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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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So I have no idea what just happened.

Priest mirror, he had a Mistress of Pain that he got from a Shredder. He stole my Auchenai Priestess with Cabal and Shrinkmeister. He attacked my face with the Mistress of pain then..

he took 33 damage in return and lost. I have no idea what happened.. I mean. I understand he would take the 1 damage that he did because of the Priestess but he took 1 damage over and over again until he was dead.

I assume it's a glitch?

still got that W tho ayyyyyy lmao

It's not a glitch, it's intended.
MoP heals whenever it deals damage, and Auchenai turns all healing into damage, so damaging yourself for 1 counts by MoP's effect counts as MoP doing damage again, and it just chains the effect until death.


The more I play arena, the more ridiculous flame strike feels. You just can't play cards against a mage. If you do and they have a flamestrike (and they do), you're done.

Having said that, this mage I'm currently playing apparently doesn't have a flamestrike and I could have won the game 10 turns ago by spamming. Oh well.


The more I play arena, the more ridiculous flame strike feels. You just can't play cards against a mage. If you do and they have a flamestrike (and they do), you're done.

Having said that, this mage I'm currently playing apparently doesn't have a flamestrike and I could have won the game 10 turns ago by spamming. Oh well.
That's what makes Mage strong.

Even when they don't have Flamestrike, they have Flamestrike.
The more I play arena, the more ridiculous flame strike feels. You just can't play cards against a mage. If you do and they have a flamestrike (and they do), you're done.

Having said that, this mage I'm currently playing apparently doesn't have a flamestrike and I could have won the game 10 turns ago by spamming. Oh well.

That is the problem with the card. Even when they do not have it it feels like they have it because you are constantly playing around it. If they made it rare in arena that would change.


The chat when Hunter is on stream at this Dreamhack tournament is hilarious.

"Face is basically a 0/30 taunt Smorc"

"Well played? Nope. Well Faced? Yup!"


Pagle, Sylvanas, Tinkmaster and Leeory weren't "broken" either they were just very, very good.

Pagle and Tinkmaster gave huge swings 50% of the time. The sludge belcher scenario is much less likely, even if you only have sludge on bard (1:8 for a single bot to kill it and you still have a 1/2 behind). You also have BGH to combat boom, while there was almost nothing to do against pagle and tink.

And Leroy was definitely in the "unfun" class, since it enabled cheap OTKs.


Dr Boom doesn't have huge swings either? Two of the boom bots can easily kill two other minions on the board.

BGH isn't a clean counter to Boom. Usually the Bots also end up killing the BGH AND one other thing on the board.

Tinksmaster is usually used as a Polymorph which some classes desperately needed like Paladin. The only time there's a big swing was when Paladin tries to use it on their 1/1 to make it a 5/5 but then they used their only Tinkmaster for that play.

Pagle used to be ridiculous in control vs control match up when people used to not play much for a while. Nowadays if you just played Pagle on turn 2 and nothing else for a couple of more turns you would lose to shit like Tempo Mage and Face Hunter. I still 100% agree with the nerf because it's a card that is too RNG dependent for its swing (like Boom and Tinkmaster).

Agreed on Leeroy, that was definitely something that needed to happen.

Tinksmaster and Pagle got nerfed because they resulted in huge swings BECAUSE of RNG which greatly lowered the legitimacy of matches in Hearthstone. Guess which other card results in huge swings because of RNG...


So I have no idea what just happened.

Priest mirror, he had a Mistress of Pain that he got from a Shredder. He stole my Auchenai Priestess with Cabal and Shrinkmeister. He attacked my face with the Mistress of pain then..

he took 33 damage in return and lost. I have no idea what happened.. I mean. I understand he would take the 1 damage that he did because of the Priestess but he took 1 damage over and over again until he was dead.

I assume it's a glitch?

still got that W tho ayyyyyy lmao

That combo is super funny:

(NSFW I guess, since the player is cursing after being defeated)


Tinksmaster and Pagle got nerfed because they resulted in huge swings BECAUSE of RNG which greatly lowered the legitimacy of matches in Hearthstone. Guess which other card results in huge swings because of RNG...

Main difference is that Boom is a card you can react to, since it has no immediate impact, while there was nothing you could do about Tink and Pagle if they got their procs the turn they were played.

I wouldn't mind if Boom was slightly nerfed (say if the bots got a smaller RNG range), but I wouldn't mind if it stayed the same either. In fact, I'd rather see one or more new cards in the next set that deals with him than a raw nerf.


You could always "deal" with Tinkmaster's proc but that's not what made those cards overpowered.

It was that their effects happened very early in the game. The only reason why people haven't completely banned Dr Boom from tournaments is because he's a 7 drop and doesn't shut out the game at the start (so you have more cards in hand or a better board when Dr Boom does get into play). Pagle and Tinkmaster were cards where you flipped coins at the start and if you won the coin toss you won.

I feel that what they changed with Pagle was just. You don't have the initial 50/50 but after that the card is the same as before. It gives players one more turn to react to Pagle which is fair. I am fine with this card being more bad than good on average because it's a raw RNG card... it has no business being "over powered" in competitive play.

Tinkmaster on the other hard got hit with a nerf so huge it was staggering. Instead of reducing the RNG swing on the card or making it so that you can't use it on friendly minions or making it cost more... they just added more RNG to it to make it unusable. That's the absolutely worst way you can nerf a card and I feel that Blizzard didn't get put on blast enough when this nerf happened (people were just too happy with the card being nerfed to really think through the nerf and how awful it actually was).

That's not the type of nerf I would want on Dr Boom... I wouldn't want the bots to hit friendly minions as IMO it would remove him from competitive play and that should not be the intention for nerfs.

Nerfs should slightly reduce a card's power level, not make it go from "broken/overpowered/used in every deck" tier to "unusable" tier.

Edit: Replace "Boom" with "Balanced" in this post for more accuracy.



I tried this deck for 3 matches today (except i don't have dr. boom) and went 1-2 at rank 17. 2 face hunters destroyed me. I think I'm playing the deck right, but any thoughts on how to counter them?


I tried this deck for 3 matches today (except i don't have dr. boom) and went 1-2 at rank 17. 2 face hunters destroyed me. I think I'm playing the deck right, but any thoughts on how to counter them?
That deck is lacking 2 Mirror Images to counter aggro.



when they nerfed Sylvanas this was their reason

We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.

So many cards to nerf with that logic!

Azure Drake
Piloted Shredder

and of course Dr. Boom. Pretty sure everyone on ladder plays Dr. Boom now, it's a race to who plays him first. In case you don't see him in a game the player was likely unlucky rather than not having the card at all. You want to build deck? First thing is to put Loatheb, Dr. Boom and ET there, now fill the rest!


I have mirror entity up, mage plays unstable portal and gets a wisp and plays it into my entity

I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it


when they nerfed Sylvanas this was their reason

We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.

So many cards to nerf with that logic!

Azure Drake
Piloted Shredder

and of course Dr. Boom. Pretty sure everyone on ladder plays Dr. Boom now, it's a race to who plays him first. In case you don't see him in a game the player was likely unlucky rather than not having the card at all.
Their reasoning for nerfing cards keeps changing every time they do it.

By all standards and accounts, Dr Balanced fits perfectly within their "balance" philosophy for the game in terms of justifying a nerf for it.

And Dr Balanced gets used way more than the 4 cards you listed. It is WITHOUT A DOUBT the most used card currently in top level decks. It sort of gets muddled when you compare it with Shredder because people have two of that in their decks but not every deck uses Shredder (like Handlock doesn't use Shredder, neither does Patron/Control Warrior for the most part).

If you look at the top decks with all the classes that gets used in high level play and see if Dr Balanced gets used in it:

Hybrid/Midrange Hunter: Gets use
Tempo Mage: Gets use
Handlock: Gets use
Grim Patron: Sometimes get used depending on the list
Control Warrior: Gets use
Midrange Zoolock: Gets use
All Druid decks: Gets use
Oil Rogue: Sometimes get used depending on the list
Midrange/Control Paladin: Gets use
Control Priest: Gets use
Midrange Shaman: Gets use
Mech Shaman: Gets use
Mech Mage: Gets use

So basically gets used in the top decks for all the classes and sometimes gets used in two other top decks.


Just tried my first tempo Mage game. I got Lorewalker Cho from my shredder. He sure makes things interesting. Had to fireball my sylvannas and steal his Tyrion (1/4) in order to barely win. Good times
i cant win any games anymore

i was having moderate success with this deck for the last couple months and ive continually tweaked it trying to improve it, but now it feels like i lose every game


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I have no idea what just happened.

Priest mirror, he had a Mistress of Pain that he got from a Shredder. He stole my Auchenai Priestess with Cabal and Shrinkmeister. He attacked my face with the Mistress of pain then..

he took 33 damage in return and lost. I have no idea what happened.. I mean. I understand he would take the 1 damage that he did because of the Priestess but he took 1 damage over and over again until he was dead.

I assume it's a glitch?

still got that W tho ayyyyyy lmao

Not a glitch. The text of mistress of pain says it tries to heal "whenever this minion deals damage".

So it does one damage, and attempts to heal. Since auchenai is out it deals 1 damage to the hero rather than healing it. Which means it dealt damage again. So since it dealt damage again, it tries to heal again, etc etc etc.


wait what

Chakki just played a Malygos Warlock in the Dreamhack stream just now and everyone acts like this is a standard Warlock combo deck. I've never seen this one before?

He killed the opponent with Malygos into 17 dmg from Darkbomb + Soulfire (after Thaurissan discounts)


remember me
I tried this deck for 3 matches today (except i don't have dr. boom) and went 1-2 at rank 17. 2 face hunters destroyed me. I think I'm playing the deck right, but any thoughts on how to counter them?

If you specifically wanted to counter hunters I would add 2 mirror images, another arcane missles, and 2 antique heal bots. Maybe an ice barrier. No idea what I would cut though.

The deck still isn't optimized, as liquidhearth and tempostorm's lists are both very different, and you can make lots of meta calls.



Holy crap, opened my 10 packs from the gold i've been saving and I got a Golden Legendary Mal'Gansis! Is it true that he's immune? Wouldn't that make him unkillable?


Malygos Warlock isn't that good.

The only reason Malygos Warlock works (at least on Ladder) is that the start for Malygos Warlock is the same as Handlock. So you think you are playing against Handlock and trying to play around Molten Giant HP range but they never come.

On Ladder if you know you are facing against Malygos you rush that shit down hard and they got pulverized. In tournaments more people play greedy control decks (like these dudes who were using double BGH in their Control Warrior/Handlock decks) so Malygos gets away with it.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
There's no benefit with gold but I personally try to stockpile atleast 3 before opening, I just like it better for whatever reason.


Started doing arena with my gold since getting new cards from classic packs has slowed to a trickle. I suck hard at it and went 1-3 as mage in my first run.

Good news though is that the pack had:

cobra shot
feign death



Trump has lost his mind it seems.

play commander, frothing, waraxe and double corsair then whirlwind.
Frothing should be at 9 now with 3 patrons on board, both corsairs and a commander (7 minions).
Kill the belcher with 2 patrons at 1 health each. This puts frothing at 13 (5 minions).
Swing the remaining patron into the ooze then slam the patron with full health (7 minions).
The Frothing berserker is now at 17 with 7 minions on board.
Of these minions 5 can attack, 4 with 3 power each and then the berserker.
16 + 12 + 3 from waraxe = 31

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