I thought the ek0p hating Trump thing was just a joke during the ESGN Fight Night stuff. I guess it was real? Trump is one of the most likeable streamers on all of Twitch. I don't get it.
I thought the ek0p hating Trump thing was just a joke during the ESGN Fight Night stuff. I guess it was real? Trump is one of the most likeable streamers on all of Twitch. I don't get it.
I thought the ek0p hating Trump thing was just a joke during the ESGN Fight Night stuff. I guess it was real? Trump is one of the most likeable streamers on all of Twitch. I don't get it.
I didn't see what ekop said, but calling Trump likable is just a result of his completely bland personality. He won't be offensive or annoying to anyone, because there's nothing there. He's likeable like a TV weatberman is.
Just wanted to give everyone a head's up that we are currently targeting to release Curse of Naxxramas during the month of July. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of implementing and bug fixing to get through, so please stay tuned!
With that said, we are also targeting to reveal pricing details regarding Curse of Naxxramas next week on July 1st, so please keep an eye out for that.
A meta where all you run into is Zoo, Freeze/Giants, and Miracle is awful. But that's just me.You mean, like, worse than "All Druid, All The Time", or "All Mage, All The Time", or "All Priest, All The TIme"?
A meta where all you run into is Zoo, Freeze/Giants, and Miracle is awful. But that's just me.
Patch said:Blizzard’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5).
Cone of Cold’s mana cost is now 4 (up from 3).
Frost Nova’s mana cost is now 3 (up from 2).
Patch said:Pyroblast now costs 10 (up from 8)
The 8-cost Pyroblast made for an un-interactive experience where the Mage only needed to do 10 damage during the course of a game and then double Pyroblast you for the win. We want Mages to be more interactive with the opponent to achieve victory, rather than delay the game until they can Pyroblast.
Of all the streams I've seen, I think I just like watching Kripp because he doesn't do the whole subscribers/donations dance.
DKMR invitational:
main stream:
http://www.twitch.tv/2p_entertainment (commentary but really laggy)
http://www.twitch.tv/reynad27 (1 minute ahead of the other stream, only reynad's POV, but not laggy)
Pyroblast used to cost just 8 mana? Glad I wasn't around then. Sounds horrible.
Blizzard needs to take a long, hard, look at Charge, because they've clearly underestimated how good it is in a game where creatures get to attack targets directly.
Charge turns every creature into removal, and direct damage. The perfect card, basically.
This and card draw are the two things that seem off in the card pool. Not just Miracle Rogues either-watching druids cook through 2x innervates in the first five turns yet still have four cards in their hands on turn 12 while still making big plays every turn, Freeze Mage's ability to cycle through their deck, etc. It all seems too easy/cheap.
Getting better at miracle. Haven't dropped down a ton of ranks while playing at peak hours. Haven't progressed either though.
which version are you running, w/ or w/out sinister strikes?
Naxx should be coming out in July and pricing is to be released next week.
I admit to playing Zoolock because the deck itself is cheap and quite fun. Would eventually like to play a Murlock deck. Are those viable?
Why do I only play heal/control paladins when I'm playing rush decks?
Why do I only play heal/control paladins when I'm playing rush decks?
With more midrange decks hitting the field there is room for more variety. Zoolocks will die out with the incoming priestageddon.
The only big decks that need to be addressed is giants and miracle.
All druids will likely run poison seeds/Starfall.Zoo has gotten the best new cards if you don't count the priest 3-drop... If anything Zoo will crush the ladder at first because thhe deck is quick to figure out and modify with the new cards.
I hope control decks get some good new removal.
Ekop is just mad that he joined up with azubu instead of growing his fanbase on twitch. How did that work out for him? Dude is just salty over his bad business decisions. When a socially awkward guy can pull in 20k viewers daily and you are making no money, I'm sure it makes him angry.