, since you run doomhammer. The rest of the deck is pretty much standard shaman

Yeah I kinda like having the stormforged. It can help with the aggressive decks and it's another way to buffed an unbound. Not really sure what I could replace it with. I'll try your suggestions with winfury and argent commander and see how it goes.

I'll also make a deck without leeroy and swap in rag, see how that works. Gonna run an argent commander and defender of argus in that deck instead of the windspeakers.


8 wins in arena. It was an ok deck only one swipe(which was my downfall because the Druid was a tons of minions+savage roar one)


Anybody got any suggestions for my Shaman deck? I really feel like it's a strong deck when I look at it but I had a pretty bad run with it today. Not sure if it was bad luck or if I've got a hole somewhere. Like sometimes I feel like I have too many answers and not enough minions to make my board a threat? I used to run Ragnaros in it but kinda felt like I didn't have enough midrange minions, so I swapped him for a second Chillwind Yeti. I also don't have Al'Akir so he's out as a suggestion.

Maybe I'm just overextending with windfury leeroy?


I play Shaman, and your build is pretty close to where mine was a few iterations ago. Shaman is SO mana hungry that I found I was always ending the game with a full hand, and have been cutting big threats for cheaper ones ever since. I'd swap out your Windspeakers and the Yetis for Knife Jugglers and Harvest Golems. I've even cut the Unbound Elementals for Loot Hoarders. Solid utility 2 and 3-drops are so crucial so you can play something relevant after a turn-3 or 4 Feral Spirit or Lightning Storm. Don't fall into the trap of believing your power totems are doing anything to advance the board in these situations. I also like a one-of Lava Burst to serve as Hex #3 or a nice finisher.

Knife Juggler is really just amazing. Knife Juggler into Feral Spirit into Flametongue Totem is such an unbeatable opening. And the Juggler will get you a lot more card advantage than the Ooze. (And we already have a good match-up against weapon decks.)

In the higher tiers where Handlock & Miracle Rogue are more common, I've switched to running two Mana Tide Totem and only one Flametongue because it's so much better on an empty board.
I wasn't so sure that control priest would do well against aggro, but it's fairing better than control warrior for me.

Healing to increase the survivability of your minions seems to help

it's more of a mid-range board control deck than a straight control deck.

Just saw on Trump a miracle rogue fail to lethal because he ran out of time.

I had a druid fail to pop my Ice Block earlier because he spent his entire turn deciding if Keeper'ing Doomsayer was a good idea. It's crazy-I never go to rope (or even close) with Freeze Mage yet opponents are wrenching around all the time. You should have your plays mostly sequenced at least a turn (if not) two ahead.

The very worst delay in the game is when the handlock has the coin and it's turn 3. Yes, you should probably play the violet drake that turn into an empty board..
You should have your plays mostly sequenced at least a turn (if not) two ahead.

Not all decks are that easy and it's pretty easy to throw a wrench into someone's plans. Then again, I'm no master player, so maybe it's easier to figure out what people are doing when you know all of the decks.

Tried my hand at making a card.


I like this idea, but I feel it would be better if it was something like, "Add 1 / 2 Health to all of your minions for one turn." or something. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like when things are permanent for an entire turn. Probably the one card I hate the most is Ice Block.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I like this idea, but I feel it would be better if it was something like, "Add 1 / 2 Health to all of your minions for one turn." or something. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like when things are permanent for an entire turn. Probably the one card I hate the most is Ice Block.

My starting point was to actually give priests a tool against Miracle Rogue. By making all of your minions immune, you either stop or severely limit the Rogue's wombo combo. Simply adding a small amount of HP to your minions doesn't really do much with that, as you can still get backstabbed/sapped/eviscerated/whatever. It also serves as some protection from AOEs like consecration, flamestrike, etc, so you could actually have some aggressive priest builds.

Part of the reason Ice Block is such a frustrating card is that it can very clearly turn your win into a loss. It takes into affect right at the point of lethal. Since my card only works on your minions, you're still going to be able to do damage to the priest's face during the whole turn. So that doesn't come into play quite so much.


got a second soulpriest, decided to copy the Amaz deck and played a couple casual games. Really not feeling at the moment, it seems to have some terrible matchups against things like Handlock or Miracle. For a control deck, the late game is pretty weak compared to something like ramp druid. Had some fun Velen clutch wins though
I wanted to share this "budget" list that is going around. I got *completely* wrecked by it on my Freeze Mage twice earlier and have had some good success goofing around with it tonight.


Arcane Missiles × 2
Ice Lance × 2
Mana Wyrm × 2
Mirror Image × 2
Frostbolt × 2
Sorcerer's Apprentice × 2
Arcane Intellect × 2
Fireball × 2
Water Elemental × 2

Neutral Cards

Leper Gnome × 2
Amani Berserker × 1
Bloodmage Thalnos × 1
Faerie Dragon × 1
Knife Juggler × 2
Coldlight Oracle × 1
Wolfrider × 2
Azure Drake × 2

The Thalnos is compeltely optional and a Loot Hoarder is actually very competitive with Thalnos in the deck. I think there's room for optimization of this list as well ( Mukla, a 2nd Coldlight). The huge bonus to a list like this is over Zoo is that you don't get worked over by Freeze Mage and Handlock, and people make disastrous mulligans against you.

This deck is really good. I'm on a 7-0 run in Ranked now. Most of my matches end with me 25 or more health.
This Demolisher Druid build going around is pretty silly. Does this deck ever win without Innervate in its opening hand? (I beat it with Alexstrasza beatdown and just burned out his creatures, lol). I hate Innervate as a card in this game. It's too high variance and results in degenerate plays.

edit: Rank 4 now. Shit is hard. Top of the meta is warlock of both types, TONS of ramp druid. Some rogue, but not as much as you'd think. I am seeing more control warrior (boo) and freeze mage ( hilarious mirror btw ), some aggro mage.

Part of the reason Ice Block is such a frustrating card is that it can very clearly turn your win into a loss. It takes into affect right at the point of lethal. Since my card only works on your minions, you're still going to be able to do damage to the priest's face during the whole turn. So that doesn't come into play quite so much.

I think Ice Block is a really poorly designed card whose real application is in noninteractive combo decks or as a foil to a combo kill metagame. No matter which reason its in a deck, something went wrong and needs changing.


those demolishers are stupid. Well, I haven't really seen them do anything yet anyway, but I suppose it doesn't matter all that much if you run them instead of golems. I don't really see this catching on, they're kinda worthless if their RNG doesn't hit minions


My new Taunt Ramp Priest deck is fucking ridiculous, lol. Totally shuts down aggro and finishes up with huge beasties to win games.


My new Taunt Ramp Priest deck is fucking ridiculous, lol. Totally shuts down aggro and finishes up with huge beasties to win games.

I played against a taunt priest earlier with my control priest and edged him out. Priest v. Priest takes foreeeever.


I deleveled myself to 20. Gonna try to go at it from scratch.

This Demolisher Druid build going around is pretty silly. Does this deck ever win without Innervate in its opening hand? (I beat it with Alexstrasza beatdown and just burned out his creatures, lol). I hate Innervate as a card in this game. It's too high variance and results in degenerate plays.

edit: Rank 4 now. Shit is hard. Top of the meta is warlock of both types, TONS of ramp druid. Some rogue, but not as much as you'd think. I am seeing more control warrior (boo) and freeze mage ( hilarious mirror btw ), some aggro mage.

I think Ice Block is a really poorly designed card whose real application is in noninteractive combo decks or as a foil to a combo kill metagame. No matter which reason its in a deck, something went wrong and needs changing.

How can there be so much ramp around rank 4? I cant for the life of god make it past 8 with Ramp (last season)
I pretty much never rage at this game, or any game, but I just accidentally dropped equality before wild pyro and now I want to smash something.


Does anyone have any luck playing The Beast? It's my first legendary that anyone can use (before I only had the priest/paladin ones but I don't play either class). Probably the best for hunter with a charging kodo?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
No one really plays that version of hunter anymore, but sure it could be a finisher if you can keep Tundra alive. You can have some fun with the card but with deathrattles being so important in Naxx Beast's might bite you in the ass. I'd de it and get a leg you do want.
How can there be so much ramp around rank 4? I cant for the life of god make it past 8 with Ramp (last season)

It's an extremely consistent deck with a lot of versatile cards. It fights off aggression fairly well and has answers for almost any strategy put against it while never being a reactive deck. It plays a two card combo kill that can close a game out fast. It's versatile enough to be quickly adaptable to metagame shifts.

Honestly for general laddering it is probably better than Miracle Rogue or any of the other format boogeymen going around right now.

I just noticed that in over 20 ranked games against priest with three different decks I've lost one game so far

The amount of deck experience and format knowledge you need with Priest is pretty mind boggling. The only remotely viable builds are almost purely reactive affairs.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I was gonna say the same thing. Ramp is by far the best ladder deck now. The climb is consistent.


Gold Member
I was gonna say the same thing. Ramp is by far the best ladder deck now. The climb is consistent.

Ramp vs Ramp is always fun too, because 99% of the time they other guy doesn't bring his naturalizes to the game, and can't answer the 3rd or 4th 7+ drop minion you play (half the time if they even have a single BGH or get lucky and draw Black Knight it surprises me).

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I like running one naturalize for those oh shit moments. The fact that druid can even fit in cards like knight and bgh is crazy. Especially when a lot of people run two copies of combo.


Ramp vs Ramp is always fun too, because 99% of the time they other guy doesn't bring his naturalizes to the game, and can't answer the 3rd or 4th 7+ drop minion you play (half the time if they even have a single BGH or get lucky and draw Black Knight it surprises me).

my incomplete ramp druid deck is currently 8/2 against other druids, with only one Keeper/AoW/AoL, no BGH (which will only help if they run Rag anyway) or Black Knight. Quite a few of those were token druids which seem to struggle to break through the taunt galore. I've had two games in a row where they dropped their BGH the turn before I played Rag


Gold Member
I think keeping 3k is a safe bet. Any more and Blizzard is charging 50 bucks for an expansion and fuck that.

Two more class cards / weeks left until they run out and people expect them to give new information right? Then maybe we find out 10 more weeks until it launches, and if we're lucky a week before it hits they say the cost!

Edit: Watch it end up coming out July 1st (hey, it's a Tuesday, and they love Tuesdays, and it is also the start of a new PVP season), and being only 250 gold per wing.


I probably just had my most enjoyable game.

I've been playing around with a Shaman / Malygos deck for the past week and I was playing against a Ramp Druid he was desperately trying to get me below 15 for the Savage Roar / Force of Nature combo but I managed to bring out Malygos and he survives the next turn as my opponent went for my face, so the next turn I proceed to Lightning Storm his board dealing 7-8 damage on his minions which clears the board and then Lightning Bolt his face for 8 and for Malygos to seal the win. Felt good!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Any chance of Blizzard announcing the price model and/or release date of the expansion pack during E3?
Does Blizzard even "does" E3?


Gold Member
Any chance of Blizzard announcing the price model and/or release date of the expansion pack during E3?
Does Blizzard even "does" E3?

My guess is they'll announce the pricing model / release date for the expansion in November during BlizzCon.

Edit: And to expand a little further, I expect the iPhone/Android ports to release before they move on to the first expansion, so it's possible they could have playable iPhone and Android versions at BlizzCon for people to see as well.
Two more class cards / weeks left until they run out and people expect them to give new information right? Then maybe we find out 10 more weeks until it launches, and if we're lucky a week before it hits they say the cost!

Edit: Watch it end up coming out July 1st (hey, it's a Tuesday, and they love Tuesdays, and it is also the start of a new PVP season), and being only 250 gold per wing.

If it's that low of a price I certainly won't complain, it just means lots of extra packs to go with it :)

Any chance of Blizzard announcing the price model and/or release date of the expansion pack during E3?
Does Blizzard even "does" E3?

Blizzard doesn't do E3, I can't remember the last time (ever?) that they did so. They may have been mentioned at E3 (diablo on consoles) but Blizz never has an actual presense at E3. They save that stuff for Blizzcon.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Nearing 3k here, I barely have the time or patience to do dailies so it's just building up.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
My guess is they'll announce the pricing model / release date for the expansion in November during BlizzCon.

Edit: And to expand a little further, I expect the iPhone/Android ports to release before they move on to the first expansion, so it's possible they could have playable iPhone and Android versions at BlizzCon for people to see as well.

If it's that low of a price I certainly won't complain, it just means lots of extra packs to go with it :)

Blizzard doesn't do E3, I can't remember the last time (ever?) that they did so. They may have been mentioned at E3 (diablo on consoles) but Blizz never has an actual presense at E3. They save that stuff for Blizzcon.
Thank for the info guys!
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