Sorry, but I have to post this clip for the new page. I feel it deserves it ^_^
That the video you were telling me about Alucard? Wow.LOL at Day 9. I watched his stream the other day and I think he is insuferable. I was genuinely surprised because I don't remember him being so obnoxious when streaming Starcraft stuff, but god, he got on my nerves fast for some reason, so it was actually hilarious to see him fail so hard.So jealous of tbat pack.
I believe I have now officially lost to every single hunter I have ever run into in online and now even a couple practice matches.... Paladin is a ton of fun to use, but those hunters slaughter me every time.
Is anybody having positioning shenanigans? It's just suddenly switching the positioning of my minions as soon as I lay them down and it's really fucking me over.
Yep. Yesterday my dudes were moving around. Pissee me off.
You get a special card back immediately that you can use and everyone you play will know you made it to legendary, even in casual mode (assuming you toggle it on).
So how should I be playing a warrior?
I feel like early game I am just way too slow getting anything out, especially vs mages.
Simple. Don't play the class until you get Armorsmith, Shield Slam, and Frothing Berserkers. =P
Man, fuck Hunters and fuck their hounds.
Stop baiting them then. Play only 2 to 3 creatures at a time, or use more taunts.
Simple. Don't play the class until you get Armorsmith, Shield Slam, and Frothing Berserkers. =P
How do I get these? crafting and just playing matches?
rofl dat music
Stop baiting them then. Play only 2 to 3 creatures at a time, or use more taunts.
Getting a loss due to a disconnect, in arena (when you might have paid money), this is bullshit right?
There are of course decks you are going to run into that would require you to spend quite some money or grind for a very long time in order to build but it is a CCG after all so that's nothing new. There are however lots of competitively viable decks that require very little dust to craft so blaming losses on p2w is just a very lazy, though quite popular among new players, excuse.I'm sure I'll grow tired of it or run into pay-to-proceed frustrations, but I spent so much time playing this over the weekend.
Looks like iOS has been a good match as expected for Hearthstone, continually climbing the Top Grossing charts up to #9 currently in the US. Biggest hurdle will keeping new content coming at a steady enough pace, as that will spike it higher, and it probably even has a chance of reaching #1 with the release of new content like an expansion or the PVE modes.
is there any reason to play ranked vs casual after hitting rank 20? Seems like casual has more different decks types being used, and i think all quests and stuff can be done in casual right?
That...Is some shitty luck right there. Goddamn.