Pulled DK Anduin. I don't have Raza though.
If you often quit a game, you should consider to stop playing entirely.Rage quit the game again last week due to a really nasty run of luck on a 1-3 Arena run when I had a decent deck. Managed to regain composure and reinstall it a few days ago and trying to make a conscious effort not to get salty and put losses behind me.
Yeah, Voraxx is bad. But you want to hold onto your bad legendaries. You can't open duplicate legendaries until you grab all the legendaries from that set. So you're one step closer to opening a legendary from Un'Goro that isn't garbage.
For those who play on phones, which do you use and which do you recommend?
I've been using my mom's old Moto G3, but a couple of weeks ago it's started crashing before the game starts.
I take my phone out for a run and to the gym all the time, so the smaller the better.
I'm thinking I could get an iPhone SE, iPhone 8 or one of those Sony compacts.
If you could get iPhone 8, then you should get it. But it's not small.
I played exclusively on my Samsung S7 edge. It's been great so far, but I might change phone next year, cuz after 1.5 years this game's killing my battery.
When I lose a game at rank 2 or 1 I get so dejected I just quit playing.
For those who play on phones, which do you use and which do you recommend?
I've been using my mom's old Moto G3, but a couple of weeks ago it's started crashing before the game starts.
I take my phone out for a run and to the gym all the time, so the smaller the better.
I'm thinking I could get an iPhone SE, iPhone 8 or one of those Sony compacts.
2 days to go and im stuck in rank 10-5 hell.
You'll get it. Just keep pushing.2 days to go and im stuck in rank 10-5 hell.
https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-63/ First post nerf data reaper report.
healthy? hell no, priest is approaching shaman level population around karazhan, with only 10 days despite being targeted. Turns out you can't target it reliably.
What this data tells you is that it's clear that the deck is far more successful with better players at the top than bulk of the ladder because they play it poorly or build their decks poorly. Give it some time, people will catch up. It's only going to get worse. I can safely say is no reasonable counter to it, quest mage is not reasonable and hunter needs god curve opener and them fizzle out to win. It's not that good.
https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-63/ First post nerf data reaper report.
Of course it's not druid level broken but it will go up to shaman level soon enough around 25 percent, that was Blizzard's official number for shaman in the end. We have 2 months left! I expect it to be auto ban in tournaments. People can bring control line up, ban priest just beat the shit out of these hunters and rogues. Warlock and control warrior/paly actually are very good in a meta without priest. I honestly don't even look at all ranks percentage because most players are bad and honestly this deck demands more from player than aggro shaman or druid did. In that sense, it's not that bad.
What people miss in targeting the deck is that what might work this week against it, it might not work next week. You can build a 30 card deck like that in any way you want to make it better against something specific that tries to beat you. Double hydra is a thing? You can start running BGH. Something else? You can easily 2x shadowvisions in your deck, it's the best card and mulligan for it, it can be any answer you want while not affecting your deck very much because it's a good keep in opening. The deck can adapt to whatever you try to beat it with.
Yeah that is one of the toughest spots when trying to get Legend even if you are still rocking a >50% win rate every loss can be frustrating. My mantra at that point in the grind is "hit play" "hit play" "hit play".
It's the only way.
BGH will not likely increase their overwall winrate. So they probably will not be running it. I welcome them to try running 2x shadowvisions. It'll often screw up their turn 4 kazakus and I'll find that delightful as it will also affect the winrate heavily.
Of course it will help them, why wouldn't it, all you need against hunters is to stall their threats and pressure. Shadowvisions is often better than random kazakus potion you get on 4 which can easily be nothing good, in fact you rarely ever need Kazakus potion in this deck. This is not like Renolock that you could not afford your Reno to not be active on curve because you just died to aggro shaman and similar, priest does not die and this meta does not have aggro shaman or pirate warrior, the damage is more or less whatever is on board.
With a single duplicate btw you have over like 70 percent chance that your cards are active on curve. It already worked in renolock with 2x twilight drake back then. In a aggro heavy meta trying to target you that's fine because you don't necessarily win with those cards, you can play control instead.
What this data tells you is that it's clear that the deck is far more successful with better players at the top than bulk of the ladder because they play it poorly or build their decks poorly. Give it some time, people will catch up. It's only going to get worse. I can safely say there is no reasonable counter to it, quest mage is not reasonable and hunter needs god curve opener and them fizzle out on answers to win. It's not that good.
Against slow deck you shouldNice, Lich Jaina at the bottom of my deck again. Took a Razakus Priest almost to fatigue too.
With my luck, I may just keep her in the mulligan.
After 4 years of futility I have come to accept that I will never get past rank 15 without spending hundreds of dollars.
After 4 years of futility I have come to accept that I will never get past rank 15 without spending hundreds of dollars.
After 4 years of futility I have come to accept that I will never get past rank 15 without spending hundreds of dollars.
seems like demonzoo/deathknight warlock is catching on. Just played one with blood imp in it. Crazy.
Curios Glimmerroot doesn't work in the crossroads brawl?
The fuck?
Get Golden Plague from pack, sweet 800 dust
Get Golden Plague from pack, sweet 800 dust