Hey any tips for jumping in clean and learning the game?
I've had it installed forever but never fired it up.
Play the tutorial, get level 10 with every class playing only the AI and expert AI. Make sure you beat all expert AI and get every class to level 10 before doing anything as it will give you all the quest gold.
Do not jump into arena before you have done the above as you will have no card knowledge. Personally, I recommend playing a few hours of casual, knowing that you'll get beat a lot, but for the sole purpose of learning what cards do. Then you can do your one free arena and at the very least get a free pack from it.
Now you should have like 5-600 gold and a few free packs from the beginning. You can either try your luck at arena for 150 gold or just buy 5-6 packs and take your chance at constructed.
Realize it will take you hours of playing and hundreds of games before you understand how the game works, what cards do, how classes work, etc. It's a small game on scale but still requires tons of knowledge.