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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I'm fairly new to this and really enjoying myself, but I just have to ask; is it just me, or is there no benefit whatsoever to starting first? Your opponent will get an extra card (thus a larger chance at a good starting card/hand and more cards to replace if they don't get such a card/hand initially) and a mana coin, allowing them to play more expensive cards earlier. In addition to that, he or she has the opportunity to destroy your first play in their first turn if they are dealt a good card, therefore negating any actual advantage you might have had by starting first. It just feels like such a massive disadvantage to have to start first. Now, I know that they have to give the second starter something, but really, the mana coin alone is enough for that; no need to give them an extra card in their starting hand IMO...

There is really a slight favor to win if you go first. Going second really needs those small handicaps because going first allows advantages in mana every turn/overall and the opportunity to have first choice for combat trading/going for face.

In reality the biggest factor is knowing what to mulligan for each match up. One small example would be not aiming for 1 hp cards vs a couple classes (rogues, druids, and mages all deal with 1 hp minions easily with their hero power, and warriors deal with them with a couple 1 instant damage cards). But, you can't get greedy either. Often it is worthwhile to keep those cards anyway, rather than having a chance at getting something less worthwhile.
I don't think a control build is for me. I tried one out last night and won a few games and had fun with it, but today I've been losing a lot.

(With a Pally control) The idea of waiting my opponent out, healing through the damage and doing next to nothing for the first 3-4 turns just isn't working for me. When I win it's more satisfying as the games go on forever, but when I lose it's rage inducing.

I am using a build made by a guy name Guile on Hearthpwn (can't link it at this moment)...It helped me gain a rank (to my highest of 11 and 2 stars), all of which I've lost plus more today going something like 1-6, but last night it was 3-1..I think maybe I'll give it a shot a while longer, but feels like I may just go back to the aggro pally and try an entire new class if I want a change...

What's the best rogue build to play?


I just started this game the other day. I'm a lvl 6 mage and Ive gained a couple cool cards from beginning quests, but Im very unsure about deck building.

Ive built my own deck, but Ive lost all the games Ive played to any class but mage. I unlocked Paladin in Practice mode.

Is the only real way to know if your deck is any good or not to use it in battle? Or are there rules to deck building other than evenly spread mana?


So, this is what happens the first two turns at 4 am in a game when at 7-0 in Arena:

He passes.
I coin Ancient Watcher.
He plays Mana Addict.
I Mark of the Wild my Watcher.
He Marks of Natures his Addict, so it goes from 1/3 to 5/3 to 7/3, and takes out my Watcher.

I love random Arena stuff.
I just started this game the other day. I'm a lvl 6 mage and Ive gained a couple cool cards from beginning quests, but Im very unsure about deck building.

Ive built my own deck, but Ive lost all the games Ive played to any class but mage. I unlocked Paladin in Practice mode.

Is the only real way to know if your deck is any good or not to use it in battle? Or are there rules to deck building other than evenly spread mana?

I'm new too but fell in love with this game pretty quick. Here are some good tips to start.

1. Play all characters to level 10....You unlock them all and earn all their cards.

2. Beat all AI Expert characters once...You get a special gold reward for that.

3. See which character you like best from playing them all, and then find a build online--People know what works and that's where you'll find it.

4. Start practicing online..

5. Once you hit 100 games won in either ranked or practice (it will combine your totals), you get additional gold.

6. Use gold to buy packs of cards or do arena.

7. If you like the game it's worth spending at least 50 bucks to get a bunch of cards...Gives you more options...Unless you're a pro and can do it all for free....But you're new like me and so it's definitely worth it to buy some card packs.


Partly inspired by Trump's f2p run, I made a super-vanilla Shaman-class-cards only deck and I haven't lost in eight games with it.



I'm new too but fell in love with this game pretty quick. Here are some good tips to start.

1. Play all characters to level 10....You unlock them all and earn all their cards.

2. Beat all AI Expert characters once...You get a special gold reward for that.

3. See which character you like best from playing them all, and then find a build online--People know what works and that's where you'll find it.

4. Start practicing online..

5. Once you hit 100 games won in either ranked or practice (it will combine your totals), you get additional gold.

6. Use gold to buy packs of cards or do arena.

7. If you like the game it's worth spending at least 50 bucks to get a bunch of cards...Gives you more options...Unless you're a pro and can do it all for free....But you're new like me and so it's definitely worth it to buy some card packs.

Awesome thanks man.


So, this is what happens the first two turns at 4 am in a game when at 7-0 in Arena:

He passes.
I coin Ancient Watcher.
He plays Mana Addict.
I Mark of the Wild my Watcher.
He Marks of Natures his Addict, so it goes from 1/3 to 5/3 to 7/3, and takes out my Watcher.

I love random Arena stuff.

As a follow-up to this, I'm now 11-0. I've never gone past 10 wins before and I'm getting nervous as fuck. Postponing final boss-battles until tomorrow.
Just had a druid play Force of Nature / Natures Gift ( the 2/2 resurrect card) Twice in a row in Arena. Some people do get all of the luck, haha.

Edit: Also good to know that attack buffs stick when you switch them with the Alchemist.


Vanilla in terms of card choices if not value/rarity. Though one legendary is relatively cheap. No tricks or games, just class cards.

Ancestral Spirit makes the often immediately murdered Earth Elemental a pain to get rid of. If not used there, it is nasty with Al'Akir too.

The Dust Devil (one drop with 3 damage, 1 health, and windfury) seems like a waste of a card, but it can be murder situationally. Dropped on turn one and followed up with a removal spell against any of the opponent's turn one or two minions makes for a quick and dirty six damage. I managed to get three turns of damage against an aggro Warlock by dropping him on turn one and using removal spells on my turn two.

There are cards I would consider risky and situational, but there seem to be enough of them that some combo of some sort is going to get pulled off, even if it's not the one you expected.
The best arena mana curve in existence


Edit: Now I just had a shaman play two Ancestral Spirits on a Sunwalker twice in a row. Of course, that one was more my fault for letting it live with a misplay.

The Game

Does going nearly straight minions generally work out well in the arena? There's barely any spells there at all!

It did this time very much, all my games were over when i got board control by 5-6mana, didn't have a choice for a weapon or any other spell except the ones I got. 1 and 2 drops won me games, was lucky with mages to had them at 10 hp by flamestrike time and knew flamestrike would slow them down so I generally rushed them, with hunters I would kill anything they had on board and healed myself with alexstrasza that saved me 2 games for sure.


remember me
Ugh. I'm having a hard time getting better than rank 14 playing priest without better cards. I did get a Cenarius though. Is he good enough to build a deck around?
I listened to your advice and went 12-0.


Nice, congrats!

Control Warrior is hilariously fun to play. Shield Block -> Shield Slam, double Armorsmith -> Whirlwind, etc. Today I got to double Cruel Taskmaster on turn 4 targeting my Acolyte of Pain to take out a Druid's Coin->Innvervate->Windfury Harpy on turn 3 for an amusing 6-for-1.


I'd say it's unlikely, but who knows. With iOS, you can't just release stuff like on PC/Mac, there's a 1-2 week delay between submitting a build and having an approved build you can actually release.

I'm pretty sure they have already submitted and maybe even gotten an approval, but are waiting for the official release to coincide with the media event. I think here's no way a company like Blizzard would have a media event without knowing when the game would be ready for release.


Unconfirmed Member
So how am I ever going to get a decent deck? I've used up all my challenge coins on packs and arena, but have pretty much nothing to show for it (unlucky arena match-ups/card picks + always get 4 common 1 rare). Daily challenges are ok, but at best that gives me one pack every two days if I immediately finish them. I don't want to put real money in non-resell-able digital-only goods, so buying packs with real money is a no for me. (Really, Blizzard, if you had made physical Hearthstone cards and gave me a code for an in-game pack with every real pack, I'd be buying the shit out of that!)

It's just real frustrating to constantly run into players that have 10 epics in their deck and four legendaries. I just don't have any way to counter that.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Those Hunter games where you are nothing but a spectator are fun, im sure they enjoy it too


I'm considering disenchanting Lorewalker Cho in favor of Bloodmage Thalnos. I've always just spent my gold on packs.. I have Ragnaros, Cairne, Alexstrasza, Malygos for neutral legendaries, then Grom and Antonidas for class-specific.

Just tired of not having any useful Legendaries to play until late-game. Cho has been amusing to play in a Murloc deck to force control decks to play minions, but he's really meant for a mill deck and it's hard to make that work... Thalnos is a better replacement for Novice Engineer/Loot Hoarder in any Trump deck.


Sadly apart from Thalnos, who is ok, all the early game legendary cards were nerfed to oblivion. Leeroy is the only one left.


The official release of the iPad version must be very, very soon. Right?
Can't wait.

Well, if the season ends next week, Thursday is the day apps launch (Wednesday at midnight usually), it could be a launch day event, makes sense if it's already been approved.


Gold Member
Well, hopefully it's true and they already have it approved... you'd think so, with the mentioned event and all, but it's Blizzard. And the App Store is a pretty unpredictable thing. But it does seem more likely now.

And if the iOS version comes out next week, that gets us another month in gaming as well. :)


Man, if Alarm-o-bot is allowed time it can really carry. Just met a Rogue who ignored mine for 4 turns, alarmed out Argent Commander, the shitty 2/5-spellpower guy, Ravenholdt Assassin, and Sunwalker. Have fun with that bro.


I need to stop playing RoS so I can work on getting up to Rank 1 Legendary ;__;

I kind of like where it is. helps keep control decks from utterly dominating the meta.

maybe they should make timberwolf cost 2 mana.

The best part is that the most common Legendary Hunter variant is probably one of the harder decks to pilot too due to the best lines of play being awkward ones at times (e.g., early Leeroy use just since you know you have two turns left and can deal X damage in those turns this way).
Why do people say playing aggro is easy? I actually have a way harder time playing aggro face-rush decks. The individual card quality is relatively weak, there's constant tension between hitting the face vs. trying to clear out enemy minions that will block your future face-hitting, and I get depressed every time turn 4 comes around and I've done a grand total of 3 damage to the opponent because my one and two drops got killed by enemy one and two drops.

Because unlike Magic enemy minions can be used as removal, there's rarely a case where my one-drop or two-drop goes unopposed. If they have a single tazdingo it's like a mountain in your path. I find control so much easier to play in that your game plan is relatively clear, you get to play powerful cards instead of bad 2/1s, etc.


When playing an aggro deck I feel like I'm gambling. It's not easy or hard, just lucky. Most of the time I win by top decking.

Control decks take more planning and nuance, IMO.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I really hope hunter become unplayable after the next patch.

why do people keep saying stuff like this.

I would expect next to no changes to actual cards in the upcoming patches. this isn't an MMO. This isn't a MOBA. If you go around mucking constantly.. err sorry.... constantly "tuning" a CCG... it won't last. while you end up withfotm in games like WoW arena and MOBAs from tuning, all you have here is simply meta. people go with hunter aggro because right now it works in meta. sick of it? build a solid warrior, mage or paladin control. make sure that by turn 4 and later you aren't carrying a lot of minions on the board. or just fight aggro with aggro.

my pally rush usually walks all over aggro or rush hunters. and even better they spend so much time trading 1:1 at the beginning that by the time turns 4, 5, 6 and 7 hit they MIGHT get two on the board from UTH.

this insistence that "blizz needs to solve the meta for us" is counter productive to how CCGs work. PLAYERS solve the meta. tuning is only done when shit is broken, which is not the case here with hunters. there are solid answers to aggro/rush hunters, it's just that not every deck is that answer, nor should they be. It's just that combined with their prevalence that is making it frustrating right now.
The best part is that the most common Legendary Hunter variant is probably one of the harder decks to pilot too due to the best lines of play being awkward ones at times (e.g., early Leeroy use just since you know you have two turns left and can deal X damage in those turns this way).

playing leeroy early against a regular druid deck is so good. makes subsequent hounds better and they rarely have a way to remove the whelps unless they want to burn wraths. which is probably a good thing for you in the long run.
Really loving the Miracle Rogue deck I have. Was able to save up dust and now I have Van Cleef and Leeroy. It always goes down to the wire because one more draw could be the one card you need to win. Always have to count twice just to be sure though, I'm made some bad mistakes.

It's a great deck though because now I see miracles every play.
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