It's funny how I have a better legend rank than most of the top streamers simply by not playing at all.
yeah it's kinda dumb how many ranks you go down after a loss.
It's funny how I have a better legend rank than most of the top streamers simply by not playing at all.
I understand you can cast it on an enemy unit. But no other spell cast on a unit works like that when Facelessed. Faceless should create an exact mirror of a unit when you cast it. But it doesn't with Blessing of Wisdom.
I hate how the game pushes me to play Aggro. I can spend 1600 Dust to craft Leeroy and have tons of dust left to craft the rares and epics I need....
Or I can try to play control and never have enough dust to craft Rag, Cairne, Ysera, and the even more amounts of epics I need.
It's funny how I have a better legend rank than most of the top streamers simply by not playing at all. You drop like 300+ ranks from one loss.
I understand you can cast it on an enemy unit. But no other spell cast on a unit works like that when Facelessed. Faceless should create an exact mirror of a unit when you cast it. But it doesn't with Blessing of Wisdom.
So, give me a few completely anti-zoo decks for a few classes outside of Shaman. I'm fucking sick of them.
my slightly outdated druid deck
replace mark of wild with second Golem, Yetis with Shieldmastas, Argent Commander with a second Sunwalker, get a second Ancient of Lore
wreck Zoo
tech in a BGH and Black Knight against other decks
Blessing of wisdom my minion, enemy faceless's it. Attacks with it. I draw a card. Thank you. Concede.
It isn't a bug. The blessing of wisdom doesn't give a card to the owner, but to the person who cast the spell which is why you can cast it on an enemy minion.
There's nothing like the feeling you get when the opposing player gives you the preemptive "Well Played" when you're down 5 to 29 and you somehow make a comeback and win!
Is anyone finding HS streamers becoming incredibly bitter recently? As if they seem to hate playing the game? Been noticing it alot over the past few weeks.
Well, who in particular? Kripp has been bitter for a while now and reynard becomes salty and drinks. Trump and Hafu seemed totally normal to me when I tuned in recently.
I hate how the game pushes me to play Aggro. I can spend 1600 Dust to craft Leeroy and have tons of dust left to craft the rares and epics I need....
Or I can try to play control and never have enough dust to craft Rag, Cairne, Ysera, and the even more amounts of epics I need.
Well, who in particular? Kripp has been bitter for a while now and reynard becomes salty and drinks. Trump and Hafu seemed totally normal to me when I tuned in recently.
Athene is the only really happy HS streamer - people should give him props for that at least.
Hilarious, I have a spider on the board and my opponent has a raging worgen. He drops his bomber to trigger the worgen and all three hits go straight to the worgen killing it. 1 in 64 chance of that happening? Poor guy...
All of tempo storm seem incredibly bitter
Trump's pretty happy as well. I mean, the worst thing I've seen out of him was to the tune of "oh nononononono noooooo" when the opponent topdecked the single card he needed for lethal.
... and occasionally he says "so gross" to some plays.
Is it really necessary to play zoo in casual?
All of tempo storm seem incredibly bitter
im sure thats just people doing the dailies as quick as they can without wanting to risk ranks. But yea it's definitely annoying to see a deck like that in casual when you're hoping to see people play something unusual for fun.
Is anyone finding HS streamers becoming incredibly bitter recently? As if they seem to hate playing the game? Been noticing it alot over the past few weeks.
easily the most entertaining hearthstone team, though
Euro one is on now, day 2. Though it's having technical difficulties.So does anyone know the runtime for the WEC qualifiers? I kinda want to plan my bedtime to it.
Euro one is on now, day 2. Though it's having technical difficulties.
Yeah, I'm watching it atm. Mainly wondering how much content they've got left for today since it's getting late here in europe.
Oh, I just updated my post with the link, it's all in that.Only one match left after this I think. Winner of Semijew vs ThijsNL goes against Kolento.
For sure, guy just can't be negative for longer than a minute. I found him incredibly annoying at first but have grown to like him a lot.Watch amaz if you want a less negative stream to watch.
You really need that much card draw?
So I get a really solid mage draft in arena. I beat two mages, a druid and even a shaman.
Then I lose a game against a hunter, out of all classes.
They need to add a GG emote, because I think most people interpret "Well Played" as "Game over brah". I usually use the emote when the opposing player makes a play I didn't see coming, or a play I thought was creative.
I once had a game where my opponent had three minions on the board, 8 life, and I had a Raging Worgen on the board. Mad Bomber and Lightning Bolt in hand. I drop my Mad Bomber... and it kills my Worgen. 1 in 216.
Good day in arena.
I'm done for today with Hearthstone.
Installing Warcraft 3.
I am hyped as fuck, let's go.
Overall noob question. Is it more efficient to buy packs, or spend the money to play arena?
This depends on how good you are at arena and how many wins you can average.
Let us say I average 3.
Then you earn 50g on average, which is essentially the same as buying the pack directly. Anything higher nets you a profit and at 7+ wins you're guaranteed to break even and then some.Let us say I average 3.