The developers are hard at work on Curse of Naxxramas. There's a lot of stuff we're working on with that, and the cards that will be introduced with Adventure Mode will really shake things up. There's been a lot of talk about the new cards we've been sharing on Hearthstone's Twitter and Facebook, and those conversations evolve on the Hearthstone subreddit and here on the forums. We keep an eye on your feedback and communicate with the developers accordingly.
There's lots of stuff we work on behind the scenes as well, and we'll be sure to communicate these things when they're ready to be announced. In the meantime, there are lots of things an individual can do as a whole to strengthen the overall community. It may take a spoonful of patience, but if everyone contributed by even just making one helpful post a day to a thread where a player may be experiencing frustration with a card or a certain combination of cards, the result of that effort may surprise you.