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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I know we're all being incredulous about the price here on GAF, but I have no doubt that you'll see lots of people rocking this portrait when it comes out, especially the streamers (which will in turn make it more popular). People love cosmetic shit like this.

I can't remember if it was this thread or another F2P game, but I've always thought that they could sell this stuff at half price and they'd sell so much more, but they probably have internal data to support a $10 price doing just fine.


You guys complain about the pricing but once streamers start using it, you know you're gonna want one.

We got people dropping hundreds of dollars on virtual cards in a single go, after all.

Also if you think about it, the 10 dollar price tag makes it more "exclusive" in a way, further increasing your desire to get one. We all know it's complain about the price while pulling out the virtual wallet :)

Yeah pretty much this, lol.
You guys complain about the pricing but once streamers start using it, you know you're gonna want one.

We got people dropping hundreds of dollars on virtual cards in a single go, after all.

Also if you think about it, the 10 dollar price tag makes it more "exclusive" in a way, further increasing your desire to get one. We all know it's complain about the price while pulling out the virtual wallet :)

In CS:GO people spend 2.50 for a slim chance at getting a weapon skin they or they buy them outright most of the good ones going from 10-100 dollars(Knives are more). In Smite those premium skins cost about 4 dollars a roll again for a chance at getting one.

I'm actually surprised they let you buy them outright instead of placing a gambling mechanic like others are doing now. It is a bit pricey but that's pretty much premium cosmetics nowadays.


In CS:GO people spend 2.50 for a slim chance at getting a weapon skin they or they buy them outright most of the good ones going from 10-100 dollars(Knives are more). In Smite those premium skins cost about 4 dollars a roll again for a chance at getting one.

I'm actually surprised they let you buy them outright instead of placing a gambling mechanic like others are doing now. It is a bit pricey but that's pretty much premium cosmetics nowadays.
what would you gamble for? hero portrait or 50 dust? deck slots?


You guys complain about the pricing but once streamers start using it, you know you're gonna want one.

We got people dropping hundreds of dollars on virtual cards in a single go, after all.

A fiver for a new skin would be an impulse buy. I might get one at some point, but I'll feel bad about dropping a tenner on one.


Need some advice boys, trying out the Aggro paladin deck. Do I swap Divine Favor for Solemn Vigil and Mukla for Tirion or Bolvar or keep as is?

Tirion and Bolvar are both too slow for aggrodin (bolvar especially bad if he gets 7+ attack and becomes your only bgh target). Probably quartermaster too. I have a deckhand in mine, you've got 4 weapons so you can get a 5/1 charger for two cards and 2 mana.


divine favor is what (barely) holds trashadin together, solemn vigil would go against the deck's very gameplan. you don't want to trade your cancerous minions but reliably refill your hand in the midgame after vomiting all your 1- and 2-drops on the board


You guys complain about the pricing but once streamers start using it, you know you're gonna want one.

We got people dropping hundreds of dollars on virtual cards in a single go, after all.

Also if you think about it, the 10 dollar price tag makes it more "exclusive" in a way, further increasing your desire to get one. We all know it's complain about the price while pulling out the virtual wallet :)
I can see people buying one for the class they main.

Not me though.
Need some advice boys, trying out the Aggro paladin deck. Do I swap Divine Favor for Solemn Vigil and Mukla for Tirion or Bolvar or keep as is?

I'd ditch Hammer of Wrath. Divine Favor should cover your card draw. Avenging Wrath is a little slow and doesn't help build your board. Avenging Wrath + Equality is too slow even for more control oriented decks. I'd drop at least one AW. Maybe add some chargers like Arcane Golem or Leeroy for burst/finisher with Blessing of Might.


Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...


Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

Does your deck run a silence?

Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker?

You can also use Siphon Soul or Big Game Hunter.


remember me
Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

Does your deck run a silence?

Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker?

You can also use Siphon Soul or Big Game Hunter.

The real answer is to rank up so you don't have to face them. These shenanigans are scrub priests that never get past rank 18.


Was able to summon Voltron in a ranked match. Gave him deathrattle, resummon this minion 2 times so he came back two times, lol.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

Big Game Hunter or Ironbeak Owl. A lot of decks will tech in at least one of those.

Honestly buff priest decks are very gimmicky and unreliable,so you don't usually see them in higher ranks. Sometimes the priest is going to get good draws and you'll get bad ones. Not much you can do about that.


Alternate heroes is cool but yeah $5 would have been perfect. If there is an amazing looking card back or a really awesome alternate Horde version hero I might consider it
Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

This is the best guide I've seen so far.

This right here.


Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

I just lost to one aswell. Like a poster above says just rank up. Past rank 18 they are gone. And just feel happy about the fact that the scrub might have beaten you once, but he will most likely loose the next ten matches.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I wish the portrait pack were $50. Buyers continue subsidizing my free game with stuff I find useless but they value. Win-win.
Thats your fault for putting TWO bloodlusts in deck.

In his defense, when I ran a Bloodlust deck way back in the day, if I had two of them in the deck, I'd always draw them both before turn 5 and not have any minions to play. If I dropped one because they kept clogging my hand, I'd never draw the only copy when I finally did get a board going.
Jesus, I am never ready for when a Priest doubles the fuck out of a minon's health and then uses Inner Fire. One just did it with a Deathlord and his health/attack was 32/32 before I knew it.

Any advice on dealing with this? Particularly with Warlock? I've strayed away from Corruption, but that seems like it might've been the only thing that could've saved me there. And even then...

Kill the Northshore immediately and at all costs. Without that card draw they can't do shit.


I could care less about cosmetic stuff...I am still using the default cardback, too..never used any of the ranking ones even though I have a ton of them (and heroic cardbacks, too). I do like looking at the animated portrait of my mage, though :p I think having gold versions of the different classes is a much cooler bragging right than "oh hey, look, I spent money totally stupidly.."


I'd pick ancestral healing over a second bloodlust. Bloodlust is just a bad card that more often than not has an extremely small window of play in any game.

Deck was very gimicky. All about small windows because I had no high drop minions, so I went with a second one. No Hex. No clears.

Ancestral healing would only delay the inevitable since all my minions would be dead.


Game surprisingly rewarded me 80 gold.


I don't think there's a single awful card on Hearthhead where the top comment isn't something like "amazing card, will be run in every X deck".


I don't think there's a single awful card on Hearthhead where the top comment isn't something like "amazing card, will be run in every X deck".
How surprising, most Hearthstone commenters/watchers online are uncreative pricks relying on copy-pasting unfunny "jokes". If you had viewed 15 seconds of any Hearthstone-related Twitch chat before, you would've known. :p


How surprising, most Hearthstone commenters/watchers online are uncreative pricks relying on copy-pasting unfunny "jokes". If you had viewed 15 seconds of any Hearthstone-related Twitch chat before, you would've known. :p

If only that stuff would remain exclusive to Twitch.
I'd pick ancestral healing over a second bloodlust. Bloodlust is just a bad card that more often than not has an extremely small window of play in any game.

Nope, always pick bloodlust as a shaman.

Sure it is a win more card, but if you are a Shaman in arena you need to win more. It is a "if you can't play it you already lost card". It'll normally get me half the wins in a good run.


Fuck flamestrike.

Make it a rare card.

When your aggro deck looks like this and this is your hand, you don't want to play this game any more.

When you are talking arena, flamestrike kills all. I have lost so many arena games to mages because they just have too much board control. They need to do something to balance things out.


Hi guys, fairly new player here.

When is it worth it, if even, to buy Naxx and the other expansion?

I'm still a beginner, haven't even got all classes past lvl 10 yet and only played the arena once so...


You should buy Naxx as soon as you get all your heroes to lvl 10 and beat all the AI heroes on expert. After that, you've basically beaten the single player portion of the base game and you can then move right into Naxx. Once you've beaten Naxx, you'll have a decent card pool and can start building decks for ranked/casual.

BRM isn't as necessary to be competitive in ranked play, so feel free to purchase that one at some point down the road.


How surprising, most Hearthstone commenters/watchers online are uncreative pricks relying on copy-pasting unfunny "jokes". If you had viewed 15 seconds of any Hearthstone-related Twitch chat before, you would've known. :p

I don't think they're joking. Hearthhead is just full of people who assume "card is amazing in one very specific circumstance" directly implies "card is always good" even though every single card ever fulfills the first one. Shadowbomber is the best card ever because there's the situation where you have 3 health and your opponent has lethal on board and you topdeck Shadowbomber! Mimiron's Head is the best card ever because there are situations when you can win with it!


You should buy Naxx as soon as you get all your heroes to lvl 10 and beat all the AI heroes on expert. After that, you've basically beaten the single player portion of the base game and you can then move right into Naxx. Once you've beaten Naxx, you'll have a decent card pool and can start building decks for ranked/casual.

BRM isn't as necessary to be competitive in ranked play, so feel free to purchase that one at some point down the road.



So close... 11-3 with a mage deck with NO fireballs, NO polys and NO flamestrikes

E: OK, in my new run the first guy has a sneeds and after I lost that one due to godly draws from him, the next one pulls a nefarian.


Does your deck run a silence?

Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker?

You can also use Siphon Soul or Big Game Hunter.

The real answer is to rank up so you don't have to face them. These shenanigans are scrub priests that never get past rank 18.

Big Game Hunter or Ironbeak Owl. A lot of decks will tech in at least one of those.

Honestly buff priest decks are very gimmicky and unreliable,so you don't usually see them in higher ranks. Sometimes the priest is going to get good draws and you'll get bad ones. Not much you can do about that.

Oh wow, for some reason I never put it together that silence would kill that! I thought it was it's own effect. Unfortunately, I don't think I have ANY cards that have silence. I really need more cards...

Anyway thanks for the tips. Good to know there's ways around it, and apparently good ways too because they don't show up in later ranks.


Oh wow, for some reason I never put it together that silence would kill that! I thought it was it's own effect. Unfortunately, I don't think I have ANY cards that have silence. I really need more cards...

Anyway thanks for the tips. Good to know there's ways around it, and apparently good ways too because they don't show up in later ranks.

Both neutral silences cost 40 dust so if you need one badly, make having one your priority. Though you'll probably pull one out of a pack sooner than later.


Silence doesn't really help at all when you're getting OTK'd by that dumb combo. Two Belchers should be more than enough to hold it off you until you're out of the gimmick Priest ranks (which is of course pretty expensive for a new player so you just gotta take the L and move on)
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