You need lightning storm. And luck.
Naxx cards? Buying the wings hands down. You can expect strategies to beat the wings early.
two things:
winning against zoo as shaman is literally impossible. You are always behind and at no point can you swing around the game like with ramp druid
the win% of handlocks starting with double mountain giant must be ridicules. I was a fucking shaman with hex and earthshock in my starting hand and the game was still completely one-sided
Kripp is a super boring streamer IMO. I always wonder why he can get so many viewers.
It looks like Kripp is getting bored of Hearthstone now though with his dual-game playing shenanigans lately but Naxx will probably change that.
At least he's not playing Minesweeper on stream anymore.
The dual stuff with Grim Dawn was the worst.
He's playing Hearthstone x2 atm it seems, EU and US accounts in parallel.
Multiplayer is back but sad to say does not feature the 2-Headed Giant format that players have come to love. Instead you can now have up to four players engaged in a free for all duel. Players can use any of the cards they have gained access to and any of the decks they choose. Hopefully 2-Headed Giant will be added in a later update, but I wouldn’t hold our breath.
It should also be noted that although the client is free to download, the game is not free to play. You will only get access to the Innistrad plane with your free download, and everything after that costs extra. To unlock the remaining planes, you will need to shell out $12.99 (or if you buy them individually they are $3.79 each). This isn’t too bad as it puts the price on par with Magic 2014. Unfortunately, even if you buy all of the planes, (or the $25 complete bundle that is supposed to unlock every chapter and collectible card in the game) there are still 14 booster packs worth of cards that cannot be gotten during regular gameplay and have to be purchased as “Premium Booster Packs. Each premium pack will set you back $2.49, which means that to unlock every chapter and every card you will be set back $47.85 (or you can skip the middle man and buy the whole shebang for the discounted price of $43.99).
You are limited to the number of cards of each rarity that you can put into your deck. You can have 4 of a single common in the deck (similar to the paper game), then 3 of each uncommon, 2 of each rare and one of each mythic. So while you can still do a LOT with these decks, you wont be able to make them into the extreme powerhouses that you might think.
Shame about these two things for MtG DotP 2015 (from this review):
I really wish they would make DotP in to a non-numbered product like Hearthstone, and just expand it every year. Otherwise, there's little point in dumping $50 in to it for me, just to have it be wiped cleaned by next year's model. I expect my TCG/CCGs to be supported for longer than 1 year.
I also commented before on the apparent lessening of interest in the product this year (no |OT| prior to release, unlike last year), which I guess is in part due to Hearthstone even if many DotP / MtG players don't agree.
Also there's this in MtG 2015:
Which I find very puzzling. I don't know how you make cards that can be 4-of in a deck in paper, but limit them to 1-of in the digital product, and expect it to be balanced. That's a huge nerf to anything not common.
I'm surprised how well Control Warrior deals with Zoo and aggro decks in general. It's often down to the wire but I usually come out on top. Streaked hard to Rank 5, I'll probably grind Legend this season.
I really wish they would make DotP in to a non-numbered product like Hearthstone, and just expand it every year. Otherwise, there's little point in dumping $50 in to it for me, just to have it be wiped cleaned by next year's model. I expect my TCG/CCGs to be supported for longer than 1 year.
That's kind of disappointing. I've not really played Magic much, I think I may have played the first DoTP game way back when, but I bought it because I heard it had a decent single player mode and I've been in the mood for card games. The store page seems rather misleading though. I did get the complete edition(not for full price though) thinking what it included was things that wasn't already available and I wouldn't have to buy anything again. :I Evidentally that was wrong.I really wish they would make DotP in to a non-numbered product like Hearthstone, and just expand it every year. Otherwise, there's little point in dumping $50 in to it for me, just to have it be wiped cleaned by next year's model. I expect my TCG/CCGs to be supported for longer than 1 year.
I also commented before on the apparent lessening of interest in the product this year (no |OT| prior to release, unlike last year), which I guess is in part due to Hearthstone even if many DotP / MtG players don't agree.
Also there's this in MtG 2015:
Which I find very puzzling. I don't know how you make cards that can be 4-of in a deck in paper, but limit them to 1-of in the digital product, and expect it to be balanced. That's a huge nerf to anything not common.
I dont think Kripp has a problem with Trump..and Ek0p just watched to much show wrestling...
But I can definitely see why people say it's greed when he does stupid stuff like streaming himself watching another streamer.
He's honest about why he's streaming. He wants to make money from it and stream as a long term career. It's not just a fun aside thing. He intends to do it for a living for as long as he can.
Blizz should've released Naxx this week to counter Magic 2015.
Kripp said he doesn't respect Trump anymore (though he feels Trump is still a good player). He didn't call Trump greedy but hinted towards that as the reason. An example he gave was when Trump had a subscriber drive weekend where he would hug his teddy bear every X subscribers as the subscription incentive.
If you don't want to watch him watching somebody else, then don't watch him when he's doing that. If people stop watching him when he's doing stupid stuff then people won't watch him and he won't get any money from it. Let the "market" decide what he should and shouldn't stream.
Blizz should've released Naxx this week to counter Magic 2015.
nah, it's better this way, I can take a small break from HS
regarding Magic 2015, those premium booster and the lack of two-headed giant (for now, anyway) is a bit of an annoyance. You get one booster with the pre-order, not sure if I'm willing to spend any more money on the game until they release the dlc expansions. Oh well, two more hours until it unlocks on Steam. Did anyone make a OT yet?
Can someone explain to me what is so important about the Two Headed Giant? Is it the card itself or does it stand for a certain something in the game?
Basic mage control deck (constructed) Any suggestions?[IMG][/QUOTE]
take out Gurubashi, Mercenary. Maybe one more Acolyte of Pain. I'd replace Auctioneer with Antonidas if you have him. Looks pretty similar to Trump's basic mage list (and my old mage deck, I used Cairne, Rag and Bloodmage instead of the Ogres). Consider playing Ice Lance for extra burst damage
Ok changed Gurubashi with Acolyte of Pain. I don't have Antonidas, of coursetake out Gurubashi, Mercenary. Maybe one more Acolyte of Pain. I'd replace Auctioneer with Antonidas if you have him. Looks pretty similar to Trump's basic mage list (and my old mage deck, I used Cairne, Rag and Bloodmage instead of the Ogres). Consider playing Ice Lance for extra burst damage
take out Gurubashi, Mercenary. Maybe one more Acolyte of Pain. I'd replace Auctioneer with Antonidas if you have him. Looks pretty similar to Trump's basic mage list (and my old mage deck, I used Cairne, Rag and Bloodmage instead of the Ogres). Consider playing Ice Lance for extra burst damage
Can anyone suggested anything for a Druid deck that doesn't have most of the good Druid cards? I don't have Force of Natures or Keeper of the Groves or Ancient of Lores. No Sunwalkers or Argent Commanders either.
Can anyone suggested anything for a Druid deck that doesn't have most of the good Druid cards? I don't have Force of Natures or Keeper of the Groves or Ancient of Lores. No Sunwalkers or Argent Commanders either.
All of my classes are level 30+ except druid which is only 15 because I still haven't gotten one Ancient of Lore/War or Force of Nature
Gurubashi Berserker is a weird card. I feel like it should be better card than it really is. Maybe its just that the starting stats are so bad for the cost. Too slow and too situational otherwise.
It gets countered so badly by the kodo, and it can't really trade before it starts berserking. Maybe if it had 3 attack it would be played.
I don't have any Force of Natures either and I'm doing just fine with my Druid decks. People are just very limited in creativity when they say you can't build a deck without the Ancients and FoN (which I have been doing for the longest time).Can anyone suggested anything for a Druid deck that doesn't have most of the good Druid cards? I don't have Force of Natures or Keeper of the Groves or Ancient of Lores. No Sunwalkers or Argent Commanders either.
It's a 2v2 multiplayer mode.