Zoo doesn't play blood imp so it's just your imagination. That was an easy one. Next question.
I meant flame imp -.-
Zoo doesn't play blood imp so it's just your imagination. That was an easy one. Next question.
So what's the most consistent Druid deck for the current rank 5+ meta? I haven't found the right one yet.
2x Innervate
2x Wild Growth
2x Wrath
1x Healing Touch
2x Savage Roar
2x Swipe
2x Keeper of the Grove
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Force of Nature
2x Ancient of Lore
1x Big Game Hunter
2x Harvest Golem
2x Chillwild Yeti
2x Azure Drake
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Argent Commander
1x Cairne Bloodhoof
1x Ragnaros The Firelord
(This is what the #2 NA player dog is currently running.)
Always mulligan for Wild Growth , Innervate, Yeti and Harvest Golem. Keeping Wrath vs. Warlock is permissable if you have a low drop in your hand as well.
Everyone winds up playing around combo so shave a copy, but as it turns out the 2x roar. Like other "charge druid" decks, play for board control when trades are favorable but hit face when you know he has to make the trade on his turn. Play super aggressive.
Deck's configuration is to fight Rogue out of the box, and has a kind of weak warlock matchup that can be improved by subbing in TBK to fight handlock and a Starfall for the Faceless Manipulator to help fight Zoo with obvious cost to the Rogue matchup. Cenarius and Ragnaros are more or less interchangeable, with Cenarius being better in the mirror.
well fuck this there is no point in playing without BGH
That druid deck? I don't usually play druid with BGH unless there is a very heavy handlock meta going on since a turn 4 giant is almost auto-loss without BGH in a druid deck.
I just lost 5 handlock games in a row with mountain giant out on turn 4 every single time
So.. I've been playing with exactly this deck, down to the letter. Best deck I've ever played.. brilliant in any matchup except for possibly facesmash Hunter if you get the wrong draw. I've dismantled Control Warriors, wall of taunt Priests, tempo Rogues, and Aquarium Warlocks so far.
So.. I've been playing with exactly this deck, down to the letter. Best deck I've ever played.. brilliant in any matchup except for possibly facesmash Hunter if you get the wrong draw. I've dismantled Control Warriors, wall of taunt Priests, tempo Rogues, and Aquarium Warlocks so far.
Combo Shaman is just a "fair" Miracle Rogue. You play the trading game early on, then try to draw into the finisher.
The fact that you have a lot of ways to slap together a decent finisher out of spare parts rather than relying on Shadowstep -> Leeroy is the only thing differentiating the two.
Which is not that different than tempo shaman. Even if Alakir is slow, if you drop him with a rockbiter it's the same thing. I always play lava burst shaman though.
Druid mirror is a goddamn nightmare
It always devolves into some stupid shit with me neither getting the coin nor a single piece of my ramp, but this one just now takes the cake:
Do these guys in ranked take 10 minutes per turn just to spite me? I mean come on, you got 2 cards in your hand, can't be that difficult. I had a game last night against a pally that lasted 30 minutes and I just quit because it was so damn slow.
Do these guys in ranked take 10 minutes per turn just to spite me? I mean come on, you got 2 cards in your hand, can't be that difficult. I had a game last night against a pally that lasted 30 minutes and I just quit because it was so damn slow.
there's a pic of the supposedly leaked (yeah) Naxx hunter card going around
I still think it's gonna be a secret
In other news, I'm 18-2 with gaara's hunter. I uh.. Yeah. It's decent.
As strong as Zoo is, the players who use it just suck so bad that it takes the best oomph out of the deck. So play decks that are bad against zoo, because your skill compensates a lot.
I just played a ton of mages. Seems they will come back into favor after Dreamhack.
Good, more for me to crush.
Sucks to not draw keeper
No Keeper vs VanCleef is autolose.
Play BGH.
So.. I've been playing with exactly this deck, down to the letter. Best deck I've ever played.. brilliant in any matchup except for possibly facesmash Hunter if you get the wrong draw. I've dismantled Control Warriors, wall of taunt Priests, tempo Rogues, and Aquarium Warlocks so far.
I just played with this deck and had Leeroy Jenkins deal 24 damage the turn before I would've died. That warrior must not have been impressed.