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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I am starting to think they'll release one wing every two weeks, then double the price of the wings. So, one wing every two weeks, 2,000 gold per wing is my new guess. Just to drag it all out.

Maybe use bug-fixing as the reason to go for 2 week intervals? I like it, I like it, highfive.

2k gold per wing, the salt would be glorious.
Maybe use bug-fixing as the reason to go for 2 week intervals? I like it, I like it, highfive.

2k gold per wing, the salt would be glorious.


Yup, I see each wing being massively problematic and they'll need to do a bunch of emergency patches, so we wouldn't have seven whole days between wings, probably more like 2-4. Then they'll say "due to the recent down time we've pushed back the next wing's release by a week to give all players time to experience the first wing" and repeat for each other wing.

Fucking hire me right now Blizzard, you know I know your tricks.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yeah, I know Thalnos would be better overall but I like playing aggro - and the backspace deck recommends a mukla.

I really want Mukla but I can't justify him just for zoo and a so-so mill deck. If there was just one more mill synergy card..

OK, basically every warlock I'm facing now is handlock, I have not seen a single zoo the entire day.

This makes me happy I made handlock.


Ah fuck it, made the Mukla. I also dusted Krush and some random golden cards so I'm just a couple hundred short of making Thalnos as well.


This felt good.

Just won a game with 1 health. Man that was intense. Had to throw out a naked Faceless though, was cool to finally hear what it sounds like when it attacks. I'd hate to be that paladin though.
Has anyone tried the Zetalot Priest deck? I'm not normally one to netdeck, but I just drew Velen in a pack and wanted a quick deck to test him out... and maybe it's just bad opponents, but I'm 7-0 so far in a mix of Casual and Ranked play with this deck with no modifications. It's quite a bit of fun too.
Has anyone tried the Zetalot Priest deck? I'm not normally one to netdeck, but I just drew Velen in a pack and wanted a quick deck to test him out... and maybe it's just bad opponents, but I'm 7-0 so far in a mix of Casual and Ranked play with this deck with no modifications. It's quite a bit of fun too.

I've seen it on ladder a few times I think, works pretty well. One trick I'll never get used to is a priest using Death on Sylvanas for a budget Mind Control, so keep that in mind!


I play Zetalot quite a bit, mostly the version with Venture Co's because it surprises people. It's a good deck, but can send you on really tilting runs in the wrong meta.


Crashing so bad from the 12 Arena. Made a decent Paladin with 6 different heal cards, haven't drawn into any of them in 2 games where opponent goes face. Why :(


I have enough dust to craft a legendary. The legendary cards I need are:

  • VanCleef
  • Millhouse LOLstorm
  • Tinkmaster Dustedafternerfspark
  • Tauren Chieftan
  • Malygos
  • Onyxia

Rogue is my least played class. I have every other class at level ~40 and Rogue at 20. Will having VanCleef change that Rogue hate for me?

I have enough dust to craft a legendary. The legendary cards I need are:

  • VanCleef
  • Millhouse LOLstorm
  • Tinkmaster Dustedafternerfspark
  • Tauren Chieftan
  • Malygos
  • Onyxia

Rogue is my least played class. I have every other class at level ~40 and Rogue at 20. Will having VanCleef change that Rogue hate for me?


Malygos is quite fun if a bit silly. Works in Rogue, maybe Druid (Moonfire lolz). I'd go that route if you don't care strongly for Rogue/Vancleef.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Rogue is my least played class. I have every other class at level ~40 and Rogue at 20. Will having VanCleef change that Rogue hate for me?


I think other than Van Cleef, all the other cards you mentioned are bad, save for Malygos. And Malygos is best used with... Rogue.

I guess I've heard of Malygos being used with druids though? Pewpew moonfires. But Van Cleef is so key to Rogue you might as well craft him.


ETC. Cairne was an early craft.

I figured that Cleef and Malygos were the only real choices (I don't plan on making an ETC mill deck any time soon).

I think Cleef it is!


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Couple bonehead plays I made in the last month that still haunt me:

Turn 3 or 4 against a Hunter, he plays a secret and 2 Starving Buzzards. I attack a buzzard, it was Snake Trap.

Against a Mage as Shaman, she plays a secret and now it's my turn. I have a 9/9 buffed up Frostwolf Warlord with both Windfury and Bloodlust in my hand. I play the Windfury first, it was Spellbender.

Current Shaman deck I'm running with, I got to Rank 15 with it barely, but I still feel like I'm just flailing around mostly hoping to get lucky:



I made a quick, joke pirate deck to mess around with and see how the card worked first hand.

I dropped a turn two 8-8 Cleef and out ramped a Druid.

(Preparation, Fan of Knives, Coin, Cleef all in opening hand, IIRC.)

GG. So. Looks like I'll be leveling that Rogue now.


I made a quick, joke pirate deck to mess around with and see how the card worked first hand.

I dropped a turn two 8-8 Cleef and out ramped a Druid.

(Preparation, Fan of Knives, Coin, Cleef all in opening hand, IIRC.)

GG. So. Looks like I'll be leveling that Rogue now.


Van Cleef is cute until he gets silenced, hexed, or BGH'd.

You should really aim for 6/6 instead of 8/8 to at least play around BGH. And even that is a bit all in vs a lot of classes.
Couple bonehead plays I made in the last month that still haunt me:

So far one of my worst plays has been using a two damage SI:7 combo on myself, instead of a 3 heal from a Farseerer. The guy I was playing was nice enough to say sorry though. I do believe I lost because I was two health lower as well, haha.


Has anyone tried the Zetalot Priest deck? I'm not normally one to netdeck, but I just drew Velen in a pack and wanted a quick deck to test him out... and maybe it's just bad opponents, but I'm 7-0 so far in a mix of Casual and Ranked play with this deck with no modifications. It's quite a bit of fun too.

Thanks for that link. I love playing Priest but my current deck (I made it myself) has been less than ideal. I already crafted Velen months ago and got a golden Sylvannus from a pack recently which I haven't had the chance to use, so this deck seems perfect for me.

I very rarely play Ranked (I'm much more of an Arena person) but maybe this will finally get me into it.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.

I made a quick, joke pirate deck to mess around with and see how the card worked first hand.

I dropped a turn two 8-8 Cleef and out ramped a Druid.

(Preparation, Fan of Knives, Coin, Cleef all in opening hand, IIRC.)

GG. So. Looks like I'll be leveling that Rogue now.

You have some big balls to throw an 8/8 cleef at a druid lol..


Sometimes you have to go big or go home but yeah, I wouldn't burn cards to make a huge Edwin early if there are safer options. It tends to work more often against Miracle, Warlock and Hunter, and vs Priest I'd always make it a 4/4.
Sometimes you have to go big or go home but yeah, I wouldn't burn cards to make a huge Edwin early if there are safer options. It tends to work more often against Miracle, Warlock and Hunter, and vs Priest I'd always make it a 4/4.

Warlock is probably the safest bet to make 6/6, 8v8 vs zoo since sometimes handlock runs bgh for mirror matches. Hunters and rogues often run deadlyshot/sap.


Warlock is probably the safest bet to make 6/6, 8v8 vs zoo since sometimes handlock runs bgh for mirror matches. Hunters and rogues often run deadlyshot/sap.
The point is that every Rogue mulligans Sap, so it only puts you behind when they draw into it, otherwise it'll at least cost them premium removal. With Hunter it depends on the deck, against aggro Edwin can decide games since they'll likely toss Hunter's Mark whereas a midrange one might even keep Deadly Shot in their starting hand vs Miracle.
The point is that every Rogue mulligans Sap, so it only puts you behind when they draw into it, otherwise it'll at least cost them premium removal. With Hunter it depends on the deck, against aggro Edwin can decide games since they'll likely toss Hunter's Mark whereas a midrange one might even keep Deadly Shot in their starting hand vs Miracle.

In rogue v rogue, I don't always mulligan sap. Even vs non-miracle the match is often determined by tempo not card advantage.
hah, I just mind controlled a ragnaros from a shaman who put ancestral spirit on.

He must've been pissed. He played alakir, I faceless'd it, and killed it off with smite. Then he plays ragnaros which hits my face and not alakir. I played my second faceless and SW death his ragnaros. Then he faceless'd mine, hex'd it, then ancestral spirit on rag all to be mind controlled.

That Velen + Mind Blast combo on turn 9 is insane. I've won every game with it so far.

"the light shall burn you!"

Just had a match where I ended up getting a velen powered holy nova board clear. Shit is good when it works out. Did 4 damage, cleared board, healed 4, and enough mana to hero power so I got 8hp out of that turn.


Playing another priest. He has northshire cleric and there are 6 minions on the board. I thoughstole a circle of healing and have 2 in had. Wild pyromance x 3 Circle of healing and made him draw 12 cards = 8 were destroyed and he has no more deck.

"well played and quit"

Finishing 5 priest daily quest was a lot quicker than I thought it would be.

I never got around to velene + mind blast combo though.

I have a couple times gotten value out of velen the turn played. Vs this 1 warrior I only got 1 hero power while using it but it also made him smash face into it and execute so I got myself at least 2 hp from the bonus heal from hero power, and 3 from his axe. I probably would have won if he didn't have execute even though I was like 3 hp when I played him lol. If he survived and I got to use a holy fire or holy nova, game over.

Sitting at about 1500 gold for naxx.


hit 2400 gold again then I realized I didn't need that much for Naxx and bought 9 packs

I'm happy to report that I got nothing of value but dust


So, modified the Pyro Hunter with Harrison and a Secretkeeper.

Turns out turn 1 Secretkeeper in the mirror-matchup is hilarious. Him trying to Freeze Trap it when it became a 4/3, only for me to play around it, with both of us having bows just bumping upwards was awesome. I Harrisoned his for 4 draws on turn 6.

Best game in a long while.
Attempting to take this season seriously. Previously I have only played 2 or 3 games a week and maybe one arena run every now and then. Played from 25-22 last night with a Priest deck. Now i have two quests for Hunter wins so I am going to try go from 22 to at least 18 with a Hunter deck tomorrow night when I can get back on.

Did play one Hunter game last night and pulled off a very close win against a mage. I stuffed up my combo which left me in a terrible position, came down to 3 health on me,1 health on him. I had 1 minion on board and a mis direction spell. He had 2 minions on board. He attacked my face for the kill with one of his minions and the mis direction changed it to attacking his face and killed him. I laughed.
Suddenly everything was control warrior and I've lost two ranks.

Fuck this game sometimes. It can be extremely streaky based on luck of the draw. For example with Miracle: Both Auctioneers + all your damage in the bottom 10 cards? Okay, thanks game.

Really need 2x Faceless, BGH + Ancients so I can start playing the dummies path to legend of Druid. That and Handlock seem to be the most stable.


I drew Cleef and the necessary spells to make him gigantic in my opening hand in the first game I ever owned him. In a pirate joke build. Of course I made him Cleefzilla.


Since we're sharing gold amounts, I have 4130. If I didn't take such a long break from doing daily quests I'm sure it would have been much higher.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Since we're sharing gold amounts, I have 4130. If I didn't take such a long break from doing daily quests I'm sure it would have been much higher.

I'm at 2900 but I bought ten packs like 2 weeks ago. And an arena a week.


I'm at 2900 but I bought ten packs like 2 weeks ago. And an arena a week.

I used to buy packs whenever I got above 1300, but figured expansions would eventually come out and there would be better things to spend gold on. I also pretty much exclusively play Arena (although I'm having fun with Ranked today).

Edit: 3 Warlocks in a row? Thats how you know you've gotten past rank 15.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I was having a torrid time earlier and went from rank 10 back up to 13 thanks to a bunch of aggro decks and some insanely unlucky RNG. Then I had 11 wins in a row and hit rank 9. This game really loves to play with your emotions at times. I feel like I might be able to go for legend towards the end of the month though as I have two or three solid decks and enough dust for a couple of new legendaries should I need them. I've got 3K gold as well but I'm trying to save that for the Naxxramas content although by the time that comes out I may have reached the gold cap :p


I'll throw my amount out. Just above 800. I always spent whatever gold I could, so I didn't have any until I started saving specifically for Naxx. Going cold turkey on packs/arena feels odd though, I haven't had any payoff in 2 weeks.
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