Was mostly talking about tournament play.
The reason why there are only Hunters, Warlocks and Warriors at sub rank 5 Ladder because they are the best like I said. It's not that Druids/Mages are bad but they are strictly worse than the other 3 and hence get far less play (why play the 2nd best when you can play the best etc).
Control Paladin has always been resilient and ever since BRM lots of people have been trying to make Dragon Paladin work or at least some variant. That's why you still see Paladin on Ladder a lot despite performance issues. Plus they have a ton of heals to survive the Hunter onslaughts.
Druid just went down a lot despite being insanely strong a while back. That's because Zoolock and Grim Patron both punish it hard and even Tempo Mage give it trouble. You basically only can play Ramp Druid these days but why play Ramp when you can just play Handlock...
but this isnt the case.
I said i see paladin, they are exclusively midrange varients of the deck, i also rarely see warrior and the only version of warlock i see is handlock, though sparse.
like i said, all i see are paladins, handlock and hunter for the most part.
I havent seen a single control paladin nor dragon paladin varient in my entire climb, even last season when i hit legend i didnt see these decks.
Midrange paladin has an awful matchup against face hunter, which is why seeing so many is surprising since face hunter has had a bump in popularity as of late.
The druids i see are just DOA to pretty much everything i play, and friends are also experiencing the same, its just bad right now, loses to all top tier decks outside of an rng opener.
Tempo mage also just drops to face hunter most of the time, also a good reason i barely see them, that and paladin who also just destroys the deck without much trouble.
Basically the paladins are here to counter the handlocks and potentially some of the midrange hunters/mages.
The handlocks are here to counter patron and some hunter varients/mage varients.
Patron is actually rare as shit on ladder, at least where i am it is, most likely due to people just being poor at it or arent comfortable yet. (handlocks also scare them away i would imagine, there are plenty of them, thought i have luckily not come in contact with as many as some friends have)
There are tons of control warriors around the 10-6 range though, i played at least 12 or so this climb.
I dont seem to be alone either in my experience as i watch tons of streams and see what people are playing against, just last night i saw gaara queue up into 6 straight paladins.