I've mulliganed into double soulfire twice tonight.
I've mulliganed into double soulfire twice tonight.
Got Cairne out of a pack! Only cards I feel I'm critically in need of right now are Thalnos, and mountain/molten giants + druid ancients (so I can play a half-decent handlock and pretty much any basic druid deck respectively).
Not sure what to go for first. Probably Thalnos. Then the climb towards the other cards will feel easier.
Thalnos has gotten the most value of any card I've crafted. He can fit in so many decks.
Went with the Thalnos. He was the last piece I never had for my Miracle Rogue, and he goes in pretty much everything. Just pretty much the most value 2 drop in the game.
Edit: And Thalnos has already won me a couple games. Dat value.
The card is probably dead right now but I'll throw it into my ramp druid for some extra card draw in lieu of twilight drake.
Loving Tides' warrior. Much better vs druid than Kitkatz
What are the differences? I'm curious since I've taken kitkatz as a base and built my own Warrior from there.
Ysera and double faceless is a big difference. Druids just can't deal with ysera. Even if they silence it it, it's still a huge problem for them.
There's no baron in this deck, and I haven't fought zoo yet so we'll see. I might put baron in the Harrison slot, because I don't tend to lose to weapon classes very much anyway.
Ok so they sacrifice early game for late game power. I wouldn't dare run such a list in this meta at all.
It actually takes out rag and alexstraza so the early game is pretty much the same.
Tides took his warrior deck to rank 2 NA legend last night. Kitkatz' warrior is outdated, or at least any version running frothings or Alex is. I do love frothings though.
Top players can hit top ranks with any deck. Case in point Kolento hit number 1 eu playing control paladin lol.Tides took his warrior deck to rank 2 NA legend last night. Kitkatz' warrior is outdated, or at least any version running frothings or Alex is. I do love frothings though.
Top players can hit top ranks with any deck. Case in point Kolento hit number 1 eu playing control paladin lol.
Is there a more one sided MO than Control Warrior vs Freeze Mage? :b
Is there a more one sided MO than Control Warrior vs Freeze Mage? :b
Watch Tides vs Hyped from last nights stream. Tides makes a huge error, walks away from the game, comes back and still wins lol.
Frothings have not been a staple in the kitkatz control bid for a few months. Korkrons and azure drakes were subbed in a while back. That link posted with chanmanv is only a few weeks old and is pretty much current.Tides took his warrior deck to rank 2 NA legend last night. Kitkatz' warrior is outdated, or at least any version running frothings or Alex is. I do love frothings though.
Hard to think of one off the top of my head, but as a Control Warrior I love it. That being said, and related to the above convo, Alex did save my butt a few times yesterday against freeze mages / Hunters.
Going from 2 life to 15 just when they think they have you must be infuriating.
Do we have an ETA on Android release yet? I just really can't see playing this on PC when I have MTGO, and I'd love to play it lying in bed.![]()
Got this naxx paranoia. Saving up all this gold like some sort of horder. Up to 1400ish right now.
Aiming for about 2000....But i also just realllyyyyy want to buy a bunch of packs.
Druid is just too fucking safe. Wild Growth cantripping at 10 mana is so bad. There is absolutely no risk in running or playing that card.
You just have to luck out to win against Druid basically.
most of the time it kinda sucks to draw wild growth after turn 2
Hmmh, I don't know what to craft next. I could craft a Thalnos but I don't know what to use him with. Maybe handlock? Or I could craft Mukla for all out aggro
maybe dust Krush and craft both?
IDK what I should craft first Thalnos, TBK or 2 Ancient of Lores?
ancients of lore are the most important of those
Druid is just too fucking safe. Wild Growth cantripping at 10 mana is so bad. There is absolutely no risk in running or playing that card.
You just have to luck out to win against Druid basically.
This game is great on my Surface Pro but my god does it eat battery and peg resources. Why is this game so damn inefficient.
Sitting on 600 gold right now and man is it tempting to grab some packs. Naxx is going to be expensive from the sounds of it. Blizz still can't make up their mind on pricing.
Sitting on 600 gold right now and man is it tempting to grab some packs. Naxx is going to be expensive from the sounds of it. Blizz still can't make up their mind on pricing.
It's hilarious to me that they said we'd get more info, pricing specifically, on July 1st, and then backpedaled.
Makes me real confident in their work behind the scenes / timeline for a real expansion. There's no way Naxx sates us for more than 3 months. I'd say 2 months max, but the staggered wing release will artifically prolong it.