Trump's fault, I think.
Freeze Mage is too chickenshit to be Reynad.
RDU at dreamhack's fault
Trump's fault, I think.
Freeze Mage is too chickenshit to be Reynad.
RDU at dreamhack's fault
When you reroll dailies, does it change gold amounts? I have a paladin/warrior 60 and a priest/warlock 60, and a "play 20 monsters costing 5 or more" 40 :
I always wait till around 1am to reroll. For some reason I get unlimited rerolls that way.
What the hell, I already can't craft cards as it is now.Known bug yes, abuse it while you can.
People say this meta is diverse but there are really only three decks:
Control, combo, and leper gnome.
Those are the only 3 decks in card games, yes.
Welcome to card games everyone! Enjoy your stay.
I wish I could find a really good Paladin streamer since that's pretty much all I play now. Any suggestions?
Zilea plays only control/healadin. He only streams late at night and usually only for an hour or so. Sometimes his friend Veev plays pally too, but not sure about his schedule.
Just downloaded this last night, I don't plan to put any money into it. Will I still get a lot of play time from the game without p2p?
Also finally beat someone online last night after 5 games, so pleased.
Any tips for a newb?
Any tips for a newb?
Just downloaded this last night, I don't plan to put any money into it. Will I still get a lot of play time from the game without p2p?
Also finally beat someone online last night after 5 games, so pleased.
Any tips for a newb?
Tips would be to use gold for arenas to maximize returns.
- Learn how to play in Arena. I learned most of what I know from this article and the associated twitch VODS:
- There are some very good budget decks out there-the Warlock Zoo deck, the Midrange Hunter deck, and the Aggro Mage deck (just sub Loot Hoarder for Thalnos). Start with one and grind games out with it. Learn to win,
Newb here, what do you mean when you say "spend your gold on arenas"?
Do we have a date for pve yet?
Nope (ok, well "Summer" I guess), though people expect Blizzard to do something this week (probably on Wednesday/Thursday), because for the past two months they've been revealing a Naxx card every week on those days and now they've run out of class cards. So they either reveal something else (like price/date or a bunch of neutral cards), or do nothing and everyone gets upset.
We're proud to announce...A NEW CARD BACK!
This game is extremely f2p, you just have to put in time into learning how to be good in arena and do your daily quests regularly. I haven't put in any money and have 3 tourney level decks now after starting late last year.Just downloaded this last night, I don't plan to put any money into it. Will I still get a lot of play time from the game without p2p?
Also finally beat someone online last night after 5 games, so pleased.
Any tips for a newb?
Reposting this from an earlier page, but I can't stop playing Reynad's Midrange Hunter deck from Dreamhack. You have to adjust it by a card for or two for laddering but it's great against everything but Miracle Rogue. The deck is also dirt cheap to build.
Are there any good streamers who archive? I want to watch streams, but I don't want to have to set aside specific time slots just to be able to watch them.
Divine Favour is the only card making Paladin viable.
Are there any good streamers who archive? I want to watch streams, but I don't want to have to set aside specific time slots just to be able to watch them.
When you guys mention a "deck" are you talking about building these yourselves from cards collected, or are there several stock decks that you can aquire in the game.
When your mentioning decks with names, are these given by well known players I.e. Miracle Rouge?
Newbie here
I wish I could find a really good Paladin streamer since that's pretty much all I play now. Any suggestions?
When you guys mention a "deck" are you talking about building these yourselves from cards collected, or are there several stock decks that you can aquire in the game.
When your mentioning decks with names, are these given by well known players I.e. Miracle Rouge?
Newbie here
You are correct, a deck is a collection of cards that people put together and play. When people net deck, that usually means that most, if not all cards, are copied from someone else's deck, usually from someone who has hit legend. The only thing you can buy are packs and they are 100% random.When you guys mention a "deck" are you talking about building these yourselves from cards collected, or are there several stock decks that you can aquire in the game.
When your mentioning decks with names, are these given by well known players I.e. Miracle Rouge?
Newbie here
Koyuki is another good Paladin streamer, though he doesn't stream that often.
Life coach has the best and most educational stream. He's one of the highest level streamers and he explains all his plays. Low viewer count is nice because it's not cancer spam. Dude is top 100 on all 3 servers and plays multiple decks.
Names come from what the deck is. Someone else can probably explain it better, but for example, a zoolock is a warlock that mainly had a bunch of different creatures, thus that's where zoo comes in, and it goes for the face. You'll see it a lot because it's easy and effective for the early ranks.
The midrange charge druid deck is the same thing. Aggressive board control that can burst for 20+ after turn 7.
Trump, Hafu, Amaz, Reynad, etc. Basically all of the most popular streamers archive.
Zoo is a holdover from the Magic deck/archtype of the same name, which is just a deck filled with really good cost efficient 1-3 mana creatures. There was no underlying theme between them beyond "being good" so it was like a "zoo" of quality creatures.
Thanks for the correction on Zoo. I guess I just thought it was aggro since I rarely have a board presence with the deck I play. Maybe I'll try it out sometime.