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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I consistently do badly in Arena if I win my first 2/3 games. I always just get 3 straight defeats after that. Whereas when I lose my first two games, I have gotten 5/6/7s.


Nah, it won't run on the OG iPad. It honestly barely runs smoothly on the iPad 3 (don't know about the iPad 2, but i'm sure lower rez screen helps) so OG iPad seems out of the question.

I dont understand people who keep saying it barely runs on the iPad 3. I have both a 3 and a 1st gen mini, and although there are some issues here and there on both, it is still more than playable, on both. The mini does have some brief slowdowns and stutters here and there, but I don't have any problems playing and enjoying the game. On the 3, I have a little hiccup every so often, but it plays virtually as well as it plays on my 2008 MacBook Pro, which I have been playing on for months.

If anyone is having issues, try closing open apps that might be using up ram, restarting, or maybe you are just plain over exaggerating...

(Also, I am not calling you, br3wnor, out...I am just saying people have been complaining all over that it runs like crap on anything but the Air...)


napkin dispenser
Hahaha, Leeroy in this (Soneet's) deck makes it fun. Playing against the AI now to get a feel for it.

Edit: First ranked game results:

vs warlock
turn 5 win
30 to 0
leeroy ftw


I dont understand people who keep saying it barely runs on the iPad 3. I have both a 3 and a 1st gen mini, and although there are some issues here and there on both, it is still more than playable, on both. The mini does have some brief slowdowns and stutters here and there, but I don't have any problems playing and enjoying the game. On the 3, I have a little hiccup every so often, but it plays virtually as well as it plays on my 2008 MacBook Pro, which I have been playing on for months.

If anyone is having issues, try closing open apps that might be using up ram, restarting, or maybe you are just plain over exaggerating...

(Also, I am not calling you, br3wnor, out...I am just saying people have been complaining all over that it runs like crap on anything but the Air...)

It's cool man. I should have clarified, I just meant "barely runs smoothly" as in there's slowdown in places and I feel like if the iPad was any slower it'd really be bogged down and unplayable. It's like if you were running from a pack of wolves and were constantly 5 feet in front and never felt safe enough ahead. It's 100% enjoyable and playable on my 3, it's just not silky smooth


napkin dispenser
Second game versus a hunter.

15 to 0

Full board the whole game.

Leeroy FTW

Third game versus a war, 3, 3, 4, 5 for pulls after a mulligan. Boo.

Bad pulls all game. Pulling high level stuff for the first few turns, managing to trade back and forth.

Turn 5 and he's pulled both his war axes. Lost with 7 health remaining on him, he did 12 to me in one shot with his weap and a card.


I'm only rank 18 but I've been on a tear with this deck ... definitely recommended, at least for raking up at low levels.

Also great to bang out the 3wins for 10 gold to 100g max daily quests in casual play. Ranked I started running into some resistance once I hit level 16, but in casual I went probably 20-2 w/ this deck and most matches were like 5 minutes long. Incredible against newbies.
I have to say that constructed gets very stale once you get below level 10. I would easily say that 80% of my games are against Warlocks running the same deck.


Gold Member
Leeroy has really got to be the best card in the game. Better than Rag, only have had mine for a week or two now, and I feel it's won me more games than any other card I have had since I started playing.

Craft him above everything else if you don't have him yet.

Card Boy

had 2 weird matches in a row.

Some dude accidentally Frost Bolted me (I was priest) instead of my Tza Dingo (she went ops after) and they Polymorphed my Yeti (with Tza Dingo guarding it) and summoned a Magma Rager and i just chucked my Sheep at it.

Following match some smart ass Rogue was showing off and coined into Leeroy and hit me in the face, next turn i destroy it with Whelps.

I won both.
Leeroy has really got to be the best card in the game. Better than Rag, only have had mine for a week or two now, and I feel it's won me more games than any other card I have had since I started playing.

Craft him above everything else if you don't have him yet.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I've fucked up on Legendaries before (bad crafting choices, dusting good ones), but Leeroy rules. It definitely was the most positive choice I've made when it comes to crafting..You can actually use him to turn the tide of a game, as well as win one...He's useful in nearly all decks...I mean, who doesn't need a 6 attack charge for 4 mana??? Best legendary hands down...much better than Rag who's simply a game closer.
Is ranking up harder or something now? I hit rank 14 last season now I am barely moving from 20/19.

I definitely think it is...I'd imagine it has to do with the public release of the game brining in MTG players..It seems if you're familiar with CCGs your skills transfer pretty well to HS.

I do wonder something though....Are certain builds just not competitive at certain levels, but very competitive at others?

Basically it feels that my aggro Pally does very well at 20-17, but my Miracle Rogue stays stuck...Although, I feel the Miracle Rogue has a better chance at higher level play. OR...should any build be competitive at any level based solely on the skill of the player?


Leeroy has really got to be the best card in the game. Better than Rag, only have had mine for a week or two now, and I feel it's won me more games than any other card I have had since I started playing.

Craft him above everything else if you don't have him yet.

What makes this card such a game changer? I get the low mana cost for a 6 dmg charge but he only has 2 HP and summons the 2 welps for the other side so I figured he wasn't worth 1600 dust. Korgan is a 4/3 for the same mana cost so is the extra 2 attack really worth it?


What makes this card such a game changer? I get the low mana cost for a 6 dmg charge but he only has 2 HP and summons the 2 welps for the other side so I figured he wasn't worth 1600 dust. Korgan is a 4/3 for the same mana cost so is the extra 2 attack really worth it?
Evaluate Charge cards as you would spells.
Fireball is 6 damage for 4 mana.
Leeroy is 6 damage for 4 mana, but then you get a unit on top of it.

Most people also don't factor in Leeroy for lethal damage, so it catches people off guard easily.
What makes this card such a game changer? I get the low mana cost for a 6 dmg charge but he only has 2 HP and summons the 2 welps for the other side so I figured he wasn't worth 1600 dust. Korgan is a 4/3 for the same mana cost so is the extra 2 attack really worth it?

You can do some silly stuff with it. For example as a Hunter, Leeroy into unleash the hounds is a good way to get extra card draw or counter the two whelps that spawn. Little synergies like that.


I'll just share this here, if you just wanna climb up the ranks or you're a bit tired of having loss streaks.


It's super super dirty, probably even more so than the Zoo deck.


Yep, switching back to Mage and suddenly I hate this overpowered UTH nonsense again. Que defense squad using Leeroy as a counter argument.

I'll just say, I tried out a variant of your deck with Druid, and it has completely owned the past four matches I've played. My most recent match was against a hunter. By turn five, I had a Shieldbearer buffed up to 7/6. I have yet to dip below 25 HP yet. Small sample size, but definitely fun.

I used all of your same minions but threw in Mark of the Wild, Power of the Wild, Mark of Nature and two swipes just incase for removal.


I definitely think it is...I'd imagine it has to do with the public release of the game brining in MTG players..It seems if you're familiar with CCGs your skills transfer pretty well to HS.

Yeah, HS is pretty simple if you understand MTG well enough to draft decently. It's definitely easy for me to see getting in a quick game or two without wrestling with my brain over possible plays. It's appeal is the simplicity, honestly.
Does the Ranked mode have a better matchmaking system? Casual seems to just put me up against people with loads of fancy cards, and seem like they have played a lot more games than I have.


I got killed by a Leeroy-shadowstep-Leeroy for the first time today. That sucked.

I always think about making that Rogue combo deck and then I remember I have no dust for any of the core components.

Does the Ranked mode have a better matchmaking system? Casual seems to just put me up against people with loads of fancy cards, and seem like they have played a lot more games than I have.

I was under the impression that Casual pulled from your rank to find you an opponent, but I have had the same experience as you and got matched against a bunch of money decks.

Maybe it's just completely random?


Wait, what should I be doing with gold besides buying the 100g decks?

Arena. You get a pack even if you lose with the chance of more.

I'm sick with a cold so to motivate me to save my gold up I spent 4 bucks on 2 arena runs. Had a lot of fun. I'm now 3 for 2 wins a pop.

I'm def saving for arena now. Beats the pants off just opening 1 expert.
I got killed by a Leeroy-shadowstep-Leeroy for the first time today. That sucked.

I always think about making that Rogue combo deck and then I remember I have no dust for any of the core components.


I was under the impression that Casual pulled from your rank to find you an opponent, but I have had the same experience as you and got matched against a bunch of money decks.

Maybe it's just completely random?

Seems pretty stupid, and not a lot of fun. Shitty way to start playing a new game. haha
I got killed by a Leeroy-shadowstep-Leeroy for the first time today. That sucked.

I always think about making that Rogue combo deck and then I remember I have no dust for any of the core components.

It's a fun deck to play as you basically only have to work on taking your opponent's health from 30 to roughly 15-20, then simply waiting to have Leeroy, a shadowstep or two, and a cold blood...But if you don't get the cards in time, you're screwed..Or your Auctioneer gets cut out early.....Or at least I am...or if you're playing a good rush deck...Miracle rogue has a harder time with that...

Certainly more fun than a rush deck, but not necessarily more effective in my experience..But not many other decks, if any, play like it does...Taking someone from 20 to zero in one turn never really gets old.
so i tried that zerg deck from a pack before and lord behold the first person i played has a very similar deck.

probably the most boring game ive played yet.


Arena. You get a pack even if you lose with the chance of more.

I'm sick with a cold so to motivate me to save my gold up I spent 4 bucks on 2 arena runs. Had a lot of fun. I'm now 3 for 2 wins a pop.

I'm def saving for arena now. Beats the pants off just opening 1 expert.

Unless you're sure you can consistently go to 4+ wins it's not really worth it. At 1-3 wins you're guaranteed a pack, but you're not guaranteed to make back the extra 50 gold you spent on the Arena run.

Of course, there's also the benefit of getting to learn all the cards in Arena. But personally ... in terms of where I'm at skills-wise, plus pure cost/benefit (including time spent!), I'd rather just buy the pack for 100.


I'm pretty sure you guys are running into the Zoo deck and not this Zerg deck. The Zoo one doesn't run Murloc Tidehunter, Imp Master and Razorfen Hunter (the summon minions). I haven't shared this deck before today.


remember me
Warlock zoo is so fun and good. Still missing some cards, but I have enough to where it's effective enough.


Now I laugh at Ragnaros. 1/8 chance of hitting my hero. lol. Have fun popping an argent squire's shield.
Unless you're sure you can consistently go to 4+ wins it's not really worth it. At 1-3 wins you're guaranteed a pack, but you're not guaranteed to make back the extra 50 gold you spent on the Arena run.

Of course, there's also the benefit of getting to learn all the cards in Arena. But personally ... in terms of where I'm at skills-wise, plus pure cost/benefit (including time spent!), I'd rather just buy the pack for 100.

I'm in absolute support of this statement.

Arena makes absolute sense if you're good, if you're a poor player in Arena, it's just not worth the time or gold...and if it is, only marginally so...

If we figure a pack of cards, that doesn't have anything special in it, nets you 15-20 dust..

Then 300g=45-60 dust.

300g=2 arena runs, and playing poorly I usually get 1 pack of cards and 20 dust...So...

With arena, 300g=2 packs of cards and 40 dust, so at 15-20 dust a pack (30-40 total dust from packs)

So...No arena=45-60 dust.
With arena 70-80 dust...

So, how much is your time worth for an extra 10-35 dust is the question???


Anyone here w/ the username "waffle" something? I used the warlock zerg deck and ran into almost same exact deck except they had some dark iron dwarves involved


Unless you're sure you can consistently go to 4+ wins it's not really worth it. At 1-3 wins you're guaranteed a pack, but you're not guaranteed to make back the extra 50 gold you spent on the Arena run.

Of course, there's also the benefit of getting to learn all the cards in Arena. But personally ... in terms of where I'm at skills-wise, plus pure cost/benefit (including time spent!), I'd rather just buy the pack for 100.

Well you have to factor in fun as well. Arena has that in spades. I've bought pure packs up til now for a week. Now its time to build decks to play with in casual and arena runs for fun and prizes!


I have to say that constructed gets very stale once you get below level 10. I would easily say that 80% of my games are against Warlocks running the same deck.

People play what gets them the most wins in the fastest manner. Handlock is pretty popular for that and Zoo is just generically good. Hunter keeps Handlock down a bit though if they're paying attention to the meta. At Rank 1-5, you'll probably see more strict Control decks as speed of wins is less of a concern.

It does get better at Legendary and a bit at Rank 1-5, though it's still a case of consistency above all.


I brewed up my own Horde Warrior deck, free of any of those filthy Alliance minions like Argent Commander or Defender of Argus. Oh, and those pirates are all humans anyway. It's actually pretty mean and has a lot of staying power. It almost looks like an Enraged deck, but with a higher mana curve. I toyed with having a Reckless Rocketeer instead of Sunwalker, but she's good for the same reason Cairne is good plus a little more.



remember me
So, how much is your time worth for an extra 10-35 dust is the question???

Well you have to factor in fun as well. Arena has that in spades. I've bought pure packs up til now for a week. Now its time to build decks to play with in casual and arena runs for fun and prizes!

This. I play arena because it's fun. More fun than constructed for me since I've only been playing a couple of weeks and don't have a lot of cards yet. Playing arena games isn't a chore for me. It's entertainment. I'm more than willing to pay a bit more just for the entertainment value. The fact that I can come out ahead is just gravy.


I just experienced some weird things.
I got the 100g quest today so I just wanted to farm the wins quickly by going against the Warlock AI.
The AI coins out a 1 mana Witch Doctor on turn one and passes... I really didn't think the AI was programmed that badly.
After that I played an unranked game and got matched against a Priest who coined out a Northshire Cleric on turn 1. He instantly conceded afterwards...

Had a little bad luck during a ranked game earlier. Played against a Warlock and had an answer for pretty much everything he threw at me but took quite some damage on the way.
I finally got board control on turn 7 and played Ragnaros on turn 8.
I cleared his board leaving only a Dire Wolf Alpha on his side and getting him to 8 life.
Ragnaros thought it might be fun to see what he could do the next turn so he hit the damn Dire Wolf. The Warlock life tapped one last time and drew a Soulfire, which ended the game... God damnit, Ragnaros...


Hey, saw some people complaining about the game running on older iPads, just wanted to say that I'm playing it on an iPad 2, and it's a little jumpy in the animations sometimes, but is very much playable.


Not a huge fan of Arena as well. I used to only play Ranked so I could get my wins towards gold heroes, but I realized that with both Arena and Ranked, players try superhard and spend an eternity on each turn. Playing Casual constructed means I get to save a lot of time, play a deck that's fun (to me), and I don't get stressed out when I'm trying to sludge through Arena with a crappy deck. Also, last Arena I played, I had 2 legendaries (Black Knight + Ysera) and none of them popped up in my 2-3 run. QQ. And then some people get THIS shit--check the Fireballs.
Leeroy has really got to be the best card in the game. Better than Rag, only have had mine for a week or two now, and I feel it's won me more games than any other card I have had since I started playing.

Craft him above everything else if you don't have him yet.

What exactly makes this card so good?


Gold Member
Any word on when the Android version of Hearthstone is going to be rolled out? I haven't heard of any updates.

All we heard so far is 2nd half of the year, along with the iPhone version, though apparently you can edit the plist for the iPad app and get it to be universal and run on both devices. It is said to run on an iPhone 5 perfectly smooth, which is encouraging, though I'll probably have a 6 by the time it is released, maybe they'll add in shadows for faster devices.

PAX is this weekend, so we'll hopefully hear more info about the game from that.

What exactly makes this card so good?

It ends games, so I guess it's remembered in that positive light (when it is you playing it) more than Rag. Sure, once and a while you can drop Rag and clear the board to have him hit for 8 to the face, but you spent 8 mana for that. Why not spend 4 mana for 6 damage, and then another 1-4 more mana for an additional 12, hitting for nearly 20 with that same 8 mana?

Definitely can turn the tide way better in a mid randge deck or an aggro one, and when you play against control, every turn you can win earlier matters, even if you drag it out until the 9th or 10th turn, you're near the end of your run, and really need to have a spike.
Alright, here's my current incarnation of Miracle Rogue... which has become a lot less miracle-y actually... but I'm having a TON of a success, mostly I think because it's not typical miracle.


"Why so many chargers?"

Miracle is fun, but the biggest problem I had when playing it was relying on Leeroy for the final hit, which isn't always possible. Chances are if you play this style you're not going to have much, if any, board presence so you NEED a way to get your cards into combat that turn to buff them.

-combos well with cold blood, shadow step

"Why Kobold Geomancer?"

Because there are a metric shit ton of spell damage in this deck, and it baffles me that more miracles DON'T run at least 1 (note, I plan on replacing one of these with Bloodmage Thalnos eventually). The last match, I had a azure drake and a 1/1 dagger already out when my opponent dropped a senjin shield masta and a bounderfist ogre. I dropped a kobold, then did 2 fan of knives for a 6 damage board wipe AND gained 2 cards.

combos well with - Shiv/backstab especially early game. Late game, great with fan of knives

"Why Ragnaros?"

Just as Leeroy is the traditional finisher, Rag is a backup finisher. If you've maintained relative board control, he'll be an extra 8 damage right at the end.

Think that about covers what's different about my deck versus typical miracle...
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