Anyone ever made a Priest mountain giant deck yet? It's actually sort of fun, and the other people have absolutely no clue it's coming. Just fill the deck with 2x Mountain Giant, a few card cycling cards that replenish themselves so you don't lose hand size (loot hoarder, power word: shield, mind vision, thoughtsteal, etc), the usual northshire cleric/injured/CoH combo which if you're lucky can card cycle too, and soulpriest/coh for AoE damage cause your early game is a little weak. Maybe a few other odds and ends, like Sunwalker for forcing some removal out, and a mind control for sealing the late game. I also have a Ysera as well, and 2x Defender of Argus for the various Giants when they play (blood/mountain).
I actually beat a rush paladin who was able to get a 5 card draw from their card that matches hands with the deck... I don't think he expected to see the 9/9 taunted giants (he used equality earlier with a blademaster/sunwalker board, then I cast the giants hoping he didn't have both and he didn't).
Plus you also have whatever 2x mindvision and 2x thoughtsteal pull, which since you're playing them early to maintain a full hand, will help give you some idea of what you're up against.
Only played two games so far (won both), but it's definitely a nice breath of fresh air for me with priest... getting their cards and dropping giants late game is fun.
First win was against a druid with the 3/5 violet teacher, and I actually stole theirs along with a Power of the Wild haha, had a 4/6 and 2 2/2s like I was a druid, before they did... and I got their Ysera as well (along with a naturalize and BGH... so you really see what's coming). Also got my own Ysera, so by the end I had both Yseras out on my side (while naturalizing theirs) and got a good 8 or 9 tokens off Violet Teacher before they finally killed it.