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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Hail to the KING baby
I know Mage is the hotness (I've heard) -- it's all I've ever played though (380 wins -- getting there!) and I don't really netdeck have always just had a very slow control mage but made a couple really helpful tweaks to get me out of tilt.
-2x Molten Giant. How did I miss out on this for so long? So silly. I'm almost always down to 15 fairly quickly. These guys are amazing not just to get out early, but even just as removal sponges to protect Antonidas and Rags later.
-2x Ice Lance + 2x Blizz. I used to run no Ice Lance and just 2x Blizz 2x Flamestrike. I have always been overabundant in removal but it's kinda part of the gimmick. However, pretty rare that you can actually make full use of Flamestrike. Usually you're just faced with a board of crappy 1-3 HP minions complemented by maybe one big, but: (1) waiting that extra turn to get flamestrike out can be a backbreaker, especially against really crappy charge decks, and (2) Flamestrike leaves the 5+'s on the board to hurt you next turn, which can be really huge. Blizz + Ice Lance is so perfect at least for the decks I encounter because you kill everything and then finish off the last guy with the Lance. And worst case you've at least held them back a turn in time to draw/play BGH, PolyMorph, another Blizz, etc. without soaking up more damage in the meantime.

This game is nothing if not streaky, at least in the middle levels. I'm always on a streak one way or the other.


-2x Molten Giant. How did I miss out on this for so long? So silly. I'm almost always down to 15 fairly quickly. These guys are amazing not just to get out early, but even just as removal sponges to protect Antonidas and Rags later.

I don't think molten giants are all that useful without taunt-givers. By the time you get to play them, you can expect a 14+ damage combo played from hand

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Dafuq, I just watched him yesterday or the day before playing ai unlocking heroes. He started ranking with an f2p rogue deck. Not sure what he's done since but clearly he put some work in lol. Or maybe the f2p was Asia.. I don't pay attention much..


Hail to the KING baby
I don't think molten giants are all that useful without taunt-givers. By the time you get to play them, you can expect a 14+ damage combo played from hand

Yeah that's probably true. Down here in the slums (15-range) there's a pretty wide variety of decks though rather than just the current hotness. Can't beat every deck and usually what precedes me going on tilt is making too many accommodations for matchups rather than just making a deck that works on its own merits. Again I'm sure this varies greatly based on where you are in the ladder.
Dafuq, I just watched him yesterday or the day before playing ai unlocking heroes. He started ranking with an f2p rogue deck. Not sure what he's done since but clearly he put some work in lol. Or maybe the f2p was Asia.. I don't pay attention much..

He threw down for 120 packs on NA this morning, I caught him DE'ing a golden Hogger. RIP.



I'll see your ice shit and raise you two Rags


All this talk about Ramp being so strong makes me feel like a crap player lol

This is my current ramp deck

2x Innervate
2x Wild Growth
2x Wrath
2x Tazdingo
2x Keeper of the Grove
2x Swipe
2x Azure Drake
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Faceless
2x Sunwalker
2x Starfire
2x Ancient of Lore
2x Ancient of War
2x Ironbark Protector
1x Ragnaros
1x Ysera
1x Cenarius

I dont have BGH or Cairne yet


All this talk about Ramp being so strong makes me feel like a crap player lol

This is my current ramp deck

2x Innervate
2x Wild Growth
2x Wrath
2x Tazdingo
2x Keeper of the Grove
2x Swipe
2x Azure Drake
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Faceless
2x Sunwalker
2x Starfire
2x Ancient of Lore
2x Ancient of War
2x Ironbark Protector
1x Ragnaros
1x Ysera
1x Cenarius

I dont have BGH or Cairne yet

Get rid of the Ironbarks. Playing both Ysera and Cenarius seems a bit clunky to me (especially with 2 Ancients of War) but apparently it's not that unpopular. You could add Cairne (e: when you craft him), maybe a BGH or Black Knight depending on what kind of decks you face. Have you considered the Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo? I don't really like Starfire - you could use one Starfall instead

I play one Sunwalker in my deck but imo the card isn't that great, you get more value out of Cairne. The latest ramp decks experiment with one or two Argent Commanders. You could also replace the Tazdingos with Yetis unless you really need the taunts. If you struggle early game, you might want to add something like harvest golem

oh, and Thalnos is amazing for druids

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Look like a passive version. You're missing some good cards and replacing them with not so good cards. You can watch Trump playing the deck now. He even editted StrifeCro's and took out Cairne/Knight cause they're too slow. You can do nourish/combo but definitely get some Commanders, Golems, and Yetis in there. He ran Blood Knight for a while too.


I dislike those arena players who just go for the face every time, even offering good minion trades. It's such a risky play style, but when you can't punish them properly it seems to work inordinately well.
Hilarious finish, playing mage against Mage and he hits me with everything before playing Doomsayer and a secret, so I can't finish him this turn and he has a hand full of fireballs from the Legendary. I get him down to one, hit him again to activate ice block then say "sorry" and end my turn. Doomsayer kills everything and he dies to 2 damage from my Leper Gnome. Good backup card against mages!
Was playing a Murlock and he had a board with a 6/4 Old Murkeye with the other murlocs on the board. I was able to finish him off with a Faceless on Murkeye with Cold Blood x2. Felt amazing.


Looking for input on what legendary to craft next. I play primarily Druid (I have good token and ramp) and I have functional Rogue/Paladin/Priest decks as well, and I don't really play the other classes. I also don't climb the ladder, I mostly play once in a while to do dailies for packs/arena.

I've already got Rag, Sylvanas and Leeroy.

I'm considering at the moment:
Black Knight

Any opinions?
Looking for input on what legendary to craft next. I play primarily Druid (I have good token and ramp) and I have functional Rogue/Paladin/Priest decks as well, and I don't really play the other classes. I also don't climb the ladder, I mostly play once in a while to do dailies for packs/arena.

I've already got Rag, Sylvanas and Leeroy.

I'm considering at the moment:
Black Knight

Any opinions?

Have some fun with Cairne or Cenarius. The first legend I crafted was Thalnos, but if you're not laddering play a card that's more impactful and is always a good play, which both of those are.
Just won an arena game with reckless rocketeer and wondered "why the fuck did I draft this?" because I hate that card. Then I remembered I thoughtstole it from the other guy.

Thank god my opponents draft better than I do.


Ok so my deck needs a bit more oomph then.

I don't have a single Force of Nature yet to put in it after months of play.


So, what deck should I go for? I have all the relevant epics for Druid and Paladin, I have all the relevant neutral epics (and rares for the most part). I have Ysera, Leeroy, Harrison and Tirion.

Tried the Druid Teacher deck but lacking Thalnos, Cairne and Cenarius, tried the Paladin Divind Shield / taunt deck but it was too slow.

Shockadin? Whats a good spec / makeup? I would prefer to play druid I think.
So, what deck should I go for? I have all the relevant epics for Druid and Paladin, I have all the relevant neutral epics (and rares for the most part). I have Ysera, Leeroy, Harrison and Tirion.

Tried the Druid Teacher deck but lacking Thalnos, Cairne and Cenarius, tried the Paladin Divind Shield / taunt deck but it was too slow.

Shockadin? Whats a good spec / makeup? I would prefer to play druid I think.

Token/Miracle druid is perfectly usable without legendaries. Cairne and Cenarius are too slow for it and kobold geomancer is actually preferable to Thalnos in a lot of situations because of the extra point of health. The only legendary I found semi-useful in that deck was Leeroy, and even that's borderline. Black Knight is okay in theory but I found it too expensive and Naturalize was better because it lets you play your burst combo the same turn, and most of the popular versions run neither card.

What's everyone's opinion on Naturalize? I disregarded it as a trash card but it's very good in the right situations. Theoretically token druid can just ignore some threats and race for burst so there's no need for hard removal, and ramp druid has mark of the wild + BGH or Black Knight for removal. In my experience Token druid runs into a lot of difficult situations without hard removal (handlock especially, but I couldn't find any good answers to Doomguard while playing that deck), and for Ramp druid your mark of the wilds become dead cards because their value as combo pieces for removal is way more important than their buff ability. Naturalize does tend to make bad situations worse and making sloppy play even sloppier by giving your opponent the card advantage, but I don't feel comfortable running a druid deck without it now. Plus some token decks run Gadgetzan which helps somewhat.


I think the most popular druid deck atm is a midrange ramp deck running double wombo combo. Legendaries include TBK, cenarius, and cairne.
I think the most popular druid deck atm is a midrange ramp deck running double wombo combo. Legendaries include TBK, cenarius, and cairne.

I think the better builds have dumped Black Knight and Cairne. Cairne is not proactive enough and Black Knight was only doing anything in the mirror and was pretty easily played around. I see a lot of Argent Commanders flying around instead. Cenarius was there as a mirror-breaker but is not core to the build.

The 2x Force of Nature/2x Savage Roar combo seems the best way to play. Not terribly difficult to assemble and it allows you to constantly threaten lethal with just two minions on board in a lot of games. It also gives you a reliable path to kill Handlock before they can be in a position to play Molten Giants.

Shockadin? Whats a good spec / makeup? I would prefer to play druid I think.

https://imgur.com/a/lB9ad#slka2XQ , sub a Kobold Geomancer for Thalnos (huge downgrade, but in Druid you play Thalnos not for the cycle, but for the cheap spellpower to make wrath and swipe do some crazy things). You can play Ysera or Ancient of War at the top end instead of Cenarius. The substitutions do weaken the deck but you're largely keeping the core of board presence into reliable combo kill that makes the deck work.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Black Knight has a place if you run Marks. Safer removal than Naturalize for midgame.


https://imgur.com/a/lB9ad#slka2XQ , sub a Kobold Geomancer for Thalnos (huge downgrade, but in Druid you play Thalnos not for the cycle, but for the cheap spellpower to make wrath and swipe do some crazy things). You can play Ysera or Ancient of War at the top end instead of Cenarius. The substitutions do weaken the deck but you're largely keeping the core of board presence into reliable combo kill that makes the deck work.

Thanks, will give it a try.


It's basically the aggro ramp Frag linked but usually they are running 2x Argent Commanders instead of starfall and thalnos and cenarius in place of rag.

But having 2x combos is great for turning games offensively or stealing back control.


I wouldn't touch Hunter otherwise, but happened to get a daily for Hunter wins and went ahead with a draft. And what a ridiculous draft it was. 4x UTH, 2x Deadly, 1x Multi and 2x Explosive shots, some traps, 2x Gladiator's Longbow. Even the minions are good - two Yetis, an Ogre, Sea Giant, 3x Harvest Golem, Faceless, etc. Unless RNG strikes hard, I don't see how this deck can fail to at least stall the game long enough for the opponent to drop dead.

edit: well, I guess playing really badly can do it. 2-1 now, the loss was pure stupidity on my part.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
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