What if a couple of the problematic rogue spells got reworked a bit (conceal, preparation, etc), since Gadgetzan works kinda fine in most other classes' decks?
I think the problem with miracle rogue is that it's too reliant on one card, when I think the playstyle is very interesting. Pyromancer + acolyte as a bootleg gadgetzan alternative was a ton of fun in the Freegold miracle deck as well, a lot better than relying on the trickle of cards from shiv/loot hoarder/azure drake or slightly silly things like coldlight oracle.
I think the problem with miracle rogue is that it's too reliant on one card, when I think the playstyle is very interesting. Pyromancer + acolyte as a bootleg gadgetzan alternative was a ton of fun in the Freegold miracle deck as well, a lot better than relying on the trickle of cards from shiv/loot hoarder/azure drake or slightly silly things like coldlight oracle.