Yup, I made it to make her using the power a good thing.
I did a third test and lost. I think I need to change the War Axes to something better.
That 2/8 taunted is such a douche. Always putting put Abusive Sarge and Elvish Archer and never Arcane Golem or Leroy.
Wait... the X removes quests now and doesn't reroll? There goes a quest. X.x
Might be lag messing with it.. I guess...
I really can't figure out Maexxna on Heroic. Should I focus on constantly clearing her minions? I just can't keep up.
The deck definitely works better then an aggro deck. I had thought to use something fast so that I'd have no cards in hand, but they kept dealing with the minions and it was an uphill race.
Your deck puts up results though!
Great job!
EDIT: It did get a bit hairy near the end, but I didn't draw a single Armorsmith the whole game.
I can't beat Maexxna! Anyone have any advice? I've only started playing like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
What class should I use? Deck recommendations?
This whole solo adventure thing seems like it was a really big waste of Blizzard's time though. It just isn't a fun way to unlock cards, but with how the dust system works I guess they need to set up special hoops for players to jump through when they're adding new things to the game.
anub heroic - used a normal paladin deck, beat him on first attempt
faerlina heroic - used a ramp druid deck, beat her on first attempt
maexxna heroic - after i failed using my normal paladin deck i subbed in some extra battlecry healing (voodoo doctor, earthen ring) and added 2x owl and 2x humility in addition to aldor peacekeeper which was already in the deck. her hero power can help you stay alive if she bounces your battlecry healing. if she has 7 1-attack minions on the board, don't destroy them, she won't be able to summon anything else unless she trades them into you. if/when she does hopefully you have humility/aldor ready to minimize the threat from the new replacement minion. beat her in one try with the edited paladin deck
Lag is back. It looks like ladder is all druids trying out their new card and people playing spider zoo.
Beat every boss. Did all challenges and heroic mode is done.
I wanna do it more
I can't beat Maexxna! Anyone have any advice? I've only started playing like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
What class should I use? Deck recommendations?
Took like 3 tries but got Heroic Maexnna with that Amaz Hunter deck. Just had to get a decent draw.
This is the worst pve content ever. One shot everything.. just a waste of time. Give me the cards and be done with it.
What's your normal pally deck look like?
Lolol. It's not for you, man.
It's just funny how most of us magic players expected something along the lines of duels and challenges/puzzles.. and it's just dumb ai matches.
Mind posting the decklist please?
Oozes implemented?So.... like 5 zoo in a row... nothing has changed yet... =/
This is the deck I used, I made it myself.
The MCTs were huge in the beginning because you would get back your MCT and whatever you stole from him.
If you have Alexstraza, use a freeze mage deck.
There are variations of it but that one above should guarantee you victory.
Yep. Used this deck and finally beat Maexnna. Only change I made was that I swapped the Loot Hoarders for Novice Engineers to dig easier. Alex made the match a cakewalk.
Beat everything up until heroic Faerlina first try somehow. This one's gonna take some work! Too bad I don't have Alex, 45 health is so much to deal with especially with her bombardments during the first few turns.