So I played Kolento today...
Lost by 1 HP. He had both Swipes in the top 10 cards :/
-2x Molten Giant. How did I miss out on this for so long? So silly. I'm almost always down to 15 fairly quickly. These guys are amazing not just to get out early, but even just as removal sponges to protect Antonidas and Rags later.
On EU or his F2P NA?
I don't think molten giants are all that useful without taunt-givers. By the time you get to play them, you can expect a 14+ damage combo played from hand
Dafuq, I just watched him yesterday or the day before playing ai unlocking heroes. He started ranking with an f2p rogue deck. Not sure what he's done since but clearly he put some work in lol. Or maybe the f2p was Asia.. I don't pay attention much..
He threw down for 120 packs on NA this morning, I caught him DE'ing a golden Hogger. RIP.
All this talk about Ramp being so strong makes me feel like a crap player lol
This is my current ramp deck
2x Innervate
2x Wild Growth
2x Wrath
2x Tazdingo
2x Keeper of the Grove
2x Swipe
2x Azure Drake
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Faceless
2x Sunwalker
2x Starfire
2x Ancient of Lore
2x Ancient of War
2x Ironbark Protector
1x Ragnaros
1x Ysera
1x Cenarius
I dont have BGH or Cairne yet
Would've been embarrassed if I hadn't gotten 12-0 with this deck. My first time though, feels good.
Looking for input on what legendary to craft next. I play primarily Druid (I have good token and ramp) and I have functional Rogue/Paladin/Priest decks as well, and I don't really play the other classes. I also don't climb the ladder, I mostly play once in a while to do dailies for packs/arena.
I've already got Rag, Sylvanas and Leeroy.
I'm considering at the moment:
Black Knight
Any opinions?
So, what deck should I go for? I have all the relevant epics for Druid and Paladin, I have all the relevant neutral epics (and rares for the most part). I have Ysera, Leeroy, Harrison and Tirion.
Tried the Druid Teacher deck but lacking Thalnos, Cairne and Cenarius, tried the Paladin Divind Shield / taunt deck but it was too slow.
Shockadin? Whats a good spec / makeup? I would prefer to play druid I think.
Ok so my deck needs a bit more oomph then.
I don't have a single Force of Nature yet to put in it after months of play.
Token/Miracle druid is perfectly usable without legendaries.
I think the most popular druid deck atm is a midrange ramp deck running double wombo combo. Legendaries include TBK, cenarius, and cairne.
Shockadin? Whats a good spec / makeup? I would prefer to play druid I think. , sub a Kobold Geomancer for Thalnos (huge downgrade, but in Druid you play Thalnos not for the cycle, but for the cheap spellpower to make wrath and swipe do some crazy things). You can play Ysera or Ancient of War at the top end instead of Cenarius. The substitutions do weaken the deck but you're largely keeping the core of board presence into reliable combo kill that makes the deck work.
Nothing to de?
Plenty, like Hogger, the Beast
My day off! And no hearfstone![]()
Maintenance until 5 PM?!
Hmmm. Getting back-end ready for naxx?
I would hope so, as the maintenance has been extended to 7 freaking PM EST.
All that time to prepare for Naxx, Auctioneer nerf and Leeroy nerf Kappa.