I'm really looking forward to the Nax cards arriving, it should bring in a wave of freshness which has been lacking.
I wonder if the often suggested idea of drafting for example 40 and then discarding 10 would lead to more diversity (allowing some more combos) or less (if people simply discard bad cards and just keep all the yetis).Yeah I hope it freshens the Arena as well, I've been kinda bored with it lately. Though it's an inherent flaw in the arena itself because there's no interactivity in the drafting process.
I like the sound of that as well. It would allow you to finer tune your deck.I wonder if the often suggested idea of drafting for example 40 and then discarding 10 would lead to more diversity (allowing some more combos) or less (if people simply discard bad cards and just keep all the yetis).
The only big decks that need to be addressed is giants and miracle.
I like the sound of that as well. It would allow you to finer tune your deck.
My main issue is with murloc decks. I think they're way worse than regular warlock zoo. Regular zoo I can handle ok. Murloc decks just seem to have way more synergy with all the stupid murloc buffs. It just seems like they get out of control too quickly to deal with. I don't know that I've ever been able to beat one. However, I really don't see too many of them these days.
Am I the only one who has issues with them? I'm surprised I don't see more of them on the ladder so I'm assuming for some reason they've fallen out of favor?
Whenever I hear that "Mmrrrggglee" it makes my blood run cold and I just want to concede.
People want to say Trump is bland or has no personality or whatever, but 20,000+ people every day would disagree with you.
And people really can't be serious with implying it's just because his name is more known and people basically worship him because his name is attached to some F2P decks and stuff.
It's fine if you don't really like a personality. No need to be a jerk about it though.
They nerfed all the Freeze cards in December, realized it wasn't enough, then promptly nerfed Pyroblast in January.
Freeze Mage went into cryogenic stasis until this month, and with the rise of aggro/burst, it came back with a vengeance.
That's the other thing. We've been getting new deck techs in response to the meta every month or so. May? Lifecoach, two Miracles variants, Gaara Ramp, Shockadin. June? Amaz Priest, Velen Priest, Freeze Mage, anti-Miracle Rogues, Face Warrior.
Seriously, the meta has never been healthier. Don't blame the game, blame copy pastarino culture.
People want to say Trump is bland or has no personality or whatever, but 20,000+ people every day would disagree with you.
And people really can't be serious with implying it's just because his name is more known and people basically worship him because his name is attached to some F2P decks and stuff.
It's fine if you don't really like a personality. No need to be a jerk about it though.
Why you no mention us token druids haly... :*(
Where did the Prison Trump meme come from? I haven't watched him since he started playing freeze mage.
When people started jokingly saying that Trump wasnt on stream because he was in prison, Trump created Prison Trump. On Halloween, Trump put on a beanie and sunglasses to become a hardened criminal with a huge ego that loves to BM his opponents. He also made an appearance on Thanksgiving.
Man im so burned out on HS now, just bored to tears, cant even manage to do dalies anymore.
Hope Naxx is gonna be BIG.
Token druid is still fairly a niche deck. Midrange and ramp druid is what most druids play.
Still learning this beast.
Is there any advantage to grinding/beating the AI on expert?
And does your current level matter when you enter Arena?
Thought in arena the cards are randomly generated? Are they maybe randomly generated from the pool of cards available to that heros level/cards you have earned.
Finally how do ranked matches pair you up? Also based on level?
I've been playing Miracle Token Druid lately. Fun deck. You kinda ramp into big violet teacher and gadgetzan auctioneer combos.
Another note abote arena card randomness. You are guarenteed at least a rare card to pick for picks 1, 10, 20, and 30.
So when they have tournaments like this Well Played Cup, what's to stop the players from just watching the stream and cheating? Is it just a good faith system?
Never really thought about it.
I just won so amazingly with this deck against a Paladin, hahahaha. Laughing my ass off xD
Needs elite tauren chieftain.
And mukla and youthfuls
Youthful brewmasters? They're in there.
Also with all that healing you could really screw with a priest too, lol