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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Anyone else take the approach of never using gold cards?

I hated using foils or foreign versions of cards in live MTG tournaments back in my day (15 years ago at this point, I feel old). All it denoted to my opponent was an additional familiarity with the game that wasn't beneficial to me for him to know.

I'd rather people think I'm a scrub ass scrub.

I've thought about this before and have been tempted to remove my gold cards for this reason.
Anyone else take the approach of never using gold cards?

I hated using foils or foreign versions of cards in live MTG tournaments back in my day (15 years ago at this point, I feel old). All it denoted to my opponent was an additional familiarity with the game that wasn't beneficial to me for him to know.

I'd rather people think I'm a scrub ass scrub.

The only time I ever judged someone for playing a gold card was when I saw a Shaman drop a golden Magma Rager. I even took a screen shot of it because it was just such a strange thing to see. This was at fairly high rank, somewhere in single digit territory. Anyone who's played enough to unlock a golden Magma Rager should know better than to use Magma Rager in any deck. Needless to say, I wrecked him pretty good.
Warrior straight up ignored my Pagle for about 9 turns. I must have drawn 6 or so cards. He never stood a chance.

Maybe people are just afraid to commit to removing it because they fear the bigger Shaman drops. I have no idea.
Warrior straight up ignored my Pagle for about 9 turns. I must have drawn 6 or so cards. He never stood a chance.

Maybe people are just afraid to commit to removing it because they fear the bigger Shaman drops. I have no idea.

I think there is merit to playing cards that are hardly ever used. It can throw people off so hard.

Yesterday I saw Foe Reaper and it wrecked me.
got onyxia from a pack yesterday, tried to use with dragon pali, bad results, where can I make it work?

I used to run her in a Druid deck with Force + Savage Roar combo. If the Whelps stick to the board, they can do a shit ton of damage with double Savage Roar. It probably wasn't the best deck, but it was damn fun to drop 30+ damage in one turn with a full board of buffed up dragonlings.


Warrior straight up ignored my Pagle for about 9 turns. I must have drawn 6 or so cards. He never stood a chance.

Maybe people are just afraid to commit to removing it because they fear the bigger Shaman drops. I have no idea.

You run Pagle in your Shaman? Interesting card draw solution -- do you find it better than Mana Tide? I am looking for ways to get a better rate of card draw with my shaman deck myself, so curious to know.

Also, for the general group: Al'akir or Mal'ganis? Both are pretty staple in certain decks of their respective class, but which one is more staple? I'm leading towards Mal'ganis because you can kind of get away with Doomhammer as a poor man's Al'akir. The eventual notion is that I'd craft both, of course.
You run Pagle in your Shaman? Interesting card draw solution -- do you find it better than Mana Tide? I am looking for ways to get a better rate of card draw with my shaman deck myself, so curious to know.

Also, for the general group: Al'akir or Mal'ganis? Both are pretty staple in certain decks of their respective class, but which one is more staple? I'm leading towards Mal'ganis because you can kind of get away with Doomhammer as a poor man's Al'akir. The eventual notion is that I'd craft both, of course.

I run one Mana Tide along with Pagle and i'm liking it so far. I also run one Azure Drake for draw outside of those. Pagle isn't as good as Mana Tide just based on the RNG of it but people seem content to let Pagle sit there whereas Mana Tide baits removal almost instantly. The extra health for one less mana is nice as well.

People seem to either underestimate him or not know how to handle him when I've played him so far. I couldn't be happier with the results. I definitely didn't expect much from him when I randomly tossed him in there but he's blown away my highest expectations.

As far a Al'Akir vs. Mal'Ganis, it probably depends on what you like playing more. Warlock is in an infinitely better place than Shaman right now so Mal'Ganis may be worth it on that alone. Al'Akir is a great finisher though and he can help clear the board if you're desperate. I also use Doomhammer and Bloodlust as well for finishers so the deck doesn't hinge as much on drawing into Al'Akir and Rockbiters. In that respect you can generally get away with not having Al'Akir in your deck.

Honestly though I'd just choose the one for the class you enjoy playing more. It's tough to say that one is absolutely better than the other.

Edit: Here is the deck if you're interested in what else I'm running. Trying to dodge BGH for the most part although the Fireguard Destroyers can get hit occasionally. It's working out well though. I just hit rank 5 although it's pretty late in the season obviously.



I run one Mana Tide along with Pagle and i'm liking it so far. I also run one Azure Drake for draw outside of those. Pagle isn't as good as Mana Tide just based on the RNG of it but people seem content to let Pagle sit there whereas Mana Tide baits removal almost instantly. The extra health for one less mana is nice as well.

People seem to either underestimate him or not know how to handle him when I've played him so far. I couldn't be happier with the results. I definitely didn't expect much from him when I randomly tossed him in there but he's blown away my highest expectations.

As far a Al'Akir vs. Mal'Ganis, it probably depends on what you like playing more. Warlock is in an infinitely better place than Shaman right now so Mal'Ganis may be worth it on that alone. Al'Akir is a great finisher though and he can help clear the board if you're desperate. I also use Doomhammer and Bloodlust as well for finishers so the deck doesn't hinge as much on drawing into Al'Akir and Rockbiters. In that respect you can generally get away with not having Al'Akir in your deck.

Honestly though I'd just choose the one for the class you enjoy playing more. It's tough to say that one is absolutely better than the other.

Edit: Here is the deck if you're interested in what else I'm running. Trying to dodge BGH for the most part although the Fireguard Destroyers can get hit occasionally. It's working out well though. I just hit rank 5 although it's pretty late in the season obviously.

Thank you for this post.

Almost 20 minutes after you made it, I fought a druid who played one on the first turn. I didn't feel bad about Coin → Eviscerate.
Coin + eviscerate is such a waste on nat pagle. Hell, even eviscerate alone is a waste. You just spent a very valuable, and extremely strong card vs druid, against a 0 attack minion.

When nat pagle was stronger than it is now, and played very often, the nat pagle player is perfectly fine with someone spending removal on nat pagle since it still went 1-1 and removed valuable cards from their hand. And half the time it drew at the end of the turn so 50% of the time it would go 2-1.

When someone plays nat pagle, your response should most often be to just play a minion. Ignore it until you can remove it for free and aren't sacrificing board control to remove it. If it draws 1 card, you're perfectly okay with that since they just spent 2 mana to draw 1 card, sorta like a novice engineer that can't trade for anything on its own. It really needs to draw 2 cards to be worth playing, which takes surviving on average 3 turns (didn't do the math).

On the other hand, mana tide totem only has to survive 1 turn to be worth playing. That is much more reasonable. Even when it eats a removal, it cycled itself so it has created a card advantage.

Pagle is a 2 mana Shieldbearer with Super-Taunt.

At least shieldbearer will help you develop your board by protecting your other minions. Generally the correct response to pagle is ignoring it and fighting for board first.


Coin + eviscerate is such a waste on nat pagle. Hell, even eviscerate alone is a waste. You just spent a very valuable, and extremely strong card vs druid, against a 0 attack minion.

I didn’t have a minion. (つд`)

Thanks for the feedback, though! Now I'll know what to do next time! I tend to overreact in trying to keep a clean board....
I didn’t have a minion. (つд`)

Thanks for the feedback, though! Now I'll know what to do next time! I tend to overreact in trying to keep a clean board....

In that case, it may have been appropriate. But I think more often than not you'll want to save your eviscerate to drop one of the druid's high cost minions down a peg or two rather than removing a minion whom on its own doesn't contribute to the opponent's ability to clear your board.


Fuck yeah just got Big Winner quest for 1000 games. Thought I already did the quest. Well that's 300 Gold for some Arena runs ^_^


Anyone else take the approach of never using gold cards?

I hated using foils or foreign versions of cards in live MTG tournaments back in my day (15 years ago at this point, I feel old). All it denoted to my opponent was an additional familiarity with the game that wasn't beneficial to me for him to know.

I'd rather people think I'm a scrub ass scrub.
My satisfaction over seeing the pretty animations play out is more important than an (imo) insignificant competitive edge when playing, especially at my level. :D


Just started playing on Sunday on my phone runs a bit shit on a xperia Z but due upgrade tomorrow. Damn this game is a bit addictive. Might have to get it on steam

Started ranked games last night as fairly comforatble now to do so. Im at 5/6 atm.
I play a hunter. Ive not tried anyone else but im doing ok. My brother called me a huntard. I take it that means cheap. I dont know no better though atm so fuck him.
Just did this to some poor chap. Traps, traps everywhere


Lots to learn and looking forward to it.
Usually hate these card games and i don't even like warcraft. lol

my fave game was yesterday though when my knight got turned into a sheep. then the next turn that sheep was my strongest minion. Fear the sheep.


Just started playing on Sunday on my phone runs a bit shit on a xperia Z but due upgrade tomorrow. Damn this game is a bit addictive. Might have to get it on steam

Started ranked games last night as fairly comforatble now to do so. Im at 5/6 atm.
I play a hunter. Ive not tried anyone else but im doing ok. My brother called me a huntard. I take it that means cheap. I dont know no better though atm so fuck him.
Just did this to some poor chap. Traps, traps everywhere


Lots to learn and looking forward to it.
Usually hate these card games and i don't even like warcraft. lol

my fave game was yesterday though when my knight got turned into a sheep. then the next turn that sheep was my strongest minion. Fear the sheep.
They did a good job not making any prior knowledge of the IP necessary.

I've never played a minute of World of Warcraft and only recognise characters from Warcraft 3 or Dota 2. :D

Not like their universe isn't standard medieval high fantasy, anyway. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Dragons, Knights and Mages and Rogues and Paladins etc

Also just fyi, the game's not on Steam, Blizzard has their own b.net launcher on PC. I'd rather have it on Steam directly, but it's fairly painless to install. (the only other gaming client I tolerate aside from steam).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
At least shieldbearer will help you develop your board by protecting your other minions. Generally the correct response to pagle is ignoring it and fighting for board first.

The thing is to realize is that if you ignore him for one turn, post-nerf Pagle becomes just as dangerous (if not slightly more) than pre-nerf Pagle. An opponent should not be responding to post-nerf Pagle any differently from pre-nerf Pagle, because once it is the opponent's turn, there is no sizable difference between the two. The nerf only affected Pagle's power the single turn in which he was played. Now that was a pretty sizable nerf, no doubt, but it didn't significantly alter his potential power once the game goes to the opponent's turn.


Every single warrior in this game has Fiery War Axe in their opening hand. It's wild. I don't understand how this fucking happens.

I'm keeping a count. 21 warrior opponents so far since I've kept track. 21 fiery war axes in the opening hand.


Back to playing this again after about 6 months off. Somewhat starting to remember why I quit.
Oh well my old Shaman deck is still doing pretty solid, up to Rank 15 now. I've seen some new cards that I'd love to add to it, and people who play a lot of those Mech minions seem pretty powerful.. otherwise it's the same as before, aggro Hunters are the ones I struggle the most against. And I feel like Ysera is still the most broken card in the game. If I don't have a hard removal for it the very next turn I pretty much concede. Those dream cards are crazy.

Every single warrior in this game has Fiery War Axe in their opening hand. It's wild. I don't understand how this fucking happens.

I'm keeping a count. 21 warrior opponents so far since I've kept track. 21 fiery war axes in the opening hand.
Yeah they always have it. I feel like the same thing happens with Mages and Mana Wyrm.
Im pretty happy averaging 6 wins in arena for about a month now and in the last 2 weeks i have not gone below 5.

If only Blizzard would allow us to pick packs, because i think im pretty much done getting the essential legendaries from GVG.


I faced a Shaman that got me from 30 health to 1 in one turn using mostly spells rather than weapons and buffed minions which I haven't seen happen before, if I hadn't got a minion with a heal capability from the unstable portal I would have lost.

Is that a thing? What's it called? And how can you tell when you're up against it?


Randomly clicking through popular streamers.

Kungen playing... Gwent (the Witcher 3 card minigame)

RIP Hearthstone

Every single warrior in this game has Fiery War Axe in their opening hand. It's wild. I don't understand how this fucking happens.

I'm keeping a count. 21 warrior opponents so far since I've kept track. 21 fiery war axes in the opening hand.
From B-net forums: "the chance of getting a Fiery War Axe by turn two if you mulligan aggressively for it and have two of them in the deck is 50.54%."


I faced a Shaman that got me from 30 health to 1 in one turn using mostly spells rather than weapons and buffed minions which I haven't seen happen before, if I hadn't got a minion with a heal capability from the unstable portal I would have lost.

Is that a thing? What's it called? And how can you tell when you're up against it?
Well, that depends on the cards he used. >_>

Shaman has a lot of burst potential... Rockbiter + Windfury (played in Mech Shaman) - Bloodlust (played in Midrange Shaman) and there's always the trusty Crackle/Lava Shock for extra burst.


Randomly clicking through popular streamers.

Kungen playing... Gwent (the Witcher 3 card minigame)

RIP Hearthstone

From B-net forums: "the chance of getting a Fiery War Axe by turn two if you mulligan aggressively for it and have two of them in the deck is 50.54%."

The chance of getting Fiery War Axe by turn two is 50%, you either get it or you don't.


Well, that depends on the cards he used. >_>

Shaman has a lot of burst potential... Rockbiter + Windfury (played in Mech Shaman) - Bloodlust (played in Midrange Shaman) and there's always the trusty Crackle/Lava Shock for extra burst.

Hmmm, Ok they had a spell buff totem on the board so they must have played two Lava Bursts for 12 damage and got lucky with the RNG with two Crackles hitting for 14 for a total of 26 damage and a minion got them the last 3.

I guess that's not much you can do about that really.


My first Arena enemy was a mage who had fucking deathwing.
My second enemy is a mage too. With an Ysera.

Thats what i get for picking paladin, i guess?


Tried arena again and used HearthArena for the first time. Somehow the game must have noticed I used a helper. Only got to draft suboptimal cards. Made an amazing 1:3 run. Ah well, at least I got Enhance-o from the pack.


I pulled deathwing in a pack so I put him in my tempo mage deck along with Nefarian. Best card ever. You just pray to RNGod that they dont have removal.


Holy jeebus I need arena coaching/help - my last few runs have been, 2-3. 1-3, 4-3, 2-3, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3

I don't understand wtf is going wrong, I always seem to start off with a terrible deck and get out-cced.
Holy jeebus I need arena coaching/help - my last few runs have been, 2-3. 1-3, 4-3, 2-3, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3

I don't understand wtf is going wrong, I always seem to start off with a terrible deck and get out-cced.

I would recommend watching Ratsmah he does arena coaching and explains everything pretty clearly. Further more if you have a hard time drafting i would recommend watching Trump's Idraft series on Youtube.
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