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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Can someone explain how cairne vs sylvanas deathrattle works? I'm pretty sure it always has a 0% chance to steal baine. Is there a situation where can steal baine when they kill eachother?

Just won 3 casuals in a row with my free Mage deck. Now to try a Ranked game for the first time.

If you're just starting, you might have a bad experience going into ranked this fast. But then again, you may have a good experience... but chances are a bad one =(


Can someone explain how cairne vs sylvanas deathrattle works? I'm pretty sure it always has a 0% chance to steal baine. Is there a situation where can steal baine when they kill eachother?

There's a list of Deathrattle priorities, if I recall, and Sylvanas here should always trigger before the others so she can't steal Baine, Harvest Golem, etc.
Just got my first Legendary! Al'akir the Windlord is mine! Makes up for a 7 arena streak giving me 85 gold and a common card. Any tips on how to use him?
Can someone explain how cairne vs sylvanas deathrattle works? I'm pretty sure it always has a 0% chance to steal baine. Is there a situation where can steal baine when they kill eachother?

If you're just starting, you might have a bad experience going into ranked this fast. But then again, you may have a good experience... but chances are a bad one =(

Yeah, getting my ass kicked by players with way better decks than me. Back to casuals now :(


I came up against a Priest with my Control Warrior deck (which is always a fucking nightmare, but anyway). By using Thoughtsteals he managed to use Shield Block > Shield Block > Shield Slam to kill my Ragnaros, after having answers for everything on 8 consecutive turns before that. I swear I was going to break something.


remember me
Hmm, I might start investing in druid cards. Threw this thing together and I've been undefeated for about 7 games now. Though I'm only rank 18 so it's not like I'm playing against good people. I really like the way you can choose a card's effects.



So not worth it
I wish this game had a subscription fee so that it would have less amount of intolerable people.

It's amazing how much dickishness one can convey with a handful of emotes.

I mean, not for nothing, but if you have an OP deck or just draw a really good hand all game long, do you really need to go "Sorry" the round before you win? Is that really necessary? You can't just be happy with your win, you have to rub it in? And that's the mild stuff, there's the trolling when they're losing and wait until the end of the turn to do something. The conceding one turn before you take a loss because you can't just click end turn and have the guy attack or even worse, the guys that are in the final turn of winning, only have to attack with one minion and still play a bunch of cards, destroy your minions before killing you.

Just play the game, take your wins and don't waste other people's time. The first few times one of these happens it's okay, but it's just constantly these kinds of opponents to the point where it gets very annoying.


Gold Member
I wish this game had a subscription fee so that it would have less amount of intolerable people.

It's amazing how much dickishness one can convey with a handful of emotes.

I mean, not for nothing, but if you have an OP deck or just draw a really good hand all game long, do you really need to go "Sorry" the round before you win? Is that really necessary? You can't just be happy with your win, you have to rub it in? And that's the mild stuff, there's the trolling when they're losing and wait until the end of the turn to do something. The conceding one turn before you take a loss because you can't just click end turn and have the guy attack or even worse, the guys that are in the final turn of winning, only have to attack with one minion and still play a bunch of cards, destroy your minions before killing you.

Just play the game, take your wins and don't waste other people's time. The first few times one of these happens it's okay, but it's just constantly these kinds of opponents to the point where it gets very annoying.

Or you could just be imagining all that. The sorry can be genuine, the mind stuff could be just in your head, the trolling could be also in your head, or perhaps you're literally playing someone who's just 6 or 7 years old, and simply thinks it's amusing. Are you really going to lose it to a 6-year-old?

Conceding one turn before losing is not bad at all, expected behavior actually. And the guys who play out their last turn may just be finishing off quests, or think you want to see what they were holding - after all if you want to end the game, you have a button to do so, so why not blame yourself?


So not worth it
Or you could just be imagining all that. The sorry can be genuine, the mind stuff could be just in your head, the trolling could be also in your head, or perhaps you're literally playing someone who's just 6 or 7 years old, and simply thinks it's amusing. Are you really going to lose it to a 6-year-old?

Conceding one turn before losing is not bad at all, expected behavior actually. And the guys who play out their last turn may just be finishing off quests, or think you want to see what they were holding - after all if you want to end the game, you have a button to do so, so why not blame yourself?

Oh, it certainly could, but I honestly don't think a "sorry" can possibly be genuine when you steamroll your opponent, but hey, as you said, that could just be me.

Fair enough about the quests, could be that. I don't see conceding in the final turn as a nice thing to do, at all. Give the other guy the satisfaction of the win seems like the right thing to do to me. Conceding, at least to me, is much like your friend throwing over the board of a game when you were just about to win.

Card Boy

Kripp has 6 legendaries in his deck and I feel he doesn't deserve any of these ranked wins. I feel salty for the players he is stomping.


Oh, it certainly could, but I honestly don't think a "sorry" can possibly be genuine when you steamroll your opponent, but hey, as you said, that could just be me.

Fair enough about the quests, could be that. I don't see conceding in the final turn as a nice thing to do, at all. Give the other guy the satisfaction of the win seems like the right thing to do to me. Conceding, at least to me, is much like your friend throwing over the board of a game when you were just about to win.

Nah I don't really agree with that. Saying gg and tapping out early when you know you're gonna lose, saving everyone a bit of time, seems fine to me. Happens in Starcraft and Dota.
Kripp has 6 legendaries in his deck and I feel he doesn't deserve any of these ranked wins. I feel salty for the players he is stomping.

There are plenty of players with 5-6 legendaries in their decks languishing at rank 10-15. You actually need to know how to use them well in order to actually do really well.


Conceding, at least to me, is much like your friend throwing over the board of a game when you were just about to win.

No, saying well played and conceding when you know you have lost is good form because it saves everybody time.

Also, if emotes bother you that much there's always the squelch option.


No, saying well played and conceding when you know you have lost is good form because it saves everybody time.

Also, if emotes bother you that much there's always the squelch option.

Exactly, if I know I have no chance I concede. Why waste everyone's time? I'd rather get a new game going and it's not like my opponent doesn't win anyway.


So not worth it
See now, there's a difference between complimenting and then conceding and just conceding right before the killing blow.

There is also a difference between conceding at the last second, when all the guy has to do is attack you once and it's over and conceding when you see your final hand is just not good enough to win the final fight. Besides, what if the guy has a quest to do a certain amount of hero damage.

I dunno, I get where you guys are coming from, but I just consider it to be bad form. Have the guy get his win in earnest would be my choice.


On the other hand, if you don't concede then you're inviting the other player to do his "optimal" final play (which is not dickish), so you're not really in a position to complain when he plays all his cards then. If you want to save time, then conceding is always the best option. And it's not considered rude either.


Oh, it certainly could, but I honestly don't think a "sorry" can possibly be genuine when you steamroll your opponent, but hey, as you said, that could just be me.
Maybe he's genuinely apologising because he drew all the answers he needed.

As I (and others) have said before, the limited emote system is as much a reflection of your own state of mind as it is expressive.

And there's always the two click insta-squelch option available if you absolutely can't deal with it.


Kripp has 6 legendaries in his deck and I feel he doesn't deserve any of these ranked wins. I feel salty for the players he is stomping.

I was rolling with a Control Warrior deck just eviscerating people after having not played in like a month last night. Rocking something like 7 Legendaries. I felt slightly bad, but it's Ranked in a CCG, what can you do?


I wish this game had a subscription fee so that it would have less amount of intolerable people.

You think a subscription fee would stop people from trolling? The grievances you listed are a tiny spec compared to the things I've seen on WoW, XBL, PSN, etc.

Just squelch the emotes if you are getting that emotionally effected by them.
You think a subscription fee would stop people from trolling? The grievances you listed are a tiny spec compared to the things I've seen on WoW, XBL, PSN, etc.

Just squelch the emotes if you are getting that emotionally effected by them.

This... if anything it makes them more insufferable because they think it'll entitle them to be trolls.
questions about this game:

seems fun enough and i don't mind spending $50, but was wondering, how often (if they do any at all) do they have sales? Do they release new expansion parks?

Is there any semblance of balance? Is it rockpaperscissor balance for hero types or are all types viable in some form?

What are 'secrets'? I've seen expert ai folks play them, but i don't think ive unlocked or gotten any. are they just the equivalent of a trap card in ygo?
Thinking about that. A far more effective strategy would have probably been to save all of those things and then play Ironbark normally but follow it with the 2 innervates and coin into a faceless. Sure there's equality/consecrate combos but I'd say that kind of mass removal isn't as common as dealing with one big threat early on.


I've always thought that conceding is considered good ettiquette once you've figured out you can't win. You're saving the time of you and your oppponent to move on to the next game.

I know in Magic, if you were playing in a tournament where you're playing best 2 out of 3 games with a 50-60 minute time limit per round, conceding could sometimes help you out. If you're playing against a control deck and in the first game you're locked down and know you can't win, you would concede. That way, you might save enough time to get both of the next two games in before time runs out and hope you can win both games after sideboarding. Otherwise, you may end up with a 0-1 round loss, or 1-1 draw.

That really doesn't apply here to Hearthstone, but the only reason I concede is to save time, because I know I can't win.


Gold Member
questions about this game:

seems fun enough and i don't mind spending $50, but was wondering, how often (if they do any at all) do they have sales? Do they release new expansion parks?

Is there any semblance of balance? Is it rockpaperscissor balance for hero types or are all types viable in some form?

What are 'secrets'? I've seen expert ai folks play them, but i don't think ive unlocked or gotten any. are they just the equivalent of a trap card in ygo?

The discussion over spending money on packs was had a bit a few pages back, but you will get the best bang for the buck the earlier in you buy them. Basically getting 20 packs or whatever, and getting from those 20 packs a legendary or two, a bunch of epics, 20+ rares, and a ton of commons feels a lot better than paying for 20 packs and getting a legendary you already had, 80% dupes, a few new rares, and 500 dust worth of disenchanted cards for the same price as you spend early on but get a ton of cards instead.

There's a bit of RPS to the game, certain classes definitely favor other classes, however it's very rare for a class to hard counter another, and you can always build any kind of deck in any class. A control deck with no mind to early game can be easily countered by a rush deck, and that's a good thing, you need counters to keep things in check, or there'd be control decks every where.

Secrets are just spells that activate on events during your opponents turn, but which secret you cast is not known to them until they figure it out from the process of elimination (perform the triggers in a logical order that least benefits you until they actually perform the one that triggers the secret).

Edit: There has never been any sales, and they will release expansion packs of 100-200 cards, but when and how often is unknown. Somewhere between once to twice a year is probably the best guess, starting later this year.

Thinking about that. A far more effective strategy would have probably been to save all of those things and then play Ironbark normally but follow it with the 2 innervates and coin into a faceless. Sure there's equality/consecrate combos but I'd say that kind of mass removal isn't as common as dealing with one big threat early on.

It's still a turn 9 play then, not really going to help much if three or four of your hand's cards are for late game, probably get rushed down.

It sucks playing ranked with no legendaries. If I don't win by turn 10 it's over for me.

Well, ranked really is for people who have their decks in order to play against others who also have finished decks, at least if you're going for legendary. Ranked is not a place for beginners, and since you only need to get to rank 20, it's just one of those long term goals for most people, if they even care about getting to legendary.

You basically just have to abuse the bonus star system and play rush if you have limited cards. You can get to rank 5 with a low win % (even just ~30-40%) if your wins are consecutive and you play enough games. Rush is quicker too, so it'll take less time than control.


The whole losing to "a ton of Legendaries" is at least mitigated somewhat with the high rank players starting at a higher rank. Sure, there are some people who didn't grind in the test seasons but hopefully those will be removed over time.

Besides that, "a ton of Legendaries" doesn't necessarily mean it's a good deck.
two of the best decks don't have any epics or legendaries and the cycle hunter deck just has leeroy.

i had this argument with some of my friends when they first started playing after i had been playing for awhile. i made a couple of decks with nothing but commons and still beat them handily.

i also generated a few random decks. but to be fair nothing beats coin secretkeeper/hungry crab.


two of the best decks don't have any epics or legendaries and the cycle hunter deck just has leeroy.

i had this argument with some of my friends when they first started playing after i had been playing for awhile. i made a couple of decks with nothing but commons and still beat them handily.

i also generated a few random decks. but to be fair nothing beats coin secretkeeper/hungry crab.

What are these "best decks"?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
How do you quickly deal with an Ironbark?

same way you deal with any late game threat. hard removal. sheep, hex, ping plus execute, assassinate, equality+consecrate, hunter's mark plus ping, SWD, siphon soul or corruption, or if you absolutely just need a neutral way then big game hunter.


Anyone have a good example of what is considered a strong warrior aggro deck? I play warrior control in ranked, and think it's a lot of fun and often very capable, but I'd possibly like to try an aggro deck in casual.
-Blizzard said it's not happening today.
-Blizzard is showing off the iPad version to the US press today
-so maybe tomorrow?
-one can hope.
-taz dingo


I've played for quite a while with super awful booster luck, so I know what it's like to deal with Legendaries when you barely have any. It's not fun. Basically whenever you face a Legendary card, it seems like bullshit if you don't have any of your own.

For example, Ragnaros is usually a 2+ for 1 value. Even if you deal with it properly, you're still behind (receive 8 damage and -1 card). Now if you have these Legendary value card yourself, you can shrug it off because you know you will be doing the same value play yourself later in the game. Someone without Legendaries will only fall behind further and further.

The so called 'fix' is to do a lot of damage before the 6+ mana Legendaries start rolling. But that's like saying: just 1 base cheese in Starcraft because if you don't have Battlecruiser XVII unlocked, that's your only way to win in this game. Not a fair comparison but you get the point. It's almost as if you're trying to bypass the 'real' game by rushing and not everyone thinks that's fun. And most people play this for fun. Not for work/money/ego.

I for one have not forgotten how bullshit everything felt because I went on a mass disenchant mode. As I stated before: once I had the same Legendaries you suddenly notice that playing efficient and having value Legendary cards beats people who just run value Legendary cards and play like shit (you can tell if they just play everything without considering what your class can do and just hope you don't have the key cards at the right time).

The only advice I can give is that are some classes that have decks that only have a few rares to be really fun and efficient (fun as in you actually try to interact with your opponent rather than going for face face face while praying). Rogue and Shaman excel at mid-games.
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