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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I kinda wish this game had more hand manipulation cards ala spell cards that reload the hand, get certain cards from the deck.

i expect there will be some in the future.

Maybe thats why decks seem to edge toward low cost monsters more?
I think it's the 30 card deck that causes this playstyle. No matter what, the card you want will be at max on the 29th card draw. With a 60 card deck, while unlikely, there's still a chance the card you want is with the 57th card draw. So in Hearthstone it's much easier to create a curve with extremely good chances (and that automatically defaults to low mana), while other card games have a higher chance of not drawing the perfect curve.


Maybe thats why decks seem to edge toward low cost monsters more?

Most decks don't edge towards low cost minions. It's more that guaranteed +1 mana per turn means you're always drawing gas, so to speak, so aggro benefits greatly from that. Besides that, Hearthstone is attacker advantaged, not defender, so that helps too.

Still, in a closed environment (e.g., tournaments), midrange and control do the best.



so it is quite possible to do a one hit ko? Curious if there are new attack 'explosions' at really high damage.
Of course it is,but it's not easy.
Minion with 8 Att and 2 blessed champions should work for example.

Anyway,just got to rank 10.
Special thanks to Gorehowl and Leeroy Jenkins,you made this possible!
Looks like I made it past the warlock rushdown decks.
Let's see how far I can make it with my deck.


Bad news: Multiple software deployments at work. I'll be idling on conference calls for 20+ hours spread over the next few days, including the weekend.

Good news: Got the OK to install Hearthstone on my work PC for the duration. :D


Freeze Legends does it again.

Mage (Me) Turn 1: summon Mirror Image
Paladin (Opponent) Turn 2: Nothing

Mage (Me) Turn 2: summon Sorcerer's Apprentice
Paladin (Opponent) Turn 2: summon Recruit

Mage (Me) Turn 3: Attack Recruit with Sorcerer's Apprentice, summon Alarm-o-Bot
Paladin (Opponent) Turn 3: summon Recruit

Mage (Me) Turn 4: summon Malygos, play Arcane Missiles, play Fireball, end turn.

Mage: "Hello"

Paladin at 9 HP turn 4: "Well played"

Mage: "Thank you"

Paladin concedes.


Dat play.

And I had lethal with another 11 damage Fireball next turn too...


I think I'd get more out of Hearthstone if I knew more about the lore. I'm guessing diving into WoW ten years late is a bad way to try and catch up. Are the novels good (or even passable)?


I think I'd get more out of Hearthstone if I knew more about the lore. I'm guessing diving into WoW ten years late is a bad way to try and catch up. Are the novels good (or even passable)?

Really, if you want lore, just play through the campaigns of Warcraft III and its expansion. Hearthstone hasn't really gone past them yet. I don't see why it's necessary though.

Card Boy

I think I'd get more out of Hearthstone if I knew more about the lore. I'm guessing diving into WoW ten years late is a bad way to try and catch up. Are the novels good (or even passable)?

what is this? Just play Warcraft 3 and read some wikis if you want lore. WoW is brain dead as far as gameplay is concerned. Also there is a free unlimited trial up to level 20 if you ever want to play WoW.
The problem with going to WoW for lore is that they completely screwed progression up...

Before cataclysm: Expansions were set "X time" ahead of the previous content. That is, the first expansion took place months after the original game and the story reflected that. If you had just started playing when Wrath launched, you'd still play all of the content in order and thus experience lore "in real time".

With Cataclysm they took all of the old original world content, then moved it up to (what was then) current... So you played the latest lore, then when you get to burning crusade you essentially went back in time, then continue on through the past going forward till you hit end game cata content. It's messy, very messy.

As others suggested, Warcraft 3 is a great place to go back to if you want lore. It holds up remarkably well for being an over 10 year old game... just know you'll have to manually edit the registry to get modern monitors resolutions and it doesn't natively support widescreen (so it's going to streeeeetch).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
All I see is Dota heroes (never played wow or warcraft series.
Yep, I'm one of them


Warcraft once had an interesting universe. I recommend getting WC3 or just hitting the world of warcraft wiki.

Card Boy

All this Warcraft talk makes me want to play W3 and TFT. Also, I am sad we will never see a Warcraft 4.

Never say never. Look at how many years long it took to get SC2 and D3. Its free money for Blizzard. Plus they don't have Vivendi leeching off them anymore and they have more freedom to do more things.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's okay, many people mistake "being a dick" for "confidence".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Double Deathrattle Cairne.



Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
So what, I like to toy with my opponents before destroying them, but go ahead and keep making assumptions about me.

Like you assume you're "toying" with people? When I play against douches like you I just concede if they have lethal and don't finish the match to move on to the next game. I think it's funny that the person on the other end is stroking their e-peen thinking they "destroyed" me and I'm sitting there rage quitting when in reality I just have limited time to play and I don't need people wasting my time with childish crap like prolonging a decided match.


remember me
Ugh. Why is fire imp such a popular card in warlock decks. 90% of the time it does nothing but cost you 3 life. I need to drop it for something else. Gonna try some worgen infiltrators.
Just bought 15 packs; I've only bought a set of 7 packs the first week or so when I started playing last fall and haven't bought any packs at all since then (until today's 15). The total haul was as follows: 50 commons, 16 rares, 3 epics, 2 legendaries, 2 golden commons, 1 golden rare, and 1 golden epic.

Check out my 2nd pack, which after I opened I thought "Man, best pack I've ever opened."

...until I opened my very final pack:

I said wow.

Didn't have a Doomhammer, Thalnos, or Spellbender anyway. Also, Shaman is my main... helllllooooo Thalnos and Doomhammer!

Unrelated, I had what I found to be a funny opening draw today... two pair!:

By the way, which Legendary should I craft next? I play Shaman mainly and have the following: Thalnos, Leeroy, Murk-Eye, Harrison Jones, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Hogger, Geddon, Alexstrasza, and Lord Jaraxxus. I'm thinking Ysera or Ragnaros. Thoughts? I'd do Al'Akir, but I also play other classes and would prefer something that is not class-restricted... and Leeroy plus Windfury seems to do well in my current Shaman deck.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So what, I like to toy with my opponents before destroying them, but go ahead and keep making assumptions about me.
Toy with them? It's childish as fuck, and the fact that you waste time doing it speaks volumes about you. It's a card game, not an international sport.
Toy with them? It's childish as fuck, and the fact that you waste time doing it speaks volumes about you. It's a card game, not an international sport.

Exactly, it's only a card game with a handful of ways to communicate with your opponent. I wouldn't troll my opponents if I were representing my country, that would be disrespectful.

Like you assume you're "toying" with people? When I play against douches like you I just concede if they have lethal and don't finish the match to move on to the next game.

And that's entirely your choice. I don't see why people get so worked up about this when they can just concede and get to the next game.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Like you assume you're "toying" with people? When I play against douches like you I just concede if they have lethal and don't finish the match to move on to the next game. I think it's funny that the person on the other end is stroking their e-peen thinking they "destroyed" me and I'm sitting there rage quitting when in reality I just have limited time to play and I don't need people wasting my time with childish crap like prolonging a decided match.
Exactly, I concede and move on with my life, the fact that there's people on the other side thinking their toying with other people is hilarious. How pathetic, now whenever I come across someone like that, I'm going to feel bad that all they have to do in their life is waste it fucking with other people.
And that's entirely your choice. I don't see why people get so worked up about this when they can just concede and get to the next game.

It's really not a big deal, but you're just wasting a person's time with the specific intention to be an ass, so of course you're getting called out on it. I've had it happen to me and it's no sweat off my back, but to not see why people might be annoyed/upset/"worked up" over it only further exemplifies the type of person you are, at least when it comes to how you treat total strangers.
The question is why people take it so personally. You can squelch/concede whenever you want, but for whatever reason people just take the abuse because it gets them riled up. You only have yourself to blame at that point.
Faced a Warlock in Ranked (I'm only 20) running Blood Imp for the first time today. It was a little rough in the beginning since I couldn't get rid of his minions with my hero ability (I was a Mage), so I was down to 12 HP by turn 6. Turn 7 and my Flamestrike and Senjin still haven't showed up, and I start getting worried. Fortunately I was doing a good job trading my weaker minions with his, and I ended up with card advantage. I had him at 20 HP and a Stormwind Champion, Water Elemental, Yeti, and a Shattered Sun Cleric or two, and was gonna play another Stormwind and coin a Dark Iron Dwarf next turn. But he conceded. I felt I played really well for someone who only started around 2 weeks ago!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The question is why people take it so personally. You can squelch/concede whenever you want, but for whatever reason people just take the abuse because it gets them riled up. You only have yourself to blame at that point.
Who said we're getting riled up? When I'm playing and someone pulls that, I concede and laugh at their sad life and move on. Just making a point of it to the guy who admits to actively doing it, and who thinks he's "toying" with people like he's some genius.
Who said we're getting riled up? When I'm playing and someone pulls that, I concede and laugh at their sad life and move on. Just making a point of it to the guy who admits to actively doing it, and who thinks he's "toying" with people like he's some genius.

If you don't care, why do you feel the need to attack that person? You do realize you're being more of an ass that way than he is, right? As in you're personally attacking someone on a message board which imo is worse than "toying" with someone in a communicationless card game. Each to their own, though.

On another note, I went 12-2 in Arena with a Hunter deck of all things. Crazy amounts of card draw with 3 Buzzards and 3 Unleash the Hounds in my deck. The rest was pretty beefy removal/tanky creatures/midrange stuff. Interesting deck, had no idea it would do so well when I drafted it. Perfect mix of aggression and defense for an Arena deck, as it turned out.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm making a point that trolls like that are a huge deterrent in games like this. As someone who just started playing, I don't feel like continuing if I'm going to keep running into guys who think they're "toying" with me. They're just ruining the game for everyone else.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Do you, BurnOutBrighter, know why the emote/squelch system was put in place? They were specifically designed to dampen the impact players like you would have on the game's overall environment.

Let that sink in for a moment.

You're part of that special subset of players whose attitudes are so shitty that Blizzard literally had to limit you to canned responses in order to foster a non-toxic environment. Rather than taking the hint, you insist on finding ways to gloat and lord it over your opponent, rationalizing it as a measure of "confidence" (yes, I caught what your previous post said before you edited it out to be less abrasive, it might not be public but both you and I know what it originally said) when really you're just a petty player who is unable to grasp the concept of sportsmanship. Even worse, you brag about it here and then get all defensive when you get called out for your bullshit, despite being an active plague on the Hearthstone community.

You are, as far as I'm concerned, everything wrong with online communities in games. Perhaps my tirade will trigger a brief period self-reflection in you, but I highly doubt it, because if you were capable of such a thing you would've done it a long time ago. In all likelihood, you will ignore my words and continue your antics, or respond with something like "chill out dude, it's just a game brah", and continue that cycle of self-rationalization to justify your abhorrent behavior. At the very least, you should have the courage (or should I say, "confidence"?) to own up to the fact that you're being a jerk just because you enjoy it, rather than hide behind half-hearted justifications like: "it's just a game" or "you can always concede" or pretending you're some kind of master of psychological warfare.

If you can't even even manage that, well, it seems to me that you're not only an jerk, but the rather pathetic kind that have to justify their behavior to themselves lest they be forced to confront their own misanthropy. There is really nothing worse than asshole who's too afraid to admit to being one.
Been messing with warrior. Can't seem to find a good strategy against murloc decks. Brawl doesn't seem like the right way. Maybe have a whirlwind or 2 in handy?


If there's something I would pick over any legendary in Arena it would be Mage's ability Fireblast. It's ridiculously broken.


I have the worst luck, been playing for months and only got one leg :(

At least its Ysra which i like.

Usually when I get a booster its all common dupes


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
On a shit phone, can't search at all :(...

Will Hearthstone be released for the iPhone as well? If that's the case, will it work with vanilla iPhone 4? When is the release date due?


Gold Member
On a shit phone, can't search at all :(...

Will Hearthstone be released for the iPhone as well? If that's the case, will it work with vanilla iPhone 4? When is the release date due?

iPhone 4 is 1/2 as fast as iPad 2, so I'd say no, given it doesn't even run on an iPad 1 which is faster than the 4. It will come out, but probably be a 4S minimum, which is still slower than the iPad 2 where it hiccups a bit still from what I read.

It'll also be out on the android phones, and those are quite a bit larger, so maybe that will be a better fit, if the iPhone 6 isn't any larger than the 5/5S.

People said they've run it on a 5, by adjusting the plist file to be universal, and the 5 plays it very smoothly.


On a shit phone, can't search at all :(...

Will Hearthstone be released for the iPhone as well? If that's the case, will it work with vanilla iPhone 4? When is the release date due?

I thought I heard phone versions are on the way, but nobody knows when and on which phones. I would imagine iphone4 support if iPad2 and 3 are supported as well.

I'm assuming the phone version is downscaled in every aspect from tablet versions here.


Gold Member
I thought I heard phone versions are on the way, but nobody knows when and on which phones. I would imagine iphone4 support if iPad2 and 3 are supported as well.

iPhone 4 is single core though, 1/2 as fast as iPad 2, which had the dual core CPU.
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