Turn 3 vs. Priest.
Wild Pyromancer
Northshire Cleric
Northshire Cleric
Circle of Healing
Really? Really?
So on turn 3 he had a 3/1, a 1/2, and a 1/2 and drew four cards, losing only the coin? Not bad.
Turn 3 vs. Priest.
Wild Pyromancer
Northshire Cleric
Northshire Cleric
Circle of Healing
Really? Really?
If they do large expacs, I can see them releasing secrets in groups of 3-4 that have a different cost from preexisting groups of secrets. So, Paladins would have 1 mana and 2 mana secrets. Hunter; 2 mana and 3. Mage, 3 mana and 4 (although this would fuck with Kirin Tor's power level a bit).
I think they realize nobody wants to play the guessing game with 10 possible cards, nor do they want too much competition between Secrets for their mana slot.
When the FUCK did Zoo add Ooze? Jesus.
When the FUCK did Zoo add Ooze? Jesus.
So far they aren't offering features in general (observe all the lack of replays/social/tournament stuff). But looking at how the now-mature Starcraft 2 neglects to give you many key stats, and goes out of its way to hide some from you, makes a better case that Blizzard is anti-stats.2) Nope, Blizzard is pretty much anti-stats on this game. You basically can only see your achievements, not history. Total wins, best arena run, and just about nothing else. It's very weird, but I guess they don't want people becoming discouraged by seeing how many times they lose. I agree it's incredibly disappointing how little stat tracking they offer, especially compared to something like Hex, where they track stats down to individual cards having their own page of stats (you can see how many point of damage every card in your collection caused, etc).
if they're well designed secrets then they should synergize with a specific deck archetype. at which point it narrows down the guessing game.
I don't know, it's like people have this weird, idealized, fantasy of how the game should play, instead of acknowledging how the game actually plays and using that knowledge to decide on which plays to make, what decks to run, etc.
Hahahaha "well designed secrets".
That's a good one, I needed that.
So what's everyone running next month for the laddering? I'm going Miracle all the way. Only other deck I would give serious consideration is running cancer rogue from 5->Legend.
I cannot for the life of me manage to properly win with a Shaman.
I'm missing a few class specific cards though, but goddamnit i get destroyed.
Some tips?
I cannot for the life of me manage to properly win with a Shaman.
I'm missing a few class specific cards though, but goddamnit i get destroyed.
Some tips?
So what's everyone running next month for the laddering? I'm going Miracle all the way. Only other deck I would give serious consideration is running cancer rogue from 5->Legend.
Climbing ladder is so easy late in the season, rank 9 is a breeze.
Question for you control warriors out there, was it right of me to play Cairne here?:
I'm missing Preparation, don't even have one copy after all these months. How much do you really need it? I read the text and just think, "I'd rather have a better card in that slot instead of something that you just throw away for another card."
My feeling for most the complaints in the thread is that people want their creations to be viable simply for the sake that it's their creation (or more broadly, whatever they want to play should be good). The "meta is garbage" is consistent from the same people despite the meta changing on a consistent basis. I guess the meta is always bad, except when it's the exact deck they want to play.
Question for you control warriors out there, was it right of me to play Cairne here?:
I cannot for the life of me manage to properly win with a Shaman.
I'm missing a few class specific cards though, but goddamnit i get destroyed.
Some tips?
I can't do that vs Miracle Rouge once they have the cards or mana to start their combo.
So what's everyone running next month for the laddering? I'm going Miracle all the way. Only other deck I would give serious consideration is running cancer rogue from 5->Legend.
Also I'll quote myself here because your comment about freeze mage gives me the impression that you don't know the history behind the deck, nor why it's "viable" now when it wasn't before.
In addition to the sweeping nerfs to Freeze Mage, many people don't know that Miracle Rogue was once smashed with the nerf bat too:
Backstab – Can no longer target damaged minions.
Shiv – Mana cost increased from 1 to 2.
Conceal – Mana cost increased from 0 to 1.
Headcrack – Mana cost increased from 2 to 3.
Dagger Mastery – No longer has the ability to buff a currently equipped weapon.
Edwin VanCleef – Stats increased from 1/1 to 2/2, but no longer has Stealth.
(Dagger Mastery was originally, "Equip a 1/2 Dagger; or Give your weapon +1 Attack this turn.")
Nah, it was attack.Dagger Mastery only buffed the HP daggers IIRC. It's been a while, so I could be mis-remembering, but I think it would replace your currently equipped weap unless you had HP daggers out. Still was crazy powerful, giving a HP the ability to hit for 2, but at least it couldn't buff Assassin's/Perdition.
Via Hearthstone Wiki, which conveniently has the changelog of every card on their page.Original: Equip a 1/2 Dagger; or Give your weapon +1 Attack this turn.
I'm starting to realize I'm just really bad at this game.
My experience on ranked typically goes like this: 4 game win streak, 4 game loss streak, then me quitting for the day because I get pissed.
Nah, it was attack.
Via Hearthstone Wiki, which conveniently has the changelog of every card on their page.
I'm starting to realize I'm just really bad at this game.
My experience on ranked typically goes like this: 4 game win streak, 4 game loss streak, then me quitting for the day because I get pissed.
Anyone know a couple of decent Mage builds?
Of those, Freeze is the most relevant. Aggro mage was better in the last two months but fell off this month for reasons I'm not privy to. Secret Mage is trolly and gets by because no one expects it.
Hmm, thanks! Still missing a couple of cards but I'll play around.Thanks!
Cool, what class?Well, the dream is dead. Wasn't able to break rank 10 but I'm still happy and proud with my deck that I made off my own whims, with some help from Haly.
Hope everyone else had a decent season.