Mobius and pet octopus
I'm fairly new to this and really enjoying myself, but I just have to ask; is it just me, or is there no benefit whatsoever to starting first? Your opponent will get an extra card (thus a larger chance at a good starting card/hand and more cards to replace if they don't get such a card/hand initially) and a mana coin, allowing them to play more expensive cards earlier. In addition to that, he or she has the opportunity to destroy your first play in their first turn if they are dealt a good card, therefore negating any actual advantage you might have had by starting first. It just feels like such a massive disadvantage to have to start first. Now, I know that they have to give the second starter something, but really, the mana coin alone is enough for that; no need to give them an extra card in their starting hand IMO...
There is really a slight favor to win if you go first. Going second really needs those small handicaps because going first allows advantages in mana every turn/overall and the opportunity to have first choice for combat trading/going for face.
In reality the biggest factor is knowing what to mulligan for each match up. One small example would be not aiming for 1 hp cards vs a couple classes (rogues, druids, and mages all deal with 1 hp minions easily with their hero power, and warriors deal with them with a couple 1 instant damage cards). But, you can't get greedy either. Often it is worthwhile to keep those cards anyway, rather than having a chance at getting something less worthwhile.