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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Pretty ironic that the Golden Swamp Ooze is unlocked from leveling a rogue.

Edit: Speaking of which, I'm hovering by rank 15 again, so if I do better than I did last month, I'm going to show off my changes to my special rogue deck.
Zoolock > Handlocked.

They get to like 4 HP and are like "Yeah totally got this, double taunt up my giants!"

Then it's like, NOPE, "I Greet You..." Soulfire to the face.

You get them to that 4HP or less mark they're fucked cause they can't tap anymore.
So I am now pretty pumped for naxx cause I am under the assumption that the rogue class challenge will be in the arachnid wing (the first wing being unlocked for free once naxx releases) because they are getting an arachnid minion, there is a boss named anub'rhekar, and the rogue minion is called anub'ar ambusher.


I am not sure how exactly I will fit the card in, but I am definitely gonna fit him into my midrange deck. 2 of those suckers. Replace yeti? Replace Dark iron dwarf? DUNNO. But I am a bit excited!


Hunter Secret

Infected Wounds

When enemy minion attacks, give all enemy minions "Deathrattle: Summon for opponent 1/1 Zombie Dog with charge"

The animation is a green swipe.

(Not sure how to word it concisely so that the hunter playing the secret gets the dogs. As I worded it, a MC tech could flip the deathrattle)

Edit: (Been awhile since I played wow, so I'm not sure there were anything resembling zombie dogs. I thought about having it be renanimation into skeletal dogs. Basically I wanted the summons to be beasts. Might be too strong if they're beasts though, since you can "bank" draws for buzzards with it)


remember me
Wow! Now this is a card. The first 3/4 for 3! Solid deathrattle. Definitely gonna play some priest come naxx.
The 3/4 body for 3 warrants play even if it didn't have any abilities :)

One of the beefiest minions available, as a neutral this would be so op. Glad they are boosting priest mid game.

Yup, the deathrattle is a bonus, that's just a damn good card. It's basically a class specific Yeti-lite (1 fewer cost, attack, and health), with a deathrattle bonus. I approve, Priest needed this BAD. With that said, it does seem to be a little ridiculous that this is a common card


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man it'd be so awesome for arena, too. Lot more 3/3's there or you could trade with a 2/3 and it would still be a 3/2 that you could heal.
So I almost have enough dust to craft a Legendary.

I like to play Mage and Rogue with various deck setups. What are my best choices?

I don't really play much ranked because I have been low on time to dedicate to any game since my baby was born, so I don't really pay THAT much attention to the metagame tiers.

Only Leg I have gotten from packs is the Paladin minion.
So I almost have enough dust to craft a Legendary.

I like to play Mage and Rogue with various deck setups. What are my best choices?

I don't really play much ranked because I have been low on time to dedicate to any game since my baby was born, so I don't really pay THAT much attention to the metagame tiers.

Only Leg I have gotten from packs is the Paladin minion.

Thalnos for Mage and Rogue, and it isn't (IMO) even close.


Unconfirmed Member
Turn 3 > Dark Cultist.
Turn 4 > Baron Rivendare. Kill your Dark Cultist on your opponent's Yeti for 13 health Rivendare.
Turn 5 > PWS + PWS + DS + DS + IF = 68/68 Rivendare, GG.

I will be playing a bit of Priest now.
Thalnos for Mage and Rogue, and it isn't (IMO) even close.

Really? The whole 1/1 stats thing turned me off even though the abilities are great.
Especially since Mage and Rogue don't have many choices as far as extending the card's longevity. I always thought it would work for Druid/Shaman really well.
Then again I'm a noob ;p

But yeah, considering how bad Mage is at drawing
Fuck Arcane Intellect :mad:
I guess it is the only real choice.
So I assembled a miracle rogue. It has everything but Thalnos. Problem is I'm going backwards in ranks, not up. Really pissing me off I was having better success with zoo. Part of it is inexperience - I fucked up a couple times. But I've been beaten handily by a variety of decks. Really, it's so reliant on draw and getting an auctioneer, unless I'm missing something.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
So I assembled a miracle rogue. It has everything but Thalnos. Problem is I'm going backwards in ranks, not up. Really pissing me off I was having better success with zoo. Part of it is inexperience - I fucked up a couple times. But I've been beaten handily by a variety of decks. Really, it's so reliant on draw and getting an auctioneer, unless I'm missing something.

The deck can definitely lose to bad draw luck, but it's more than likely you are not making the right decisions due to inexperience. You don't need auctioneer to win with the deck. What version of miracle is it? Watch someone like Hafu or Kolento and you can get a better feel for it. It will probably take a few weeks of playing it to get the hang of it. I run an addict miracle and it was a while before it clicked.
The deck can definitely lose to bad draw luck, but it's more than likely you are not making the right decisions due to inexperience. You don't need auctioneer to win with the deck. What version of miracle is it? Watch someone like Hafu or Kolento and you can get a better feel for it. It will probably take a few weeks of playing it to get the hang of it. I run an addict miracle and it was a while before it clicked.

Yeah I need help. I've lost 3 ranks trying to play it. And that's the single digit ranks too, so it's been like a straight 15 losses or something. Extremely frustrating. I'd rather have my 60%+ winrate with zoo.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Hafu coaches a lot of people on miracle. She actually played miracle with Trump yesterday so if you watch that archive you can see how two players with two different playstyles see the same turn (they discuss what to do each turn and the person playing makes the decision). Trump's style is much more immediate while Hafu plays a few turns ahead - the right way to play miracle. Personally though I think FreeGold is the most well rounded miracle player since it's the only class/deck he has played for months. He reached legend with it before most of the "top" players this season and he didn't even use standard version.
I guess having a 3-drop that can tank a silence for you is a good thing, because injured blademaster is so vanilla and farseer isn't great on turn 3. I wish the deathrattle did something more interesting, though, because "buff health to wait for inner fire and pray they don't have silence or removal" isn't a particularly good way to play Priest and probably never will be.


I guess having a 3-drop that can tank a silence for you is a good thing, because injured blademaster is so vanilla and farseer isn't great on turn 3. I wish the deathrattle did something more interesting, though, because "buff health to wait for inner fire and pray they don't have silence or removal" isn't a particularly good way to play Priest and probably never will be.

Eh, +3 Health coupled with the Priest's hero ability is insanely good for trading/board control purposes without any additional shenanigans.


that is not a hunter secret

who thought mid-range priest would be a good idea : /
good card but it won't fix the issues with this class, turn 3 Injured Blademaster + Circle of Healing was already a strong play (and you want to run CoH for the Soulpriest combo anyway)


Gold Member
that is not a hunter secret

who thought mid-range priest would be a good idea : /
good card but it won't fix the issues with this class, turn 3 Injured Blademaster + Circle of Healing was already a strong play (and you want to run CoH for the Soulpriest combo anyway)

Funny how everytime I get a turn 2 Injured Blademaster + CoH it's against a mage with a frost bolt and ice lance on their turn 3 (and it actually costs them less cards to kill it than I spend playing it). I don't think I've ever seen a 4/7 blademaster live a full turn in the few times I've managed to get the combo off turn 2 or 3. Always some way of killing it early.


I like to play Mage and Rogue with various deck setups. What are my best choices?

Mage: Antonidas, Alexstraza in some version
Rogue: VanCleef, Leeroy is played in pretty much all decks

Thalnos is played by both but he is not required. I've seen legend deck substituting him with Kobold Geomancer

Funny how everytime I get a turn 2 Injured Blademaster + CoH it's against a mage with a frost bolt and ice lance on their turn 3 (and it actually costs them less cards to kill it than I spend playing it). I don't think I've ever seen a 4/7 blademaster live a full turn in the few times I've managed to get the combo off turn 2 or 3. Always some way of killing it early.

eh, I've played against this combo (+Cleric) as a druid today and the Blademaster stuck around for almost the entire game. Most other classes have some premium removals turn 3 or 4 to answer an early threat.


Zoolock > Handlocked.

They get to like 4 HP and are like "Yeah totally got this, double taunt up my giants!"

Then it's like, NOPE, "I Greet You..." Soulfire to the face.

You get them to that 4HP or less mark they're fucked cause they can't tap anymore.

I find more often then not zoo runs out of steam. I think zoos a pretty easy matchup for hand lock if you get okay draws. Some games suck if you don't draw AOE and taunts.


Gold Member
All we need now is the Hunter Naxxramas card and then Blizzard can release the entire adventure.

You must have missed this recent post by their community managers:

The developers are hard at work on Curse of Naxxramas. There's a lot of stuff we're working on with that, and the cards that will be introduced with Adventure Mode will really shake things up. There's been a lot of talk about the new cards we've been sharing on Hearthstone's Twitter and Facebook, and those conversations evolve on the Hearthstone subreddit and here on the forums. We keep an eye on your feedback and communicate with the developers accordingly.


There's lots of stuff we work on behind the scenes as well, and we'll be sure to communicate these things when they're ready to be announced. In the meantime, there are lots of things an individual can do as a whole to strengthen the overall community. It may take a spoonful of patience, but if everyone contributed by even just making one helpful post a day to a thread where a player may be experiencing frustration with a card or a certain combination of cards, the result of that effort may surprise you.

I still get the picture that we aren't seeing the PvE adventure for a few more months... maybe end of July? Certainly doesn't instill confidence it will release in a couple weeks, but I guess with Blizzard you never know. Things sometimes just come out unannounced, and they'd probably make a bit more money off the PvE if they didn't give everyone adequate time to set aside the gold to pay for it in full from their dailies alone.


You must have missed this recent post by their community managers:

I still get the picture that we aren't seeing the PvE adventure for a few more months... maybe end of July? Certainly doesn't instill confidence it will release in a couple weeks, but I guess with Blizzard you never know. Things sometimes just come out unannounced, and they'd probably make a bit more money off the PvE if they didn't give everyone adequate time to set aside the gold to pay for it in full from their dailies alone.


I'm so bored of pvp atm. Really want this new content.


Gold Member
My guess is mid-August.

It's pretty funny how this is probably going to be the most popular digital CCG for pretty much ever, I expect, despite also probably having the slowest / least number of new cards added to it per year. I wonder if we'll even see the first expansion by Q4 next year sometimes, ~150 cards, 1 card per week, that's like 3 years between expansions lol. :(


Does UTH rush hunter beat zoo warlock? It sure beats handlock clean... that or maybe play freeze mage? That beats both too... I think you just need to play a deck that is strong against both kinds of warlocks if you face them so often, and for mulligans both rush hunter and more-so freeze mage just mulligan to win, not to battle a certain deck so you wouldn't need to worry about mulligans as much.

It's close now, thanks to the UTH nerf, but this is the precise problem with midrange hunter; the typical counter to midrange decks are rush decks like Zoo, but UTH neutralizes that, and particularly so when it was 2 mana.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
It's pretty funny how this is probably going to be the most popular digital CCG for pretty much ever, I expect, despite also probably having the slowest / least number of new cards added to it per year. I wonder if we'll even see the first expansion by Q4 next year sometimes, ~150 cards, 1 card per week, that's like 3 years between expansions lol. :(

I think Blizz is surprised how well it took off in the pro/stream scene. It's probably doing better than even they thought. I'm surprised myself how good the game is. If I knew it was this good I would have tried to get in during the closed beta. Still, as an f2p player I find enough value in it to last through the summer. If I actually had the capability to craft every major deck and had played them all extensively, I'm sure I'd be bored too.


I think Blizz is surprised how well it took off in the pro/stream scene. It's probably doing better than even they thought. I'm surprised myself how good the game is. If I knew it was this good I would have tried to get in during the closed beta. Still, as an f2p player I find enough value in it to last through the summer. If I actually had the capability to craft every major deck and had played them all extensively, I'm sure I'd be bored too.
I kinda would like that capability, at least within a reasonable timeframe. While the game is an amazing deal for free, even just playing arena, the glacial pace it gives you legendaries means as a free player I basically expect to never have access to some of the fun-looking tournament decks like Control Warrior. And I'm a bit bored with the randomness of arenas.

I wouldn't actually mind spending some money, but I haven't done it so far since what you get for the money seems anemic. 40 packs cost the same as a full videogame, and if you don't happen to hit the cards you actually want, that gives you an average of about 4000 dust (I recall some guy calculated ~100 dust average per pack) or 2 legendaries + 2 epics.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I kinda would like that capability, at least within a reasonable timeframe. While the game is an amazing deal for free, even just playing arena, the glacial pace it gives you legendaries means as a free player I basically expect to never have access to some of the fun-looking tournament decks like Control Warrior. And I'm a bit bored with the randomness of arenas.

I wouldn't actually mind spending some money, but I haven't done it so far since what you get for the money seems anemic. 40 packs cost the same as a full videogame, and if you don't happen to hit the cards you actually want, that gives you an average of about 4000 dust (I recall some guy calculated ~100 dust average per pack) or 2 legendaries + 2 epics.

Yeah spending money on packs (or arena which is insane) never made sense to me. Gold is infinite and I've opened the equivalent of a pack a day since January from nothing but quests/arena/playing. I've been lucky with legendaries since most were playable but if I didn't de a bunch of shit I could never play the few decks I main. If I hadn't pulled Leeroy I probably would never play rogue. But even with all that I can't really run ramp or handlock or control pally cause I de'ed a lot of their shit to get what I have now.

I just wish ranking had more rewards. Maybe gold or packs.. Or that the card back was like rank 5 and not 20.


remember me
Yeah I really need more motivation to play ranked. After getting legendary once I have no desire to do it again since I'm obviously not gonna make top 16. At the very least gold heroes should carry to arena so I have more motivation to get those.
Yeah spending money on packs (or arena which is insane) never made sense to me. Gold is infinite and I've opened the equivalent of a pack a day since January from nothing but quests/arena/playing. I've been lucky with legendaries since most were playable but if I didn't de a bunch of shit I could never play the few decks I main. If I hadn't pulled Leeroy I probably would never play rogue. But even with all that I can't really run ramp or handlock or control pally cause I de'ed a lot of their shit to get what I have now.

I just wish ranking had more rewards. Maybe gold or packs.. Or that the card back was like rank 5 and not 20.

I can see and respect this stance, but I've personally spent about $90 on the game so far. A lot of the time, it's just my impatience that motivates a purchase; like, when I have 1,400 dust and want to craft a legendary, I just buy my way to it. That way I can play around with it right then and try out some new deck combinations.

Other times, I just realize that I'm having a lot of fun with the game and want to reward Blizz.

Honestly, I've gotten more entertainment from that $90 than I have with probably 90% of my 1,200+ Steam library.


So far out of 6 arena runs I've gotten 3 legendaries from the packs.

The beast.
The black knight(which I've made people cry already).

Pretty fun, and I made a miracle rogue deck. Hehhehehehehehehehehe
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